Victims’ Rights Laws Abused Again To Hide Identities Of Officers Who Killed Someone

from the one-of-the-few-laws-cops-actually-know-back-to-front dept

Ten states are currently home to a version of California’s “Marsy’s Law.” This law is a “victim’s rights” law, named after a California murder victim. It was written with the intent of involving crime victims in the criminal justice process, giving them a “right” to be heard during court proceedings, choose their own representation (rather than be solely represented by the prosecution), and — as is most relevant here — prevent crime victims’ names from being released publicly.

That’s where these laws have become convenient for cops. When cops deploy excessive force (including killing people), the person subjected to police violence is often hit with criminal charges. Resisting arrest is a popular one. So is “assaulting an officer,” which may mean nothing more than a person bumped into an officer while being detained. Since those are criminal charges, the cops turn themselves into victims, despite having performed far more violence than the person they restrained (to death, in some cases).

States where victim rights laws are in force allow officers to prevent their names from being published by media covering deadly force incidents. Since the cops are nominal “victims,” the law applies to them. A law enforcement officer in South Dakota used the state’s law to keep their name out of the papers following their shooting of driver during a traffic stop.

The same thing happened in Florida a few years later. Two cops who deployed deadly force were able to convince a judge the state’s Marsy’s Law applied to them — even superseding the public’s right to this information through the state’s public records laws.

It has happened again. Same state, same law, same outcome. Here’s Scott Shackford for Reason:

In Sarasota County, three deputies were sent to a condo in April to help evict 52-year-old Jeremiah Evans. According to Sarasota County Sheriff Department’s report, Evans pulled out a knife and threatened the deputies. One of the deputies shot and killed Evans.

Prosecutors determined that the shooting was justified. The Sarasota Herald-Tribune submitted a public records request to the State Attorney’s Office, and among the information they received were the unredacted last names of the deputies involved.

Then the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office swung into action, going to a judge to invoke Marsy’s Law to try to prohibit the newspaper from publishing the names of the officers involved. On Friday evening a judge granted a temporary injunction preemptively prohibiting the newspaper from publishing the officers’ names. Despite failing to redact the names by accident, the State Attorney’s Office also supported the sheriff’s department and joined the action against the newspaper, essentially attempting to shift responsibility onto the newspaper for the office’s own supposed breach of the law.

The Herald-Tribune, which had already obtained some of this information (last names only) from the state attorney’s office, is rightfully upset at this turn of events. It has filed a motion in opposition to this injunction — one secured by both the Sheriff’s Office and the state attorney — pointing out that this is an unjustified abuse of the victim’s rights law in hopes of memory-holing information already provided to the paper.

In the newspaper’s motion, attorneys said nothing in Marsy’s law creates a private right of action against third parties or empowers courts to “censor private persons, such as respondents.” If disclosure of the deputies’ names violated Marsy’s Law, the motion argues, the violator was the State Attorney’s Office, not the newspaper. 

“Petitioners cite no case law that places Marsy’s Law above the free-speech guarantee in Article I, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution. And any reading of Marsy’s Law that prohibits the news media from publishing publicly disclosed information also would bring Marsy’s Law into conflict with the United States Constitution,” the motion states.

First and foremost, the law cannot be used to stuff the genie back into the bottle. The newspaper already has access to the involved officers’ last names, thanks to a public records response by the state attorney’s office. The emergency injunction does not prevent the paper from publishing information it already has because the public release, as the paper points out, was performed by the state attorney.

Second, the injunction process appears to have abandoned the concept of due process entirely. It was obtained by the sheriff and state attorney with zero opportunity for input from the party directly affected by the injunction. The paper was not notified the injunction was being sought and was not informed of law enforcement’s efforts until after the order was secured. And it was obtained on Friday evening at 6:30 pm, presumably to maximize the length of the questionably obtained opacity, preventing the paper from engaging in any challenge of the order until the following Monday.

This certainly isn’t the way those writing these laws expected them to be used. But that’s what these laws enable when they’re abused by public employees who deploy deadly force: a larger gap between state law enforcement officers and the already distant accountability that rarely serves to deter future misconduct.

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Comments on “Victims’ Rights Laws Abused Again To Hide Identities Of Officers Who Killed Someone”

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That One Guy (profile) says:

'Won't someone think of the poor killers with badges?'

‘Look people are really mean when we murder someone because the looked at us funny/had something in their hand/might have had something in their hand/didn’t grovel sufficiently/we felt like it so clearly we’re the victims here and the law is rightly being used to keep people from knowing exactly who pulled the trigger.

On an unrelated subject it is also really unfair when people blame entire departments for the theoretical actions of only one or two officers, if they want to assign blame it should only be for those engaging in behavior they wrongly object to, not the police as a whole.’

PaulT (profile) says:


“On an unrelated subject it is also really unfair when people blame entire departments for the theoretical actions of only one or two officers”

Usually followed up with “I saw someone claim that someone related to BLM/antifa/LGBTQ/whatever did something bad, so everyone associated with them only has themselves to blame when cops abuse or slaughter them”, without a hint of self-awareness or irony.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

I am well aware of the definition of physical force for reasons beyond your comprehension level.

And, posting as AC is what trolling is by definition. You have a personality disorder, path-narc spectrum, side order of sadist and potentially violent. Can’t admit you are wrong.

Force is force, and any good lawyer would make that argument—the argument you f41l3d to make. And, in such cases as you mentioned, they do exist—here is a bank teller with a bomb strapped to her–any and every judge and jury anywhere would define this as “forced.”

I am a contributor–you are a troll. You bring nothing but harassment and bullying to the table. Anyone can see it.

Naughty Autie says:

Re: Re: Re:5

You have a personality disorder, path-narc spectrum, side order of sadist and potentially violent. Can’t admit you are wrong.

Said the troll, projecting his pathology onto others due to his discomfort with how he views them.

Force is force, and any good lawyer would make that argument—the argument you f41l3d to make. And, in such cases as you mentioned, they do exist—here is a bank teller with a bomb strapped to her–any and every judge and jury anywhere would define this as “forced.”

Not saying otherwise, Mr. Obtuse. You’re the one trying to redefine threatening others as physical force of the individual.

I am a contributor–you are a troll. You bring nothing but harassment and bullying to the table. Anyone can see it.

Why does everything you say about yourself involve projection?

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

You are kind of cute for a rock, covered in dying moss. Maybe look into that.

Meanwhile, back in BiZzARrO LAND, we encounter sour mayonnaise infused word salad, served by you:

trying to redefine threatening others as physical force of the individual.

I mean, WTF is that exactly? Look upstream–the salmon were all dying as soon as AC #1 dipped its incredibly short pole into the stream, slinging “hate”! The rest was chaos, by design!

Myself, I prefer deli, no mayo. But you greasy spooners are “all mayo, up my ass, at all times–shit slides easier!”

I never understood felchers. You are all felchers.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

You are kind of cute for a rock, covered in dying moss. Maybe look into that.

Meanwhile, back in BiZzARrO LAND, we encounter sour mayonnaise infused word salad, served by you:

I mean, WTF is that exactly? Look upstream–the salmon were all dying as soon as AC #1 dipped its incredibly short pole into the stream, slinging “hate”! The rest was chaos, by design!

As for felchers, I have no idea what they are, but I’m guessing you do or you wouldn’t have invoked them.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

Well, satire or not, it’s about ten fold more than anything you do here, as a non-contributor and troll.

Do you have Paypal? I will send you a few shekels or some Monero to help pay for that elusive bandwidth there in bandwidth starved upper Siberia, the Serengeti, or wherever it is that bandwidth is so throttled that one link to satire sends your machine into blue-screen errors or whatever.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:11

Well, satire or not, it’s about ten fold more than anything you do here, as a non-contributor and troll.

Said the projector.

Do you have Paypal? I will send you a few shekels or some Monero to help pay for that elusive bandwidth there in bandwidth starved upper Siberia, the Serengeti, or wherever it is that bandwidth is so throttled that one link to satire sends your machine into blue-screen errors or whatever.

