Biden Administration Declares War On The Internet, Clears Path For Offensive Hacking Efforts By Federal Agencies

from the just-hammering-the-'launch-cyber-nuke'-button dept

It’s impossible to be the “aggressor” of the free world. Those words just don’t make sense together. “Defender of the free world,” maybe. If you’re going on the offensive, it seems unlikely you’re there to protect anyone’s freedoms.

But that appears to be where America is heading: the aggressor that somehow protects rights and freedoms worldwide. For years, government agencies have been asking for codification of glove removal. They want to go on the offensive in the new forever war in cyberspace.

And government officials have muddied the water by mixing metaphors, saying ill-advised things like “cyber Pearl Harbor” in hopes of rhetorically raising the stakes high enough to allow the government to act as a conquering force, rather than a defender of freedom.

Those pitching the idea that the federal government should become a broadband bully often forget how often our offensive hacking tools are leaked or absconded with, resulting in Americans becoming the targets of repurposed literal spyware.

It’s not that America isn’t a juicy target for malicious state-sponsored hackers. And it’s not that malicious entities haven’t caused serious fiscal and logistical damage. It’s whether or not those who buy into the cyber war = actual war rhetoric want to turn the United States into an armed invader.

That question has an answer, at least for the remainder of the current presidency. As Fred Kaplan reports for Slate, the Biden Administration believes the security of our nation is best served by aggressive cyberwarfare.

President Biden is about to approve a policy that goes much farther than any previous effort to protect private companies from malicious hackers—and to retaliate against those hackers with our own cyberattacks.

The 35-page document, titled “National Cybersecurity Strategy,” differs from the dozen or so similar papers signed by presidents over the past quarter-century in two significant ways: First, it imposes mandatory regulations on a wide swath of American industries. Second, it authorizes U.S. defense, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies to go on the offensive, hacking into the computer networks of criminals and foreign governments, in retaliation to—or preempting—their attacks on American networks.

There’s plenty to be concerned about here. First, attribution is difficult, so going on the offensive makes it that much easier to subject the wrong target to the federal government’s cyber-wrath. Make enough mistakes and those subjected to digital invasions will revolt, creating even more problems that being overly aggressive can’t solve.

It will be helmed by the FBI, which is its own problem. The FBI has plenty of agendas, and very few of them are aligned with offering more security to American residents. While it may have the funding and personnel to handle a joint cyber task force, it probably would be better to let the FBI come off the bench, rather than give it the starting cyber QB job. An agency that spends an inordinate amount of time arguing against device and communication encryption shouldn’t be allowed to lead cybersecurity efforts.

Then there are the demands on the private sector, which have yet to be fully enumerated by the Biden Administration. The government has long believed the private sector should willingly share information about detected threats or attacks with the federal government. But the federal government also believes sharing is something only others should do, hoarding exploits and burying information about cyber weapons until long after it’s proven useful to the only stakeholder that appears to matter: the federal government.

It’s possible the changes the Biden Administration is making will make America safer. But there’s no reason to believe this will be the case, not when the changes are unilateral and appear to serve the government’s interests more than the interests of the general public.

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PaulT (profile) says:

“It’s possible the changes the Biden Administration is making will make America safer.”

I doubt it. There will no doubt be stories about how something made it “safer”, but I suspect it will be in reality the same as how the TSA made it safer.

I do, however, expect stories of how supposed allies have had their citizens rights abused while doing little to address the problems known to exist with problematic trade partners.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

Telehealth… Remote learning… Ecommerce…. All of that does not require a global network. Domestic networks can flourish.

And dumping global email for domestic email keeps much of the day-to-day much the same.

For those that need global email, they know what they’re signing up for.

Does gang violence cause disruptions in meetings? Thats what the article seems to be promoting.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Marketers would be under the same obligations of the do not call registry and it can actually be enforced on domestic infrastructure.

