Kids Have Learned: Blame GTA Even If It's Not In The Game

from the the-press-will-eat-it-up dept

We’ve noticed a recent trend of kids caught performing criminal acts to blame Grand Theft Auto as their inspiration, knowing full well that officials will focus on that instead of the actual crime. It’s even reached the point that kids are blaming GTA for things that aren’t even in the game. Witness some kids who were caught making Molotov Cocktails and firebombing cars, claiming that they learned how to make the weapons while playing GTA IV. Of course, as the article notes, the Molotov Cocktails in GTA IV come pre-assembled — so perhaps it’s not exactly to blame. Won’t stop adult outrage over the game, though. And that’s probably just what the kids want, as it takes some of the responsibility off of them.

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PaulT (profile) says:

With all these kinds of stories that are floating around, you’d have thought we were all living in some kind of pacifist utopia until videogames came along and introduced violence into the world…

Fact: current statistics show that youth violence is significantly less today that it was 30 years ago before games were invented. If violence in games = violence in real life was true, that wouldn’t be the case, would it?

Kids are learning how to deflect blame for their actions, while parents have yet another excuse to ignore their poor parenting skills and blame something else. Oh well, might as well wait this out until the next scapegoat comes along…

Pissed says:

Re: Re:

Kids are learning how to deflect blame for their actions, while parents have yet another excuse to ignore their poor parenting skills and blame something else. Oh well, might as well wait this out until the next scapegoat comes along…

I totally disagree, many parents feel that their hands are tied due to the stupid society standard “child abuse”. If you discipline your child with a stern grip you are accused of abusing your child. Yet if you follow the guidelines you are accused of being a bad parent. Kids today know how to use the system to their advantage, plain and simple.

Get of you wagon of “bad parenting”, Help support parents by keeping local government & child advocates out of the family homes. Maybe then the family values can come back.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

I don’t know where you get this. in my state Spanking a kid is perfectly allowed. what isn’t allowed is leaving black and blue welts all over them. there is such a thing as moderation.

Even if spanking wasn’t allowed many experts agree that it isn’t the most effective form of punishment, making someone stay in the corner, do extra chores (cleaning the bathroom is one every kid hates), loss of of privelages, and so forth are all efective alternatives to Corporal punishment.

Also experts suggest that shouldn’t stick to one punishment, you should constantly change your punishment so that they don’t think things like “I know if I get caught, I’ll get _______, but I think it is worth the risk” children are more likely to see a known punishment as an acceptable risk than they will an unknown punishment.

I don’t think you know much about parenting if you think the only way to get kids in line is now illegal

Big Laz says:

Re: Re: Re:

There are plenty of ways to discipline your kids without being physical about it. Remove things they like having from their life from an early age to teach them that misbehaving is wrong.
Most parents were hit by their parents so they think that’s the only way to punish kids. It’s a bullshit cop-out for parents who don’t want to take the time to teach their kids right from wrong.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

“many parents feel that their hands are tied due to the stupid society standard “child abuse”. If you discipline your child with a stern grip you are accused of abusing your child. Yet if you follow the guidelines you are accused of being a bad parent. “

“Get of you wagon of “bad parenting” “

You obviously don’t work in public education, and have not meet many parents whose children attend public schools! In many areas bad ignorant parents who should not be allowed to reproduce but instead have 10 kids are a HUGE part of the problem! You must be completely blind to the world to say otherwise. It would be interesting to know which demographic and what country on which planet you come from!

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

When I talk about bad parenting, I’m talking about those who try to overprotect their kids from the phantoms of paedophiles, try to shield their children from failure and never tell them anything wrong, and are afraid to say “no” to them. The parents who push their kids onto schools, government and private organisations to raise, those who raise their kids on TV instead of human interaction. I’m talking about parents who raise spoilt brats at the expense of others, then run around blaming rap music, videogames and other technology when the kids don’t turn out so well.

And your solution to this is to be allowed to beat them? If you want a sign of a bad parent, try one who needs to beat their child to have any authority over them.

There are hundreds of ways to raise a child without resorting to violence, don’t blame videogames or government when your Neanderthal mind can’t conceive of them.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

I agree completely. It is irritating to see so many parents looking for any excuse for thier childrens bad behavoir, other then the obvious, that thier children are just behaving badly. I am not saying we need to start beating the crap out of them (I too believe there are far better solutions), but parents should stop this nonsense of teaching thier prodigy how to blame thier own behavoir on someone else. It will only lead to an eventual tearful prison speech about how “the system” put them there. Believe me, when your kid becomes an adult and kills someone with crowbar, the judge is not gonna care how many times they played Half Life.

Finnbjorn says:

Re: Re:


I’d assume that you’d have to be 35 year old house wife with terrible parenting skills and 10 juvenile kleptomaniacs that you squeezed from your womb and ignored into their disorders in order to have a problem with Paul’s well stated argument; but, your missive has all the complexity of a 12 year old gamer junkie; so, either you are a 12 year old gamer junkie who’s upset that your ploy to get out of trouble has been found out (which is just silly; because, intelligent people were wise to this nonsense before you were crawling); or, apart from being a horrible mother, you are also a meth head. I believe that GTA provides an out let from violent and criminal impulses that didn’t exist 30 years ago; and, I would expect it cause a drop in real world crime.

