Four Congressional Reps Ask Bill Barr To Restart His War On Porn

from the we-got-tired-of-dealing-with-issues-our-constituents-want-us-to-deal-with dept

A handful of Congress members seem to think we need a War on Porn to go with our War on Drugs and our War on Terror. They think they have the right person in the DOJ to get this war machine mobilized.

Yes, it’s Bill Barr. The same man who decided the DOJ should start pushing obscenity prosecutions back in 1992 when he was Attorney General is being petitioned by a moral minority in the House to Make America Unconstitutional Again.

The letter, signed by Reps Jim Banks, Mark Meadows, Vicky Hartzler, and Brian Babin, asks Bill Barr to turn the DOJ into an anti-porn organization again. A statement accompanying this attempted First Amendment broadside was sent to the National Review by Rep. Banks. It includes two links to Fight The New Drug — the group of non-medical/psychological experts behind the push to label porn a “public health crisis” — and one to the UK’s infamous Daily Mail, to give you some idea what sources these reps consider credible.

As online obscenity and pornography consumption have increased, so too has violence towards women. Overall volume of human trafficking has increased and is now the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world. Child pornography is on the rise as one of the fastest-growing online businesses with an annual revenue over $3 billion. The United States has nearly 50% of all commercialized child pornography websites. Pornography is ubiquitous in our culture and our children are being exposed at younger ages. Nine in every ten boys under the age of 18 have seen porn. Children are struggling with pornography addiction.

The letter [PDF] reminds Bill Barr of his anti-porn roots and suggests he all but killed the industry nearly 30 years ago before the next administration decided fighting CHILD porn might be a better use of the DOJ’s resources.

There’s a moral panic to be had here. Not a new one, mind you. This moral panic has resulted in multiple states buying what these moralists-posing-as-researchers are selling, as well as the UK’s multiple failed attempts to mandate some sort of porn filtration system for the nation.

It begins with some dubious claims and gets stupider from there:

The Internet and other evolving technologies are fueling the explosion of obscene pornography by making it more accessible and visceral. This explosion in pornography coincides with an increase in violence towards women and an increase in the volume of human trafficking as well as child pornography. Victims are not limited to those directly exploited, however, and include society writ large. This phenomenon is especially harmful to youth, who are being exposed to obscene pornography at exponentially younger ages.

There has been no increase in violence against women. The number of reported rapes has been declining for four decades straight. So have other forms of violence, including intimate partner homicide. Correlation is not causation, as we all know, but attempting to correlate the increasing accessibility of porn with an “increase in violence” that doesn’t actually exist is a whole new level of intellectual dishonesty. The rest of the paragraph is deliberately vague, invoking some sort of existential threat the actual facts don’t back up. And sooner or later, someone’s going to need to be writing angry letters to the DOJ because fetuses are being exposed to porn, if the “exponentially younger ages” trend continues.

More honestly, this Gang of Four reminds AG Barr that none other than the President himself promised to wipe out porn. The “Children’s Internet Safety Policy” was signed by Trump in 2016, a few months before he was elected. It was crafted by Enough Is Enough, a non-profit warmly regarded by Fight The New Drug. The “pledge” included footnotes that complete the circular reasoning loop, citing the number of “public health crisis” declarations by state legislatures that groups like Enough Is Enough and Fight The New Drug pushed for and co-wrote as evidence of porn’s ability to upset the public health apple cart.

It’s all very stupid and the worst kind of virtue signalling. Unfortunately, it’s also likely to grab Barr’s attention. It’s not even subtle about its intentions to give Barr something he would love to run with because it’s just the sort of thing Barr would love to run with. It opens with “we write to you out of concern for the rule of law,” for fuck’s sake, which is Barr’s thing. No one loves the “rule of law” more than this blue-backing, encryption-threatening, civilian-bullying loudmouth, so this is basically saying the things he’s probably already thinking.

AG Barr has never been too concerned about what the Constitution says his agency can and can’t do. The First Amendment implications of running with this half-assed idea will be shrugged off as well. If Barr wants a war, he can have one. It just won’t be the war he expects.

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hij (profile) says:

Which yahoo sent this one.....

Thank goodness. Every time one of these articles comes up I keep whispering under my breath, "Please do not include my Congressperson." For once I can read one of these things and not feel implicated by the actions of my own representative.

Now I am off to twitter to insure those feelings are washed by the fresh, constant breeze of his unceasing rantings….

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Confederacy of Dunces

Like all crime stats, “bad” behavior is gendered male, as is porn use.

Thankfully, thats changing, as the LGBTEtc. crowd, and hetero-alternative men and women have moved the sex ball forward.

Now, some studies report that women use MORE porn than men:

Unfortunately though, that relic of “catching” men wanking it since Hoovers FBI persists, partly because sexual shame is a powerful tool of blackmail and conformity; and partly because men are to cowardly to fess up to normal urges.

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Uriel-238 (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Men and normal urges

A great portion of our teens are still taught by parents, teachers, churches and sex-ed classes that if they are too horny they’re somehow perverse.

Considering my own high libido when I was a teen (and by all observations my experience in this regard is not atypical), it surprises me that we insist on trying to teach pubescent teens grammar and mathematics when every fiber of their being wants to be rutting in the fields. Worse yet, we pretend like these impulses don’t exist and punish our kids for expressing them.

The Christian stranglehold on western culture for a millennium-and-a-half has really done a number on us when it comes to sexual health.

Not that I’d usually prescribe anything from Brave New World but treating sex as a hygiene thing, whether via sexbots, drugs or support circles, Huxley may be onto something.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Men and normal urges

Very well said.

Right. I live in a society where first graders have books where not only is basic (cartoon) anatomy presented, but also the rudimentary basics of how the sperm meets the egg, which makes them.into people.

And, example after example demonstrates that most parents do not shame or abuse the kids when they experiment with each others bits and bytes, in fact, its generally accepted that these things are necessary steps in a childs natural growth.

