Thursday Night Purge: Elon Musk’s Twitter Bans Tons Of High Profile Journalists

from the today-i-settled-all-family-business dept

Well. Just after finishing that last post about Twitter banning the official Mastodon account on Twitter for tweeting about the ElonJet tracking account existing on Mastodon, it seems that whatever brakes or controls were in place at the new “free speech absolutist” Twitter have really come off. In quick succession, a whole bunch of high profile reporter accounts were suspended, including Aaron Rupar (who famously covers and quotes videos of high profile politicians), Drew Harwell from the Washington Post, Ryan Mac from the NY Times, Donie Sullivan from CNN, and Matt Binder from Mashable.

It’s not entirely clear what “policy” these accounts violated. For all of Elon’s talk about transparency, there doesn’t seem to be very much here. A few of the accounts had talked about the ElonJet controversy but it’s not clear that they linked to it.

In Donie’s case, his last tweet had been posting the police report from the LAPD in response to questions about Elon Musk’s claim that a stalker had jumped on a car with one of his children inside. The LAPD statement said:

LAPD’s Threat Management Unit (TMU) is aware of the situation and tweet by Elon Musk and is in contact with his representatives and security team. No crime reports have been filed yet.”

And then he got banned.

Binder’s final tweet was noting what Donie’s final tweet was before getting banned.

So, look, again, content moderation at scale is impossible to do well, yada yada yada. But, uh, I’d sure like some Twitter Files on what’s going on here.

Either way, it would be nice if Musk’s supporters began to realize that (1) maybe this isn’t as easy as “no moderation” and (2) maybe the old Twitter wasn’t really evilly censoring their ideological viewpoints after all… but I fear that most are going to instead not care at all and (1) cheer on this removal of “the corporate media fake news elite” and (2) come up with some ridiculous excuse about how it’s not really a free speech issue at all.

But, of course, all of that is bullshit. Elon is free to do what he wants. Just as the old Twitter was. But, we can still call out what appears to be hypocrisy.

Update: The purge continues. Micah Lee, Tony Webster and Keith Olbermann are three more reporters now gone from Twitter.

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Anonymous Coward says:

For all the people who came and screamed that Twitter was moderating based on political viewpoints, will come here and admit that it never was and this is what true viewpoint discrimination looks like.

But alas, I haven’t seen a flying monkey yet.

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That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Re:

It’s a matter of definitions, if you use the conservative/republican definition of ‘censorship is when someone I like/agree with faces consequences for their words and/or deeds, and can no longer use the private property of another person to speak from as a result’ then it makes sense why they wouldn’t show up for those articles because they aren’t about censorship.

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

It calls to mind the endless debates about file sharing. Some people would come in here claiming that people being sued for millions for sharing a few songs deserved it because they were “stealing music”. But then, articles would occasionally surface about labels having contracts that blocked the original artists from using their own songs (i.e. literally stealing music), and they’re suddenly be quiet except for the occasional attempt to spin it into being the artists’ own fault.

It’s be the same here – they won’t complain about actual fascism and/or censorship being levied against people they don’t like, because they’re not actually opposed to those things. They just don’t like it when their “team” gets treated equally.

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That One Guy (profile) says:

Pure coincidence I'm sure

Purging reporters from the platform, two of which were canned shortly after talking about the event that was used as justification to ban another account… yeah I’m struggling to see a ‘whoops, honest mistake’ explanation for what looks like a surgical removal of accounts.

jal says:


This is just really remarkable in so many ways.

Just to pick one, Elmo’s very public decompensation is fascinating. I rather suspect 2023 will be a rocky year for Tesla.

Really seems like he’s decided to bankrupt the place, and is doing some combination of messing around with his broken toy and currying favor with the authoritarians. At least some of them – we all remember what Thiel thinks of Elmo.

