‘Free Speech Absolutist’ Elon Musk Suggests He’s Going To Sue George Soros… For His Free Speech Advocating For Certain Laws

from the that's-not-how-any-of-this-works dept

There is no space for nuanced discussion about reality any more, as it seems that nonsense floods the zone. So, please try to follow along here as there needs to be some nuance to finally get down to the details of this issue. It’s nonsense, piled on top of nonsense, piled on top of nonsense, which ends with Elon Musk suggesting he’s going to sue George Soros for… advocating for laws that Elon doesn’t like (for what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure the laws being talked about are problematic, but the details aren’t clear, and there’s no law against advocating for bad laws).

Let’s start here: we’re extremely skeptical of any sort of “hate speech law.” This is not because we like hate speech, far from it. But as we’ve reported again and again and again, in practice hate speech laws are frequently abused by the powerful to punish the powerless and marginalized. We’ve long argued that there are better ways to deal with hate speech than criminalizing it. Shun it, shame it, diminish it’s power, counter it, etc.

Of course, in the age of social media, some very, very silly people consider attempts to do the latter the equivalent of censorship. That is, when a private company chooses to de-prioritize hateful speech, they claim that this is the same thing as the government “censoring” it. But nothing is farther from the truth. The government cracking down on hate speech is a free speech issue. A private company refusing to host or promote hate speech is a way for them to use their own speech to condemn such speech. It is a quintessential “more speech” type of response.

One of the people who has a long history of misrepresenting private companies expressing their own free speech rights of association as the equivalent of government censorship is a nonsense peddler named Michael Shellenberger, one of the hand-picked nonsense peddlers that Elon gave some of his “Twitter Files” to, allowing them to completely misrepresent things. Shellenberger, who has a long career peddling complete and utter nonsense, took to the job perfectly, and so completely misunderstood things in the Twitter Files that he ridiculously claimed that FBI was paying Twitter to censor accounts.

The truth was nothing of the sort, and anyone with even the most basic understanding of the law and basic facts could explain it to you (as far as I can tell, Shellenberger has yet to retract or correct his false statements on this). What he was actually reporting on were investigatory requests for data under a 2703(d) request (which require a court order or a warrant, depending on the type of data sought). These are requests for customer communications or records, not for taking down information. That law says that when the government makes a 2703(d) request, the government needs to reimburse the service provider “for such costs as are reasonably necessary and which have been directly incurred in search for, assembling, reproducing, or otherwise providing such information.”

Now there are lots of concerns about the 2703(d) program, and we (unlike the nonsense peddlers who are screaming today) have been calling out the problems with that program for at least a decade. But we’re focused on what the program actually is, not some made up idea that this is “the FBI paying Twitter to censor.”

Shellenberger has continued to peddle more nonsense about social media content moderation, a concept he does not seem to understand one bit, falsely accusing researchers who study information flows of being part of a “censorship industrial complex” and a bunch of other ridiculous stuff. But, of course, a bunch of very silly people eat this nonsense up and believe every word of it, because why not?

Not surprisingly, Shellenberger these days has a very popular Substack where his nonsense is often published. He probably makes more money each week from subscribers than Techdirt makes in a year, because we deal in facts, not nonsense, and facts don’t seem to pay as well.

Anyway, on his Substack, he had another reporter publish an article with the headline “Soros-Funded NGOs Demand Crackdown on Free Speech as Politicians Spread Hate Misinformation.” The article is behind a paywall, so I have no idea what it’s actually referring to. It is entirely possible that Open Society (which is funded by Soros) is advocating for hate speech laws, but the parts that are available to read are just a lot of fluff about whether or not hate is on the rise in Ireland, not the specific laws or what the various NGOs are advocating for.

So maybe Open Society NGOs are supporting hate speech laws. If true, that would be bad, as we’ve described above (and for years here on Techdirt) how such laws are prone to abuse and don’t do much to stop actual hate. But, of course, Soros is free to spend his money as he wishes, and the NGOs he funds are free to advocate for whatever laws they want. That’s part of their free speech.