So, theres no mystery to it, no all knowing Panoptical sex-spotter, or sex-shaming intercessor in the deal, and I will wager, fewer exploited children, although no society is perfect.

As a result, sex is an open secret even into adulthood, and the availability of sex, sex education, and sex aids, and other pleasures are plentiful for adults.

I am not deluded thinking that only christians have these hangups, and am well aware of the travesty and plague of sexual abuse in Muslim and Jewish communities too, which is thankfully coming to light especially in New Yorks insular orthodox communities.

Only the western mystery cult religion dominated societies and their kindred in the ME have these as signature sexual problems, and the attendant perversions that results from repression (rampant violence, and toxic masculinity/toxic femininity, for example).

But this idea of sexual health as a hygiene issue didnt originate with Huxley, because it has been around for millenia, since the Greeks, etc.

What wasnt around was our ability to access information, and the ability to reassess history, and see ethno/ego/religio-centric christian and other orthodox breeder culture for what it is.

That said, yes, sexuality is a hygiene issue, regardless of Huxley. In fact, Huxley appears to be a sort of pseudo futurism based on eugenics, rather than an acknowlegement of the necessary life function of sex.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Confederacy of Dunces

Did I mention that I have a neocon/“Christ in Culture” flagger brigade that follows me online?

Anyways, yeah, many studies note that women are happily, and freely enjoying porn, sometimes AS MUCH OR MORE than men and boys:

The breeder cults want boys and girls ignorant, and pregnant at all times, because their version of a (depleted uranium dropping, baby bombing, nuclear-bomb-centered) society literally depends on it.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


what gives them the right to stop others?

Their belief that being [Republicans/Christians/take your pick] gives them the right to make their beliefs the law. Well, that’s what they would say, anyway. (Hint: It doesn’t. Not for them or anybody else.)

I bet if I looked at their voting histories during their time in public office, they’d all have at least some record of bias against either LGBT rights, abortion rights, or the separation of church and state.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

Just like anyone against drugs just isn’t cool.

That’s right! Fucking squares are all about personal responsibility when it comes to abortion.

But we can’t be trusted to exercise personal responsibility when it comes to porn.

Keep your vice bullshit in your church. And while you’re at it, tell those morality preaching pieces of shit to start paying taxes if they want me to give a shit about what they consider "vice."

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Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Re:

" Yeah, that was also the EXACT problem with the last holy war in Iraq. No one expressed religious sentiments indeed."

Did I just see someone run an actual analogy between the issue of women speaking up against people of privilege abusing said women…and an actual war?

Yeah, you know, I think your argument is such ripe bullshit i can smell it through the monitor. the #MeToo-movement carried no dearth of actual court cases where guilt was proven. Assholes who had been known use their positions to abuse, assault and rape for decades when all the women who were afraid to speak finally spoke up.

And not a single one of the victims either brought up religion or had it as part of their background in the investigations.

Quite unlike that certain war you refer to where both sides kept claiming that it was a crusade.


Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

Gretchen Carlson, and a few other high powered women of that movement have clearly espoused a neocon/conservative/dominionist religion based narrative of women generally, and of social custom specifically.

And that, usually some 5-30 years after they derived massive capital from their oppressors, by exploiting themselves as objects of sexual beauty.

In this regard, it mirrors the Madonna/whore complex that many western women endure/bring upon themselves via complicity, as well as directly miroring the Roman era of Caligula, and mystery religious cults and sects of christianity operative from that time forwards.

Specifically, cults of Isis, cum Virgin Mary. Its very well orchestrated, follows a clear historical pattern, and has basis in religious theory and practice.

Religion preserves itself through occulted and occluded power bases, and metoo is one such case.

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Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Re:

So your specific conspiracy theory is that MeToo was based on women carefully bringing abuse on themselves only to then mass-orchestrate a global legal assault in a coordinated effort worthy of the Kirov ballet?

And you back this up with a conspiracy theory quack website called…wait for it…the "Temple of the illuminati"?

Yeah. I call bullshit. Hanlon’s razor gives the answer that a bunch of privileged rich people with enough influence to frighten a rape victim from speaking up finally hit the critical point where the flood of angry victims burst the dam.

So…other than your assumption that the women of the world are united in a pseudoreligious organization aimed to carry out a plan of female supremacy, do you have any similarly interesting works of freehand fiction to show us?

You get my "funny" vote at least. Stale misogynism though it may be it was, at the very least, more entertaining than the usual tripe we get from the usual alt-right trolls here.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:6 Re:

Yeah, that all sounds great coming from someone who lives in a monastery.

And anyone who would call me a massage-a-vaginist is clinical. But most importantly, such people would deserve my scorn, and the scorn of the women who love and respect me (a few of whom have EVEN twaddled my weiner once or twice throughout my lifetime, like a Yanomamo handshake).

Indeed, anyone who would say I hate women deserves only hate, and shame.

I want that kind of woman to hate me, and save me the trouble of calling out her whiteness, her middle-classness, and her gender privilege.

But i never said that the women of the world are united in a pseudoreligious organization in any context. In fact, there are many splinter groups, and those often compete for donations.

And, many men, especially white christian/Mormon/other religion/evangelicals are behind the movement, hiding behind their missies.

You are barely worth responding to as a do-nothing couch potato loon (I am guessing your monastery has a couch, but maybe its all benches and kneeling boards and self flagellation equiptment).

So, yeah, enjoy the crackpot link because I have provided link after link that you have not adressed in any substance, EVER, on many topics spanning years. You dont Bunbury in Earnest, but rather twiddle your keyboard like a pacifier.

Links such as the link below to my friend and long time correspindent Norma Jean Almodovar, who nearly single handedly became the primary activist that brought down last generations gangs of police in LAPD*alongside Rodney King.

So who the fuck are you anyways?

Like myself and others, NJ has fought these religious #savethewiminz quacks and twatstoppers online AND offline for years/decades, and she-like myself and others (Maggie McNeill for one example) know both sides of the issue, her having sat in on UN forums, and more, and me having debated these shitbags (and researched their tentacles of associations)all over the net and met them in meatspace too for decades.