What a way to live.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Elon is a Horrible Human Being. That’s All There is To It

Elon does not care about hypocrisy. He doesn’t care any time someone says “So much for being a free speech absolutist!”. As correct as it is, it’s not gonna get through to Musk or the asshole following he’s cultivated. Musk is a vindictive asshole who calls people the worst things to get them harassed while befriending alt-right dickbags and banning his critics.

But, uh, I’d sure like some Twitter Files on what’s going on here.

Musk is a horrible human being who is being cruel and malicious on purpose. It doesn’t take a lot to figure that out. It feels like Mike is continually tip-toeing around it in these articles.

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Anonymous Coward says:

I’m going to have to side with Twitter on this one actually. It’s clear these journalists violated Twitter’s terms of use, which apparently say, “thou shalt not piss off the musk baby and his fragile ego.” This is entirely on these irresponsible “journalists” for not coddling the world’s second wealthiest narcissist.

PaulT (profile) says:


Yeah, the real story here isn’t the activity itself so much as it being a very clear bunch of hypocrisy from the self-styled “free speech” absolutist who invited bullying and hatred on to the platform while being unable to take the slightest criticism himself.

You don’t read stories of similar nonsense going on with the likes of Parler and Truth, because there’s zero expectation of bipartisanship or intellectual honesty there. What makes Twitter uniquely notable at the moment are the very clear changes and decisions made as a direct result of Musk’s fragile ego, and how that so clearly differ from the values he claimed to have bought the site to implement.

It’s not news that these people are morally bankrupt toddlers, but this does make an interesting case study on what happens when they get to play without adult supervision.

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Scalene (profile) says:

So, while we all know that these moderation actions were probably just pettyness. I’m willing to bet that like most journalists, these ones have covered several different countries critically. How long before someone makes a list of every article each of these journalists wrote about China and Saudi Arabia? It won’t matter much if they’re are other correlations between their coverage, it can still be made to look very telling.

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Rico R. (profile) says:

Hey Elon! You know the freedom of the press is included in the first amendment you claim to hold near and dear to your heart, and Twitter’s, right? Don’t believe me? Look for yourself:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Not that it matters, as Twitter isn’t the government.

Still, the last time I checked, there is also no law against uttering the words “Elon Jet”, so I suggest yo–

\\Account Suspended\\

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


The propensity for violence by some members on the ” Left” towards anyone they disagree with

Who was it that incited an insurrection against the American government because he didn’t agree with the results of a free and fair election?

Who was it that said they would’ve won that insurrection⁠—and had an armed one, at that!⁠—if they had planned said insurrection?

Who is it that’s carrying guns to protests of drag shows?

Who is it that’s encouraging violence against trans people, even if only by implication?

Because unless I miss my mark, it ain’t leftists doing that shit.

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Anonymous Coward says:


Hmm… so: I must have missed the actual violence perpetrated against people “on the Right” amidst the coverage of things like the January 6th committee, the attack on Paul Pelosi, election deniers losing consistently in court, and so on. Could you enlighten me about any specific violence that has been carried out “by some members of the Left”?

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

Funny, I didn’t hear about a whole lot of murders happening within and because of those riots. Guess maybe you’re the one who was sleeping.

Also: How many of those riots were aimed knowingly, directly, and specifically at right-wingers/conservatives?

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Is that the new talking point? Last I heard he was the new Conservative hero because he killed those people with their favourite weapons.

You’ll have to forgive us. Most of us value things like evidence and logical consistency, so we’re not as quick to follow what the new talking points are until one of you sticks your head out of the sewer to tell us.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

That article doesn’t say what you think it says.

But that’s expected from you seeing how you have made yourself the local idiot from all the times you act like a fucking idiot.

How about get get trespassed out of a public house because you are acting like an asshole trying tell people about the Texas AG and you keep getting laughed at and mocked.

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Koby (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Naaa just busy. Also gloriously soaking up the lib meltdowns. I get to live rent free in your heads even without posting anything. Like I said the other day, you leftists wouldn’t accept the “it’s not a government doing the banning so it’s okay” argument if the shoe was on the other foot. You guys are losing coherence, and starting to come around to the legal remedy side.