“Consumers have rights through the Do Not Call Registry. In addition, there are federal and state fines that could apply to a violator. State fines could go as high as $25,000 for each violation and federal fines could be as high as $40,000.”

Sounds like the lawyers would have a field day.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

“Ecommerce…. All of that does not require a global network.”

Lol. If ecommerce doesn’t require a global network in your world, you clearly don’t use it properly. Plus, I guarantee that even if you think yo-u’re dealing with US companies alone, their supply network is global.

“And dumping global email for domestic email keeps much of the day-to-day much the same.”

Maybe your day to day. I suspect many of the people you do business with would disagree.

“Does gang violence cause disruptions in meetings? Thats what the article seems to be promoting.”

I’m not sure which classes teach reading comprehension, but I believe you might need to take one.

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Most countries on the internet are allies, economic or political, at least right now. There’s historical precedent for former allies or enemies to change status. Why change a global internet because of a handful of bad actors? Especially ones which are largely self-isolating?

Also, why take a step backwards? Satellite is far slower than the existing transatlantic cables. Unless you have stock in Starlink, there’s no reasonable purpose in changing to that.

Midget Respect NOW!!! says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Your comentary is like toilet paper in the near east, or middle east-rare, but there, in some form, when you need it. But ALWAYS some shit on your finger afterwards.

Seriously-does Spain like to harbor you pedo fugitives, or do you have some under the radar Aphex predator method of “hiding like a rat in a shitshow?”

Hmmmm says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Paul Talbot, aka “PaulT” here at Techdirt, aka “aphex” has nothing to say for once?

Yeah, boy, I have your number-what happened? You Aare suddenly silent.

ALWAYS,you like to shitpost and stalk, bully and harass my posts-but now you are silent? Stupid Little Midget–life is to be lived. Your stupid midget bullying online, however, is to be made an example of. You might be a midget, but your net effect has caused intel to seek you. How stupid. Watch your back there in Spain-not all digital nomads are as stupid as YOU are.

Try not to go kill yourself SOON. But your days of internet bullying are over. TD has hosted scum like you for far too long-“freezepeach” and all of that, you midget troll.

That One Guy (profile) says:

Not to mention 'Well if it's okay for YOU to do it...'

It’s a good thing that it’s always clear and easy to know where a particular digital attack comes from otherwise making clear that your country’s agencies will be going on the offensive like this would seem to open the door to enemies scapegoating targets and using the USG to do their dirty work and/or cause diplomatic incidents.

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Matthew M Bennett says:

Government is evil and will take what powers you let it

That’s why the constitution puts such limits on it. Limits that you liberals largely seem intent on subverting. (just shove EVERTHING under the commerce clause, yeah?)

You guys will whine about big corporations endlessly but association with the government is not voluntary and the government can enforce their will with men with guns. All of which makes keeping government in check extra important.

Which is why this site’s constant attempts to give government directed censorship a pass are so damn infuriating.

Cat_Daddy (profile) says:


Which is why this site’s constant attempts to give government directed censorship a pass are so damn infuriating.

Ummm, are you on the right website? Because as far as I know, I don’t think Techdirt has once advocated for government censorship. This is downright nonsensical. I triple-dog dare you to bring me up a source that confirms your claims. I dare you.

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Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

Masnick literally defends it almost daily, mostly by pretending it didn’t occur.

This is just flat out false, and Matthew knows it. I have never, ever, defended government censorship, and have actually spent decades speaking out against it and fighting it. I can guarantee you I’ve done more to protect Matthew’s free speech than he’s ever done.

And he has very explicitly supported censorship in general, going so far as to say “moderation is free speech” which is just the most fucked New Speak possible.

This is not at all what I have said, and Matthew is either lying or too stupid to understand basic concepts. He’s likely talking about this article, where it appears he read the headline, misunderstood it, and understood nothing else:

The point was that if you’re not allowed to moderate, then most websites WILL NOT host ANY 3rd party speech. Similarly, most webhosts would be very limiting in who they allow to create websites. And thus, you would have many fewer places to speak, greatly diminishing free speech.

