China’s Internet Censorship Regime Could Soon Include Mind-Reading Anti-Porn Helmets

from the no-not-on-that-head dept

Most of the time, China’s crushing, dystopian, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus is terrifying and deeply disturbing. On rare occasions, it’s merely amusing. This is one of those times and South China Morning Post has the details. (h/t The Honest Courtesan)

A device that can detect when a man is watching pornography by “reading his mind” has been developed in China, according to the research team in Beijing behind the project.

This lead in makes it sound as though every Chinese male will be issued a helmet and/or receive one up when signing up for internet service. And that would be kind of hilarious. But that’s more a UK thing — something to shore up the clogged porn filters the government still insists will save the empire from the scourge of sex stuff.

No, this helmet will be placed on the heads of internet censors, improving detection of porn before it reaches Chinese citizens.

The device, which could speed up the work of censors trying to spot indecent images on the Chinese internet, is worn on the head by the subject and can pick up a spike in the brainwaves triggered by explicit content, according to the researchers.

The problem this device aims to solve is humans and their inability to produce error-free work for hours on end while being compensated poorly. This will not end the long hours or the shitty pay. It will simply make China’s meatbags more efficient for longer periods of time. The porn-detecting helmet hopes to blend the best parts of regular and artificial intelligence to make China’s censors better, faster, and stronger. (But, strangely, not harder.)

Using the helmet, a jian huang shi only needed to sit in front of a screen, and the device would take over to screen a large number of photos non-stop until the censor blinked.

The developers said the new device could automatically adapt to the brainwaves of a human censor and could filter out noises in the brain signal caused by emotion, weariness or other thoughts.

Fun fact: jian huang shi means “porn appraiser.” Gentlemen, update your resumes. (Actually, women too.)

Many jian huang shi are women but no female volunteers took part in this programme, leaving unanswered the question of whether gender affects the device’s performance.

Which pretty much confirms common knowledge: men will wear whatever you tell them to as long as they’re assured they’ll get to see some skin.

Anti-porn helmets that detect porn better than the human eye. What China is pioneering will soon become an essential add-on for Oculus hardware. Reverse. Enhance. Etc. You read it here first.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Often, AC’s are just too dumb to address with anything but

Thanks, Amber! [insert false claim about target’s identity here “I know who Philip actually is”]

But as you noted,the US-FVEYs turned on it’s own citizens decades ago. I am one of them–that “one guy” who believed these problems could be fixed with that plastic word “Democracy!!!” tossed around at rallies, and in the news.

Nope–no fixes available, no updates for hacked OS-US; though I believed that law, and good journalism could do it! Save the world with the facts! The truth!! I was even an ACLU contributor and they did notably advise me ou of a jam, which didn’t stop the internecine police state from finding other ways to hack the fact they were seeking–an disrupt my ability to write there)–silly me, not knowing how truly political and controlled the pseudo-left is, by the toxic ADL and its brand of racism, or the various NGO’s that act as church fronts.

Your a little late to the party to discuss it now, but your effort is noted, even for an AC–and your post was fairly funny, almost like a human could have written it.

As a US citizen, the Hegelian dialectic was foisted in my lap just after 9-11 as a verified intelligence target, and I voted with my feet; I had discovered that the US is in fact a police state by definition–I paid a heavy price for speech.

Then, I tested the waters in Asian countries, Bloc nations, and in Latin ones too–Canada was a joke, a mere sock-puppet of FVEY’s policies.

So, yeah–the US-FVEY’s is in such a tight lil` brainwashed bubble that anyone and anything that outs and refutes their brutal spying regimes and steady streams of propaganda, guarded ferociously by intel trolls and contractors online, is “the enemy!!!”

Just look through this one post for evidence of that–I dare that other coward to call me a little shit to my face–it would be a different story about proportions I assure you. And seriously, these posts are being used all over the world right now to demonstrate a variety of things–I readily concede that.

See how that works? US so free, lol, I had to find freedom anywhere BUT there. If I was in the US these trolls would be geo-fencing me, and turning the data over to a Fusion Center. Then the squad cars would roll by and aim spotlights through my windows (true story.)

So, all countries have their problems: the Latin X nations are quite free in comparison to the US–no one gives two shits about you, and you can bribe your way into or out of most things–while the PRC, and Russia, Viet Nam–the general communist bloc nations have only one problem that I can see, which is US-FVEYs-NATO forever war and aggression, backed by sanctions and bio-warfare on their doorstep.

Capitalism in its raw form also exists in these places–the people can hustle ther daily bread in stark contrast to the gubmint cheese model and two tiered slavery (the Eric Garner murder highlighted that cops are willing to kill fathers for selling a fifty cent cigarette) of the US-FVEYs, while the US capitalist structures are only an insiders game, and most opportunities of those derivative of neocon’s and church PACs.

Then, China has it’s problems for sure ( a big billion dollar bond default in yesterday’s news by one of its top holdings companies)and there’s that thing about Chinese toilets–that one hole in the ground that splashes your ass, but hey, those are in Africa and Mexico too. And the land is being cleared, and people housed in ugly skyscrapers–but hey, that all happened in the US too, Appalachia to be specific.

Oh, and “Oh nooooooes! The Wiggers! China is forcibly educating Wiggers! Uneducated wigger wimmin can only have 3-7 kids now!!! Arrrrrghhhh! Freee the Baby Baskets NOWWW!!”–as this last weeks US Supreme court decis turns US women into handmaids, lol.