We know who they are, and can name their board chairmans, and even provide snapshots of their donors and donor lists.

But even that wouldnt sway a Marble Heavy Bag of deadweight like you, no matter what evidence I/they/anyone else provides, because you are infected with gendered narrative and glaring bias, and agenda.

So, yeah, the Save the whores/porn stars/whatever NGOs and their online spin doctors are indeed what and who I say they are; and saving #thewimmins is BIG BUSINESS.

You gender the picture as women only, which is a problem. I have known men and women on both sides of this, and for decades. I have known all levels of people who have contact with them,including male,and female prostitutes; and met the online former prostitutes,who the online troll farms, many directed from womens shelters, and church basements.

Metoo is thinly veiled religion, designed to hold women unnaccountable for their own actions; and to render them as hapless victims, heavily reliant on one sided gendered narrative, rather than actual victims of their own lack of character.

As I said repeatedly, equality depends on accountability, and you/them have neither, becausecyou seek religious privilege, and conversion.

Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:7 Re:

"Yeah, that all sounds great coming from someone who lives in a monastery."

My chosen nick is an acronym…just in case you decided to pull large levers of the words making it up.

"But i never said that the women of the world are united in a pseudoreligious organization in any context. In fact, there are many splinter groups, and those often compete for donations."

The poster "METHREE" certainly indicated that, and that was the one I was responding to.

"You are barely worth responding to as a do-nothing couch potato loon (I am guessing your monastery has a couch, but maybe its all benches and kneeling boards and self flagellation equiptment)."

Still better than someone who apparently just admitted he was using sock puppets to post on the forum. But hey, thanks for the lukewarm burn attempt.

"So, yeah, enjoy the crackpot link because I have provided link after link that you have not adressed in any substance, EVER, on many topics spanning years. You dont Bunbury in Earnest, but rather twiddle your keyboard like a pacifier."

Since I haven’t been debating this issue lately and certainly not for years on end all you do is come up as a gibbering maniac barking up the wrong tree. But feel free to scream in hysterics, at random, it surely sounds like you need it.

"But even that wouldnt sway a Marble Heavy Bag of deadweight like you, no matter what evidence I/they/anyone else provides, because you are infected with gendered narrative and glaring bias, and agenda."

Oh, well done. Unlike our normal troll haunting these forums you seem to be relatively inventive in your baseless ad hom.

Which still doesn’t amount to much given that the specific phenomenon of #MeToo that I weighed in on has a slew of not only successful accusations but also convictions and confessions.

I’m guessing you and your fictitious friend somehow peg that to mean that every courtroom is in the hands of the great conspiracy guided out of the illuminati. And that it’s somehow Big Business to come up with more court cases? To whom? Lawyers?

"Metoo is thinly veiled religion, designed to hold women unnaccountable for their own actions; and to render them as hapless victims, heavily reliant on one sided gendered narrative, rather than actual victims of their own lack of character."


The people who went down for their actions due to #MeToo were people who felt free to rape and abuse because they were untouchable in the fiefdoms they owned. NO ONE would believe Bill Cosby drugged and raped dozens – because his company and managers covered everything up with a judicious application of money and blackmail. Weinstein was untouchable among his peers, and got away with anything because the price of accusation was any chance of a continued career.

"As I said repeatedly, equality depends on accountability, and you/them have neither, becausecyou seek religious privilege, and conversion."

No, what you have repeatedly said, at least in this thread alone, is that unless a woman is strong enough to risk jettisoning the rest of her life by accusing the untouchables they don’t even deserve to weep.

…and as for "religious privilege", it appears you aren’t following these forums all that well, or you’d have seen at least ONE of my comments on where the religious can stick their imaginary creepy old invisible stalker who somehow personifies universal love by condemning everyone who doesn’t blindly believe in him to hell.

Nice diatribe but given that you somehow condensed every critic you had into my humble person and then decided to respond on my criticism aimed at one of your sock puppets with an almost completely fact-free wordwall of bile I think i’ll give you 1 out of 5 turds for your troll attempt alone.

In case you were even halfway serious however, my advice is to seek help.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


Feminists and #metoo disagree with this.

They likely disagree with the idea that the number of all rapes and sexual assaults is lower. The number of reported rapes/sexual assaults may have gone down, but that loses a lot of meaning when you know that not everyone reports being raped/sexually assaulted.

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:


The games themselves are not doing anything. But when we add poluce, intel agents, miutary contractors interacting with teens via games, yeah, the games are then linked to mass shootings.

William Atchison the New Mexico shooter was gangstalked online and off before he went ballistic. He was in contact with both British intel, and the Kiwi farms psyop.

And in many other strange cases too games were a factor, including the so-called Incel movement car crashers, etc. That “movement” was unironically started by a woman.

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

The keen reader will note that I have a neocon/“Christ in Culure” flagger brigade that follows my posts.

And, these types whoever they are sure hate it when I document the FACT that nearly all mass shooters were cyberstalked online before those events.

William Atchisson, a confused teen from New Mexico is just one of dozens of examples:

This causes me, the researcher to ask who are they that are doing this, and why arent they investigated and prosecuted?

I.mean, whoever they are

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:…

The games themselves are not doing anything. But when we add police, intel agents, miutary contractors interacting with teens via games, yeah, the games are then linked to mass shootings.

William Atchison the New Mexico shooter was gangstalked online and off before he went ballistic. He was in contact with both British intel, and the Kiwi farms psyop, which remains online today, long after his own Socmed was deleted.

And in many other strange cases too games were a factor, including the so-called Incel movement car crashers, etc. That “movem

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Re:

How can you tell they’re trying to crash the car? Maybe they’re racing or trying to evade something. I guess if they admit they’re trying to crash the car instead of doing something completely different it’s obvious.

Some driving patterns could look pretty weird if you didn’t know the exact reason for it.