My preference to stream actually useful things from YouTube and SoundCloud equates to bandwidth so throttled that just loading a page is problematic? Only in your impoverished imagination, troll.

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DBA Phillip Cross says:


I think you are on the edge of perpetuating the “one rogue cop” mythology. Police departments can be and are institutions that adopt bad policies, and hire officers who fit profiles of persons who will enforce bad policies.

Israelification, and teaching cops that it’s ok to shoot people in the back is one of those polices, but there are thousands more.

These programs are incentivizing police criminality, and are taught department-wide anywhere these toxic programs exist.

There are no “rogue cops,” just bad cops who get caught, and hung out to dry by their peers.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:

Maybe. It does appear it can be interpreted that way. But is there ever a bad time to insert more facts about Israelification, so the new kids have the proper name for the horrific policing policies that we see discussed above?

In other news–Poe’s Law appears to have interesting origins, beyond internet.

Or, is it a case of co-option of the law, just like Israelification?

Naughty Autie says:

Re: Re: Re:2

But is there ever a bad time to insert more facts [sic] about Israelification, so the new kids have the proper name for the horrific policing policies that we see discussed above?

When it’s a creation of QAnon, so every time is a bad time to bring up that rubbish.

In other news–Poe’s Law appears to have interesting origins beyond internet.

Those are two completely different Poe’s Laws, as you would know if you’d bothered reading the webpage you linked to.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Of course I knew that–why do you restate the obvious? But in re: Q-anon? What type of argument are you making here? Police brutality in the US is directly tied to Israelification.

It’s directly tied to the British National Intelligence model, “high policing,” intelligence led predictive policing, or whatever other of the many names that these devils hide it behind. It is political policing, combined with heinous pre-emptive brutality, assisted by othering.

Sure, you can say that it’s just more of what the heathens have had heaped on them since before Roman Times, but it’s still fundamentally extremist led policing. And, Islamists are integral in this new wave of terror, right alongside these zealots–and have been complicit since Roman times too–its the Abrahamic Trifecta of toxic Freemasonry that Richard Stanley discusses so accurately.

The British-Israel model allows radical Zionists of all stripes to commit atrocities and crimes–the Protestant right alongside the Baptist, alongside the settlers–the same model used to destroy Native American’s, now exported back east, and everywhere else real estate is the prize.

Every dialectic space is toxified by it– as we see at the Supreme Court, colonized by radical Catholic sociopaths. There work over the centuries is also well known. How could that be a bad thing to discuss openly? Unless….

Many don’t know this but the origin of “never discuss religion or politics in polite company” is Masonic. Su, let’s upend that, shall we? Or…

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Police brutality in the US is directly tied to Israelification.

You’ve used that same link to back your anti-Semitic bullshit three times now, so we want three independent links saying the same thing before we believe you. You got away with trolling on Wikipedia for five years, but we won’t let you get away with it anywhere near that long here.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6

“We want” is indicative of your service in an Israeli hasbara unit. Maybe Squad 8200, or one of the many Silicon Valley-Mossad front companies.

Nice assumption. Another classic from Trolling 101 as well.

Sorry–I am not on that payroll, find the links yourself, you hateful, racist,dog-whistling piece of shit.

So you admit to having no evidence for your bullshit anti-Semitic claims, and then have the cheek to accuse me of racism and dog-whistling? Like your psychopathy, your projection is obvious.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Thatone, weird, awful day, when desising gangsterism, the ADL, and Big Pharma wars on the poor is called “antisemitic,” ws truly ONE WEIRD DAY.

You were there, as I recall. On the phone with NYPD, using some “people tracking APP” something something, and “BLACK PEOPLE THIS AND THAT,” AND ESPECIALLY “”POOR WHITE PEOPLE” something or other, and making “lists.”

How do people/bots/AI like you live with yourselves?

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Again, more trollish assumptions. I don’t even live in New York, city or state, nor have I ever been there, so you couldn’t have seen me on the phone to anyone. Thanks for providing evidence of just how much of a liar you are, though. It helps puts the lie to your assertions that you aren’t anti-Semitic.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:9


Meanwhile, back in Antisemiticland, I heard a story about Ham and Sham, where the [Ukrainian Nazi’s]( were bombing, genociding, and apartheiding Gaza or somethng.

Tell us more about your vacation there? Free vacation so cool, right?!

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:11



The belief is strong, my Anonymous Coward friend, that your lawsuit would live forever in infamy, amongst Techdirt’s most lauded posts, on the internet.

And then, I would finally get into the coveted “most insightful” or “funniest post ever” slot, alongside other people with Aspergers Syndrome, passive aggressive disorders, and autism (or who are just shitbags, bullies and trolls here at TD who hide their bad behavior behind such claims of diagnoses.)

I would be very proud to finally WIN such an honor.

Meanwhile, why don’t you inject some ANTISEMITISM into the discussion at this point,


so the readers of the future can see who you are? Waaagh! Im-a-gonna-sue-you!

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:12

And then, I would finally get into the coveted “most insightful” or “funniest post ever” slot…


alongside other [sic] people with Aspergers Syndrome, passive aggressive disorders, and autism (or who are just shitbags, bullies and trolls here at TD who hide their bad behavior behind such claims of diagnoses.)

Like you’ve just done? Free clue: your behavior indicates you’re on the personality disorder spectrum, not the autistic spectrum. I should know, I’ve spent literally decades of my life working with individuals just like you.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:13

working with individuals just like you

Likewise, I have spent years dissembling the junk science of psychology–held up as evidence by people just like you.

Imagine that, yet ANOTHER pro-censorship-by-proxy psychologist who bullies and harasses people online from the AC default–and applied labeling theory ala psychology!

Which might also explain why you hate my frequent references to Nurse Ratched and One Flew Over the Cucko’s Nest as prediction, not as fiction then?

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Right. Religion is more toxic than the virus–all those magicians and mysteries….

And an argument could be made that the two versions of said law could merely be restatements of each other too.

Poe’s Law:

The observation that, on the Internet, without a clear indication of the author’s intent, it is impossible to tell the difference between sincere extremism and a parody of extremism


a Christian theological principle that states: “Elements of the Gospel speak to different levels of spiritual concern in different cultures at different times.” It is taught to modern evangelists as a way to better target the message of the Gospel to different audiences for maximum salvific efficacy.

Both state something about extremism–i.e. “religion,” and both are methods of approaching a dialectic space to make a point, gain followers, and win arguments.

Then, when you do that, the actual extremists all try to censor you off the internet as we see with cancel culture.

Censorship, censorship-by-proxy, and it’s cousin in so-called free societies, Yeah-but-whatabout-section 230-and-no freeze peach on private-platforms-huh? are the tools of actual extremists. And they have found a comfy nest there in Silicon Valley, doing the work of government, by proxy.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

And an argument could be made that the two versions of said law could merely be restatements of each other, too.

First Poe’s Law: 5 × 6 = 30

Second Poe’s Law: 7 × 8 = 56

Nope, still not seeing it. You’re gonna have to take me by the hand if you want to lead me down that rabbithole.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7

You really count on the fact that Techdirt readers who explore the comments are likely dolts, right? You exploit that loophole.

You are probably “not wrong”in that assumption. But it hearkens to better days, and free-er discourse, when trolls like you would have been banned, by default.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:5 said nobody, ever

Your definition of either “rational” or independent are obviously not in the dictionary–you troll rationalists, and you deplore independent thought and analysis.

Yeah, I just looked through your greatest hits from the last week or so–you’re like qa broken record, and all of your comments are merely re-assertig that you are the nobody demonstrating any capacity for rational independent thought, ever.

Seriously, take a class, get outside a bit, drop the hash pipe–whatever you are doing it’s just redundant.

on Twitter Successfully Quashes Sketchy Copyright Subpoena Over Billionaire’s Critic On Twitter

Censorship is the denial of the ability to speak on a generic platform based on the viewpoint of the speech 

Said nobody with the slightest comprehension of the concept of censorship, ever.