And of course, the world urged to boycott cotton–I don’t recall slaves in the US ever having the opportunity to crack a book, do you? Nope–cracking the books got them a crack of the whip, and earned a whole new US meaning due to that era (1619-1964)–one of the AC’s even called me “cotton” awhile ago, on another thread, can you believe it?

But most of China is on a pace to replace western dominance by the near 2030-40 era, due to sound management, while the US and it’s forever bipolar binaries–Trump’s racism, and kowtow to far right Israeli’s (Adelson) and Sleepy Joe’s capitulation to Klaus Schwab et al. have jacked gas through the roof, and US food supplies are running out, as western weapons flow into Ukrainian “Nazi’s” hands.

None of that in China (or Viet Nam, or Cambodia), where food fills the streets daily, often going unsold because there is SO MUCH FOOD for ordinary people to buy. And I seem to recall my news feed telling the tale of a skirmish in Tibet where the Chinese knocked a turban off of some Indian soldier or something–oh nooooes! China so dangerous!!

Obviously, I could go on.

So, having such opinions doesn’t make me a mouthpiece or shill of any one country or form of culture over another–but it DOES allow me to compare the state of affairs as I see it, and have experienced it; what I stated above, with evidence, and anecdote too. As is known, the US-FVEY’s is becoming the world’s most subverted nation–a dark ages theocratic police state–and it’s not like the good people didn’t try–we did. But as we know too well–the constitution grants freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM it.

SO, troll-bullies Top-dumb and Bottom-dumber are just as I said they are: .mil, .org, .ngo, .ADL or other types of trolls–they are a staple here at TD. China has these EXACT mechanisms online too, identical “yin and yang” trolling tactics.

And, the EXACT types of jingoistic blogs and bloggers extolling how “free and democratic” these highly controlled Big Tech platforms are, just as the media in the west hides the fact that Silicon Valley operations are all just huge intel honeypots.

And re:

cheerleaders as the US military and NATO

Russia and China have no fear of the US-west–Western Europe, lol– that’s for sure–because like the rest of us, we are watching the US implode, for the EXACT reasons you stated in your initial comment. The parity in surveillance and repression of speech is notable. And the six Catholics on the SCOTUS guarantee it will ONLY GET WORSE for those of us who fought and lost the prize there.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Thanks for asking. No, I do not. Russia is a co-opted communist experiment, leveraging white non-Jes against white Jews and their respective oligarchies. The Hunter Biden laptop demonstrates that process, that cancer, and that mechanism.

The Russia of today is seriously misled–but I believe correct in its stance on Ukraine. The fact that Putin is surrounded by oligarchs and patriarchs in kippah and worse, in shtreimels, is evidence that it has failed to ally itself with the people, or speak truly to “the masses, most of who do not sport those ridiculous gangster hats.

Now–this will entertain you: the famed “neo-Nazi” Stormer.Daily, and its publisher’s Andrew Anglin, and Weev, have come down in favor of the racism of China, over the bizarre Israeli-Nazi alliances of Russia and the west. A bellwether sort of opinion, from some controlled opposition.

In other words , so-called neo-Nazi’s find that China’s racism is a guidepost, and are deflecting away from the Russian model of oligarchy-cum-preaching-via-communist rhetoric-mixed with-Orthodox doctrine.

Russia, has the same cultural VD that all western nations have: Ukrainian Nazi’s (cleverly disguised as Jewish financier’s of both stripes) are allied with Israel–Israel, of course, the tip of the arrow of the Abrahamic Trifecta of Organized Western Religions, ala Atwill and Stanley.

So, simply put, racism underpins all “peaceful” societies, not ideology.It’s a cuntnundrum, as African preachers and white wimmin seekers fill the internet with pictures of their Ukrainian war brides–seriously.

The academic and religious term “miscegenation” and military term “bastardization”are different–the former term v. the latter relatively unimportant, as destruction of cultures via endless forever war might be better applied, and the results described as such.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5


Yeah, in case any of you were still wondering, I’m not affiliated with this stain. If he happens to be right again, then he’s right, but it doesn’t appear to be based on any solid, principled framework. Now that he’s given me a sense of who I’m dealing with, I can certainly understand your cynicism.

All the same, do remember that the most ass-backward troll is occasionally capable of making an intelligent statement, even if by accident.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Everyone knows that’s you projecting.

Meanwhile, back in derailment land, more about Gregory Bateson, and CIA applied schismogenesis:

It puzzled Bateson that usually the community does not disintegrate. He found that one elaborate event heading off a blowup is the elaborate “Naven” ceremony which entails tranvestism and buffoonery.

Stop puzzling so hard AC! Your “little” brain might implode, and all your other flying monkeys will eat you afterwards! It’s what monkeys do!

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

TBH, I am not at all “wondering.” The evidence you have provided is clear. I hope you see the error of posting as an “AC.”


the most ass-backward troll is occasionally capable of making an intelligent statement, even if by accident.

Nope. Few of them are actually what YOU think they are. And–TBH. NONE of them are EVER intelligent–they are all easily identified by their attempts at binary discourse.

To a fault, I might add.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:9

Actually, not true.

Completely true, actually. And what was it you were saying about people who begin a sentence with the word “actually”, hypocrite?

There are several here, including admins, that know who I am.

Nope. Even if you got an account, there’s no way to know whether you’re as much a coward IRL as you are behind a keyboard.

Can’t say that about you, though.

Right. As I said, there’s no way to know who anyone is on this site except the authors of the articles.