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Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

"The same could be said of trends in violent crime and the rising number of violent video games on the market."

The correlation would have to be on the amount of games sold and/or utilized for that to imply causation. Not how many are on the market.

When it comes to porn there’s a fairly direct link to increased availability lowering both assault/abuse cases AND increasing the proportion of reported abuse.

It’s not exactly rocket science that providing both a harmless outlet/vent for the sexually frustrated and de-stigmatizing sexuality will prove beneficial.

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:2 RaaaaaaaaPEE!


Rape threats from an AC online. How original.

And, another ROGS Bingo. So, lets escalate, m’kay?

And, I hear THEY can actually get your IP here, and hunt you down, and put an icepick through both of your eyes too, while YOUR intestines bleed out YOUR asshole, while YOU eat them.

I bet your horny now, you sick, threatening fuck

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: MeToo is neoconservative

Metoo is a total end around due process rights, designed by the various church networks and Its for the Wimminz® NGOs to create a false illusion of empowered women, while rakung in cash.

It is not feminism, it is the cooption of feminism by nefarious sects and cults working in the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC).

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

yeah, bro, yeah.


Nice try with the batshit craycray Hebrew Israelites provocation

I wonder if Masnick knows how many cowardly private contractors/Alphabet agency trolls use his forum to do exactly all of the illicit provocation and other CVE shit that he writes about?

That said, the recent Pensacola shooter was being cyber-stalked and harassed by actual current and former FBI/Mossad agents before AND after he filed a sexual harrassment complaint against an instructor there.

The specific harassment was regarding his pornstache/porn stash, and he had to endure that harassment from April-December.

America is such a nice, free place for terrorism manufacturers. Its the only manufacturing industry that thrives there.

And another ROGS BINGO

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:3 MeToo is neoconservative

You seem to have an obsession with hiding facts, and never address substance.

I hope a flaming unicorn falls from the sky, bounces into your mothers basement, and then explodes in your ass.

Is that a threat too/

Just do it. You know you dont matter to anyone-you know you think about it sometimes.

Just do it.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Your rubber and glue fixation

You started as a tone trolling flagging asshole, and ended as one, never asserted facts/cited evidence/engaged with the material.

Any single incelled moron will see it.

I hope that a flock of Angry Birds accosts you in your shower. Go ahead, just do it. You know you like Angry Birds.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6 Your rubber and glue fixation

Let’s see, first I had an obsession with hiding facts, and never addressed substance but now I am a tone trolling flagging asshole who never asserted facts/cited evidence or engaged with the material.

Wow, those are some astonishing accomplishments.
Are you admitting to being what some refer to as a single incelled moron?

Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Re:

"Of course, there are definitely Sex-positive feminists."

Somehow people who forget that tend to have missed the women’s liberation movement as well.

I believe some trustworthy statistics have women as being 35% of the largest porn and sex toy consumers which is why to an increasing degree porn producers are finding themselves having to adapt to a dual-gendered audience.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

Very few women direct "porn." Most of that stuff is washed-up porn stars making crappy PG-13 videos long after they should have retired. They’ve so flooded the market with garbage that the free tube sites are cannibalizing the industry to the point where most "porn" (erotica) is just a calling card for a prostitute.

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Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: dead men

"But of that sexual deviance, we see that some gender feminists fantasize quite openly about violence directed at men, and violence in general."

Your use of the word "deviance" is a non-positive tell. Use the word "kink".

And for both women and men the rule when it comes to any fiction is that it includes situations you’d NEVER want to be in in reality. That’s how imagination works.

Unless you can tell me you’d actually WANT to be in a real version of a horror or action movie I don’t think you have a good case arguing against what some women hypothetically use as wank material either.

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:2 dead men

Well, I use deviance deliberately in the clinical sense of the word, drawn from the original sex-neg Jewish-christian psychology confabulation.

But I could only agree with your horror film analogy if it wasnt so correlated with the bully personaluty, or the police personality, and police brutality directed at the poor and the black and the unfortunate in America.

Police, military, and private contractors and their troll armies online frequently adopt the nyms of horror film characters as they stalk and harrass people online and off.

The Punisher, Freddy Kreuger, and other such allusions are common.

Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 dead men

"But I could only agree with your horror film analogy if it wasnt so correlated with the bully personaluty, or the police personality, and police brutality directed at the poor and the black and the unfortunate in America."

You need to look up the phenomenon of bullying and bigotry, i think. There’s enough written about it. A similarly big number of bigots and bullies see themselves as the persona of batman and superman as well – or as you said, The Punisher, the vigilante who does good by killing evil people.
And let’s not mention every household tyrant who gets a kick out of beating his wife and children while feeling that in doing so he’s beating the devil right out of them, just to get the religious angle in as well.

A bigot and harasser getting a power trip out of assaulting another will use whatever meme they conveniently find.

There are plenty of psych studies made on the effects of horror and action. The hypothesis that imagination material conjures up evil intent has been VERY conclusively overturned by now.

Your intended correlation is deeper flawed than that though. A lot of people like horror and action movies while hating the idea of actually experiencing something like it. That is how imagination works.

Porn is no different which is why one psychologist after another has noted that rape fantasies, vore, and any number of other kinks out there are a thing for both genders in people who would be horrified and traumatized over actually going through such experiences in real life.

There is no debate around that, and never was.

The only ones still trying to parrot the long-debunked notion that imagination correlates to behavior in anyone other than the already disturbed is the crowd most concerned with "subjective" morality, usually as described by some religious book or other.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:4 dead men

You are simply wrong.

And your comment is totally evidence free, not a single citation.

re:There are plenty of psych studies made on the effects of horror and action


I study bullies aplenty. And, I study police who are bullies. Its what I do.

In fact, in psychology, its almost forbidden to discuss police deviance and “the police personality” is especially verbotten. But its what I do.

You might have noticed that I write about it nearly every day, the strange reality of organized gang stalking, aka bullying by police, aka “high policing.”