Anyway, here’s where we finally get around to Elon Musk, who saw this story being promoted… and claimed he’s going to sue over it.

That’s Elon responding to a Shellenberger tweet. Shellenberger’s tweet says:

Politicians & George Soros-funded NGOs say “hate incidents” are rising, but they’re not. The data show the opposite: higher-than-ever and rising levels of tolerance of minorities. The reason they’re spreading hate misinformation is to justify a draconian crackdown on free speech.

So… first off, an increase in “levels of tolerance of minorities” (which is, by itself, an odd way to frame this) is not mutually exclusive with “rising hate incidents.” Both things could be true. I don’t know what points are being conveyed in the article itself (again, paywall), but the Irish police have published stats saying that “hate crimes” and “hate related incidents” went up from 2021 to 2022.

That’s not to say those stats are trustworthy. Also, hate speech and hate crime are not the same thing.

None of that means that Irish politicians aren’t overhyping the matter. They may well be. They may also be pushing for laws that intend to stifle free speech. I’m sure some are, because politicians all over the world seem to keep doing that. And it’s possible that Open Society funded NGOs are supporting some of those laws. And, as frustrating as that may be to us, it’s still very much allowed because of free speech.

Yet, then we have Elon jumping in to respond to Shellenberger’s already questionable claim by saying:


X will be filing legal action to stop this. Can’t wait for discovery to start!

There’s a lot to break down in this short tweet. What is he saying “exactly” about? And what kind of legal action is he filing?

But, first, let’s just make this point that I’ve made before, but is important to make again. It’s pretty common when lawsuits are threatened for some people to say something along the lines of “can’t wait for discovery,” which generally just shows that they have no idea how any of this works. Many people seem to think that “discovery” is some magical process by which all your dirty laundry gets aired publicly.

That is… rarely the case. First off, while discovery is a total pain for basically everyone involved, discovery is (generally) limited to issues directly dealing with the legal issues at hand. Parties may seek a lot more, and those on the other side may push back on those requests. But, more importantly, most of the time, what’s handed over in discovery never sees the light of day. Sometimes there are direct limits on what parties can share publicly, and often the only bits of discovery that become public are what’s revealed as the case moves towards trial (if it gets that far). People who are “eager” for discovery are… usually disappointed.

And, of course, in theory, any such “legal action” would take place in Ireland, which seems to have fairly similar discovery rules as the US, such that any discovery has to be “relevant and necessary” to the claims at hand.

Which brings us to the big question: who is he suing and for what? Many people (perhaps reasonably?) interpreted Musk’s statement to mean he was going to sue Soros. But, of course, he has no standing whatsoever for that, and the only thing he could possibly sue Soros over was for his advocacy (and funding), both of which would be protected speech. If the implication is that Elon is going to sue Soros for his free speech, that will (yet again!) raise questions about Elon’s actual commitment to “free speech.”

Perhaps a more charitable explanation here is that Elon actually means he’d be suing in Ireland (or, perhaps more likely, in the European Court of Justice?) to block any such law should it pass. But… that would require the details of the law to understand what the issue was. And, if that was the plan, then it’s difficult to see what sorts of “discovery” he’s expecting to get access to.

And, sure, if Ireland passes a really bad law, I do hope that exTwitter challenges it in court. But that’s got nothing to do with Soros, and I don’t see how discovery is going to be even remotely meaningful.

Of course, even if his plan really is to challenge the eventual Irish law (should it ever become law), it’s pretty clear from the replies to his tweet, that most of his gullible fans think he’s talking about suing Soros directly for his speech… and they’re ridiculously claiming that this shows how much Elon supports free speech. It’s possible that Elon recognizes that his confusingly worded tweet implies one thing when he really means another, though he hasn’t tried to correct the misperception at all. Or, of course, he really thinks that he’s going to sue Soros for exercising his own free speech, and his idiot fans are insisting that suing someone for their own speech is support of free speech.