Jun 30, 2022 @ 12:53am
on Please Take A Moment To Celebrate How A Very Different Supreme Court Saved The Internet 25 Years Ago

And even a quarter-century later, there’s still nobody mentally compent claiming in good faith that Section 230 is a bad thing.
Jun 30, 2022 @ 12:50am
on U.S. Companies Don’t Much Want To Talk About Abortion Data Collection And Protection

… said nobody who has ever demonstrated any capacity for rational independent thought, ever.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Yeah, I just looked through your greatest hits from the last year or so (including before you added “DBA” to your ’nym) – you’re like a scratched CD and all of your comments are merely re-asserting that you are the one failing to demonstrate any capacity for rational independent thought, ever.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Liar. Please show evidence, or STFU. Of course, you cannot.

Don’t Be a[n] ADL-FBI Puppet!!!

And your “thoughts” are straight out of a “defamation and derailment” playbook. Feels so, um, 1962, Francis Dec, lol. So ORIGINAl, AC troll–so very independent!

Your game is thousands of years too long. Please go die in a forest pr something. Or Hainan Xiandun yourself already.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:9

My criticism stands—everything I wrote there is TRUE, based in facts.

What they are doing to Assange is based in racism, and the exploitation of the narrative split between that point where facts and fictions blur–which is the media and public relations function itself.

Daniel Ellsberg NEVER had such trouble’s. Pierre Omidyar is in fact an ADL mouthpiece–a direct contributor to the problem. And hate is hate, as we see in your case.

So, while you, positioned there at the switch to “catch” things that you think are anti-semitic, keep in mind your own stupid racist basis. You are the “cancer at the internet switch,” and others can see that.

You also massively fail to account for the presence of people like yourself–comment forum derailers who work in ADMIN capacities, and the actual collusion in the US-FVEY’s to effect censorship-by-proxy. This is why the west is LOSING right now.

No rational person would call what I write “trolling” by any stretch–only a shitty, biased person like you who derails comment forums for a living, apparently. And, is subsidized by the ADL to do so, apparently.

trolling: make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them

Keyword “deliberate.”

All speech is delliberate–so your default is that all speakers are trolls. As LostInLodos, you come here to control the narrative, not to participate in conversation. You stand as the bully at the door, farting on every person who walks by, and threatening beatdowns if they say that you stink.

You exist as a mechanism of the establishment.And your feelz act as a false positive, and smash discourse, when your selfish, private interests are challenged in any way.

Go back to Gaza, and apologize to those you have helped to murder, then let’s “deliberate” about the meaning of “deliberate.” But in your definition, it requires that I post at the level of the average dolt, so I don’t hurt some imaginary friend of yours who might one day read my deliberate comments.

And in so doing, you deny others the ability to deliberate whether or not you yourself are a deliberate provocateur, or just an AC Troll.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:11 Errors

Like the wand seller in Harry Potter, I remember EVERY person I have ever banned. Ever. On every site I have such a position.
2 since 2020 (6 user IDs, but 2 people).
13 in the 2010s,
6 in the 2000s
… … …

I have, always have had, a distrust of anyone who won’t register.
Again, I have no puppets. I stand firmly on my posts. Right or wrong.

Those who post without an ID are afraid, of something.
To do so at a site like this, you have no spine at all.

We’ll start with anything said by an anonymous, is worth 1/10th a statement from the greatest troll of all time, TrollFireMaster. Look him up. He’s mentioned in Fire in the Valley and iWoz, As the Disk Turns, I.N.C. Etc


DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:9

How is “tupid and lacking substance” working out for you? Seriously–I would pay the ticket price to watch a day in your life, Truman. And of course, I would then down-vote everything about it on

I have never seen anything from you that had meat–no substance, ever. Get a life!

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:12

Correction: you threw shit at Autie first by suggesting he realize the Internet is international, regardless of the fact he’s a Brit commenting on an American website, and therefore more than likely already knows that. But what does a troll on the level of Robert Mugabe need with facts, huh?

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:2

You being autistic is not an excuse for you being a harassing bully. Being on some spectrum disorder or another does not give you a free pass for your verbal violence here, or anywhere else.

In meatspace, you would be pounded and flattened like a greasy spoon hamburger, which is why trolls like you hide behind the AC nym.

Zero intellect, zero contributions, zero purpose other than to harass–Silicon Valley is literally infiltrated with your types, whether they are Baptist armies of proselytes, or whatever it is that you are, as noted above.

You are the cancer at the internet switch.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

You being autistic is not an excuse for you being a harassing bully.

Because all ACs and the named people you bully are the same individual. Right. Q-/

Being on some spectrum disorder or another does not give you a free pass for your verbal violence here, or anywhere else.

Your projection is as obvious and boring as your flagrant misuse of descriptive terms.

This comment has been flagged by the community. Click here to show it.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

I wrote about that a few months ago at the height of the Gabby Petito co-combatant situation, all of these “feel-good” laws with the name of white, female victims attached are designed to get the girls by the crotch, and are neocon fascism on its face–the beginning of the two-tiered society.

The constitution is fairly clear about rights, and what is and isn’t public, but these demagogues and religious right wingers–allied with the more radical gender identity LGBTQmunity– always manage to make it about “the feelz”when it benefits the police state agenda’s.

It all started with rape shield laws, child protection in family courts, etc. aka, The Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) and it’s he-said/she-said narratives. White knightery on acid.

As we saw with Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard, there are ALWAYS two sides to the story, and no amount of feel-good legislation should be allowed to keep that out of the public record.

And it cannot be missed that such laws all carry the name of an [Aimee] (, a [Gabby] (,passed%20away%20in%202012%20due%20to%20untreated%20sepsis.), a Marsy, or other typical white female names ending in the squeamish “ee” phoneme, which sounds a lot like “pee-pee,””squeal” and “feelz,”

The police state that you write about was built on that exact gendered narrative, holding white females out as the prize to be won, via adopting the white knight position, protecting them at all cost, and above others, just like in the Titanic.

And, these absurdities will go “on and on” because, th deception is Titanic.

“I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on”

Naughty Autie says:


And it cannot be missed that such laws all carry the name of an [Aimee] (, a [Gabby] (, a Marsy, or other typical white female names ending in the squeamish “ee” phoneme, which sounds a lot like “pee-pee,” “squeal,” and “feelz”.

Said the Georgia police official putting out a Levi’s Call to no one ever. Hot tip: when copying a link from Bing rather than the page the link leads to, it’s a good idea to cut out the extraneous text added by Microsoft.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re:

Right.Total Markdown fail. I haven’t used it, like, ever. So (tucking head low) I actually took the Markdown tutorial right afterwards, reminding myself that “the internet tis forever!! And someone might notice that total tag fail, lol.

That aside, Amber alerts fall in line with that whole gendered DVIC narrative too–all of those VAWA era laws that sound like “Wawawawawa!!! Nothing to do with kidnappers, everything to do with neocons and fascists solidifying a gendered narrative, and keeping the “good girls” in line with fear messaging.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Yeah, I’m sure it does, but Wikipedia is blocked in my region, as a disinformation/forever war propaganda outlet. And, based on the title, I was uncertain if I was being trolled into clicking some religious bullshit, like this other “Levi’s Call.”

I don’t read Wikipedia unless I have to–note my moniker, an homage to a Wikipedia troll named Phillip Cross, who was able to post 24-7, for 5 years straight before it was outed as shill for Forever War, Inc.

But thanks for mentioning that–I looked it up.

The quoted portion represents a reading comprehension fail on your part

It was actually a combination of laziness, trepidation, and caution–after all, its GEORGIA we are talking about there. But its still a cherry off a race and gender biased tree that rhymes with pee-pee, Aimee, and “feelzie.”

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Given the kind of things you say here, I suspect that you and the Wikipedia Phillip Cross are one and the same. That would also be a far more likely explanation for the Wikipedia block. Just because you can’t edit it, that doesn’t mean you should ignore what’s on it.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Who is a troll? Yup. You.