Over two hundred people from all over the world read what I write every single day. So, yeah, theres that.

Here, have a look at my most recent favorite bully, Joe "The Boston Barbarian” Barboza, the FBIs first protected witness, who murdered while in the witness protection program, and who single handedly gave control of Boston to Whitey Bulger and the FBI gang that ran the city, where over 50 more murders piled up on their shift:

Try not to forget that psychological profiles differ across cultures and that when dealing with socio or psycopaths, profiles dont fit the profile.

So, you can yak on, niggle and quibble, and maybe even cite some study about teenagers and horror films, but you are just plain wrong.

I have rubbed shoulders with the types I,write about, and read the studies too. And you are just plain wrong.

Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5 dead men

"And your comment is totally evidence free, not a single citation. re:There are plenty of psych studies made on the effects of horror and action Citation?"

You want a citation on what is ubiquitous observable fact? The existence of roller-coasters and the thriving industry of horror movies is, to you, an indication of masochists being a significant proportion of humanity? If that’s the case, seek help.

In the unlikely event that it was an honest question I recommend the university of Pittsburgh and the work done by Dr. Margee Kerr. she has a TED talk on youtube about it if you’re interested.

For a more specific and far more dry breakdown on the biochemistry of fear you might want to read "The biology of Fear", available on NCBI and Current Biology.

"I study bullies aplenty. And, I study police who are bullies. Its what I do."

And yet that has absolutely no bearing on whether imagination has little to no correlation between peoples desires in reality. Cops who bully people do so because they are on a power trip. Not because they think they are being <insert hero name here>.

Bullies come up with whatever fantasy fits their bill AFTER they’ve started their power trip, and MAY try to use their fantasy to justify themselves, if it goes that far. No bully ever thought "Hey, I’m Freddy Krueger" and THEN decided to push people around.

"Here, have a look at my most recent favorite bully, Joe "The Boston Barbarian” Barboza, the FBIs first protected witness, who murdered while in the witness protection program…"

No dispute there. But what, if anything, does that have to do with the fact that what people imagine is not what they would like to see in reality? If anything the biography of Barboza only has ME convinced that although I’d enjoy a documentary or horror movie about him I’d truly hate to live in his actual neighborhood.

"So, you can yak on, niggle and quibble, and maybe even cite some study about teenagers and horror films, but you are just plain wrong. I have rubbed shoulders with the types I,write about, and read the studies too. And you are just plain wrong."

Only if you move the goal posts until they’re in the next city.
Sociopaths and psychopaths with violent tendencies are always, invariably, on a simple power trip. Not a single one ever has as functional basis that they started out killing people while imagining they were Jason.

If this is the type of studies you do, I can only suggest you need to read your Popper again. If anything it resembles the flawed logic used by the religious when they try to pin violent crimes on modern media and culture.

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JoeCool (profile) says:

Selective memory

Nine in every ten boys under the age of 18 have seen porn.

Gee, what a selective memory these people have. This is no different than any other period in history. Back in the 70s, I’d say this figure was 99 in 100. Despite not having the internet, porn was easy for boys to get. I probably saw my first Playboy at 9 or 10. Every boy I’ve ever known has seen pornography before age 12, much less 18. How is it any more a "danger" now that it was then? Somehow, kids today are somehow at risk where their parents and their parents and all other elders somehow weren’t.

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Uriel-238 (profile) says:

Re: Nine in every ten boys

The real crisis is that porn is our default sex-ed, since even allegedly comprehensive sex-ed in our schools is sparse and doesn’t cover basics like consent. But then abstinence-only sex-ed remains epidemic which works as well as Just Say No To Drugs campaign.

I wonder if that 10% of non-porn-consuming teens are the LGBT+ and asexuals.

ECA (profile) says:

Dear idiotic reps..

I love your mentality.. REALLY love the idea of, "Im right everyone else is wrong." ideals..
You think you are the ‘Christian’ sole of the world..
Lets ask the other 40+ Christian groups around the world, that you have never seen/talked to/asked/ or anything else.. BEFORE you run amok and thing you are RIGHT on any subject of how to protect the world.

Let me suggest only 1 thing. Temptation was put here for a reason. You are NOT the judge of anyone or anything, it even says that in the bible. DO NOT JUDGE..
You may express your concerns, but you may not LIVE the life of the other and condemn them…And why many states no longer KILL MURDERERS..think hard before you instill your Concepts of CHRISTIANITY on others…Or we can do the same to you, and call you MUSLIM…

ECA (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Dear idiotic reps..

it dont do any good, as I write in txt only..
And if you understand how language works, I write it as simple as possible. As the English/american/canadian/anglo saxon language is a composite language..
We grab other words and punctuation from others, and Smear them into ours and try to use those rules over the original..
There are few words that are equal, the same from 1 language to another, and most times they dont even mean the same. If you wish I could convert this and use punctuation from other languages..Would you like that.. Or even simpler, plane Flat simple txt, with none. Try reading No punctuation..thats alwasy fun and entertaining.
Reading txt or any form has little to no Mood, it is very hard to express How another person is trying to Express something, unless you Know that person, no the dedication they have for saying something specific.
I could print 1 word here, and you would have to goto a dictionary to find 1 of ### meaning for that word and try to decide what the hell Im trying to say, let alone how Im expressing it. Wouldlove to say Other words as Curses, and you would never know, or understand How Im expressing them..
a teacher of mine in drama use to scream ‘shostakovich’, and unless you understood the situation(which you cant, when not there)(or unless explained), you wouldnt know he was cussing. Never a dirty word, never a Curse, never in vain.. It takes more to write and express, HOW, this is…then it is to see him do it once, and Drop a hammer, holding his hand.

Good luck.

ECA (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Dear idiotic reps..

Old English was first written in runes (futhorc) but shifted to a (minuscule) half-uncial script of the Latin alphabet introduced by Irish Christian missionaries[2] from around the 8th century. The Latin spellings include some conventions associated with the Italian alphabet, such as hard vs. soft c, g, and sc. This was replaced by Insular script, a cursive and pointed version of the half-uncial script. This was used until the end of the 12th century when continental Carolingian minuscule (also known as Caroline) replaced the insular.