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Companies: twitter, x

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Comments on “‘Free Speech Absolutist’ Elon Musk Suggests He’s Going To Sue George Soros… For His Free Speech Advocating For Certain Laws”

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Somewhat Less Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

And then the next day the same absolutist goes on to promote Tucker Carlson’s interview with Trump and to cheer the return to Xitter of the twice impeached clown. And before that he reXeeted the same Shellenberger guy with the following commentary:

Facebook is manipulating the public almost everywhere on Earth.
That is why they won’t open source their algorithm.

At this point Musk’s Xitter feed is 50% his own projects, 50% the level of garbage as described in the article. Personally, i have him muted and only wade into the mess when there’s a reason. Like writing this comment.

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Darkness Of Course (profile) says:

Elon never learns

The issue with our two biggest narcissists, Elon, and Donald, is once they take a stand on something they are loathe to admit they were wrong.

With Elon, once he is confused about something he will continually double down on it. An ofttimes recurring attribute among men in general. See his issue with Twitter and Free Speech. Never got it. Still doesn’t. But will sue others for speaking something he is against. Smart guy? Nah, rich brat.

Recall that Donald will flip flop on issues he doesn’t really care about; Promising abortion access while selecting SC Justices that are all about repealing it. As abortion doesn’t actually apply to his physical body, he doesn’t care.

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William Null says:

“That is, when a private company chooses to de-prioritize hateful speech, they claim that this is the same thing as the government “censoring” it. But nothing is farther from the truth. The government cracking down on hate speech is a free speech issue. A private company refusing to host or promote hate speech is a way for them to use their own speech to condemn such speech. It is a quintessential “more speech” type of response.”

No, no and once again, no. “More speech” approach would be publishing a blog post on company blog or one of the official accounts saying something along the lines of “We do not condone certain individuals expressing [insert political view there’s a disagreement over here] on our platform. It should be noted that opinions of the [insert platform name here] are not the same as the opinions of its users. Each party is responsible for their own posts.”

And then do nothing else to punish “wrongthink”. Because right now we’re living in 1984, only there’s no “Ministry of Truth,” there are “Trust and Safety teams.”

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William Null says:

Re: Re:

Any website should host any content, unless A) it’s spam (in the narrowest sense of the word, that is unsolicited advertising), or B) CSAM or other illegal content.

I know some BS claim about “post about camels on a site about fishing” will crop up, as it always does, and to that I say that any posts that aren’t two of the above exceptions should be moved to a dedicated “off-topic” section of any such forum/site.

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bhull242 (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5

The AC wasn’t asked any questions. Also, freedom of expression only restricts state action, so yes, we’re all for it. That’s why we say that platforms shouldn’t be forced by law to host any and all speech, even if it finds that speech objectionable. The platform’s speech is its own expression.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6

The usual willful misunderstanding of freedom of speech by the TechDurt commenters who love censorship as long as it’s of viewpoints they hate.

Freedom of speech is very much not only about state action. It’s about the ability to speak freely on platforms that are used as the public square by people who wish to speak on all topics.

The government is not allowed to force private platforms to host all speech, or indeed, to interfere with their speech choices at all. But large generic speech platforms should recognize the foundational values of the country they’re in, and choose of their own volition not to censor viewpoints they dislike.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Freedom of speech is very much not only about state action. It’s about the ability to speak freely on platforms that are used as the public square by people who wish to speak on all topics.

Hyman. Brother. Dipshit, if you will.

A privately owned platform that people use as a public square isn’t public property. It’s privately owned property, and your rights mean fuckshit on it. The owners can toss you off for damn near any reason that won’t get them in trouble with the law. Not liking your bullshit is one of the reasons that won’t get them in trouble with the law. I get that you don’t respect property rights and personal consent and whatnot, but your not liking those facts of life doesn’t make them any less factual. You have no right, and you will never have the right, to use someone else’s property as your soapbox if they tell you “fuck off”. Prove me wrong, fucker.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:8

You are correct about what private platforms may do.