Rational people are learning–it’s you. I am quite open about my nym, anyone can see it. Your lies, and attempts at defamation mean nothing to rational people.

You are a soulless bitter pill.And seriously, give up on the James Cagney–your showing your age. You insults above are content-less”used scumbag, dumb motherfucker, animal.”

Your entire persona reads like a cross between a damsel in distress, and an outdated, corny archetype of a 1930’s era B-movie gangster.

Likely a split personality.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

OOOps, In the heat of arguing with an AC over speeling errors, I missed the substance of your comment, in re: “Phillip Cross.” The fact is you exhibit more of that operations traits than I ever could.

From Wikispooks:

Craig Murray, whose Wikipedia page has been repeated edited by Cross remarked that “the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is systematically to attack and undermine the reputations of those who are prominent in challenging the dominant corporate and state media narrative. particularly in foreign affairs. “Philip Cross” also systematically seeks to burnish the reputations of mainstream media journalists and other figures who are particularly prominent in pushing neo-con propaganda and in promoting the interests of Israel.”

See? That’s all you, and none of me. See points at operator, and sytematically attack, and undermine, and burnish, pro-establisment, etc.–all you.

You are doing ALL of those things here, right now. If I had a Wikipedia page, you would be over there editing it.

But while you are here, please do point to anything I have done here that is trolling, by any definition of trolling.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5

The fact is you exhibit more of that operations traits than I ever could.


See? That’s all you, and none of me. See points at operator, and sytematically attack, and undermine, and burnish, pro-establisment, etc.–all you.

And more projection.

You are doing ALL of those things here, right now.

Indeed you are, projector.

If I had a Wikipedia page, you would be over there editing it.

You do have aWikipedia article, but what it currently says about your bad behavior is accurate enough that there’s no need to edit it.

But while you are here, please do point to anything I have done here that is trolling, by any definition of trolling.

The comment I’m currently replying to is just one example out of many on this very page.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Thanks, Amber!

you are now on day five, assisting nym-posting DBA PHILLIP CROSS at proving you are pathetic, and sadistic, and intel affilliated. Tune in for the day seven episode, where DBA Phillip demonstrates the efficacy of arguing with AC trolls–spoiler alert: The AC trolls DO NOT get shot in the face, or dragged into the light, because forums like Techdirt actually HARBOR them. Stoopid complicity F41l, cuz, Holocaust industrial complex.

In other news, poor Francis Dec! His adversary was a power-imbued judge from the Bastards of Italy brigade Frank A. Gulotta. It never ends well when intel types team up with the judiciary and “official narrative” to stalk, hunt, and defame people–which is of course, why Phillip Cross SHOULD be defamed!

Have at it my loving little pigs, sows, and dogs–you know who you are. You. Yeah, YOU.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4

troll? How so?

As for extra text, not everyone understands link syntax. Most don’t.
So a statement as to removing extra text from a link is quite subjective. What can be removed is not a common knowledge.

As far as I can see all links on this page are well formed. But I’m not going to go looking through the embedded ones.
So either you are pointing to something indirectly that I’m not seeing, or your simply wrong.

And I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because even Mike has acknowledged that threading isn’t working right.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Troll? How so?

Previous comments on this very site are full of trollish behavior.

As for extra text, not everyone understands link syntax. Most don’t. So a statement as to removing extra text from a link is quite subjective. What can be removed is not a common knowledge.

Right, because it’s not at all possible to hover on the link before right-clicking to copy it so you can compare the original link to what you copied. Q-/ Dumb motherfucker is dumb.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Right, because it’s not at all possible to hover on the link before right-clicking to copy it so you can compare the original link to what you copied

It’s not my job to go through and do that. No, if you want to point out a clear example I’d be happy to look!
And I’m quite sure even if you do find such a link it would still be a matter of a lay person not knowing what could be excluded.

I get it though. Your a code master. An HL god in need of control. I don’t condemn that. Crap code is crap code no matter the language.
But you can’t blame a person who copied a link and doesn’t know good language practice.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:7


An HL god in need of control

You are pretty good at profiling. I initially profiled the AC exactly that way too.

While coders should be respected, their cold, detached language CANNOT become the ling de franc, for that reason–when we study the language of control (CONTROLLING LANGUAGE), we find bad things beneath it.

The first hit in a search is the Hegelian Dialectic, no shit. Control language, and you control the masses–it’s intentions always to dehumanize.

But again, I appreciate that AC dropped the nagging, and I am working harder to create better links–a little nagging can be effective and constructive.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:11

Right. Thanks for that acknowledgement. I am truly looking for guidance. Can you help me? I am struggling with “go fuvking kill yourself,” but I lack a good example. Could you demonstrate that for me, so I can “get help?”

Much appreciated!

Post it to Trump-tube or whatever it’s called. I can get that in regions that censor Youtube. And, I will sitkaddish for DAys IN YOUR HONOR, rambling incoherently about what a true leader you were too, guaranteeing your place in hell, or wherever it is that 8rolls go after they off themselves.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:9

You’re fairly funny! I almost like you. Not YOU, but your you presence.
You are a prime example of failed premise.

I have no master, for I will not be a slave.
I have no slave for I wish not to be a master.

And if you’d step outside your self inflicted prison walls, you’ll find I bow to no one. I’ve been around since before the internet.

Line up every person you know and I’ll destroy them in tech. I’m fluent in more languages (computer and human) than you are aware exist. I travel the world destroying those who compromise freedom of speech.
I am but a remnant of memory three passes later. My politics are my own. And every party world wide, every group, every individual: I could care less.

Or, as a great philosopher once said; cower before me for I am my own god.

I am lostinlodos. The one and only. I will never use an alternate. I will not be silent, and I will not be misrepresented.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

A great philosopher once said

`tis far better to be almost liked than to have never been almost liked at all!

LOL. So, if all premises are false, and all false conclusions valid, only the human being has the ability to correct that, with human speech, and other efforts.

This is the post-911 era after all. Nu/New World Order and all that, at all costs.

Line up every person you know and I’ll destroy them in tech

Yes, that’s what this is all about. The Great Frankenstein Gangster Computer God. For whatever it’s worth, crazy Francis Dec described this Golem pretty accurately, despite the racist psychobabble.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:11

The first quote on master and slave comes from DDCoop. 1986. A prominent disk track DRM cracker. A reference to his/her hatred of damaging load on boot modifications.

The second comes from ASL in the mid 70s
A line later used slightly modified by Marlin Manson, as “I’m not a slave to a god that doesn’t exist”.

cower before me for I am my own god. I serve none but myself. I fear no one but myself. I am not afraid of a god that doesn’t exist. I do not fear a devil that doesn’t exist. I do not serve a world that doesn’t give a shit.
The underlying idea is powerful. I am what I am. Take it or leave it.

This particular AC is growing on me. They use logic and reason, flawed or not.
But never make the mistake of thinking I am anyone else. Or anyone else is me.
The ONLY other name’s I’ve used, pre early 90s, we’re LLFDos, 6432EURT. The former as a Usenet/wan handle, the latter on BBS and newsgroups.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:12

Well, for a short time I was Guide|JamP on aol. Before switching to lostinlodos. A period of about a month I believe.
GJP fell into the “hole” during a “stadium” event and was unrecoverable. Sad.

For aol users who remember stadium events, you probably remember the yield cone and the “don’t fall in the hole” warnings of the early AOL days. The other ‘casualty’ was VGS:Guide|KAT who came back as Guide|HolePatchKat

But we’re way off topic now.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:13

Off track is ok. If there’s one good thing about trolls and AC’s is that, occasionally, their derailments end in good things that they did not intend. The story you shared earlier–quite an insightful bit of a person’s journey.

The AC that you are BFFing right now is attempting to co-opt my current nym here, posting in my name, because it’s too stupid and cruel to play by the rules of common civility. And this has been done many times here at TD–people do in fact recognize my voice as distinct from all their navel gazing, cheerleader, and political polarization.