Pick one…Figure out a standard for english..

Anonymous Coward says:

RE war on whatever

You would think we could win one war since WWII. Korea: tie, Vietnam: loss, war on poverty: loss, war on drugs: loss, war on crime: Loss, Mid-east and Afghanistan: in overtime.
( I guess you could technically count Grenada and Panama as scrimmage wins )

So now a war on porn?

I keep waiting for that extinction event asteroid strike, cancer is too slow.

utah says:

Re: RE war on whatever

Well a big difference is that ww2 had a very definitive endpoint to determine victory and the enemy was easy to identify. All the other wars don’t have an easy to identify enemy combatant and endpoint terms. It’s easy to fight flesh and blood, hard to impossible to fight ideas, and impossible to force others (including members of ypur own country) to 100% stop what only you care about.

The only way to get people to stop having vices is to get them to not want the vice themselves anymore. It cant be forced or you will always fail, or at least completed in a time that anyone else has to live on this earth.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:2 If only

For the record? Female privilege is now, and has been a monarchist construct since Queen Victoria.


Gendering sexual violence, rape, and coercive conduct only EMPOWERS the most hideous elements of our society, while TOTALLY OBLITERATING insight into our generations culture war crimes.

So, yeah, the Great Iraqi Child Obliteration, aka Jewish-christian Holy War, aka Iraq War, was, like, a real thing.


✔black men victimized with eugenic criminal labels, AND PRISON RAPE because of CIA drug programs/etc.
✔the racialized narrative of prisons, with academics, and forensic psychologists actually experimenting on coerced subjects
✔the engendering of sociopathy/psychopathy as male, which has provably seen children murdered via religion tainted misdiagnosis of female offenders (Jennifer Hart, who killed six adopted kids last year)
✔the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) and two tiered America, where only the wealthy can possibly be-in your words-speaking up against people of privilege abusing said women…and an actual war

You primarily seem to fail to notice (possibly due to your own superstitions about Catholic monasteries, or maybe, white female privilege)that


Primarily targets Jewish and black men, occasionally nailing a few Catholics and others like Roy Moore, who never suffer heavy penalties, unlike the Weinsteins, Epsteins, or the black Cosby.

Seeing patterns yet, shitbag?

But, I do want to see Ghislaine Maxwell grilled like a tuna slice, if only so that we could then view the Jewish-Catholic-Protestant-CIA/FBI/MOSSAD thingy in its full, female gendered glory.

Equality requires exposure, then, accountability.

Sigmund FR/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:4 If only

For the record, TDs moderation/flag brigade has some extremely interesting practices, more interesting results.

Yeah, odd how my comments sometimes show up underneath the wrong post. Or posts that appear flagged get unflagged after I respond.

Maybe YOU can explain that better than me, I dont have a free pass to MITs Psyops Training Center, or TDs Inside Circle.

Meanwhile, maybe this bullshit mind reading software from YET ANOTHER Israeli Svengali can distract you from your purpose in life, which is apparently reading everything I write (I do appreciate your support).

ProPublica Takes a Sheit On Yet Another Israeli Spooks Magic Ponerology Machine

Avinoam Sapir’s Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN)program has put innocent Americans and others in prison for decades. With little irony, a lot of them are black males.

Let me know when you start seeing patterns, AC.

Anonymous Coward says:

Violence torwards woman only is an absolute bias these few make claims for. My first memories in life at two years old is of a fifteen year old adolescent girl babysitter using my tiny screaming facing as a vibrator pushed squarely into her naked crotch. Woman abuse men as much if not more than the new world order would lead everyone to believe.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

I don’t hate women, on the contrary, but I despise courts pushing this narrative in order to neuter the male population all for conjuring convictions and forcing couples out of their relationships because of an emotional outburst that people have. Later just pushing the woman who was supposedly abused aside once the convictions are achieved usually by coercion through threats.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

It is part of a UN new world order agenda to strip male population of their once dominant position in society by playing up to women now in a courtroom, and they do show pity or false empathy toward abused women to a fault. Once they obtain a conviction against men for domestic violence, whether or not it was just, they throw the women they pretend to be oh so concerned for aside. End of issue move on.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

"courts pushing this narrative in order to neuter the male population"

I have heard of the alleged chemical castrations, but I had not heard of the actual removal of the testicles, in the us. Perhaps you have a story to link?

Emotional outburst? Was it violent? Maybe you think slapping your SO around a bit is ok?

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

I’d suggest that you’re giving the porn industry far more credit than they actually deserve here.

On the one hand porn made it easier to enforce copyright in that the nature of its content meant that people were likelier to be shamed or scared into settling. But on the other, it also meant that when people did speak out, the plaintiffs were viewed much less sympathetically.

I’d say the involvement of porn made things worse, not better for copyright. The tactics employed by Malibu Media and Strike 3 weren’t any different from the kinds used by the RIAA years ago. But it was precisely the idea that people were being intimidated that prompted judges to pay attention to the piss-poor standards of evidence used by the same evidence-gathering companies.

Scrutiny is not something porn wants in general. Scrutiny is something that copyright enforcement wants even less. And they got a heaping helping of the stuff because they decided strange bedfellows made for exceptional allies. They chose… poorly.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

Under his "Whatever" pseudonym, John Smith claimed that sports organizations had a legitimate anti-fair use claim against animated GIFs of winning goals in soccer matches. He argued that the only part that mattered of any soccer game was the goals, so reposting footage of those goals violated copyright law… never mind that if a few seconds of footage can replace a 90 minute sequence there is something seriously wrong with your business model.

