Rampant Data Broker Sale Of Pregnancy Data Gets Fresh Scrutiny Post Roe

from the the-check-is-coming-due-for-apathy dept

For decades now, privacy advocates warned we were creating a dystopia through our rampant over-collection and monetization of consumer data. And just as often, those concerns were greeted with calls of “consumers don’t actually care about privacy” from overly confident white guys in tech.

Nothing has exposed those flippant responses as ignorant quite like the post-Roe privacy landscape, in which basic female health data can now be weaponized to ruin the lives of those seeking abortions, or those trying to help women obtain foundational health care. Either by states looking to prosecute them, or individual right wing hardliners who often have easy, cheap access to the exact same information.

The latest case in point: Gizmodo did a deep dive into the largely unaccountable data broker space and discovered there are currently 32 different data brokers selling pregnancy status data on 2.9 billion consumer profiles.

Via browsing, app, promotion, and location data, those consumers are quickly deemed “actively pregnant” or “shopping for maternity products.” Another 478 million customer profiles are actively labeled “interested in pregnancy” or “intending to become pregnant.” As is usually the case, companies (the ones that could be identified) claimed it was no big deal because the data is “anonymized”:

In an email statement, a spokesperson for Mastercard said the company only uses “anonymized transaction data” to gather data at the postal code level. As shown in the image above, though, AlikeAudience claims it can create links between such anonymized IDs and users who “voluntarily” give up their data. Mastercard further said it limits how insights from data may be used, but did not clarify in which ways partners were limited.

Of course countless studies have shown how “anonymized” is a gibberish term in privacy, since “anonymized” users can be easily identified with just a few additional snippets of data. “Voluntarily” is also doing a lot of heavy lifting here, since companies that collect this data rely on overlong privacy statements nobody reads, assuming companies are even disclosing the data collection at all.

Again, it’s a matter of when, not if, authoritarian-leaning state leaders and vigilantes use this data to prosecute and harass those seeking abortions and their allies, even across state lines into states where abortion is legal:

Bennett Cyphers, a staff technologist for the the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said these commercial data brokers are “a big risk” for abortion seekers since those companies “label people and put people into lists that makes it easier for someone who is coming at it like a fishing expedition to narrow down who they want to target and subject them to more scrutiny or and surveillance.”

American authoritarians aren’t being at all subtle about where this goes next. This is the era privacy advocates have been warning about for decades, built upon a generation of apathy toward data collection transparency and the need for meaningful rules and penalties. For decades we prioritized making money over consumer welfare, and the check is about to come due.

Will we do anything meaningful about it in response? Probably not!

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Anonymous Coward says:


Sometime in the 2K’s, maybe 90’s, privacy advocates posted Diane Feinstein’s information, and a few others. She had a fit about it. Well, if you won’t do anything about it how else are we gonna get your attention?

If it exists, it will get used, as such, it never should have been allowed to exist in the first place.

discussitlive (profile) says:

Remember Project HoneyPot?

If you remember part of the unsolicited, bulk email fight, you might have come across “Project Honeypot”, wherein billions of email addresses were created to poison the most agregious spammer’s lists with spam trap addresses that got their servers instantly listed as spam sources.

I have to wonder if that stratigy could be adapted to the privacy fight, given it seems fairly easy to create crawlers to trigger the sort of search queries data brokers would be interested in. Poison their wells to the point it’s worse than useless.

Anonymous Coward says:

What was that one Martin Niemoller quote that gets overused again?

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

Might wanna add “Then they came for the women, but I did not speak up, because I thought privacy was unnecessary.”

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Anonymous Coward says:


Then they came for the women

Yeah, that will never happen. Women can always be cajoled, encouraged, or outright bought by the opposition on every issue.

Remember those lovely darlings who allowed Julian Assange to endure what he is enduring over some fake rape accusations? That was a privacy issue too–such women sided with the gubmint’s right to keep state crimes “private.”

Guantanamo torture tapes? Meh–those men were enemy combatants (even when they weren’t) Or how men’s locker rooms were targeted by female journalists? Etc.

But OMFG!!! Revenge porn!!! Pass a law!!!

Privacy died when the war on men began.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

Yeah, that will never happen. Women can always be cajoled, encouraged, or outright bought by the opposition on every issue.