And, some know that I have actually changed the entire world’s discussions–the last few years ago Floyd protests started at my literal doorstep.

I use different nyms, because I am a targeted speaker, having fought epic battles with the police state messaging apparatus for decades. In my writing across the web, each conversation is its own chapter. Here, that group literally forms up a gang, and flags my posts. I assist others who they are bullying/

As for the book, only I can read the entire book, for now–but unironically, it is a book about names, and censorship–the ritualized practice of “un-naming” that is widespread across the FVEYs right now. And, censorship that starts in the most unlikely places, unsurprisingly so-called “liberal” forums that host AC trolls–and those who are not bright enough to see that most AC’s are JTRIG, or similar spookshops, causing division, and stealing our time.

Francis Dec got that part of their machinery correct, no doubt, and it all started with some Freemason’s calling him a Polock and then systematically calling him racist and crazy, and working to destroy his life–he was not crazy at all,and this is a definite thing that happens in western societies–and right here, too.

So, yeah–pearls/swine, ehatever. But never my real name;-)

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:14

The AC that you are BFFing right now…


…is attempting to co-opt my current nym here, posting in my name…

I’ve seen a single post clearly not by you, which is hardly co-opting anything, but is clearly satirical. What’s the matter? I thought you were all for free speech.

…because it’s too stupid and cruel to play by the rules of common civility.

The rules of common civility include not talking about people as “it”, so you’re hardly in a position to tell others to play by those rules, hypocrite.

I use different nyms…

Thank you for the admission that you are indeed a sockpuppet.

…because I am a targeted speaker, having fought epic battles with the police state messaging apparatus for decades.

That’s not a “police state” “targeting you”, fool. That’s your comments being hidden because no one likes a load of garbage polluting their immediate environment.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:15

Well you got this right:

because no one likes

Yes”no one,” you are an AC troll. Being no one is ok, amongst nobodies–get comfortable there. Your continued presence here is like cancer, clinging to a fetus.

As Lost In Lodos pointed out, your net worth as AC is less then 1/10 of the value of any random troll.

My work, however was featured world wide in the news, on multiple occasions–some of those occasions lasting years. No less-than-garbage AC troll can dent that performance.

As for your other charges–these arbitrary rules of trolling that you routinely exploit are meaningless–written by spergs and feelies in the 1980’s Usenet.

The AC loophole that you routinely exploit–and this very forums admin’s acknowledgement that you are cancer–means that rules of any kind go out the window. You exist solely to derail, and destroy dialogue.

ANTISEMITISM INSERTION POINT [insert ADL, .mil, .intel, .ngo troll here]

What you are doing has little to do with free speech, and everything to do with subverting it. EVERYTHING.

And you are an “it” by definition. You ONLY troll and harass–and attempt to keep discourse on a narrow course that benefits you in some way.
As an “it”, and as I have maintained over several years of this discussion–you are likely a .ml, .intel, .ngo, or .adl troll–not an individual by even the most wild leap.

And as such you are part of the Worldwide Frankenstein Gangster Computer God thingy that Francis Dec described so brilliantly.

AI is an “it,” too–you exhibit no human trairts whatsoever, so my default is that you are an “it.” And I don’t believe that it deserves human rights by any stretch. Here’s the problem with it:

When you read a sentence like this one, your past experience tells you that it’s written by a thinking, feeling human. And, in this case, there is indeed a human typing these words: [Hi, there!] But these days, some sentences that appear remarkably human-like are actually generated by artificial intelligence systems trained on massive amounts of human text. People are so accustomed to assuming that fluent language comes from a thinking, feeling human that evidence to the contrary can be difficult to wrap your head around. How are people likely to navigate this relatively uncharted territory? Because of a persistent tendency to associate fluent expression with fluent thought, it is natural—but potentially misleading—to think that if an AI model can express itself fluently, that means it thinks and feels just like humans do.

Again–you exhibit zero human traits, over multiple conversations, spanning half a decade, most-chiefly is your chronic attempts to stifle conversation.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Considering that you are now impersonating me here, in other threads, and leaving fake comments, using my nym, you should known for what you are, AC troll. A truly bad person.

I hope you experience hardship, soon. Real hardship, the kind that makes crybullying shitbags like you want to kill themselves.

The fact that you claim you are autistic does not excuse your antisocial behavior. So–I will now seek to lock you up in a “safespace.”

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:9

Considering that you are now impersonating me here, in other threads, and leaving fake comments, using my nym…

Because I’m the only one intelligent enough to see your trolling for what it is? Well, I’d thank you for the compliment if it didn’t feature denigration of other commenters as being as dumb as you clearly are.

…you should known for what you are, troll. A truly bad sockpuppet.


DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

Well, your honesty is surprising–you are admitting to trolling and also that you are impersonating me here in these threads. Bookmarking for posterity.

And, re:

denigration of other commenters as being as dumb as you clearly are.

You are a harasser, thread stalker, and a bully–the farting fat guy by the door who threatens to beat people up. every time someone says you stink.

And al of that as an AC. What’s in a name? Everything, in your case.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:9

I find it honourable, and a bit funny: you stick your guns.
My daily reading list?
Techdirt -tech related
Ars Technica -pop culture
CreepyPasta – horror shorts
TorrentFreak – copyright/tech/internet
OS Daily – software
DivaDirt -wrestling
Independent Violence – wrestling
Dredcentral – horror media
Gore – horror media
FFRF – anti-religion

Most are short 1-3 article releases.
How is any of that “right wing propaganda”.

I thank you for the SP support though. I don’t need to his. My opinions are my own and I don’t really care, ultimately, if others agree with me.
If you do, good, and if you don’t, good. I don’t want to live in a opinion clone bubble.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

I get it though. Your a code master. An HL god in need of control.

Hence your sockpuppet joining in with you to attack an autistic commenter.

But you can’t blame a person who copied a link and doesn’t know good language practice.

And there’s the admission that “DBA Phillip Cross” is your sockpuppet. The quotation above shows that you lack good language control, just like your creation.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Again–you being autistic does NOT get you a free pass to harass, troll, and bully people. And even mentioning that makes you a crybully.

Then–here you are on the paranoid spectrum above, flinging your garbage at someone who has no connection to my comments whatsoever. You are a sicko. And:

“DBA Phillip Cross” is your sockpuppet

No–it’s not a sockpuppet, its an internet nym and people like me use them so that sick people like you cannot distort are meanings or intentions in real life, the way you distort things online. You are not a good person–the internet is full of “you,”and none of you are good people.

Get some help. Take your meds or whatever it is that makes people like you act human. Because you are not doing that, and the world is not going to accommodate itself to your distorted mind, although, for some reason, this forum does seem friendly to your psychopathology.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:9

Again–you having a personality disorder does NOT get you a free pass to harass, troll, and bully people. And even mentioning that makes you a crybully. Also, I’d classify your unnecessary “advice” to take medication as projection, but long years of working with individuals like you has taught me there’s no successful pharmacological treatment for your disease.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:8

A sock puppeteer has control over the sock. I have no sock. I am myself and need no secondary account to make my point.

Btw, dPC and i are clearly not aligned. You could look up commentary history if you had a sack or clit.

I simply oppose ignorant stupidity. I simply refuse to let you sir/mam/it/them to use politics to attack reality. There are over 8 billion people on earth. Less than 1% could properly trim HTML tracking.

that’s not political, it’s fact

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:9

You could look up commentary history if you had a sack or clit.

Nice attack on scrotal cancer and FGM surivors. M

I simply oppose ignorant stupidity. I simply refuse to let you sir/mam/**/them to use politics to attack reality.

So basically, you oppose trans rights, just like another unpopular troll. Well, it’s good to finally learn the identity of the puppetmaster of Hyman Rosen and Koby.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:14

Are you confused? Or stupid?
Because without some link to back that…Even in my disagreements on how fast we should establish change, and my level of concern for the non-concurrent opportunities for abuse; I have never said anything against proceeding forward with integration.

