Fake ‘Pink Slime’ Propaganda Newspapers Surge Ahead Of Fall Election

from the I've-got-a-head-full-of-pudding dept

For decades, academics have been trying to warn anybody who’d listen that the death of your local newspaper and the steady consolidation of local TV broadcasters was creating either “news deserts,” or local news that’s mostly just low-calorie puffery and simulacrum. Despite claims that the “internet would fix this,” fixing local journalism just wasn’t profitable enough for the dipsy brunchlords that fail upward into positions of prominence at most media companies, so the internet… didn’t.

Those same academics will then tell you that the end result is an American populace that’s decidedly less informed and more divided, something that not only has a measurable impact on electoral outcomes, but paves the way for more state and local corruption (since fewer journalists are reporting on stuff like local city council meetings or local political decisions). It also opened the door to authoritarianism.

Every six months or so, a news report will emerge showing how all manner of political propagandists and bullshit artists have rushed to fill the vacuum created by longstanding policy failures and our refusal to competently fund local journalism at scale.

Of particular problem has been so-called “pink slime” newspapers, or fake local news papers built by local partisan operatives to seed misinformation and propaganda in the minds of poorly educated and already misinformed local voters.  

Pri Bengani, a senior researcher at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University studied the phenomenon in 2022 and found that there were 1,200 bogus local news outlets around the country, all feeding gullible readers a steady diet of misleading bullshit (on top of the bullshit they already consume online).

And, as expected, the problem is accelerating as we head into another election season. The total of such fake newspapers has tripled since 2019, and now roughly equals the number of real journalism organizations in America. In many instances, these networks are better funded and better organized than real journalism orgs, which find themselves relentlessly under fire by those with wealth and power who’d prefer journalism simulacrum over hard-nosed reporting:

“Kathleen Carley, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, said her research suggests that following the 2022 midterms “a lot more money” is being poured into pink slime sites, including advertising on Meta.

“A lot of these sites have had makeovers and look more realistic,” she said. “I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of that moving forward.”

When the “both sides” press covers this pink slime phenomenon, they sometimes try to imply that this kind of stuff is happening perfectly symmetrically among both major parties (as this Financial Times story does). But one NPR report indicates that roughly 95 percent of the fake newspapers they tracked were created to aid Republican candidates.

Angry at the factual reality espoused by academia, science, and journalism, the ever-more-extremist U.S. right wing has engaged in a very successful 45+ year effort to undermine U.S. journalism, academia, and even libraries at every turn, and then replace them with a vast and highly successful propaganda and delusion network across AM radio, broadcast TV, cable TV, and now the internet.

It’s a massive propaganda ecosystem that extends way beyond fake newspapers. It’s a self-contained participatory alternate reality where ideology is king and facts no longer matter. It’s everything academics spent decades warning us about. And, if you somehow hadn’t noticed in the Trump era, it’s working. Just ask your family members who think a NYC real estate conman is pious.

Democrats tend to be feckless and often incoherent when it comes to coherent and forceful counter-messaging to increasingly radical right wing propaganda. They also haven’t understood the severity of the problem, and have generally avoided having any kind of coherent media reform policies. If they respond to the problem, it will likely involve behavior that looks similar.

Meanwhile many in the academic and journalism industries still don’t seem to have the slightest awareness they’re under systemic, existential attack, often blaming the implosion on ambiguous but somehow always unavoidable market realities.

But the evidence is everywhere you look. Journalists are being fired by the thousands; folks with expertise are being replaced by incompetent brunchlords; and the ad-engagement based infotainment economy continues to shift from real reporting to controversy-churning, distraction-engagement bait.

There’s plenty we could do to address the problem. We could adopt stronger education and media criticism standards like Finland to prepare kids for a world full of propaganda. We could staff outlets with competent leadership and find new and creative ways to fund real, independent journalism. We could adopt media policies that rein in mindless consolidation, which tends to steadily erode opinion diversity.

But we do absolutely none of that because it’s simply not profitable enough. And in a country where mindlessly chasing wealth always takes top priority, you ultimately get what you pay for.

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Comments on “Fake ‘Pink Slime’ Propaganda Newspapers Surge Ahead Of Fall Election”

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Given the religious makeup of a significant part of the primary voting base for the GOP/Trump, the success of pink slime propaganda isn’t all that surprising. After all…

It’s a self-contained participatory alternate reality where ideology is king and facts no longer matter.

…that sounds a lot like conservative evangelicalism. Someone without an ounce of ethics and morals could probably fleece such people by printing their own pink slime with a heavily religious bent that only prints the bare minimum of actual facts next to comparisons of Trump and Jesus Christ.

William J. Jackson says:

Re: GOP/Trump/religion

From an age under 10, I was amazed at the plethora of religions – all of these each felt theirs was the one true religion and the others were just fakes/frauds and I agreed then and still do.
It seems to me that unintelligent people are prey to these religions, as they lack the mental ability to see the flaws (dumba$$ effect)
These collective bumba$$es have a significant economic mass, the huge dumba$$ economy. In their ranks are people who are smart, see the fraud, know what it is – and how to milk it, the smarta$$es, as I describe it.
So the GOP is formed of herdbeasts(dumba$$es) and priests(smarta$$es)
So I conclude that religion is full of idiots (dumba$$es) and others who herd them and control them and get to keep the $$ – the smarta$$es

As it was 10,000 years ago when primeval smarta$$es learned to live free and prosper on the work of dumba$$es – so it is today. Religion of all faiths/types is a monstrous parasitic fraud that exists to control and milk the herdbeasts and give milk/honey to the herders.
So I say, more milk and honey for Trump, deeper and deeper, cover the nose holes, let him breathe faith, the sooner that fat old fart subsides beneath the milk/honey = the better.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

We’re being dragged down by the most useless people in the country.