It’s technically every human on the planet. It’s called psychology and the fucks in power abuse it every moment.

Remember those lovely darlings who allowed Julian Assange to endure what he is enduring over some fake rape accusations?

Assange is an asshole of the highest order and yes, while the accusations were a bit much and politically motivated… not the point here.

Guantanamo torture tapes?

General whistleblower issue.

Privacy died when the war on men began.

Ah yes, thanks for telling me you support the repeal of Roe vs Wade. Now get the fuck out before I do it to you.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Hello. I see that you have an “Anonymous Asshole problem” here at TD. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I am here to help. I want to direct your attention to that flag button over here to your right. >>>>>>>>>>>>

Please use it, frequently, much as one might use banned pesticide to rid the world of these cockroaches.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Um, no. I am RU-486 all the way. Mighty Jesuit of you to presume my political leanings tho.

I was a full supporter of Roe actually going back decades. Now I just don’t care, not one bit, cuz

Women can always be cajoled, encouraged, or outright bought by the opposition on every issue.

The problem is that women are incapable of supporting men in any way–feminism seems to shit a brick right there at “equality.”

These types of women tipped their hand and started using the single mom card to entrap and ensnare men in cycles of working poor/debt slavery, with zero consequences, paid for by state’s that incentivized the practice. It’s a play right out of the KKK Kamelia’s handbook, courtesy of white “empowered women.”

In other words–very few women actually do abort, and they should have, but didn’t, because incentives.

Russia has a similar problem, as do all Jewish-christian cultures based on slavery (the story of Laban comes to mind), and China has a problem in the opposite direction, and abortion put them in quite a jam now.

As for this

Ah yes, thanks for telling me you support the repeal of Roe vs Wade. Now get the fuck out before I do it to you

Do what, exactly? An army of you is still just a bunch of keyboard globohomo’s, and FBI affilliated trolls, so there’s that.

Oh nooooes, it’s gonna beat me up with keyboard clicks!!

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Um, I like women who I can communicate with, and maybe, later, some hot steaming reruns of Game of Thrones\s. Would that be you, or are you just another ugly tranny globohomo hammering a keyboard here at TD?

As for pissing your pants, each to their own, right? Try it wearing depends next time so that others don’t have to encounter your messy habits.

But I am nobodies victim, honey so, have at it–use that little girl wiener of yours and joust at the phantom that you think I am. I know you will later tonight.

And, for all of you KKK Kamelia’s? Go fuck your own pathetic victimhood garbage.

Oh, wait–you already have! All of those kids you popped out during the LGBTQ era! In the old days, mothers didn’t fuck there own kids, but hey–you girls were empowered, right? Seriously–then trannifying them to hide the evidence.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

It would be safe to say that while I support gay rights, and gay marriage, I am not down with doping kids, and cutting little boys dicks off, as you are, or chopping off the budding breasts of little girls, as you are.

And I also think its great that 1000 families are suing your employer, the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

So, add that to your dossier, globohomo troll.

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:


Hopefully we’ll reach that point where he’ll actually reveal which members of Congress he managed to locate.

Its rude, invasive, annoying, but until it actually touches them they have shown they do not care.

What is the point we need to be to before revealing someones mistress had an abortion is fair game?
Asking for millions of women who are now afraid to tell their Dr. when their last period was so that there isn’t a record someone can troll to figure out if they might be pregnant.

Anonymous Scientist says:

Via browsing, app, promotion, and location data, those consumers are quickly deemed “actively pregnant” or “shopping for maternity products.” Another 478 million customer profiles are actively labeled “interested in pregnancy” or “intending to become pregnant.”

Apart from the “actively pregnant” group (which will nevertheless intersect with the others), all these groups are composed of people who are invested in a healthy pregnancy and an equally healthy baby at the end of it. So if anyone in the “shopping for maternity products” group (for example) were to suddenly stop such shopping after just a few weeks, a conservative with access to that datum is likely to come to the conclusion they had an abortion, and the person’s grief from the miscarriage that’s the actual cause is going to be intruded on by an arrest or a lawsuit. Such is the poverty of thought that led to the overturning of Roe.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Using a condom is the same as having an abortion just like having a pneumococcal vaccine is the same as taking antibiotics to treat pneumonia. Not that I’d expect a hypocrite that doesn’t bother to use their brain to get that, Phillip, I’m just saying it to counter your bullshit in case others believe it.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Said by no one with a penis ever. Or, anyone who actually has ever had sex.