As usual, you hallucinate imaginary versions of me who say whatever you want then to say. Large private generic speech platforms may be as restrictive as they wish and may censor viewpoints as they like. But they shouldn’t. They should respect the founding values of this country and choose not to censor viewpoints with which they disagree. If they do censor, they should be encouraged, convinced, shamed, or bought to get them to change their minds. The reason you hate Musk so much is that he did just that – he bought Twitter and stopped it from censoring the viewpoints you hate.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:9

Large private generic speech platforms may be as restrictive as they wish and may censor viewpoints as they like. But they shouldn’t.


They should respect the founding values of this country and choose not to censor viewpoints with which they disagree.

“Queer-friendly platforms should host anti-queer speech from anti-queer speakers even if the queer userbase of that platform doesn’t want to see it because that’s how the Founding Fathers would’ve wanted free speech to work.” That’s you. That’s you right now.

The reason you hate Musk so much is that he did just that – he bought Twitter and stopped it from censoring the viewpoints you hate.

And look what he turned Twitter into: a place where racists and bigots feel emboldened to pay $8 for the right of premium placement in the replies of people they hate⁠—and a place where, if the owner likes you, you can post CSAM and get away with it.

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William Null says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Websites are not people, websites are things. Rights of actual people should be protected. For example, Elon Musk, the owner of X, may not like posts of X user Joe Schmoe and be against his views, but X as a company should not be able to remove Joe Schmoe’s posts, unless it’s spam or illegal content.

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That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Rights of actual people should be protected.

I’ve got some good/bad news for you: Free speech has never been shorthand for consequence-free speech, and it has never included a ‘you can speak wherever you want, even on someone else’s private property, even if they don’t want you there’.

No right is being infringed upon when a private property owner tells you ‘Find somewhere else to speak because you’re not using my property to say that on’.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Are you for, or against freedom of expression and the ability of people to speak their mind?

Twitter’s owner has the right to decide what legal speech he will allow users to post. The owners of Gab, Truth Social, the average Mastodon instance, and a ten-person forum for Mongolian basket weaving all have that same right. You suggest that the law should infringe upon that right by forcing all of them to host speech on their property that they’d otherwise refuse to host.

Fuck that noise.

The First Amendment doesn’t give you the right to make others listen to you, give you access to an audience, or let you turn their property into a personal soapbox. Nobody⁠—not even Elon fucking Musk⁠—owes you a platform or an audience at their expense. But hey, feel free to explain why that shouldn’t be the case…if you can.

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That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 'Free speech' means you can speak, it doesn't include 'on my property'

Cool, so I take it then you would have no problem with me or anyone else using your lawn to host meetings and/or political signs for politicians you loathe, keeping in mind if you say no you’re impacting my/their ability to speak my/their mind and thus hate free speech.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

You are free to speak whatever you want.

I am free to take any and all action to remove your presence from my house if I don’t want you there.

Your rights end at my door.

This is a non-issue and it’s called the right to associate, and it’s tied to private property ownership.

Do you support my right to not associate with you?

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The Ghost Deejay (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Queer

@Stephen T Stone

Can I ask you to lose the word “Queer”? Using it may say that you are a “with it” type of virtue signaller, but to me that word is just a fucking insult.

You have no idea how many times I have had a fight with people because they called me that name. (Though granted that was back in the day when I was in my 20’s – 30’s.).

Thank you.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

In this reality your solution is beyond stupid. There is an ability to create an almost infinite amount of information via AI and automate its posting so using your absurd logic if somebody posts a million derivative articles about something they would legally have to host them and pay for it. That’s beyond stupid. There’s no way to carve out some sort of exception for this either as there is no way to magically filter out anywhere near most AI generated content.

