Elon Recreates The Lords & Peasants Bluecheck System He Hated, But Makes Sure It’s Even Dumber

from the sometimes-first-principles-is-not-the-way-to-go,-elon dept

There is something amazingly humorous in watching Elon Musk work his way ass-backwards and blindly to recreating (but much worse) the mostly-functional systems he destroyed blindly upon taking over Twitter.

As we’ve been pointing out since basically day one, Musk never understood the whole verification concept. Early on, before he’d even taken over the company, Elon had suggested that the way forward should be that all users on the platform should be “verified” and that this would magically stop spam and bots (it would not).

Then, when he took over the platform, he got so confused by verification as a tool to protect well-known users, combined with the fact that some people viewed those users as influential, that he assumed it was the bluecheck itself that had value. Thus, he took it away from all the actual well-known users and allowed his dumbest fans to pay him a monthly subscription to have the bluecheck… that no longer had any value.

Indeed, it started to accumulate negative value as it was widely abused by scammers. Then, making matters worse, Elon futzed with the algorithm to make it so that if a tweet got a lot of replies, those with bluechecks (i.e., gullible Musk fans who were paying) got their replies at the top of the list. In practice this meant two things: (1) the very spammers and scammers Musk insisted he was getting rid of quickly started using this to their advantage, increasing the flood of spam, and (2) reading replies on ExTwitter became almost entirely useless as they were filled with garbage, and it was impossible to find anything of value.

Anyway, about a week ago, Musk announced that anyone with over 2500 paying followers would be gifted “Premium features” for free. This basically means that any decently large account would be getting a blue check for free.


This is, effectively, an admission that most actual influential and widely followed accounts weren’t seeing any value on the platform and weren’t paying for “X Premium” or whatever it’s called these days.

But, it also seems like an acknowledgement that Elon got the value equation totally backwards here. He thought that the value came from the blue check. But that was wrong. The value came from the people who were well known, who lots of people wanted to follow. And Musk inverted that, by making it harder to hear from the people folks wanted to hear from, and instead, flooded the system with fucking fools.

So, now, the system is even dumber. Basically any site with a decently large following (somewhere between 80k and 120k or so…) seemed to end up with a bluecheck back on their account. Even as many of them don’t want it (which seems silly: if you don’t want it, just stop using the site).

Users who got it received a notice that they were getting it for being “an influential member of the community.”


Remember, being “an influential member of the community” was the original reason that old Twitter gave users for verifying them in the first place. And which Elon raged against as inherently unfair.

I’m curious what happened to this version of Elon:


That’s Elon saying:

Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit.

Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.

So… now we’re right back to there being a “lords and peasants” solution. Peasants can pay (often more than $8/month) to get a bluecheck, but anyone even remotely noteworthy gets it for free by way of having enough dimwit gullible suckers who did pay follow them.

This still undermines the only actual purpose of a verification system: to make sure people aren’t impersonating well-known users. There is no actual verification for anyone in this system. You have a bad form of verification (“do you have access to a credit card?”) for gullible followers, and then an even worse form of verification (“are you followed by a bunch of gullible suckers with access to a credit card?”) for everyone else.

That’s not verification. It’s also not valuable. It’s just designed to hide Musk’s incompetence in managing the platform, while (once again) undermining the whole “pay me for this site I’m making worse day by day” business model that Musk keeps pushing.

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Companies: twitter, x

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Comments on “Elon Recreates The Lords & Peasants Bluecheck System He Hated, But Makes Sure It’s Even Dumber”

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Evil Twin says:

reading replies on ExTwitter became almost entirely useless as they were filled with garbage, and it was impossible to find anything of value.

This is what finally pushed me off of Twitter (besides him stonewalling logged out users and Twitter itself being a breeding ground for mental illness lol.) Even if you found a tweet that wasn’t porn or ragebait, the top replies would be filled with blue check shmucks polluting the atmosphere with their own horrendous, ignorant opinions.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Musk is living techbro Groundhog Day where he repeatedly learns lessons well known to experts.

He stares into the mirror every single night going “ohhhh…that is why they did that!”

And then forgets that lesson by the time he wakes up in the morning.

Anonymous Coward says:


Phil: It’s the same thing your whole life: “Clean up your room. Stand up straight. Pick up your feet. Take it like a man. Be nice to your sister. Don’t mix beer and wine, ever.” Oh yeah: “Don’t drive on the railroad track.”

Gus: Well, Phil, that’s one I happen to agree with.

Steve Omand says:

Don’t actual “Executives” delegate?

I dimly recall that Musk hired someone to actually run Xitter. In my decades of experience working in business, one of the things I learned is that good managers know how to effectively delegate, and once responsibility and authority have been delegated, you step back and allow that manager to do the job as he or she sees fit.
So, who’s actually in charge of Xitter?

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

What facts? You were whining about something you made up in entirely in your head because you don’t understand context while conflating things.

Let me blow your tiny brain into bits: Did you know that you can simultaneously criticize something while deciding if you want to use it or not? The two actions can be done independent of each other, neat huh?

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Mandrake says:

what if…

Has he failed though? His plan, imo, has always been to flood the ranks of the “influential” blue checks with right wing crazies who couldn’t otherwise get verified. This was all about making the right wing peasants the dominant voice on the platform, and now he’s boosting the non-paying crazies that the blue check mob follow. And while some accounts that meet the threshold for a free blue check will be legit non-crazies, celebs, journos, orgs, etc, I would bet that the majority of them are the like-minded crazies, their pink slime outlets and bots, and others that will further enhance their dominance.

Everything he does, however ham-fisted and biased in favor of his preferred viewpoints, is calculated to boost those idiots to the top of every conversation. Given that this is happening just as election season goes into high gear is probably not a coincidence, and could be part of a larger, coordinated strategy.

AmySox (profile) says:

Another blue-check recipient, Marcy Wheeler, independent journalist and liberal commentator (and my old high school classmate!) responded in a fashion that sounds typical for her: “Shit. I’ve been forcibly bluechecked. How do I opt out?” (Also reported in the Washington Post.)

There may not be a way for her to opt out. She doesn’t seem to have the “Premium” option that would allow her to “hide” the blue check on her account. And that sounds like a typically-Elon trick to pull.

That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: 'Nice following you got there, be a shame if people thought you supported me...'

If you have to pay to hide the blue checkmark of shame that seems like a pretty big red flag that Elon knows it’s anything but a mark of prestige these days and he’s using that fact to extort users out of their money.

As for getting rid of it mocking Elon and pointing out what a blithering moron he is might be worth a try, and if all else fails as the article notes they can always leave Twitter.

nasch (profile) says:

Re: Re:

It’s no less racist to do it just because he’s white.

Telling someone who is not from Africa to go “back” to Africa because they’re black is inherently racist. Telling someone to go back to a country or continent they actually immigrated from may or may not be racist. In this case it is not because the motivation is not based on Elon’s race, but on the things he does and says. It’s also because “go back to Africa” is the sort of thing a lot of his admirers would say, so it’s a bit of petard hoisting.

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