Which… I stand by. Because it’s accurate.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

you would have many fewer places to speak, greatly diminishing free speech

Sorry, but, no, just no. Moderation is not the same as censorship, and a million voices all chanting the same viewpoint is not more free speech. Moderation is necessary, but censorship violates a foundational principle of our society. Silencing viewpoints that make other people uncomfortable, so that the other people are the only ones who get to speak, does not increase free speech. It destroys it.

Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Moderation is not the same as censorship

Correct. Which was my point… so not sure why you’re disagreeing.

a million voices all chanting the same viewpoint is not more free speech

Where did I say it was?

Silencing viewpoints that make other people uncomfortable, so that the other people are the only ones who get to speak, does not increase free speech. It destroys it.

This seems wholly disconnected from what I wrote?

Meh says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Your censorship -by-proxy system is EXACTLY why “free speech” is an illusion. A tribalist, gate keeping narratives is no worse than a Nazi guard, digging gold teeth out of elderly folks–it didn’t happen unless you catch them doing it.

Your “flag” system is exactly that–hosting intel agencies, troll farmers, and Israeli-ADL scum and their version of speech control is no different, backed by armies of trolls, and federal power to target seakers.

Stop kidding your public–you are at heart a Kapo.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

“Correct. Which was my point… so not sure why you’re disagreeing.”

See, I think this only tracks if you take the position that’s censorship is only censorship if it is a civil rights violation, which I think is inadequately scoped.

If you scope censorship as being the prevention of someone’s speech by a third party, it will now include things that are neither rights violations nor necessarily objectionable in their own right (e.g. content moderation), and you can then talk about whether that particular instance is something that ought to happen, instead of trying to argue that it is or is not based on a pre-emptive classification chosen to fit the conclusion someone’s already come to.

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

“Masnick literally defends it almost daily, mostly by pretending it didn’t occur.”

“And he has very explicitly supported censorship in general”

What’s fun is that because this forum is not censored, you can make this claim, but few regulars would believe you. Yet, it’s a trivial exercise to back up your claim with proof of your assertions.

“going so far as to say “moderation is free speech” which is just the most fucked New Speak possible.”

One day, you people will get it through your thick skulls that free speech does not mean freedom from consequences, and moderation is simply other people exercising their own speech. I know you disagree with the speech others exercise, but when you’re in a group of people and you say things that annoy/offend/abuse others in the group, they may ask you to leave. This applies online and offline, and you can’t force others to accept you. If you won’t agree to leave, others will and go somewhere you don’t bother them. I suspect this is something you experience regularly in the physical world, which is why you waste so much energy here.

Israeli Contractor Scum says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Well, one finger at him, two at you-both are “go fuck yourself.”

But you already knew that, right? You dress wearing, mama bitched homo, co-opter of democratic dialogues, at the yoke of the Big Pharma enablers-your anus is an open door to every and any subversion of freedom, at the behest of the rabi who stole your virginity.

Disgusting? YES! Normal? All too comomn..

Anonymous Coward says:

On your computer network you need aimething like pcrdist or ghost which can re image the hard disk so any spyware that any LEO slips into your network is wiped out.

I had such software on my network when I had my online radio station and where I went to college also had that on their networks

Neither myself or CSU Sacramento were breaking any laws using that software.

Doing that to foil any spyware placed in your network dues not not break any laws

So neither me or CSU Sacramento were breaking any laws using software like pcrdist or ghost.

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Especially When Outsourced to Isrtaeli Scum says:

Re: Re:

We undergrounders were all writing about this a decade ago–but the “antishmisticlistclysms” people (your ADL cetera overlords) were running cover and smearing us for talking about it openly-and you, specifically covered their tracks on hundreds of occasions.

Then–decades later–“with evidence” you are publishing shit about NSO Group, et al.-all Israeli scum and their US Zio-Nazi counterparts–

Too much, too little and decades late makes you look a bit complicit. Not merely a “bit” mind you, but a decade of bytes too.