Which is only to be expected when you have policies like “No Child Left Behind”. Those that should’ve been left behind to ask “Would you like fries with that?” are given pieces of paper that act exactly like the pieces of paper given to the kids that paid attention in school. Thus, both groups are deemed “able to contribute to society”, but only one group does so in a positive manner. I’ll leave you to guess which one….

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

No, I’m saying that your reading comprehension is pretty much on par with the “Left Behind” group, because I never said a word about any kind of political ideology. The “No Child Left Behind” crap started way before you were born, and it was endorsed across the board by damned near everybody. It’s what we get when no one looks at the long-term ramifications of one’s desired policies.

Come to think on it, this is exactly the same thing as what K.B. said in TFS.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Actually, the No Child Left Behind Act wasn’t intended to give underperforming students the ability to graduate without putting in the work, but rather to give poor students an education equivalent to that of wealthy students. Furthermore, it was replaced in 2015 with the Every Student Succeeds Act, which does exactly the same thing. Trust a troll without reading comprehension to not realize these facts, though.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

There is also the simple fact that the Religious have already completed training in self delusion, so it is much easier for them to be swayed by those using religion as a mask for their intent.
Faith, is the necessary mental state needed to ignore what is right before your eyes, while believing someone else’s version of what is right before your eyes.
And then, to top it all off, the religious are more than willing to die for the cause because they actually believe that getting killed will net them a reward in the ‘after-life’, of eternal life in heaven – rent free. It would be extremely difficult to convince a sane soldier of anything that silly.

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Koby (profile) says:

Got Woke Went Broke

The CJR/Tow Center article doesn’t criticize the quality of the local papers; it only disagrees with their editorials and points our the source of the funding. Of course, if leftist corporations sponsor NPR or PBS, then everything is fine. But if the local leftist news outlet loses most of its subscriber/viewer base, and gets replaced with a conservative one, then it’s time to hit the panic button.

The term doesn’t actually mean anything, “pink slime” just means you disagree on politics. If the previous generation of news outlets was somehow better, they wouldn’t have folded in the first place.

Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


The term doesn’t actually mean anything

“pink slime” journalism — noun — a brand of journalism (and the publication thereof) that purports to be local and “independent” but is often dictated top-down by a politically hyperpartisan entity that operates on a national basis; named after the “pink slime” byproduct of processed meat production as a derogatory attack on both the quality of said journalism and the practitioners thereof

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Anonymous Coward says:


Yup; “unprofitable” is a very clear signal from the grass-roots public voting directly with their very own ‘money-ballots’.

if you are truly distressed by this public-vote outcome on local newspapers, you should deeply reconsider your view of “Democracy” generally — because these same people choose all your elected government officials.

Bloof (profile) says:

Unfortunately america has discovered that the truth costs time and money to uncover and to defend, especially when it runs afoul of monied interests, meanwhile bullpoop can be produced at a massive scale and costs very little, and takes a lot of work to completely debunk, and those who produce it aren’t going to be punished as long as their targets are deemed to be public figures.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Of particular problem has been so-called “pink slime” newspapers, or fake local news papers built by local partisan operatives to seed misinformation and propaganda in the minds of poorly educated and already misinformed local voters.

The hubris (and delusion!) of regime stenographers like this author is amazing!!

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Drew Wilson (user link) says:

A major problem I personally see is that, in the midst of all of this, outlets that are actually trying to do a reasonably good job end up getting drowned out by the noise in the process. I know Mike Masnick, Michael Geist, and myself have experienced this first hand (very likely others in the process). Whenever an article gets published critical of a particular political party’s effort, we get cast as someone working on the other side of the political aisle. Then when one of us notes problems on the other side of the political aisle, we get cast as someone shilling for the other party instead. Rarely does the substance of our arguments get accounted for in all of this. Instead, it’s trying to paint us as a partisan for one party or another.

In the process of all of this, people such as myself get de-legitimized, making it harder for people to support an actual neutral fact-based source. So, it’s harder to get anyone to subscribe or support someone like myself. Further, companies are less likely to support such an outlet because people like us aren’t there to help pad their corporate profits. With things like well-funded fake newspapers and large media companies choosing to not do their job, it makes it all the harder to stand out as a smaller and more honest outlet.

I used to think that if you started a website and regularly produced high quality original news articles on a regular basis, it was possible to at least get your foot in the door of profitability so you could hire more journalists and grow your business. With 11 years of effort, I’ve learned the hard way that producing good quality content gets you nowhere other than getting that nice warm fuzzy feeling that you’re doing good work and doing your part to better the media ecosystem at large. That really only applies to websites that have started up well before the 2010’s such as Techdirt. At that point, you are able to ride the momentum of your past success to carry on what you are doing. Start a website after 2010 and you’ll learn that the days of high quality content production equating to success are LONG gone. In its place are those who are just gaming the system via throwing vast quantities of money at “marketing”, SEO tricks/hacking, and design among other things (and even design is becoming questionable as being advantageous these days).

All this lines up with the rise of actual fake news outlets. When the internet at large has become little more than a pay to win system, only those with large chunks of money to throw around can succeed. It really doesn’t become rocket science to figure out why bullshit artists pushing a partisan agenda end up succeeding so often these days while legitimate news sources go under or shut down and get added to the boulevard of broken dreams.

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