In that vein, it makes sense why John Smith is vigorously against fair use. The contribution of porn to any "useful progress" is debatable. Stream sites now even have places where you can skip the buildup and jump to the significant junctures of intercourse like a skipping menu of a DVD. You have Malibu Media to thank for that after they pursued a case in Germany so atrociously, not only did they not win the case, they managed to get the judge to rule that porn was no longer deserving of copyright protection.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

And they certainly haven’t been stopping school administrators from gathering all the sexting evidence they could gather.

Now that they have the world’s largest porn archive ever, and have grown bored with that, now they are coming after the money from the world’s porn loving population. Its a no brainer!

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Toom1275 (profile) says:

so too has violence towards women. Overall volume of human trafficking has increased and is now the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world. Child pornography is on the rise as one of the fastest-growing online businesses with an annual revenue over $3 billion. The United States has nearly 50% of all commercialized child pornography websites.

If those senators really cared about these issues as much as they pretend to, they’d never have voted for FOSTA.

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R/O/G/S says:

Five Lies (and the Liars Who Tell Them) About Porn, debunked by

Neocon/Prohibitionist/religion sponsored Abolitionism of all kinds is on the rise in the west, as the religious realize that the kids no longer believe the lies that hold western society together.

On the other hand, we see the big business of church based troll farms from third world countries full of newly minted christians and “saved” prostitutes waging online troll wars over the west, to #savethewimminz.

And, setting up quite a few porn stash honeypots too.

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Mel Feezens says:

It sounds to me like there is a rise in the sales of child porn produced by non-connected agents, that is cutting into the profits of American Billionaires once again. Like the war on drugs, this new legislation would make things right; American billionaires could once again use the law to eliminate the competition by individuals who are not part of the Club, and thus lower the availability of child porn on-line, that will result in returning exclusivity and allow for the raising of Billionaire Club produced child porn prices, by making child porn more difficult to get. In other words, Standard Fascist Operating Procedures.

dickeyrat says:

Whether blatantly intentional or not, in this we see the first step toward eventual tight government control over what can or cannot be published. This will of course gravitate to political views, and official delineation between the approved and the disapproved. The overall move will fulfill a certain goal of the pending 15-20 year-long Blump dictatorship, which will itself begin to take hold in January 2021, to the utter squealing delight of the huge number of people too stupid not to worship his fat ass. Kiss Democracy goodbye, it’s on its way out the door.

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R/O/G/S says:

re: Anti-porn crusaders lies debunked

Five Lies (and the Liars Who Tell Them) About Porn, debunked by

Neocon/Pro hibitionist/religion sponsored Abolitionism of all kinds is on the rise in the west, as the religious realize that the kids no longer believe the lies that hold western society together.

On the other hand, we see the big business of church based troll farms from third world countries full of newly minted christians and “saved” prostitutes waging online troll wars over the west, to #savethewimminz.

And, setting up quite a few porn stash honeypots too.

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Roger Jeremy says:

What often gets missed in the anti-porn, anti-prostitution crusader and free speech debates, is the religious backgrounds of the Crusaders, and how western religions proselytize from behind NGOs.

And, the backdoor bipartisan nature of that outreach cant be missed either, as we see Hillary Clintons initiatives tied with GWBush in these #savethewimminz campaigns; or how their operatives are state department affilliated.

Its ALSO a major source of free money from political/church donors, as some of these NGOs are worth tens of millions.

The great porn and prostitution "stings” and other headline grabbing events of the last decades were all orchestrated by the bi-partisan NGOs, as well as much of the free online porn distribution networks being just classic IC honeypots.

Here is just one organization that does it, headed by a GW appointee, but supported by Clinton, et al:

Its all a continuation of CIA programs around the world that began in the 1950s. First, we rape ‘em, then we save ’em.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

I know of at least 10 nonprofits that would shut them down if possible.

Unless they are removing children from sexual exploitation, and not stopping adults from legal sexual activity, I would consider them just as criminal as the people they are claiming to "help".

Also, from what I know about their interpretation of religion, the satanic temples practice things closer to what Jesus actually taught.

Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

"I know of at least 10 nonprofits that would shut them down if possible."

Plenty of nonprofits started with good intent and for good reason…
…but most of the loudest ones are indeed run mainly as part of religious movements these days. The sensible ones usually trying to debate and argue rationally where the alternatives scream and rage.

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:


Pro-sex/sex-pos/free agent prostitution feminists have an uphill battle against the corpirate and NGO fed media manipulating perception online, and causing bi-polarization and marginalization.

Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy (an avowed Marxist) is one such example of a feminist targeted by Twitter for questioning neocon dogma that disguises itself as the left, but there are many more.

The screamers and ragers are usually people with mental disorders, or hidden issues of unaddressed personal racism/isms unspecified, useful idiots for the ever-in-chaos model of the left.

Here below, an avowed anti-bigotry activist, Amanda Jabbour singles out a bi-racial couple for extra special racist harrassment:

The same pattern repeats, as we saw the worlds first domestic violence/womens shelter run by Erin Pizzey quickly filled with battered men; or Wendy McElroy pushed to the edges of mainstream (coopted) feminism.

Pizzey was later villified for discussing that fact, and meanwhile a multi-national, multi-billion dollar industry, the DVIC was built by suppressing facts like that.

Those who preach that the world can be tipped if we all push togeter in the same direction are usually the same people who strategically position themselves catching the coins that fall out of the worlds pockets as it rolls over.

Curious, tho, how it positions the women in the dead center, ripe for the neocon-dominionist sheeping, one generation after the next.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

Word to the wise: if you have the same icon next to your name (within the comments section for one Techdirt post), people can tell it’s the same person posting, R/O/G/S aka Roger Jeremy aka Camalla Harris aka METHREE aka Anonymous Coward.

Although it seems that you’ve managed to change your icon since then. Cleared your cookies? Different device?

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R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

Apparently you have me confused with Mr. Jeremy, and the former CA atty general, which is ok, cuz it throws off the easily triggered, chronic masturbators and incel nutjobs like you there at TDs moderation Fusion Center.

Also, it helps me demonstrate my main thesis about them, whoever they are, and how hard they work to limit, and control speech; but also how crybullying works in practice.