Drop the sanctimony already–you are every bit a part of the problem as “they” are.

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Israeli Contractor Scum says:

Re: Re:

We undergrounders were all writing about this a decade ago–but the “antishmisticlistclysms” people (your ADL cetera overlords) were running cover and smearing us for talking about it openly-and you, specifically covered their tracks on hundreds of occasions.

Then–decades later–“with evidence” you are publishing shit about NSO Group, et al.-all Israeli scum and their US Zio-Nazi counterparts–

Too much, too little and decades late makes you look a bit complicit. Not merely a “bit” mind you, but a decade of bytes too.

Drop the sanctimony already–you are every bit a part of the problem as “they” are.

Israeli Contractor Scum says:

Re: Re: Re:2

We undergrounders were all writing about this a decade ago–but the “antishmisticlistclysms” people (your ADL cetera overlords) were running cover and smearing us for talking about it openly-and you, specifically covered their tracks on hundreds of occasions.

Then–decades later–“with evidence” you are publishing shit about NSO Group, et al.-all Israeli scum and their US Zio-Nazi counterparts–

Too much, too little and decades late makes you look a bit complicit. Not merely a “bit” mind you, but a decade of bytes too.

Drop the sanctimony already–you are every bit a part of the problem as “they” are.

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The ADL Did It First says:

re: ADL type trolls

Techdirt is ALWAYS silent when ADL type scum infest our language, dialectical spaces, laws and culture–and quick to point the finger when federal agencies follow their lead afterwards.

Shutr up already, Tim–you are merely controlled opposition. We know who you work for, and it isn’t “law, society, or culture.” Clearly, you are just more Mockingbird, with the question mark symbol branded on your foreskin, but no real frontline expertise.

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You ARE the proof says:

Re: Re:

Techdirt is ALWAYS silent when ADL type scum infest our language, dialectical spaces, laws and culture–and quick to point the finger when federal agencies follow their lead afterwards.

Shut up already, Tim–you are merely controlled opposition. We know who you work for, and it isn’t “law, society, or culture.” Clearly, you are just more Mockingbird, with the question mark symbol branded on your foreskin, but no real frontline expertise.

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Anonymous Coward says:


Hello, DBA Phillip Cross, I see your parole was approved due to your service to the CCP.

Or perhaps they want you to prove your loyalty to the Party again. Or maybe you want some “privileges” in prison.

Doean’t matter to me. You are that sort of scum anyway. I see you’ve also added antiSemitism to your spiel.

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The SHRILL Voice of Brit-Israel PSYOPS on TD says:

We undergrounders were all writing about this a decade ago–but the “antishmisticlistclysms” people (your ADL cetera overlords) were running cover and smearing us for talking about it openly-and you, specifically covered their tracks on hundreds of occasions.

Then–decades later–“with evidence” you are publishing shit about NSO Group, et al.-all Israeli scum and their US Zio-Nazi counterparts–

Too much, too little and decades late makes you look a bit complicit. Not merely a “bit” mind you, but a decade of bytes too.

Drop the sanctimony already–you are every bit a part of the problem as “they” are.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Are you madz cuz I insulted you alter-ego shiposting Anon profile, or is it that you are just an actual Zio-turd-cum-neoNazi Jew? No serious human beings can differentiate the two anymore–and the wisest of the wise, know that Jews were every bit as bad as Nazi’s that recent virus hoax, 100% courtesy of Jews in Big Pharma and the medical mafia, for instance.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Lol. Do basement dwellers like you actually count hours now? In the days when it was just you and your mother, time flew, as you masturbated to mommies wedding pictures, and suckled way too long, on mommies tatters-your own father having long fled that strange union–you, and mommy. He took the train “on time” and left–for good reason.

After all–who would want YOU as a kid? Riiiight. Throwaway people lime you get what they deserve. Mommies tatters.

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