*I’m not actually the ignoramus which I’m replying to, I’m only proving a concept.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Not once have I praised any political party here, but that’s all you AC dishrags do, polarizing every dialogue here. And, AC dishrags are still 1/10th the weight of an opinion with a nym, lol.

That said, the US two flavors of fascism is a bizarre model (circumcisors and christcuckoldry on the right/child castrators and drag queen story hour on the left–ADL manipulation of school curriculum on either side), and yes, frankly I find the one party system fascinating at the moment–because within the one party communist systems–Cuba, Laos, China, Viet Nam, and other communist nations (not Russia) I see quite active multi-party activity.

Wile the ultimate decisions are state decisions, within these systems there is active discourse and democracy–a direct comparison could be made that ultimately the federal reserve and it’s various Bilderberg, or Klaus Schwab/WEF constituents is the US’ ultimate authority similar to the one party systems beholden to banaking syatems.

So–one party on each side of the pond–“bankers”, depending upon how you define a “political party” as opposed to a “political force or entity.”

Recent examples of SOCIALIST systems–Venezuela, Ecuador, are too CIA-Israeli infiltrated to make a call one way or the other about functionality. Like Russia, anywhere the starting premise is Jewish oligarchs battling it out with orthodox/Catholic, it ends in sharts. Ukraine is one example of that–and it’s a messy diaper, that one.

Ultimately, I am a capitalist, and like all capitalists I go where the money is at–but long before money, comes personal safety–the US is not a safe place.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Thanks, Amber!

The first time that was posted it had your name at the top, funnily enough.

[insert false claim about target’s identity here “I know who Philip actually is”]

First time I’ve read that too. But then, lies and walls of text containing more lies are all that one can expect from a troll.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

You two are straight out of Gregory Bateson’s OSS era work on schismogenesis, seriously.

it is very important to foster spectatorship among the superiors and exhibitionism among the inferiors.

Yo there, with little to say, the other it there, with ONLY derailment–you fancy yourselves as the all-mighty spectators. Me of course, the inferior heathen, not accepting the US-FVEY’s pabulum, “on display.”

Dr. David H. Price makes the case for Bateson as a “Lifetime Actor,” a deep cover culture subverter thus:

Bateson spent much of his wartime duty designing and carrying out ‘black propaganda’ radio broadcasts from remote, secret locations in Burma and Thailand, and also worked in China, India, and Ceylon.” Bateson was ideally qualified to pursue this work, since his earlier anthropological research was on the subject of “schismogenesis”, which is to say, the study of how societies become divisive and dysfunctional.

That about sums you two up, doesn’t it?

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Good thing I am being explicitly told by people who deal in that sort of thing that my, ahem, international arrest warrant, is not pedophila, ephebophillia, trafficking of child pornography or any crime relating to any of that.

Unless you think watching anime makes one a pedophile. And THAT makes you a lot sadder than any troll, eapecially considering that anime is big buisness in China, who is your fucking master.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Well, that certainly explains you need to post as AC doesn’t it? And

Unless you think watching anime makes one a pedophile

Um, maybe on the cusp there, right at the edge on the Kinsey scale.

I know nothing about anime in China, but I know anime is a useful PSYOP and a tool of CIA-FVEY’s post war cuckoldry. Look how they used it to neuter Japan and south Korea–deep post-MKULTRA psywar.

Sorry to hear you are into that. Your master is .intel unspecified and its anime PSYOP. But my “paymaster” is the public at large, sorry to disappoint you there, Kaku Seiga.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

I was speaking as a common person–a US taxpayer, BTW. Yeah–China does what sane nations do–they tax the wealthy, as theyt should. The common folk in most socialist nations–Cuba (my second favorite), Venezuela, etc. however, live a different reality.

See? Wikipedia so “formative,” which is why it’s full of NSA/JTRIG/hasbara/etc. trolls–and why China banned it. Like this forum thread, the US armies of NGO trolls (which you belong to) censor-by-proxy all meaningful discussions.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

See the posts above–before you began derailing this thread, re: my contribution of the Chinese characters, that another commenter requested, and links to articles that discuss the job.

You on the other hand, a mere bully, harasser, stalker, troll and comment forum derailer. You: zero substance.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re:

Your comment reminds me about all of those southern Baptist preachers who rant and rave about pedo’s-and then, OOTB, they are found out to be EXACTLY THAT.

Turn yourself in, fuckface, and let the children live safe and free from you. Go do the time–and stop trying to talk to adults about your pedo-problem. It’s something only the courts need to hear.

And your victims, of course. That might help.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Nice appeal to the far-right police state, BTW

Mr FBI agent! If you’re reading this…subtle China-praising.

That’s so far beyond a classic appeal to authority as to constitute a blatant appeal for police control of the internet.

Techdirt comment pool so progressive, lol.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Not true, Wandervogel–even the mods here think you Israeli hasbara/British-Israel/NGO unspecified/.mil, .intel trolls are despicable. Even more so than the alleged behavior of Bruno Bettleheim.

once you were in a camp, you could never escape the cruelty,” said Rudolph Eckstein, a psychoanalyst in Los Angeles and a close friend. “He turned it upside down when he started his school for disturbed children. It was a protected, caring environment, the mirror opposite of the camps. The door was locked to the outside, but always open from the inside.”

It’s starting to feel a bit Orthogenic School in here right now, lol.

Censorship-by-proxy is still censorship, right here, right now. Unless of course, Bettleheim’s “improved” concentration camp model is being played out here, by you and the AC troll farm you work for.