In any case, I’m sure this is all just a bug in the moderation algorithm, so it will be rectified soon.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

You guys are losing coherence, and starting to come around to the legal remedy side.

What fucking fantasy land do you live in. Nobody is starting to talk about legal remedies. We are all laughing at Musk for being the fucking idiot he his while watching him burn through billions and billions of dollars.

If you haven’t already noticed, we are all leaving Twitter for other services and just watching the flames at this point.

So koby, please point us to the people who are starting to ask for a legal remedy?

Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re:

you leftists wouldn’t accept the “it’s not a government doing the banning so it’s okay” argument

No, we accept that Elon is doing these bans⁠—and that he has every right to ban those people. What we don’t accept is the flimsy-ass justification for said bans. Having the right to do a thing doesn’t make it the right thing to do.

You guys are losing coherence, and starting to come around to the legal remedy side.

Except nobody here is advocating for…well, I suppose now would be a good time to ask you One Simple Question, but you always vanish in a shit-smelling puff of cowardice whenever I do.

Rocky says:

Re: Re:

How to spot the hypocritical asshole whos word is totally worthless:
1. Complain loudly and incessantly about non-existent “viewpoint discrimination”.
2. When actual viewpoint discrimination happens to perceived opponents, point and laugh instead of actually complain about it.

You are just another asshole with zero principles Koby, and just to give you notice, from this day forward if you as much as hint at how unfair “conservatives” are moderated I’ll just point to your post here proving your stupidity.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

It feels so good to be so feared.

Feared? I am fucking laughing at you dude, you are so constantly wrong… Remember that time you thought Facebook could use §230 to dismiss a lawsuit over Facebook’s own speech? That’s how fucking stupid you are, and that is why I laugh and mock you.

Also, no matter how much to stick up for Elmo Musk, he’s still not going to fuck you.

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Rocky says:

Re: Re: Re:

Only the delusional idiot stinking of shit thinks people are avoiding him out of fear.

Btw, it seems the strongest opinions are that of all those journalists Musk censored – don’t you agree? I can only surmise their opinions are really the strongest since so many of them where censored together, even stronger than your opinions which just goes to show they are right and you are wrong. With that conclusion it’s clear you have no need to post anything ever again.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

It is, however, an action meant to force someone to stop doing something.

Though, Koby, you’d be cheering for doxxing if it meant less pesky journalists, minorities and people like me stop criticizing your treasonous ilk and bow down and wait for our eventual, violent deaths by YOUR hand if you revealed all our personal details.

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Cat_Daddy (profile) says:


Nah this will just hurt Twitter in the long run. Besides, this will benefit entirely for alternative platforms like Mastadon. All Musk has done is sabotage himself. But one concern I will have for this is that the angry, digitally illiterate mobs will look at this and say that section 230 needs to be reformed or abolished or strung up from the highest tower or hanged or gassed and nothing will accomplished. Scapegoat section 230 for something unrelated and impossible to predict rather than tackling the actual problem. At this point, it’s very predictable stuff.

fairuse (profile) says:

Jet tracking

In mr Elon’s mind realtime posts of plane’s location is Doxxing and/or security issue.

Opinion Alert: Anyone that travels with body guards or in the case of USA lawmakers the Secret Service has to worry about nutters all the time.

Filed in: Not My Problem.

Just watching the clown show go by. Favorite line from FX’s “The Old Man” (Hulu), “(..) The rich don’t have to explain shit. (..)”

Seems true.