There you go jousting with that phony phallus again, Jesuit-like globohomo–condoms are not abortion, idiot, and you have obviously never had sex (with a human).

In your case, your mother SHOULD have aborted you, and for some reason, put you into this world.

I am 100% in favor of abortion in cases like yours–is it too late?

Techdirt Banned Me Guy says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Thanks for that LiL, but I am well aware of what the Jewish-christian-zionist-nazi post Flavian world order is all about. Here’s a primer if you want to catch up.

Re-read AC-sheitbags comment again: they are deliberatley attempting to make it appear as if I have made the false equivalence that condom use is abortion. Again, I think people like these AC’s should have been aborted at all costs.


many groups in Christianity are against condom use and consider it as a sin

Of course they do. Catholics and Baptists especially. I suspect that the AC’s here are actually Jesuit-educated, and this is the type of crap that fills their heads–and the type of useless troling they dedicate their lives to–it’s their “god.”

Oooops says:

Re: Re: Re:6

There have been problems with Postflaviana.org since I started publicizing it here on Techdirt–in case you ever wonder how censorship actually works.

Right now, in many regions of the world, you can only view it on the internet archives.

These AC’s here at TD have some leverage, and lots of time to post–and they also have the inside track to TD’s Cloudflare and other monitoring software too.

I only started publicizing the Joseph Atwill and Richard Stanley blog about six months ago, and here we are–censorship-by-proxy of the US-FVEY’s and it’s psychopathoc pals in Israel funded Azov battalions.

I know who the enemy is–do you?

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Techdirt Banned Guy says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Also, you might find it interesting: my browser regularly crashes after posting here, and several times over the last weeks, I have endured DDoS attacks, directly after posting here. I am talking about seconds after posting here. CSS attacks (Cross-site scripting) and a few more.

These AC’s are what I say they are, and I hope you look into it. The main perpetrator works directly where they have access to TD’s Cloudflare/other IP gathering software. I have evidence of that if you are interested.

But these are not random trolls-they are an inside job at all points of contact.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Have you tried turning your outdated equipment off and on again? Downloading more RAM? Getting better hardware? Not using the Starbucks Wifi to make Techdirt’s comment section your toilet?

Learning how to read HTTP errors? Understanding how dynamic IP ranges work and how it might cause issues with sites? Or maybe it’s a WordPress issue?

If someone is using Cloudflare illegally, perhaps it might be better to inform Cloudflare about this?

Because the only person who’s making these allegations is you, Xi’s attack dog.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Checkout how the AC has locked this thread, and denied comments


The record will show in-house manipulation of comments, by the named AC’s, thus invalidating section 230 protections about comment sections and publishers.

I am quite serious about protecting “free speech” and failing that, causing thse who subvert it online to be held accountable.

bhull242 (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Checkout how the AC has locked this thread, and denied comments

The link provided does not support the assertions made.

The record will show in-house manipulation of comments, by the named AC’s, […]

It does no such thing.

[…] thus invalidating section 230 protections about comment sections and publishers.

That’s not how that works.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:7

I’ve read 17 different versions of said stanza. In 9 languages, including old Hebrew (Egypt) and Aramaic (Rome)

To deny belief in practice is self aggrandising. Full fucking stop. Because 5 or the largest of JIC [sects, cults, paths, I’m not trying to be offensive but don’t know offhand a proper term] say sin!

How hearty is the existence of the fool for which word is blind

Genesis 38:9-10
King James Version
9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Leviticus 15:16-17
‘Now if a man has a seminal emission, he shall bathe all his body in water and be unclean until evening. As for any garment or any leather on which there is seminal emission, it shall be washed with water and be unclean until evening

1 Thessalonians 4:3-6 says, “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified; that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God.

Proverbs 25:28 says, “A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls

In the context of the Bible, to masturbate and have lustful thoughts outside marriage is against the kingdom of God. It is considered sinful, regardless of the purpose, may it be birth control, done out of curiosity, or with the intent to reach an orgasm.
-Matthew 5:28, Proverbs 6:25, and 1 Peter 4:3.

Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. . . 8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. – 1 Corinthians 7:5, 8-9

1 Corinthians 7:5,” Why? “so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

Your personal beliefs and interpretations are your own.

DOS OfTheirOwnMedicine says:

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

The basic market forces of scarcity vs price makes me think that there will always be vendors abusing privacy.

Believing that the McConnelized Legislative and Judicial branches will rise to defend the abused is non-sensical. That won’t happen until those intent of abusing the virtues of democracy are excised, something that will not happen soon.

What can happen now is to pursue the privacy abusers with the same tools they employ: find and publish their marketers and staff’s personal data with the goal being to cost them enough respect, time and money to change their rewards. Sort out what databases are in use and poison those wells. Those strategies have become fair game now: e.g.: the Breitbart’s Facebook abuse, Twitter bots, monetized disinformation, etc. What’s good for the goose…

That One Guy (profile) says:

Politicians: Unless it's affecting me why would I care?

When/if a politicians or similarly powerful person has their data leaked thanks to data brokers then and only then will they care, and likely only to the extent of protecting their data in the future since clearly the rules should be different for the nobility.

Barring widespread and regular instances of such data as it relates to those groups being made public I don’t see them caring any time soon as it’s just too beneficial/profitable for them to look the other way.

That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: 'Look, the TOS made it very clear...'

‘But the plans were on display…’
‘On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.’
‘That’s the display department.’
‘With a torch.’
‘Ah, well the lights had probably gone.’
‘So had the stairs.’
‘But look you found the notice didn’t you?’
‘Yes,’ said Arthur, ‘yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of The Leopard”.’ — Douglas Adams.

Rich (profile) says:

white men?

Why “White Men”? I fit that category, and I can honestly say that where I work (a small private school), where I am in the minority of the 180 or so faculty and staff, I am the only person who has been trying desperately to call attention to any of these privacy concerns.

Nobody cares, and I don’t know how to get people to care. Parents want apps to keep their kids occupied, I mention privacy, they say “I’m sure it will be fine” in that patronizing parental voice.

Our various heads of various school divisions and departments over the years have wanted to “modernize” the curriculum, much of which seems to consist of wheeling in various technological Trojan horses that masquerade as nothing short of breakthroughs in the science of education, while covertly gathering every nugget of data possible, all for the sake of maintaining this perception that reading Shakespeare or Dostoevsky from a tablet will somehow imbue the students with immeasurably more knowledge and wisdom than reading from a book.

Whenever I really try to point out that most of the
garbage apps that some sleazebag company or consulting firm has insisted we should be relying on to “stay relevant, and keep the students ahead of the curve” are doing little more than gobbling up data like they are playing “Hungry, Hungry Hippos”, I am looked at like I have 5 legs, and just used them to walk out of my space ship and utter the most ludicrous thing anyone has ever heard. Or worse, like I am yet another person of non-color attacking the way they want to conduct their classes.

Nobody cares about privacy until it’s theirs. Every opportunity I have, all I do is drum into anyone around me “Don’t ever put anything online you don’t want EVERYONE to see”. Then something stupid happens, and I once again, all I hear is “but it was set to private!”

I still can’t believe how many people, even those who considered themselves technologically skilled, were shocked and surprised by the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica “scandal”, and how all that shock and surprise changed nothing. How on Earth anybody can be so surprised that a company whose entire business model is selling users’ data behind their backs, did indeed give access to that data is utterly beyond me. And then after all that, still use the site? If anyone supports the products and services of companies that do things they don’t like, they are actively participating in those things, and should really rethink their priorities.

To: Will Oremus:
Why do we supposedly hear mostly white guys saying privacy doesn’t matter? Generally, the media has a quite a well documented record of attaching more importance to what white people say or do, or perhaps that all you hear? But choosing Twitter, a company whose entire business model is based on selling your privacy out from under you, and is run by none other than a white guy, as the venue to benefit from any attention you are trying to stir up seems a bit counterproductive. Also, as you are currently concerned with such things, perhaps you might want to bring to the attention of others over there at the Washington Post the number of data hunters and gatherers that the Washington Post’s website tries to exchange my data with upon first load (12 for me, so far, including krxd.net, who are really yucky).