DBA Phillip Cross-see above says:

Re: Re: Re:

And this is where British-Israel JTRIG, or hasbarat’s impersonates a commenter. An entire side industry could be created by just thay–yet, no one has done it yet–HEY! here’s your next MILLION dollars. Free.

Don’t forget me whn I am old! Techdirt pundits could earn money by data basing, and publishing these scurrilous AC exploits–but for some reason, has not capitalized such exploits, YET.

But TBS, don’t forget the source, ok? MILLIONS exposing these rats and their IP’s.

Why is THAT exactly? Fascism WIN for freedom!

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Hey there, you fascist–winning is not the same as defeating asshats like you, who are undermining democracies across the world. I will take whatever help I can get to do that.

I have enjoyed dragging you all out of your JTRIG/ADL/.MIL/.Intel/.NGO trollfarm there and exposing you for what you are–others here now see it–you lost.

Anonymous Coward says:

This lead in makes it sound as though every Chinese male will be issued a helmet and/or receive one up when signing up for internet service. And that would be kind of hilarious

But of course these things work better when people believe they’re “voluntary“. Could you imagine if governments had tried to force people to carry location-tracking devices? The mind-reading will probably just be built into a future Facebook VR helmet.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Yeh, have your “master” get ahold of my “handler,” and let them talk–but make sure they both have the Safe Entry app installed on their satellite brain blasting microchip.

For the record, yesterday’s (INCREDIBLE!) Thai massage in Laos saw me twisted and handled in ways that I couldn’t imagine. No app necessary.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Hmmm, let’s see: you, a non-American or un-American, censoring-by-proxy, v. me, an American ex-pat, who fled religious fundies like you, and who is aware of how people (and bots) like you have foiled democracy (Bye-Bye Roe!) using the exact trolling tactics you use here, and now, you want my DL and passport for more info?

Hey, just call the Fusion Center down the road from you–they have all that info at the inyternet switch now.

And–see you at the TSA checkpoint, lol–democracy so over in the censorship-stop-and-frisk-pre-WW3 US-FVEY’s lol.

Not sorry, TBH that I am foiling your new-and improved-by-Bettleheim concentration camp model of the “GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD WORLD-WIDE SECRET CONTAINMENT POLICY!!

AC’s have poisoned democracy at every internet forum your type of scum is tolerated.

Anonymous Coward says:

And there is the under the radar VPN that will likely not be in any of the Great Firewall blocking lists.

When I was my VPN along with my online radio station, I did see connections coming from China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other regimes that censored their Internet.

People in China could start using under the radar VPNs the regime does not know about.

Anonymous Coward says:

China’s crushing, dystopian, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus? How does that compare to the American crushing, dystopia, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus? Or the British? I know that the American government has been a bit lackadaisical on the nation’s crushing, dystopian, inescapable censorship apparatus, but fortunately we have plenty of venture capital to make up for it with a range of private business funded crushing, dystopian, inescapable censorship apparati. But there’s no denying the clearly superior nature of our government’s crushing, dystopian, inescapable surveillance apparatus!

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

Idk who Philip is. I’ve only post very occasionally since my posting spurts a decade or so ago, and mostly track the weekly comment post with regard to comments.

But do you really intend to deny the length and bredth of the USA’s surveillance regime? Or the censorial tendencies of US corporate entities, which seem so eager to eliminate speech they dislike or which passes off Big Daddy Fed? Or is it on the grounds of my comments concerning the British government?

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Um, yeah–buggery is a Brtish and Aussie tradition–not an Asian one in any way, until AFTER you people got there, bombing and raping everyonein sight because years of inbreeding left you people with eyesight too poor to differentiate males from females.

Aussie intel so smart–hey mods, look at the gay bashing this person is consistently filling your boars with?

Above, it is actually fantasizing about being forced to nibble Asian nutsacks, as it chokes in it’s incel reality–it could be a future mass shooter.

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DBA Confucius says:

Well, it’s 检黄师 in Mandarin. Not that it really matters, because porn is EVERYWHERE in China (as are willing consorts, right alongside women driving trucks, digging ditches, and doing other jobs western women can’t imagine breaking a nail over), and so are VPN’s.

Many VPN’s can be DL’d from Huawei, and other APP stores the day you buy a phone–it’s an open secret. Only grannies and hillfolk don’t use VPN’s.

Certain ranking people use VPN’s as part of their work, and I recently sat down next to a retired PRC colonel, who was giddy to show me that he uses Google every day, and especially loves Google maps. Then there was the case of the APT10/APT41 etc. hackers being indiicted for trolling English speaking graduate students too–all used VPN’s.

Surely, Lost In Lodos is laughing his ass off about all the needless speculation about the capabilities of The Great Firewall!!!! being some evil monolithic creation of “the evil Chinese” any more than it is a creation of the Jesuits and other neocon China haters working from the inside out.

Protip: The Jesuit’s virtually invented Confucius

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Don’t think for one minute that you aren’t begging for an incel army to rip your ass to bits. Cuz that’s what you are doing.