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Anathema Device (profile) says:

It's not just journos

While the high profile bans have raised hackles, it should be noted that Musk is also quickly and quietly erasing a lot of progressive accounts:

“Via Khaled Elgindy: “Musk’s Twitter has inexplicably suspended the account of @MossawaCenter, a human rights group that promotes equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel.” #TwitterBans #Birdsite #MossawaCenter #HumanRights #Equality”

Andy Ngo’s hit list is working as intended 🙁

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Carol Bisig says:


When reporters start investing real crimes, real treasonous activity by the Biden family, then will I have sympathy for you, and become angered on your behalf, as it is No, none ofthe modern reporters are going after George Soros, who is obviously guilty of election interference, and who knows what else, because no investigative report has been carried out! When all of you stop attacking conservatives and do real investigative reporting will I look at you as fair and balanced!

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Anonymous Coward says:


“who is obviously guilty” – any corroborated evidence of that?

“and who knows what else”. Indeed – wh does know – what’s that? No-one? So accusation without evidence. You’re good at this gme.

“because no investigative report has been carried” – not even by those who oppose him, or did they just not find anything and are too embarrased to say.

Straight from the camp of ” I hear good things ….” & Some people are saying …”It’s all accusation and assertion without any backup from your corner. Put up or shut up.

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Hyman Rosen (profile) says:

Re: Re:

I hardly ever use Twitter, so I was never banned from it.
I was given several timeouts by Facebook, so I deleted my account rather than allow myself to be convinced to self-censor in order to remain.

Oh, thanks to Andrew Sullivan for pointing to this substack against woke gender ideology:

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

“I hardly ever use Twitter, so I was never banned from it.”

Good for you. But, that surely means you have less credibility about the way it works than people who used it.

“I was given several timeouts by Facebook”

I know people like that. Some changed what they did after understanding why, some consistently whine about unfair treatment after being told why posting homophobic “jokes” on the page of a local gay bar might not be polite conversation.

I’m sure that everyone who had the misfortune of encountering you are happy that you decided to stop the abuse voluntarily.

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Band Baaja Barat .com (profile) says:


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We’ve put up 10+ different sorts of Mocktail drinks that you may have at your wedding.

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Anonymous Coward says:


Oh you mean the people who got banned following clearly outlined standards for behavior. Clearly outlined standards that got suspended if you were some important right wing fascist like Trump.

As opposed to now where the arbitrary capriciousness of man child Elon Musk being the one measure of you getting banned or not. Report where my plane goes, even though it is publicly available data? Ban, and to spite the owner of that now banned account a ban on all other accounts by them even the ones that violated no rule. Reporting on the capriciousness of self proclaimed God-Emperor Musk (the lie that the account would stay up only to get banned twice), oooh that is a ban. Reporting on that prime narcissist Musk banned a reporter for daring to report that self proclaimed God-Emperor Musk is being capricious. Ban, BAN, BAAAAAANNN!. Daring to ask questions that make hypocrite Musk uncomfortable plus deactivation of a useful feature to prevent people from talking like that about Musk. Daring to point to a location where adults can talk without Elon throwing a tantrum like he is a 3 year old that isn’t getting their favorite toy, bans & more bans, automated blocking of tweets, lying about the location being dangerous.

I’d say there is a tiny bit (the gap only being the distance between Earth & Mars) of difference between how banning was approached by pre-Musk Twitter and Musk owned Twitter.

PaulT (profile) says:


“Did you see how many account were banned/shadowbanned before Elon musk took place?”

Yes… and despite a great many requests for concrete examples, I never saw any who were banned for ideological viewpoints. If a person dared to give a verifiable example, it was always someone who was banned for other reasons.

There must be a reason why every example of someone being banned for merely being a “conservative” was someone being banned for racist/homophobic/etc abuse, bullying and/or violation of other rules such as doxxing or endangering public health. The only concrete examples I’ve ever seen of a site banning just for an ideological viewpoint are places like Parler and r/thedonald, who would routinely nuke accounts and their history for daring to present a differing viewpoint.