That said, I think Mr. Jeremy has some excellent points.

Do you want to address any of that, or are you just going to stew in your own incelibate panties.

Like I said up there, womens deviance is under-studied.

That said, then theres this:

Five Lies (and the Liars Who Tell Them) About Porn by

Neocon/Pro hibitionist/religion sponsored Abolitionism of all kinds is on the rise in the west, as the religious realize that the kids no longer believe the lies that hold western society together.

On the other hand, we see the big business of church based troll farms from third world countries full of newly minted christians and “saved” prostitutes waging online troll wars over the west, to #savethewimminz.

And, setting up quite a few porn stash honeypots too.

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Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Re:

"Pro-sex/sex-pos/free agent prostitution feminists have an uphill battle against the corpirate and NGO fed media manipulating perception online, and causing bi-polarization and marginalization."

That’s taking things all the way to conspiracy theory territory. The tinfoil hat is not a helpful accessory.

And it’s far simpler, in almost classical chomsky fashion. An NGO starts out to protect children from sex tourism. Outraged middle-aged puritan fanatics join up seeing it as a crusade worthier than afternoon bingo.

A decade later the message "save the children" has received the addendum "…from all sort of filth, and above all the teenagers we have at home".

There is no or little organization here, just a very tired and long-running parade of aged white men and women either outraged over other people violating whatever personal religious commitment they themselves hold dear, or outraged over the fact that the next generation threatens to have far more fun than they ever did without being punished over it.

So it’s mainly driven by religious hysteria and/or envy. And you don’t even need a conspiracy to keep it rolling because it’s such a visceral property of the negative parts of normal human reasoning.

Uriel-238 (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 "Far more fun than they ever did."

It bothers me that young adults in the late 2010s are having less sex than my generation did, and we were terrified of the HIV epidemic which curbed our libidos a bit.

It’s not just a matter of knowing that loneliness sucks, but also it’s demonstrating to be a dominant driver of radical nationalism and hate crime. The alt-right incel movement (as well as MGTOW, gamergaters and 4chan/b… probably over half of the alt-right subsets) are fueled by a vicious misogynous internal mythology that could be diluted by engaging with real-life women.

That might be a real reason to limit porn: As in Nineteen-Eighty-Four a lonely populace has a lot of pent-up frustration to channel into hatred.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:4 "Far more fun than they ever did."

My other comment is directed at SDM, not Uriel.

But yeah, right? Scaring kids,away from their own bodies, they become immune to empathy; even more immune to emotion itself

But I think you are in error on incels, etc., primarily because it was started by a woman; and theres next to no proof that the worst of that lot are in fact men.

Hatred of women online is as mythical as it is factual, because state sponsored propaganda frames the messages that we see/hear online, and the fed doles out billions per year to the PR industry, which itself is a virtual black budget.

And its not conspiratorial to state that the CIA/DHS etc. are highly invested in actual social engineering either.

Massagethevaginy is just one example, but there are more, and tribal-sectarian organizations are not merelyvcrafting nice messages, but they are ACTIVELY utilizing military grade programs to force/enforce those messages.

These programs range from Moonshot CVE to Palantir/Jigsaw/etc. These programs literally direct and redirect a persons thoughts and actions online.

And of those like Eliot Rodger and the kid in New Mexico, these are extreme outliers, not even a blip toward the Bell curve.

So, its naive to think that these are “organic” sentiments expressed by individuals, even more naive to overlook perception management online.

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

Do you even know any real whores?

Have you ever neen.involved in an NGO, or NGO related PR campaign?

I have, and so I will tell you again, you are wrong.

My friend, and long time correspondent Norma Jean Almodovar (who proudly wears the moniker whore nearly single handedly took down the last milleniums version of the corrupt factions of LAPD alongside Ridney King.

She would say that you are totally full of shit, but I am pretty sure she would give me the OK to speak for her in this case.


Not merely uninformed, or stupid, but clinical, and dead wrong.

You can ask her yourself if you doubt it

Scary Devil Monastery (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

"You can ask her yourself if you doubt it"

Thanks but I’ll pass, if for no other reason that someone who goes off the deep end while shouting in a way to make even Bobmail/Blue look somewhat sane on these forums isn’t a good reference to go with.

And I’m afraid that two people, no matter how convinced, aren’t going to validate a conspiracy theory involving…from what I could interpret…most of the western hemisphere…in order to somehow turn #MeToo and ECPAT into money generators for the illuminati.

Now if Cosby and weinstein hadn’t actually been guilty as fuck, alongside a few dozen of similar high-profile sexual predators, or if Asian and African hotspots (concerning ECPAT) hadn’t actually been riddled with sex tourism aimed at juveniles, then you might have had a point.

But it’s pretty clear that most NGO’s fighting trafficking and abuse started out with one very clear mission statement and then usually became way more concerned with the "moral" dimension of religious proscription only when it began having more members pursuing a religious agenda rather than a humanitarian one.

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Digitari says:

Porn, gay or straight

to the LBGTQ crowd, good thing your parents were straight huh?

otherwise you would not be here

Sex in it’s self is a basic human drive

without it NONE of us would be here.

to bad sex and love are not the same thing

but are confused as being so

to bad "some" relgious people think "if it feels good, it must be bad"

how do Muslims view porn anyway??

I’ve seen Hijab porn, but she quit becuase of death threats

everyone is a bully……..

R/O/G/S says:

Re: Porn, gay or straight

Hijab porn is an interesting topic. Much/most of it comes from Malaysia/Phillipines/Indonesisia, and those girls are brave as hell itself.

It is in these spaces where Jewish-christian "warriors” wage wars against women, in the thin disguise of saving/liberating them and


of course.

The reality tho, is that this ideological/theocratic Jewish-christian “war” enslaves these girls at another level, manipulating their vulnerability, fertility, and ignorance, and desperation.

Refer to the link about Gary Haugens NGO and IJM above for reference.

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