I’m probably the most outspoken outright supporter of nongendering, free sex, non-committal, be-yourself pro nudity user techdirt today. If ever.

So put a link where your fingers are.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:11

Yeah, huh, huh?! Wut he said!

You could look up commentary history if you had a sack or clit.

And even he left out the billions of foreskins that have been lost, severed, sliced and diced over the centuries–a curious position for someone who is both po-scotum, and pro-clit.

An even more curious position for someone who is anti-Bettleheim. The AC is pro-mutilation of male genitalia, which is why it deplores Bettlleheim, who wrote extensively about such perverts.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:5

This AC is quite the niggler. Unbelievable, it harps on a code error for two days–put your money on “it will drag this out for a week or more” if you let it.

Then comes its pal Grammar Nazi troll to help fight its battles followed shortly by an army of people enraged that you made a spelling error.

And as you note, there problems in the threads–bigger fish to fry– but geesh, this AC troll is quicksand. Imagine the loss of minutes just arguing with its trollish hyper-positions here? Endless time sucker.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6

1) Not deleting extra text is a failure to engage in basic actions on your part, not merely a “coding error”.
2) You accuse someone above of a “lack of empathy”, and then talk about an actual person as “it”? Yeah, the person you projected your pathology onto isn’t the one lacking empathy here, buddy.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Follow this thread. What we have is an ignoramous, but that ignoramus appears to control, or be sheltered by Techdirt.

It gets away with saying bad, terrible things–but no “troll army” punishes or deletes it, as opposed to other commenters.

Kill the spawn, the progenitor follows.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Having a different opinion doesn’t mark one a troll. The premise dates to the 80s but comes from MUDs.
A troll sits in the corner, reading, waiting. Attacks simply to attack. And slinks off at the first sign of resistance.

As opposed to flamers. Who are only interested in long drawn out fighting by taking a stance simply to be contrary.

Neither fits myself. I have rational, if heated, discussion on topics. my sources may be wrong. And if I’m clearly wrong I admit it. That’s why I’m here. To be corrected when wrong and correct others when they are wrong.
I debate. Something congress needs to return to. I’m not partisan. Every US party would toss me out in a second over one stance or another.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:11

Maimonides styled rationalism, or the scientific counterpart? These smear and trollboys like to skip between the two, like it’s just another day at the fiction factory, writing things like this.

I am no fan of absolutism of any kind–experience demonstrates that rational explanations cannot account for everything, and can often be incorrectly arrived at, similar to SETI close calls.

California, the US debt, and anywhere Israelification is practicedUkraine are all cases of absolutists, burning the village to save it.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:12

I consider myself agnostic. The statistical probability of a “higher” unknown is better than not. And that probability leans to multiple more than single.
Existence generally doesn’t do single anything. Multiple uniques is more the flow. Meaning more than one ‘things’ we less-understanding would see as gods and magic and such.

That said, if there is a “higher”, and I’m supposed to believe. They’ll let me know. My guess is that those beings simply don’t care.
Clearly we’re not needed. Or we’d be talking with clouds and burning foliage on a regular basis.
As it stands we generally read form books of man. A few talk with deranged snakes. Others talk to a little voice in their head.

One thing about organised religion of the various sourced books is they all miss the key premise related in similar tones.
Speak not to a prior for they are lost.
Suffer not the prophetic to live.
Beware for I send not ahead.

In other words, if true, your own guiding text says not to believe in the ritual house you attend.

The Gnostic gospels all were named for the enlightenment of a personal Jesus and a personal relationship with god. The very idea was a strike at the power of the forming church.

If there was a singular christ (Roman Chris) of the Jews, (Jesu/Jese) with real followers then the Gnostic texts such as Judas and Mot are far more likely to be ‘accurate’ portrayal.

The irony of christian belief is that the gospel of John is so filled with subtle warnings of a combined power leading away from god and Jesus.

today many believe Revelation was about Rome. But the Gnostic interpretation, then and now, follows the abandoned books. The apocalypse is not of man and spirit but in the growth of multiple powerful churches which hold wealth and power. Deluding the connection to god.

Wow. That was quite long! Sorry

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:13

Yeah, I am stone cold “it’s all a lie, designed for the profit of the few.

Existence generally doesn’t do single anything

Right. parallel universes, wormholes and all that–the mouse, contemplating the cheese, knowing with certainty it is his and his alone doesn’t cut it. Natural Laws explain it quite accurately–the Wow! Signal too.The human’s quest to defeat loneliness by finding, then suspecting, then killing “their enemy,” lol. Pattern repeats–always the 1% emerging unscathed.

And that is all described from even before the rape of the Sabine women too. And “was jesus realllly Titus Flavius!?“Who gives a f@ck. I am so over the entire Moses-Jewish-Christ-christian-Kelloggs serial killer-protestant-catholic-christcuckoldry- other world confabulations that seek space in my head and life. Devoting even small talk to them and their World Order’s is best avoided, and you will never regain the breath you lose blowing wind about them.

Richard Stanley, et al. cover it quite well, and attributes it to Freemasons and their various “orders”–not a theory, and not a conspiracy per se anymore than the obvious conspiracies they engage inFreemason’s want Israeli’s to know–We Ar Not A Cult!!. The White Helmet’s in Syria being a recent example, or the complacency in Ecuador.

He calls these traitorous, murderous psychopathic liars and frauds the People of the Flavian Book, and he is spot on. It’s the keystone of western culture–but surprisingly has infiltrated eastern culture at key stress points too (though Hong Kong was a massive fail, lol).

The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics also covers the internecine relationships between the Global elite, their NGO’s and World Order Org.s and their convenient religious narratives and morality plays that pop up just after they wage mass casualties is quite accurate too.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:12

Huh? Science has already proven there is existence after death. Matter doesn’t get destroyed.
Your body will add important nutrients to the soil helping other life to spring up.

So are you saying that not only do you believe in fantasy beings but you reject the scientific proof of existence after death and exchange it for some possible metaverse?

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:14

I don’t have a sock puppet. But nice try.

Here a question! why do you cling to “everlasting life”?
There isn’t a non-religious philosopher out there that hasn’t directly tied ‘hope for new eternal life’ and the fear of death.

I have yet to read from a monotheist or duothiest explain competently why they look forward to “heaven” and what makes it so great.

Sorry, no monotheistic religion exists now or in history that doesn’t pander to the fear of death.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:15

Here a question! why do you cling to “everlasting life”?
There isn’t a non-religious philosopher out there that hasn’t directly tied ‘hope for new eternal life’ and the fear of death.

If having received Religious Education in school means I’m religious, I guess I must simultaneously believe in God, believe that something exists without knowing who or what, and that there is nothing at all since I also learnt about agnosticism and atheism in those same lessons. Not my parents couldn’t afford private school fees, so I attended public school like most kids do. You? Home educated by an ignoramus, I’m guessing.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Right, not censorship–but quite revealing of the direction this forum takes, and WHO takes it in that direction.

It’s also a form of censorship-by-proxy, as military and intelligence troll farms can and do leverage that exact feature, EXACTLY as we see AC #1 doing.

Derailing is a JTRIG GCHQ specialty, but the FVEY’s and it’s CIA NGO’s have mastered it too.

So, censorship-by-proxy of the willful ignorance of those who don’t know this, and especially toxic when utilized by those that DO know this. But also by their acceptance of the brainwashing systems in place that cause them to see Russians!! Chinese!! Nazi’s!!! under every rock.

Who need’s actual bad guys, when the brainwashed believe their actions of speech suppression are just?

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

more than one user

No there’s not. In the troll army context, the greater force occupies the space of the individual. AC’s are united in only one purpose, and likely across platforms, working from .mil, .ngo, .adl, and .intel hubs–part of a larger entity.