Oh well, at least unlike the right-wingers who get themselves kicked out of every polite venue, use “libtards” have a wide range of venues we’re still allowed to enter if Twitter gets too overwhelmed with your brand of hatred. Musk can’t afford to buy most of those, so enjoy your sinking ship. Just don’t try blaming us for the torpedo Musk launched at the thing.

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Chozen (profile) says:

Still Waiting

Still waiting for Mike to mention at all that Musk has a PIA, Privacy ICAO Address. This wasn’t really “public” information. Elon Jet was feeding public information into an algorithm to crack Privacy ICAO Addresses.

Much like bots bypassing federal do not call lists what Elon Jet was doing falls well outside of Constitutional protections.

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Anonymous Coward says:


Well there is one minor problem with your rant. The one that the FAA itself acknowledges. It is 100% legal to not get plane data, like ADS-B broadcasts, from the FAA and instead use the nationwide network(s) of amateurs capturing ADS-B broadcasts. Do note that ADS-B broadcasts are considered 100% public (and publicly available) data.

All that is left now is to associate the fake identifier with the right plane and you are golden. And that is also not illegal seeing that both the PIA and real identifier are public data. Which is the reason you can get a new PIA regularly (60 days if this program is still in phase 1, 20 days if that phase 2 has been implemented as expected). Or earlier if you report your PIA being compromised.

So nope nothing there that validates your nonsense claim that it is unconstitutional.

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Chozen (profile) says:

Re: Re:

I didn’t say “unconstitutional.” I said falls outside of constitutional protections.

This issue is asked and answered by the courts because it is almost the exact same issue raised by the do not call list, which the SCOTUS has already ruled on. Musk took the proactive action of getting a PIA as such Elon Jet has no more of a 1st Amendment Right to post his flight information as a tele-marketer has to call a number on the do not call list.

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Chozen (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2

“And yet, the dude behind @ElonJet hasn’t been arrested by federal authorities. Curious. 🤔”

State actor doesn’t equal public square.

First Amendment doesn’t equal freedom of speech.

Not constitutionally protected doesn’t equal illegal.

You are a fucking idiot who incorrectly equates things because you are a fucking idiot.

Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3

State actor doesn’t equal public square.

A public square isn’t privately owned.

First Amendment doesn’t equal freedom of speech.

It also doesn’t equal freedom of reach.

Not constitutionally protected doesn’t equal illegal.

It does equal “unlawful”, though. And if Elon really thinks someone publishing the data for his private jet puts him in danger, I think he’d have enough pull to have the person(s) doing that arrested.

You are a fucking idiot

So, what’s your point?

Anonymous Coward says:


What are you misunderstanding now? ICAO is in intention organization for co-coordinating aircraft flight issues, and last I saw Elon Musk was not a country, and therefor has no direct association with that organization. Also, there is no direct connection between actual ADS-B data and ICAO, other than ICAO having an initiative to get it installed on all aircraft.

You are making up conspiracy theories from disconnected bits of data.

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Anonymous Coward says:


“Just because we can do a think does not necessarily follow that we must do that thing.” – Federation President, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Musk could’ve acted like an intelligent grownup and listened to those who know better than him and who have actual experience in building and maintaining a platform like Twitter, but he chose to continue to be his narcissistic man baby self instead.

Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


When has anyone ever said otherwise? Conservatives were the ones bitching about “censorship” when conservatives were banned for violating TOS rules that had been set in stone for years. Revenge is a confession of pain; what pain are you confessing to when you laugh at Musk taking revenge against “liberals” on your behalf?

Anonymous Coward says:


Love watching the liberal meltdown, but remember it’s a private company, he can do what he wants. Lmao. 😂

What fantasy land do you live in?

Please point us to the meltdown?

Absolutely nobody is saying that Elmo can’t do what he is doing exactly because it’s a private company and he can burn it to the ground if he wants to.

The only meltdown that’s happening is Elmo’s bank account, and we are all here laughing as he burns through billions of dollars, which is sad because that money could have been put to much better use than to prop up a failing business that now caters to racists and white supremacists.

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