Rich (profile) says:

Re: Re: exactly

If many were non-white, then asking the “why are white guys telling us privacy doesn’t matter” question would make much more sense. His tweet would have been much more accurate if he had said “just thinking about how the people who spent the last decade-plus insisting ‘no one really cares about online privacy’ were so often people who ran companies that profit from selling out privacy”.

So, unless the suggestion is that if these profit seeking companies were not so often run by white dudes, then these companies would suddenly turn their back on the profits and respect privacy, bringing up the race seems irelevent.

Corporate scumbags are corporate scumbags, regardless of demographics.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Disinformation, misinformation, and FUD

State laws do not extend beyond borders. So any abortion that takes place in an abortion-legal state can NOT be held against a resident.

Any attempt to control or ban accessing such information is a violation of 1A.

And if nobody is paying attention to facts in this charged nonsense about Roe, the Supreme Court is currently situated on state’s rights. There is zero chance that a conviction for violating one state’s’s laws whilst in another state is going to stand! Zero.’

What’s likely to happen here is moderately-violent resituating of state lines.
The majority Illinois has been trying to boot cook county out of the state since 2014.

Washington and Oregon have both been looking to boot the big city out for much longer. (Jefferson, Jeffersonian, Washingtonian… etc)
And calls to split California are old news.

What ultimately shuts this stuff down so far is those in power in big-city-states are majority elected by the city. No matter how tiny the landscape vs state land. Be it state level or federal, liberal senators from conservative counties would never have the power they have if the land majority was in control.

Look at the states that have ‘looked into’ partition over city over-rule.
New York

More recently
New Mexico

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:6

‘Crept it doesn’t. See, I didn’t say you should hand over personally identifying information. Not go through any kind of verification. Or even use a real email address.

Nope, all I said was put your history to your commentary. That that would make your history, public. So you couldn’t ‘say nah-aha. Not me’!

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Hello. I se that you have an “Anonymou Asshole problem” here at TD. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I am here to help. I want to direct your attention to that flag button over here to your right. >>>>>>>>>>>>

Please use it, frequently, much as one might use banned pesticide to rid the world of these cockroaches.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:9

Hello. I se that you have an “Anonymous Asshole problem” here at TD. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I am here to help. I want to direct your attention to that flag button over here to your right. >>>>>>>>>>>>

Please use it, frequently, much as one might use banned pesticide to rid the world of these cockroaches.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re:

In NY the population is just leaving.

In Illinois there are, and were legal proceedings as towns simply say FU to cook county and districts say FU to Chicago. None have reached the signature level for a ballot appearance but every year petitions come out to jettison cook county by force.

Oregon-Washington-Idaho discussions have made national headlines.

These pushes are real. If people don’t wake up and figure something out at the government level, eventually one of these measures WILL pass. And that would be a legal nightmare.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Chicago/Cook County has been on the chopping block. The majority of state residents shan’t the city, and it’s obscenely over powering voting percentage, just out.
In the past 48 months six cities have unilaterally declared themselves not in Cook County and shut off all inbound county-based resources. Refusing to pay into or charge county taxes. The county is currently suing 4, threatening the other two.

Portland and Seattle have the same effects on the local population. Absolute state control despite the small area the cities cover.

When the state isn’t threatening to leave the Union (as I’ve said before, I say let them go, so what), … the state population wants division.
The last time Cal leaving got traction the northern half and south east both opined they’d leave the state of the state left the union. Techdirt itself covered some of the cal stories!

When a singly city controls the entire state those outside the city can be, and often are, decimated. Illinois’ water, access right-of-way, and transportation laws have crippled independent farmers. Since 1995 more than half of Il’s independent farms have sold, or become company partners.

There’s no fairness in a single city dictating what the other 90% of the state should abide by.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5

The State of Chicago movement needs no organisational support. As a part of Illinois it’s on its last legs. the jettisonship has been on 15 of the last 17 ballots, at least majority locals.
The majority of cook county outside city limits has left or has filed to leave, the county.

Let me be clear, the 99% outside the city want nothing to do, politically, nor spatially, with the city.
The 2019 interim had 46% support. The rest lived within city limits.
The same measure is nearly certain for the 24 ballot. Sorry, not sorry.
Chicago is unwelcome in Illinois.
Come 24, baring some sort of drastic change, Chicago is Fucked.
Will, Kane, and Dupage are all set to add seats by census in 22.
Overalls just enough for 51%. A legal pleading to the federal congress (likely by ALL polls to be republican after 22) … and an ouster WILL happen.