Jeremy M says:

Scapegoats and Backfiring Parenting

Yeah, if there’s anything kids are good at, it’s finding scapegoats.

Oh wait, it’s something that everyone’s good at. HA!

I agree with PaulT, we gotta ride this one out, though if you ask me, video game legislation is like overparenting overdrive. It’s practically goading kids to get their hands on the game, because it’s SO BAD!!! OOOOOOH!

Moral of the story: Over-protective parents = failboat patrons.

wayniac917 says:

Next time i get a speeding ticket im going to play grand turismo and see if i get off. Im tired of these stupid ass kids blaming video games for their stupidity and there ignorant parents believing them. maybe if the parents were involved in the kids lives they could see the warning signs that their kids a psycho and get them help. instead of passing the blame accept what youve done and accept the consiquences. Ive played violent video games since i was 12 starting out with doom and i play GTA4 all the time and i have yet to go out and kill someone.

wayniac917 says:

Next time i get a speeding ticket im going to blame grand turismo and see if i get off. Im tired of these stupid ass kids blaming video games for their stupidity and there ignorant parents believing them. maybe if the parents were involved in the kids lives they could see the warning signs that their kids a psycho and get them help. instead of passing the blame accept what youve done and accept the consiquences. Ive played violent video games since i was 12 starting out with doom and i play GTA4 all the time and i have yet to go out and kill someone.

Truthseeker says:

I tried to blame scooby-do as a kid . . .

It never actually worked, but I’m not sure my father would have bought the video game thing either. He never believed I was just holding that bong for a friend or that my car got that dent while sitting in the parking lot at school. Was my farther some kind of truth detecting superman, or have parents today just become stupider?

Anonymous Coward says:

Sue the makers of any glass bottles, rags, and flammable liquids for inspiring molotov to invent such a weapon.

Then sue the inventors of glass, fabric and flammable liquids for inspiring the use of these products for violence.

Then sue every scientist or chemist or inventor for every thinking up any idea that could ever be used for wrongdoing.

Sue God for allowing such thought to occur.

Sue mankind for needing to create God to try and explain the unexplainable.

F**k it all.

woah says:


you can displine ur children physically with calling it chil abuse, a smack across the face or butt isnt child abuse, BUT when an crazied out pysco parent goes on a rampage and start beating the sh*t out of the kid thats when its called abuse. parents jsut need to control their anger when they disapline their kids and thats why most parents dont displine cause they are afraid that they wont be able to control themselves

Esther says:

Re: Welcome to America

I learned to lie and steal from our politicians. If there was any money in video games that the politicians could get their hands on, then they would be selling GTA to 4 year olds.

A man with a gun walks up to another man on a DC street and says ‘Give me all your money!’

The victim says ‘Don’t you recognize me? I’m a U.S. Senator!’

The robber says ‘All right, then give me all of MY money!’

Jizzle says:

What is wrong with people. They are afraid to take accountability for their actions. Like a get out of jail free card they sit there and blame everyone and everything else. You wanna point the finger at someone? How about the parents. Where were the parents when these kids were out there making molotov cocktails and fire-bombing the cars? The parents should be partly to blame and the rest on the kids that actually did it. Make an example out of them. Show the world that these kids can’t sit there and blame a video game for an action they consciously take and carry out.

Finnbjorn says:

Hell, I learned how to make Molotovs from dear old Dad. He’s also the one who put the idea in my head to roll one into the middle of the PDs parking lot. Never did, though. There have been days when I seriously wanted to go out and kill someone; but instead, when I got home, I plugged in the GTA, made myself invincible and went on a rampage. An hour later I was right as rain.

I remember... says:


Didn’t you guys know? Its a parental conspiracy. They buy their kids GTA so if their kids do anything wrong, they have some place to point to finger, or tell their kid to point the finger. Video games were made to baby sit troubled kids and make up for crappy parenting.

There are a million different reasons why a kid decides to do what was in a video game, but my guess is, there wasn’t anyone around to tell them it is wrong, the automatic baby sitter said it was okay.

Regardless, this is obviously about placing blame, censorship, and mostly bad parenting. I’d press the square button, up, down, left, right key sequence on my kid if they did any of this crap.

I wish Techdirt would stop using headlines like “Kids Have Learned: Blame GTA even if it wasn’t in the game” Even if butt holes are doing it, use a line like “Bad parenting allows kids to blame GTA for something bad they did”.

I’d be scared to let current kids have a copy of Anarchist Cookbook. Send kids to Juve like the old days, and hold parents responsible for their kids’ actions, like the old days. And while they’re busy being locked up, lets play some GTA.

Paul says:

Agree and Disagree

Just because they come pre-assembled and you don’t see the construction of the weapon does not mean you cannot divulge how to construct the weapon. In the game the weapon is perceived as a glass bottle, resembling an alcohol bottle, with some kind of cloth hanging out of the neck which is then lit on fire and thrown to a fiery effect.

I’d be concerned if a kid didn’t figure out how to make them just based on that information.

As for the fire-bombing of cars, that can be witnessed in the newer GTA games.

The whole thing is just the blame game but I had to toss that in.

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