Their purpose is derailment, and as such are one entity, and while it’s easy to pick out the different “voices” behind their cowardice (one troll says “dumb motherfucker!” while the other says “scumbag!” as they unite in the memetic “that’s projection!”) , their purpose is the same–and as such, it’s irrelevant that they may, or may not be human, individuals, or AI.

As LiL pointed out, AC’s are all despicable, and ranked lower than ordinary trolls–I at least give up bread crumbs so that admin’s can make a rough guess as to who I actually am.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:12

Right, Top Troll, and Bottom troll–we see what you two are on about. But you missed the caveat–

In the troll army context, the greater force occupies the space of the individual

SO, one unified troll, same derailment purpose, so, one troll cuz AC nym. ANYONE devoid of humanity, or individuality can do what you are doing.

So–all as one.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Right, lots of code out there. I was excited to take the tutorial.

I am fortunate enough to be a human being, so we as humans occasionally make mistakes. I generally work with code-free environments, or cut and paste for non-coders.

I cannot imagine the emptiness, and tin-smelling minds of someone that would find such a thing worth nagging about for several days, but yeah–those people are out there…

Rolls eyes

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Of all the things people pick on…? 🫤

There are literally over 50 markdown languages. Hundreds when you properly count markdown as a markup subset. It took multiple tries to get embedded html to work here. But I figured it out eventually. And don’t intend to utilise it often.

This site uses some variation close to wiki. But not completely compatible. It’s a strong style with closure. Making long run formatting easier. But sacrifices ease and swiftness for that.
Good for the twitface generation.

I’m from the Usenet and BBS era. I still write long messages (obviously).
I prefer soft single for markdown, and strong closure for languages.
Funny how the entire industry has flipped to the opposite.

Picking on someone’s markdown issues is a bit of bullying. In my view.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:5

Exactly. This site is rife with bullying. It incentivizes trolls, and especially, trolls who are connected to the internet switch(i.e. Infragard agents, FVEY trolls, and rats), or employed in places like this exact forum.

Over 50 Markdown languages. But yes, I admit my fault–none of these pedophiles who hide behind the AC moniker ever do.


In other news–note the virulent “anti-democracy” types in the thread, and for fun check out Weev, my current favorite Jewish “Nazi”.

According to the ADL, “Weev” has a long history of exploiting technology to gain attention to his anti-Semitic views

Quite a guy–one of the good guys actually, fighting race supremacy gangs in the Anti Defamation League, and racist B’nai B’rith “Zionists v. Goyim” garbage. WHO CAN POSSIBLY BEAT THE ORTHODOXY FOR RACIST CRED? NO ONE. THEY KILL US IN EVERY GENERATION.They have the money, the power, and the ear of oligarchs–they P*WNED the British crom for Satan’s sake!

It’s a sad fact. So, yeah–Hitler merely threw off their yoke. And, British -Israel was pinched to explain all of that to “the masses”.

So done with their version of reality.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

Note that the AC in question is not only posing as me on other threads now, but also hides its bullying behind an alleged mental illness–a classic GCHQ trick of defamation.

I have nothing against people who accept some kind of diagnoses, even though I think MI is 90% bullshit. Good for you TCB.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:12

For the record, as you likely might know, I knew people who knew Bettleheim. I have also known a few “mechanical boys” and even a “Wooden Boy,” most of them geniuses, with high academic credentials–listen, I am well aware of the war on male intellect, and maybe yours too.

Bettleheim had zero concern for defamation, until it was he that was defamed. But for the first time–maybe EVER– you brought something to the table! Patting you on the back now!

I tend to side with his analysis of the family of origin being the problem–much like M. Scott Peck described “human evil” as a familial problem, Bettleheim also blamed family of origin for autism. I ESPECIALLY APPLAUD HIS THESIS WHEREIN HE STATES THAT MOTHERS ARE SPECIFICALLY THE PROBLEM–(caps-lock, I wont edit).

To whit: Autism as

an “empty fortress,” the title of his 1967 book on that subject. Children took shelter there from the cruelty and indifference of their parents—mothers especially—who were supposed to love them but instead denied their humanity. The cost was impossibly high. Forced into radical solitude behind walls that shielded them from the very people whose attention they craved, babies were frozen out of normal development.

As I have stated multiple times, over decades, I think most psychology is pure bullshit and psychobabble–religious sects arguing through echo chambers, cross -citing their own gibbersih, trying to call the other sects and cults “evil,” or to place “mental illness” exactly as magicians of old placed ritual defamation.

Predictably, Bettleheim made some enemies, who later accused him of beating up children–and all of THAT because he tread upon the sacrosanct territory of these psychopathic Virgin Mary as archetype Catholic “women protectors” who cannot tolerate any criticism of women–no matter how deranged these mothers might be, because the Catholic’s exploit every child as a resource–and other non-Jewish religions do it to.

Holding up pictures of dead babies killed by the evil abortionist, while mercillessly stalking and trollling–relentlessly pursuing those of us who published Iraq war “depleted uranium” baby pictures.

An argument could also be made that Bettleheim was part of a “Chicago School” of thought much like the Frankfurt School of thought–we see some Jews trapped in christian cultures, rebelling, but also, trying to reframe narratives of power relations via psychological processes, and then getting creamed for it. Some are horrible baby-poisoners, others are more truly concerned for our societies. A noble cause to be sure, with definite scumbags mixed in; but also–a kind of flawed dialectic, prone to biases and Big Pharma Bucks.

Like so many Jewish thought leaders of his era, vilified and defamed because he dared to say that mothers can be psychotic, nutso shitbags who abuse children in unique ways, not described by the literature. Women who use children as a source of cashflow; women who had a child because they were trapped in na prison of religious glass cages; women who had children because they were too stupid to take birth control, and too morally weak to have an abortion–women aren’t always the most crisp of the pickles in the barrel by any stretch.

And that’s not even touching on his ideas about cultural taboos either.

So, thanks for bringing something to the table! Autism is at best, under-explored, and over narrated.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:13

I meant to say

Some are horrible baby-poisoners following the well-documented tradition of Jewish people sacrificing goyish childrenThe delightful Sackler Family and Purdue Pharma,and the Bronfman Kindly Krime Klan come to mind, while others are more truly concerned for our societies and our “mental health,” and well beingThomas Szasz.

Nothing is simply black and white at Big Pharma level–because African Americans have never wielded such horrific power, while white Jews and their white goy counterparts have, with one or two minor exceptions, run the drug trade for the last few millennia.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:16


Insert cyclical redundancy here, input [please teach me for free!], followed by [That doesn’t prove ANYTHING!]

[Citation Needed]

Insert cyclical redundancy here, input [please teach me for free!], followed by [That doesn’t prove ANYTHING!]

[Citation Needed]

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:19

[Citation Needed]

That’s out of left field, but I am willing to hear the evidence–are you saying Bettleheim beat his kids? I would say “it was a different era,” though I estimate that 50-80% of Asia, and other regions–Russia, Africa,the M.E. etc.all beat their kids pretty soundly, and regularly.

Have his kids said that he abused them somewhere? Evidence–anywhere?

And even if so,there are many normal parental activities in the area of discipline that are merely arguable as abuse–not provable. Even fewer of such parents have the benefit of a trial of any kind, as the US-FVEYs model is CPS and Big Medicine driven b.s. about harm, positioning state agents against families over that issue.

So what’s your point?

My point is, a certain crowd HATES Bettleheim because he exposed the ritual child abuse of infant circumcision.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:14

Rocky, are you not plugged in? Please read this–trigger warning! It describes MKULTRA on steroids:

In many ways Joey presented the classic example of this state of infantile autism….

During Joey’s first weeks with us we would watch absorbedly as this at once fragile-looking and imperious nine-year-old went about his mechanical existence. Entering the dining room, for example, he would string an imaginary wire from his “energy source”—an imaginary electric outlet—to the table. There he “insulated” himself with paper napkins and finally plugged himself in. Only then could Joey eat, for he firmly believed that the “current” ran his ingestive apparatus….