Let’s see:

  • maybe, kinda, prolly faking, autistic idiot
  • comments about incel’s, with zero evidence of claims, zero concern for the fact that incels are 100% created by man-hating lesbians (Alana Boltwood) and Big Pharma (Boltwood sits on the board of Mental Health Canada with a gangster family scion Bronfman Klan member)
  • fantasizes about/imagines my very, actual, real dick, and its activity(that cunt is thinking about MY FUCKING DICK!!)–whether it does, or does not get that fragrance of woman slathered upon it’s stem this very night
  • calls the glorious union of man and woman/concubine/rental agreement/ friend/ prostitute “any”

Yup–that thing will be killing or otherwise “resetting” itself tonight because it is definitely NOT human. And that autie bastard is definitely TRAPPED IN THE UK WHERE CONSENSUAL SEX IS CALLED RAPE AND ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS!!!OMG!!!!!.


Die there, for “blood and soil, and frigid in-celerity.” It’s a fate that you deserve.

Myself? Marking my boner bingo card, day by day, day after day. Oh, look! My book is full….

Starting a new book now. How bout you?

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7

No, seriously, Mr. Bateson, tell me more about “little pygmies” and “superior” and “inferior” cultures–especially that part where the Russians harnessed the trepidation and unawareness of US-FVEY trolling of the Siberian indigenous peoples for their own purposes?

Yeah–as everyone sentient knows–you cannot cite to evidence–only your Little Aussie-UK biases about Asian Men’s Peenies guiding you.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Considering that I had hundreds of animals ranging from roosters to hermit crabs,cat’s, horses and cattle, that would mean that my mother wasn’t shy, sexually repressed, or otherwise frigid an in-orgasmic like the the “empowered women” of the FVEY’s nations, right?

Dialogue overheard in an American bar, one time

“Hey, Tanya, my lovely wife, let’s get a Saint Bernard!” “Oh, Christine, my love, let’s do exactly that!”

Ah, but MY MOM— Momma, R.I.P., you lived quite a life, hun. Remember that time you and I built a barn together, and then, the rats started nibbling the grain–how the roof collapsed due to the weight of people leering over the gutters to peek in the windows?!

Kisses, mom–and missing you right now, still smiling!

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

My mother wasn’t shy, sexually repressed, or otherwise frigid an in-orgasmic like me.

Dialogue never heard anywhere at any time:

“Hey, Tanya, my lovely wife, let’s get a Saint Bernard!”
“Oh, Christine, my love, let’s do exactly that!”

Only in the imagination of a troll that wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him with a restraining order for his online activities.

P.S. Go fuck your mother. You know you want to.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Um, yeah, I will meet you at the road, shotgun in hand as you attempt to deliver it.

Then, there will be a personal safety issue, and I will feel that my life was threatened–so, see you there, please do get a judge to sign that up.

Meanwhile, I will be seeking details of your same activity–with an int’l espionage warrant too.

Ridiculous trolls be ridiculous trolls. But you are asinine-ly stupid.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:9

Um, yeah, I will meet you at the road, shotgun in hand as you attempt to deliver it.

Then, there will be a personal safety issue, and I will feel that my life was threatened–so, see you there, please do get a judge to sign that up.

And here you put the lie to your claim of being an expat. If you want to be a halfway successful troll, you have to keep track of what you’ve said.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

Ahhh, great, you are still here,10 days later with your censorship-by-proxy brigade, exactly as predicted.

AC-AI troll-sperg, rule #1: always keep the fascist AC troll-spergs confused, lest they become wise, and actually dangerous.

Also, on the other side of your Lacanian mirror–if A is true, then what does that indicate about all of your statements about mine? Riiiight.

B: AC troll’s do be the dumbest CONVICTED PEDOPHILE’s online.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Dear Incel Awareness Foundation:

Thanks for you unsolicited junk mail, but I ask that you remove my name from your list.

Incels–100% the creation of a gender lesbian named Alana Boltwood-Bronfman ( BOLT heieheihei, and ” WOOD” heiheihei))from Toronto Canada, who sits on the board of Canadian Mental Health, only serves the purpose of anti-heterosexual-male sentiment.

Not least of which is that one of her co-board members ifs a Bronfman, descended from the Bronfman crime family–always one step ahead of the booze/drug companies and their profiteers! Gangsters win, every time they teach their daughters “genocide-by-other-than-Nazi methods.”

The “other” indeed!”

So, yeah. I know what an “incel ” is–a total creation of the Big Pharma, eugenics movement–not that anyone asked my opinion first, lol–they only asked my opinion after I outed their PSYOP.

Not my “marble heavy bag of G-d,” by any stretch.

While I find neocon Catholics, Protestants and Jews repulsive (Bye-Bye Roe!!!!), I find stupid gay people as repulsive–because they didn’t even see that coming.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Yup–thanks for outing yourself as a religious fundie.

Yup, every single one of your comments.

Well, a few of us out here have dealt with you cowardly fundies for decades online–and you are seen here for what you are, now.

Thankfully, some of us see your plan in action here with your personal contribution to the Frankenstein Gangster Computer God Worldwide Containment Policy, lol.

Thankfully, one of the mods hates you cowardly scumbag AC’s more than I do, which is progress.

As for incel’s–a movement created by a gender lesbian, I am no incel by any stretch–this guy is an incel–you Nazi’s and their creation, the Israeli’s always confuse strong opinions, and counter-argument with the speech of your PSYOP victims.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:


China’s crushing, dystopian, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus? How does that compare to the American crushing, dystopia, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus? Or the British?


Now that’s an excellent question. I can tell you there is little to no substantive difference in any noticeable way except that a) China’s surveillance is overt, while US-FVEY’s surveillance is covert, and b) the average US citizen thinks they are somehow not under pervasive surveillance, because of the two tiered justice system and its related mechanisms, targets are killed off, jailed, or locked into the legal/carceral/mental health/addiction systems in many ways after covert surveillance.