And your definition of freedom of speech is so broad it falls into the same pointlessness as me saying if you kill anything alive that makes your a murderer even if those living things are only germs or flies. And, btw, that’s your definition of freedom of speech not a legal definition of freedom of speech. People are allowed to have their own beliefs as to what constitutes freedom of speech but you’re the type of person that wants to inflict their perceptions upon everybody because its bothers you that others can come to different conclusions than your personal genius conclusions because, in the end, your subconscious mind knows your reality is built upon a house of cards of perpetual nonsense. Which is understandable, when the facts are against you just make shit up and declare it factual.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

What, like how the LGBTQ+ community is treated everyday in Southeast Asia?

Denial of even basic psychokogical care in schools, or even the choice to wear a different uniform? Constant demonization? LGBTQ+ Voices constantly being drowned out despite having a history of being “progressive”? The toxic Nazi ideology finally showing itself IN POLICY?

Excuse me for being * a little snippy* when what you call “shit in a right-wing news outlet” is what I call a fucking Tuesday.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4

In fairness to you, the New York Times is still largely a centrist/slightly left-of-center newspaper. But its coverage of trans people has been heavily influenced by right-wing fearmongering. Add that to the fact that the Times is more than happy to let some of those same fearmongers (among other right-wing personalities) write bullshit opinion articles and…well, you can see how I could come to the conclusion that the Times isn’t exactly trying hard to lean left these days.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5

What you are discovering is that even a left-wing outlet like the NY Times can ignore physical reality for only so long. People can only ever be the sex of their bodies, no amount of costuming, medicine, or surgery can change that, and nothing you can do will get people to stop seeing that men who pretend to be women are still men. You thought that you could use fear, threats, and intimidation to force people who see the truth to be silent, but as more people refuse to be browbeaten, it encourages more people to come out of the closet and deny woke gender ideology. Because reality will not be silenced forever.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

“Slowly”, my ass. Have you seen the paper’s coverage of trans people/trans rights? It’s about two steps away from the kind of bullshit you’d see on actual right-wing websites.

LOL, b/c you seem to think that opposing the sterilization and physical mutilation of vulnerable children and young people is a right-wing culture issue, and not simply a robust moral position that most non-degenerates hold!

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Your kind doesn’t deserve to pass on your genetic material for future generations. But advances in technology are forthcoming. Women can already impregnate each other in the same way that Tremblay’s salamanders can. You will be rendered obsolete and consigned to the rubbish bins of history.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:




So, asshole, you were saying… ?

Anathema Device (profile) says:

Re: Re:

“slowly leaning”?

The New York Times published a fawning profile of Hitler in 1922!


And god knows how many fawning profiles of Trump, and how many times they carried the bullshit about Hillary’s emails to support Mango Mussolini’s campaign.

Where the fuck have you been for the last eight years or more?

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Yeah, we’ve seen you will literally kill to stop other people being happy.

Exactly, those people most be stopped. They only advantage they hold over us is that when a man fucks a woman, sometimes a child comes out. Therefore research into women with phallic implements who can impregnate other women, or giving men the biological ability to have wombs, is of paramount importance.

Once the ability of people within the same gender to impregnate each other is normalized, we can shed this legacy of hate.

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Rocky says:

Re: Re:

Seems you are so stupid you think censored means “someone has to click to read what I posted”. Do you also think that you have been censored when you email someone and your email gets caught in the spam-filter?

I’d suggest you stick to picture books, seems they are a nice fit for your level of reasoning.

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Violet Aubergine (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Nope, you’re proving out point that is our right to not have to listen to your nonsense. And following your logic, I should be able to go into conservative churches and preach the liberal gospel of Jesus and if they try to stop me that’d be oppressing my freedom of speech.

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PaulT (profile) says:


Good question, but nobody knows other than Musk.

The best answer in my mind is that he’s just a teen edgelord. He managed to avoid growing up because of money, he got lucky, he was then blocked by people at places like SpaceX who believed in their mission from being this publicly bad. Then, he bought Twitter and there was no longer a filter.

He doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s still trying the teen edgelord act even though it’s way beyond pathetic at his age, and he might not even notice the financial cost.