This is the same thing that has been going on in Cal for the last 3 decades. The big difference is Cal has liberal tech money to keep the exchange relatively even.
Illinois is an Afro/industrial state. 90% of state income those two industries.
And the only district within city limits for industry is far-eastern Chicago.
Majority owned or leased by US Steal. Who is beyond vocal in opposition to city regulations and long a supporter of ouster.
The state of Chicago/Cook is not an if but when

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Anonymous Coward says:


So any abortion that takes place in an abortion-legal state can NOT be held against a resident.

And I am sure that the cops and vigilantes will respect that aspect of the law, and not target people who go out of state for an abortion. Never mind that some states have made assisting someone to obtain an abortion illegal, and driving someone to another state is assistance.

Wyrm (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2

You’re assuming the Constitution stays as it is. And more importantly, that its interpretation is constant.

Banning or restricting interstate travel is illegal, but only implicitly, in the Constitution. And you can’t pretend that Republicans are satisfied with the overturning of Roe v Wade.
They want to ban abortion entirely, and they will try everything to reach that goal. Federal ban, constitutional challenge, etc.

Given the current setup of the SCOTUS, I wouldn’t be surprised if they rule in favor of exceptions to the “right to travel”, as it is no more explicit than the right to abortion was. Even though it is probably “rooted in culture and tradition”, the 6 “conservative” members feel very free to create new concepts to excuse whatever way they want to rule.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3

And you can’t pretend that Republicans are satisfied with the overturning of Roe v Wade.

Not all republicans are Christians, thoug most are. I don’t believe even after 22 they’ve enough to do anything.

As for SCOTUS and interstate travel, PlayBoy vs USPS.

Republicans, despite religious leanings, tend to be close to Libertarians in State’s Rights.
TD itself has posted gasp articles on the pro-state rulings of the current SC.
I have zero concern on transit.
Extreme Associates was a rare blip fluke, not repeated since.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

What are cops going to target them for?

Targeting does not mean charging, and they could keep harassing someone until they break.

As for vigilantism

Several states have included a private right take people to court over abortion, and under the US system, that can become crippling expensive for a target when multiple suites are brought.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re:

I understand that. Which is why there are growing movements and vocalism on city vs state and state partitioning.

When tiny town…
It exists on 20 acres of land
It has two buildings.
One is a MFD with 40 people.
One is a farm house with a 3 generation family of 8.

The MFD wants a small lake outside. So they vote to redirect the river. The river currently supplies the irrigation for the farm.

See, what works in one spot doesn’t work for another. Laws made in the city by the city rarely, if ever, consider the rest of a state.
That’s what the EC is trying to balance. But city populations have grown so large they can now out-vote all the other districts in some states.
Colorado is a cattle state tied to the whims of a single city.
Illinois and Indiana are crop states. Ohio, a major industrial state.
Oregon and Washington, timber states.

In some cases, like New York, the under-represented population just gives up and flees. A mass exodus, from both rural sustainability and city business.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:11

English comes from, er, England. Itself a bastardised variant of German Dutch. Which comes from Gothen, a tribal variance in Glut. Glut a dialect among Gauls

Let’s skip the whole bull lesson plan!

I started writing reviews of Sega games in my teens. Some of those, most, were published In Canadian and European rags.
A combination of reading others works and editors pissing on my “yank” misspells…
Add to that taking courses in college called! “International English” 101, 150, 201, and “Diplomatic English” (ENG PAP) ENG 400; and you have my proper spelling most of the time, ignoring drunken failures, autocorrect, and simple personal errors.

As a side effect of interest in various mythologies, I’ve studied and learned language over the decades. Because the vast majority of translations are either catering or flat out wrong.
I prefer the late-middle-English commonality. Vs the American letters-cost-money variation.
It’s also far easier to see commonality in Goth-Tor spellings to other languages than the bastardised variations.

I was born in cook county, raised in cook county and dupage county. I left for many a year, and returned to home-sweet-home.
Most of my friends and acquaintances are from and speak German, Swedish , Norwegian , or a variant of Russians countable number Japanese ir Chinese.
I’m learning polish to appease some subscribers. It’s a world world 🌍 🌎 🗺️

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