In the US, these systems are used exactly as they are in China–political or criminal prosecutions, blackmail, and traffic accident recreation. Footage can be altered, disappear, or reappear depending upon the case, and the relationships between the parties involved.

A short list of similarities/identical surveillance:

  • social media monitoring and interference by military, police, and related organizations. People get “the knock on the door” from police in both countries if they say something someone doesn’t like
  • China has The Great Firewall, the US-FVEY’s has neocon speech police and censorship by proxy, guided by the NSA-Israel alliance of open sharing US citizens data
  • pervasive public camera’s that are interlinked, and coordinated with databases, facial recognition, and Fusion Center’s of various names.
  • Chinese internet has the Human Flesh Search Engine, the FVEY’s has internet stalkers, DoXX campaigners, and internet flash mobs
  • in the US journalists must fight police and government for footage, and, if they get it undoctored, or in the extremely, incredibly rare, rare case that “the police bodycam was switched off” they use it; in China, journalists get what footage is made available to them b the government
  • China does have it some serious Hikcam’s, enough to recreate a persons travels and activities over extensive periods of time, from within their housing units to anywhere outside of their housing units; the US has fewer of those types of camera’s, for now, but as we see many case are solved via public camera’s, Ring etc.
  • many more direct comparisons

In the recent Tangshan beating, for example, Chinese were able to see the footage the day after it happened, though some internet talk about whether or not footage went missing, and bribery were involved, and censored.

That was followed swiftly by quick captures of the criminals, and dismissal or punishment of the police involved–unlike the US-FVEY, aka “Western Europe,”where such cases can drag out for decades.

Overall, ZERO substantive difference, and direct comparisons can be made easily, except by delusional people of “faith,” and other agenda’s.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re:

You really got me there! EVERYONE finds your two-liners really nteresting, fun, and cray-crazy! EVERYONE wants to engage with YOU!

Cutaway to you, and that scene in YOUR MOVIE, where the natives all place flower wreaths on your head, and you smile–you know, THAT smile, and the butterflies float around your head singing ” it’s ok, lil’ AC, even though YOU ARE A CONVICTED PEDOPHILE we all care for, and LOVE You!!! Just and only YOOUUUUU.”

Then, that next scene: OUCH!!! As you drop your blowdryer into the bathtub that you are in.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

EVERYONE finds your two-liners really nteresting, fun, and cray-crazy!

Which is why my comments have never been hidden.

EVERYONE wants to engage with YOU!

But not with you. Coercion is not the same thing as desire. Fuck off back to Wikipedia, why don’t you? Oh, I forgot. They don’t want you either.

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DBA Confucius says:


Thank you for your insightful comparison between the US-FVEY’s surveillance of its citizens, v. how dystopian China also sureveills its ciitizens.

No substantive difference–though the fortune cookie appears to have been derived from a Japanese chef, in San Francisco, around the turn of the century–he of course, drawing upon the overthrow of the Mongol Emperors, and the fabled mooncake rebellion.

Meh. Co-option be wut it be, lol, and dim sum.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Here’s the state perspective, spinning it into a heroic job–the headline asks “How exhausting is it to be a yellow movie watcher?

From the first day of employment, the yellow master will sign a strict confidentiality agreement to ensure that the work content is not exposed and never takes a needle and a line from the resource library.
And they don’t just look at pornography-related content. Reviewing content like violence, gore, horror, etc., may also be part of their job.

But seriously, the FVEY’s should stop kidding itself–Fusion Center’s in the US are doing these exact same things, and CIA-Big Tech too.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Honestly, I have my doubts about that. Now that I know who Philip actually is, I have to say that this doesn’t strike me as an obvious plant.

Even without visiting, I can see that the PRC has substantial problems to resolve; but while the Chinese system has its problems, it seems intentional that these are not placed in the context of the similar (but more severe) problems of my own government.

Or do you intend to be cheerleaders as the US military and NATO prepare for their imperial conquest OF East Asia?

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:

You, callin` me, little. What a racist archetype. “Little.” How–and why– does Techdirt allow this subtle racism a free pass?

You are a racist. I know Asians who not only can dwarf you, but also, whose peens can rape you back into sensibility aka “little” is so, so, so, Viet Nam era.

And even then? They creamed the FVEY’s cowards, and bootshit like you. Let’s revisit Frank Sinatra’s “Manchurian Candidate,” just for fun.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Um…you’re one dumb bunny– too stupid to even research the people you describe in racist terms–its !Kung San! people, not pygmies–and the latter term is in fact racist. Using diminutive’s is ALWAYS intended to demean.

And, as we see by the entirety of your comments, you are a schismogenetic mouthpiece for discord and disruption, ala Bateson

“schismogenesis”, the study of how societies become divisive and dysfunctional

Look at your own query above–

China’s crushing, dystopian, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus? How does that compare to the American crushing, dystopia, inescapable surveillance/censorship apparatus? Or the British?

Well, YOU are the answer there–NSA/JTRIG/CIA-et-agency trolls are well known to do EXACTLY what Top Dumb and Bottom Dumber AC trolls are doing here too. But so too, Russian, and Chinese, and other .intel trolls do these same things–agents of disruption always do what YOU are doing, right now.

Good people–real people–build bridges, Trolls like you lurk under them, and blow them up when no one is looking.

Rational people get that.