Timothy Stamm says:

Re: And a claim at law

You also need a legal theory based in statute or case law or likely to get a court’s approval to proceed with your claim of damages in law or your request for equitable relief. Other wise you can be dismissed on a motion for dismissal for standing to sue as an injured party, no claim of actual damages or violated equities, or failure to state a claim of right.

Anonymous Coward says:

Yeah, how this works is Elon/ex-Twitter sues a concept in whatever jurisdiction and has to keep amending the suit until they are suing, say, a government, but the discovery will inevitably show the world-controlling tentacles of Soros forcing governments to pass laws he wrote in a bar on a cocktail napkin while destroying the social fabric of Hungary.

He has many infinitely long tentacles. (Super-popular with the tentacle erotica crowd. Can’t wait for discovery.)

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That One Guy (profile) says:

If they have the trait they would show it, not tell you about it

If someone feels the need to boast about how honest they are odds are high it’s because they’re a liar.

If someone feels the need to boast about how trustworthy they are you probably shouldn’t trust them with anything important.

If someone feels the need to boast about how unlike everyone else they are a ‘free speech absolutist’ who will defend any and all speech…

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techflaws (profile) says:

It’s pretty common when lawsuits are threatened for some people to say something along the lines of “can’t wait for discovery,” which generally just shows that they have no idea how any of this works.

Which is doubly funny since he got HIS ass handed to him in discovery when Twitter sued him to keep the contract. What a genius!

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Tom Blanton says:

Elon is suing not because the man who cannot be criticized is advocating for a bad law. He is suing because the sacred oligarch is lying about imaginary hate speech appearing on 𝕏, including “anti-Semitic hate speech” that is actually political criticism of that special oligarch. The glorious oligarch funds the groups that have “disinformation experts” that determine that 𝕏 is spreading terrorism all over the world. Libel. Maybe his NGOs will target Techdirt in the future. If so, will you comply with his preferences?

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” — Voltaire

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bhull242 (profile) says:


You do realize that that doesn’t help his case at all, right? George Soros can express his opinion on ex-Twitter all he wants, and there simply isn’t any no frivolous argument Elon could make in court to stop him or punish him for it. That doesn’t mean that Elon should change what he’s doing regarding moderation; that’s an entirely different issue. It just means that Elon can’t file a lawsuit against George over this speech that would get anywhere in court.

And no, it’s not libel to express your opinions. There is no objective definition for “anti-Semitic hate speech”, so any claim that something falls under that term is necessarily a statement of opinion, and such statements simply cannot be defamatory. If I called you a racist, even if I didn’t actually believe that you were a racist, that wouldn’t be defamatory because that’s an opinion and cannot be proven objectively true or false.

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Nimrod (profile) says:

"Free Speech Absolutist"

Sure, Musk believes in this, except to him it means that he should be allowed to say absolutely anything he wants to, anywhere and at any time. Is it humbling to be the “richest man in the World”, yet still have consequences for your actions? No wonder he gets to be a bigger asshat every day. The pressure must be intense. So, why am I not sorry for him?

Anonymous Coward says:

It is entirely possible that Open Society (which is funded by Soros) is advocating for hate speech laws

Maybe you could ask them for comment, or do some proper research, rather than speculating?

if Ireland passes a really bad law

the eventual Irish law

I am confused. Is there or is there not, a law being proposed? Could you maybe find out, I’m pretty sure they do a lot of stuff in English over there, you wouldn’t have to rely on google translate.

10/10 for dunking on Elon
3/10 for being confusing

Anonymous Coward says:

you got one relatively insignificant part of his gigantic reporting on the Twitter Files wrong which he eventually summed up in the 68 page testimony “censorship industrial complex” and act like he is some fraud. then you go criticize an article that you haven’t read. the only fraud is you, even neocon-appointed judges have debunked your utter bullshit. isn’t there a position for a narcissistic fraud like you in the disinformation industry that at least can give a salary that makes getting access to shellenberger’s articles affordable?

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