But only after they are given the proper information with which to make accurate comparisons–the US may be flush with venture capitalists but so is Macao, and even China for that matter–and no amount of gangster capitalism avoiding inconvenient facts about US-FVEY spying and harassment of its citizens can hide that fact–that the US-FVEY’s has fallen to that and will never be made Great again. Never.

Like it or not, the Hoover Dam/Tennessee valley Authority project was the beginning of the end there, lol.

But OMG–Save the Wiggers! Wut? An unfiltered set of facts about China comparing the bloody surveillance stae of thwe FVEY’s? Wauugh, THE COMMIES ARE EVERYWHERE!

Facts = Hamburger Hill in every US mind. Which is why last weeks Roe decision was overturned by six Catholic’s–the Dark Ages Cometh for the USA.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

It’s not exactly schizophrenic behavior, or political flak behavior, to treat a longstanding alliance as though it actually exists, yes?

No, but it is disruptive to keep banging on about it and accusing ordinary people of being part of it. Now fuck off, Phillip. Us non-sockpuppets are talking.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Shut up yourself, NSA sockpuppet.

The difference is that, unlike you, I am capable of recognizing that you probably aren’t a paid agent of the US government, and that multiple respondants are capable of making similar assumptions without being identical people.

Your servitude to your designated nation-state appears to have replaced a substantial portion of your capacity for critical thought.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Yammering on about sockpuppets (that’s SOOOOOO 2006) is reserved for non-lower-than shitstain AC’s. You should know this by now.

We do. The majority of ACs here are much higher than shitstains like you. So we can talk about sockpuppets all we want, but you can’t.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Shut up yourself, NSA sockpuppet.

The difference is that, unlike you, I am capable of recognizing that you probably aren’t a paid agent of the US government…

If you think I’m in the NSA, then you do think I’m a paid agent of the US government. Therefore, you are the one lacking critical thought. Now fuck off, projecting liar.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Um, NSA is just one option, but none of them are as obvious as you.

Every accusation a confession.

The other AC, mebbe Aussie/UK/West European intel troll.

Possibly, or an American working a nightshift because, unlike you, they believe in doing something valuable with their life.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

an American working a nightshift

Riiiiiight, ‘Merican archetype’s about hard work, lol–it’s so cotton-picking obvious ‘Merica got no jobs, lol.

And like those heroic Uvalde police were working the nightshift, just to keep their fat asses and beer bellies plugged with pork-rind, too involved in the narrative to save kids.

‘Merica so free! Home of the Brave! Save-the-children!!! UVALDE, TEXASFor Christ’s Sake.” like Roe-down-the-drain, another win for Hope’s-n-Prayer’s!

Yeah–but save the children for what, exactly?

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Shut up yourself, NSA sockpuppet.

The difference is that, unlike you, I am capable of recognizing that you probably aren’t a paid agent of the US government…

If you recognize that I’m not an agent of the US government, then why do you think I’m a part of the NSA? You’re the one lacking critical thought, hypocrite, not me.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:5

I can’t imagine how, in your weird bipolar world that anything that refutes the abuses of the US-FVEY’s surveillance state–and those of us actionably harmed by it–is “Working for the Chineeeeese!.”

But ok–subtle racism, but hey, they let that fly here on a regular basis, as long as it’s not overt, and doesn’t inflame all of those second-third generation generic “Asian’s” there in the US whose country of origin was bombed so hard it popped them across the world into “freedom,” lol.

But I seem to recall that you are one of those center-left former cops or something on this board that is part of the problem–feel free to correct me if I erred, but that’s my recollection–and MiG’s.

Yet facts are facts, and you refuse to engage with faacts–the US has little to nothing to compare anymore–once a bastion of “rights” we see now, it has been taken over from the FISA, to the SCOTUS, and rippling outward now, by actual “foreign agents” of Rome.

Anything to say about that? I mean, I could prove you wrong

There’s never been an instance of accusations someone is a US government troll that came from anyone who wasn’t a non-US government troll.

But why–zero incentive, and more of the same bizarre US mindset that you puke into the keyboard between tranny changes or something.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:2

it is disruptive to keep banging on about it

No, what is disruptive is YOU and other .mil, .nsa, .intel, .ngo trolls–by design. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all just shut up about how the occulted western religions are all just military predators, who don’t respect the rule of law?

Lol–sharing is caring, when it comes to NSA spying on US citizens, and sending the entire thing unfiltered to the psychotic Israeli mossad.

You are a zero substance, zero contributor to ANY discussion, and your purpose is 100% derailment of threads.

Then there’s the “chilling of speech” factor–look! The other AC just below is too afraid to state a clear opinion, the facts, or engage with my evidence, lest they get “the knock on the door” at 6:00 a.m. or worse.

YOU NSA-et-agency trolls are the actual terrorists, and everyone of any substance knows it.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4


Every accusation a confession.

reads like a line out of some Soviet era propaganda, you know the one, where the guy with the baton, dressed in military fatigues is grilling the artist about who they know, and the artists stammers “But I don’t know Person X–or why he bought the vodka!”

Then, the Great Spectator and Interrogator sneers “Confess!”

Yeah–you are like that kind of sicko.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Wow-you were able to pull your hands out of your ass long enough to type that? But how you gonna clean that keyboard now?!

No need for kowtow’s in free societies–I have identified several above, that are more safe (for me) than the US-FVEY’s–maybe check them out!

Meanwhile, we see the deal you cut there at the switch to kill speech online via censorship-by-proxy.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:

Um, actually in Singapore right now, but thanks for trying. And:

What Maggie McNeil and other whores* went through in the 1990’s as KKK/Catholic Conjugal Conference/Moral Majority “empowered women” took over the pro-prostitution dialectic was absurd–exactly these kinds of AC-driven harassment campaigns.

Interestingly, a lot of these women’s problems STARTED after they went to Beijing for the UN Women’s rights and prostitution conference (I forget which one), specifically, true feminist and hero Norma Jean Almodovar–the whore who Heidi Fleiss offered her black book– was vilified by the LAPD, and these women targeted by police in bizarre ways.

SO–yeah–actual activists always get forced offline, or go underground because of the exact anti-democratic attacks on discourse that we see above, BY .MIL, .ADL, .INTEL. NGO, .SILICONVALLEY TROLL FARMS UNSPECIFIED, EXACTLY AS WE SEE ABOVE.

This repeats in multiple generations. Myself, NJ, and Maggie can all testify to what these demons do online, EXACTLY as we see above and elsewhere here on Techhdirt.

*I am tempted to just say whores, and leave that word hanging there, so that I could be accused of trolling, and have these demon’s flag the comment as per usual, but instead, I add this caveat, for Tim’s sake: these women proudly identify as whores–shamelessly, wonderfully, and proudly identify THEMSELVES as whores.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

It’s great to see you quoting/citing to Maggie McNeill, the Honest Courtesan–great cite, Tim!

What Maggie and other whores* went through in the 1990’s as KKK/Catholic Conjugal Conference/Moral Majority “empowered women” took over the pro-prostitution dialectic was absurd.

Interestingly, a lot of these women’s problems STARTED after they went to Beijing for the UN Women’s rights and prostitution conference (I forget which one), specifically, true feminist and hero Norma Jean Almodovar–the whore who Heidi Fleiss offered her black book– was vilified by the LAPD, and these women targeted by police in bizarre ways.

SO–yeah–actual activists always get forced offline, or go underground because of the exact anti-democratic attacks on discourse that we see above, BY .MIL, .ADL, .INTEL. NGO, .SILICONVALLEY TROLL FARMS UNSPECIFIED, EXACTLY AS WE SEE ABOVE.

This repeats in multiple generations. Myself, NJ, and Maggie can all testify to what these demons do online, EXACTLY as we see above and elsewhere here on Techhdirt.

*I am tempted to just say whores, and leave that word hanging there, so that I could be accused of trolling, and have these demon’s flag the comment as per usual, but instead, I add this caveat, for Tim’s sake: these women proudly identify as whores–shamelessly, wonderfully, and proudly identify THEMSELVES as whores.

Tim–if you like Maggie, check out Norma Jean–she could use a PR blast.

Anonymous Coward says:


This repeats in multiple generations. Myself, NJ, and Maggie can all testify to what these demons do online, EXACTLY as we see above and elsewhere here on Techhdirt.

Yup, every single one of your comments. Now fuck off, Phillip, and don’t come back until you’ve got something worthwhile to say.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:

Serioolsy–US-FVEY’s trolls flagged this:

Well, it’s 检黄师 in Mandarin. Not that it really matters, because porn is EVERYWHERE in China (as are willing consorts, right alongside women driving trucks, digging ditches, and doing other jobs western women can’t imagine breaking a nail over), and so are VPN’s.

Many VPN’s can be DL’d from Huawei, and other APP stores the day you buy a phone–it’s an open secret. Only grannies and hillfolk don’t use VPN’s.

Certain ranking people use VPN’s as part of their work, and I recently sat down next to a retired PRC colonel, who was giddy to show me that he uses Google every day, and especially loves Google maps. Then there was the case of the APT10/APT41 etc. hackers being indiicted for trolling English speaking graduate students too–all used VPN’s.

Surely, Lost In Lodos is laughing his ass off about all the needless speculation about the capabilities of The Great Firewall!!!! being some evil monolithic creation of “the evil Chinese” any more than it is a creation of the Jesuits and other neocon China haters working from the inside out.

Protip: The Jesuit’s virtually invented Confucius”

No rebuttal, no discussion–just AC trolls, courtesy of Techdirt, allowing such behavior.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Ok, then–see above for a working template of Censorship-By-Proxy–and see [this] piece from “Censorship as a Public-Private Enterprise]( or this from “CENSORSHIP BY PROXY: THE FIRST AMENDMENT, INTERNET INTERMEDIARIES, AND THE PROBLEM OF THE WEAKEST LINK”

And what you see above is EXACTLY that.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re:

[Citation needed]

And I am not at all a fan of your work, Anonymous Coward–you have single-handedly yucked up nearly every internet platform where you appear, with your flame-baiting robotics and bad AI impersonations, though you do have at least one fan.

And also

A 2016 public poll at Slashdot asked its readers, “Should Slashdot remove the ability to post anonymously?” The results from 13,669 responders was a resounding “No” at 71%. “Yes” and “All my posts are written by Cowboy Neil” (a Slashdot in-joke) came in at 13% and 14%, respectively.

So, obviously, you are nearly universally despised.

Anonymous Coward says:


The above comment is an AC-Hole impersonating my nym, no surprise it puts a racist antisemitic spin on it.

The real Phillip Cross is an asshat with Aspergers, lives in Britain–which seems to have no shortage of asshole AC’s shitposting all over the net, harassing others, and derailing comment threads.

But it’s at least interesting how often ROGS has foreshadowed the death of the Kween of England in the last month, ay? If only she could have taken all of those white knights with her!

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