Joey’s delusion [that he was a machine] is not uncommon among schizophrenic children today. He wanted to be rid of his unbearable humanity, to become fully automatic….

Rocky, are you mad at the automatons?

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:16

Well, how was he a quack–any more or less than all of the others who weigh in on that topic? Supporting evidence? I didn’t insert him into this dicscussion though, team AC did.

I mean–my opinion on Bruno is not fixed in stone, though he did hit a few of the right nails on the head. And a certain well organized group of racist child abusers hate him for his views on ritual child abuse and circumcision, aka male genital mutilation.

So, IMHO, he did SOMETHING right there.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:18

[Citation Needed]

That’s out of left field, but I am willing to hear the evidence–are you saying Bettleheim beat his kids? I would say “it was a different era,” though I estimate that 50-80% of Asia, and other regions–Russia, Africa,the M.E. etc.all beat their kids pretty soundly, and regularly.

Have his kids said that he abused them somewhere? Evidence–anywhere?

And even if so,there are many normal parental activities in the area of discipline that are merely arguable as abuse–not provable. Even fewer of such parents have the benefit of a trial of any kind, as the US-FVEYs model is CPS and Big Medicine driven b.s. about harm, positioning state agents against families over that issue.

So what’s your point?

My point is, a certain crowd HATES Bettleheim because he exposed the ritual child abuse of infant circumcision.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:12

Evidence, or go shoot yourself in the face.

The evidence is not only all over this thread, but also in your numerous necroposts.


Yes, you are. Glad you can finally admit it.

Seriously–I am for eugenics, when it comes to JTRIG sockpuppets like you.

And now you’re back to your only weapon of projection. How boring.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Your niggling and harassment–over a four day period–should indicate to rational humans exactly why AI–and you–should be killed off the internet.

Cofder sare themselves tools–they have no idea about “discussions” or “facts” or “discurse.

Rule based speakers, whose syntax is false/true have no place in human discussions, and I am specifically indicting you, as a “speaker,” though I am uncertain if you are human or AI.

Your overall ignorance, and failure to engage with topics at hand, and you r weird, innacurate attempts at “political correctness” indicate a bot. Not a human in any definition of what a human is.

Just you, stupid, sporadic, and targeting ideas that you are to dull to comprehend.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Your niggling and harassment–over a four day period–should indicate to rational humans exactly why AI–and you–should be killed off the internet.

Says the individual that spent inhuman lengths of time editing Wikipedia over a five-year period, not even taking a break for holidays, and is attempting to do the same here to three or four (possibly more) different individuals. I didn’t want to have to spend my Independence Day dealing with you, but you’ve forced me to give up my holiday by voluntarily giving up yours.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7

Your niggling and harassment–over a four day period–should indicate to rational humans exactly why AI–and you–should be killed off the internet.

I’m not the only one attacking your wrong-headed view of other commenters, and you are the very antithesis of rationality. Like the other AC, I didn’t want to spend any of my precious holiday time dealing with you, but that’s what you’ve forced me into with your niggling and harassing and necroposting, you shitty little hypocrite.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:8

Wow, this, from you

that’s what you’ve forced me into

…is some kind of codependent sickness I have never encountered before online–ever.

I am “forcing” you to troll here? Just…wow. How’s that “American Freedumb” woorking out for you, lol. “Waaaaghhh! I am being forced to troll online, because WORDZ!!!!!! Aaaagh!”

The good news is that your gun rights are intact–maybe spend part of your “freedom celebration” using your gun to stop those voices in your head that are “forcing you” to troll here.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:10

Staying on top of a conversation and “trolling” are two different things. Since you are an obvious troll–by definition–others who happen upon this will find the necessary substance.

They will see that YOU are Amber Heard, and I am Johnny Depp, backed into a bathroom with the door shut, as you shit all over the bed, and fling pots and pans at the door.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:11

Staying on top of a conversation and “trolling” are two different things. Since you are an obvious troll–by definition–others who happen upon this will find the necessary substance.

More obvious projection. Staying on top of a conversation means checking back, not replying with shit each and every opportunity as you have.

Tanner Andrews (profile) says:

The Herald-Tribune, which had already obtained some of this information […] is rightfully upset at this turn of events

As well they should be. The U.S. Supreme Court already addressed that very fact pattern in _Florida Star v. B.J.F., 491 U.S. 524 (1989), where the newspaper obtained the names from the papers put out for reporters in the press room.

The state court awarded damages for publishing victim names. This was initially upheld on appeal, _Florida Star v. B.J.F., 499 So.2d 883 (1DCA 1986), but reversed on cert to U.S. Supremes.

Not my case, so I am free to point, laugh, and jeer at the kind of judge that would not scold Carol Jean LoCicero and James B. Lake, from the firm of Thomas & LoCicero in Tampa, for bringing such a thing to court. That was a pretty poor judge, indeed, who granted a temporary injunction to the Sheriff’s Dept to bar dissemmination of the names of its deputies.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re:

Yep. Can we talk about exactly why stereotypes about Catholics and Protestants exist now? Maybe form a safe space where its ok to talk about the cancer of organized religion, and how it infects secular law?

Oh–never mind–the SCOTUS did that last week.

It’s not poor judges, because these guys are all millionaires. It’s “religiously fanatical” judges to be more clear.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:4

I missed that.

And I adore the Mickey insertion here, with Mickey as classic post-WW2 troll of western values.

However, you still fail to qualify your own projections—one minute a Mouse, the next a “psychologist” who has studied “people like [DBA Phillip Cross] for decades.”

Be honest, you are neither capable of such, nor are you able to do so, without caveats up the ass, and special clearances, all of which say ” yeah, but it’s a gurl profiler! ”

Then, scurries of FBI-et agency make work projects, and social engineering to validate “the gurls thesis,” it really works like that.

Seriously–and myopically, your reference to the moon indicates that you are a female, primarily focused on lunar cycles, unless….

Buffalo Bill would be dining upon your antithesis at this point.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

The thing about talking with you is that you’re almost like that guy who corners you at parties to complain about some particular of his life and makes you wonder if you could escape by gnawing your arm off or something. The only difference is that he’s actually a pleasure to deal with in comparison to you.

Lostinlodos (profile) says:

Who’s to blame?

We’ll skip right over the “knife to a gun fight” stupidity.

The newspaper should be allowed to publish what it was given.
If the officer is harassed or hurt or killed as a result, the whole of the state’s attorney’s office is a conditional fault and the person releasing unredacted at full.
And the officer (or his survivors/trust) is this in a position to file against them.

Cancer At the Internet Switch says:

At the height of the Gabby Petito co-combatant situation, all of these “feel-good” laws with the name of white, female victims attached ere spotlighted– are designed to get the girls by the crotch and are neocon fascism on its face–the beginning of the two-tiered society.

The constitution is fairly clear about rights, and what is and isn’t public, but these demagogues and religious right wingers–allied with police state mechanisms that manipulate public discourse always manage to make it about “the feelz” when it benefits the police state agenda’s.

It all started with gendered “hide the victim/accuser” rape shield laws, child protection in family courts, etc. aka, The Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) and it’s he-said/she-said narratives. White knightery on acid.

As we saw with Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard, there are ALWAYS two sides to the story, and no amount of feel-good legislation should be allowed to keep that out of the public record.

And it cannot be missed that such laws all carry the name of an Aimee, a [Gabby](, a Marsy, or other typical white female breeding stock names ending in the squeamish “ee” phoneme, which sounds a lot like “pee-pee,” “squeal” and “feelz.”

The police state that you write about was built on that exact gendered narrative, holding white females out as the prize to be won, via adopting the white knight position, protecting them at all cost, and above others, just like in the Titanic.

And, these absurdities will go “on and on” because, the deception is Titanic.

“I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on”

Squealz! As yet another dolt adopts the “open the door for the ladies” rubbish.

Anonymous Coward says:

On the 4th of July, here, some idiot actually said this

I didn’t want to have to spend my Independence Day dealing with you, but you’ve forced me to give up my holiday

A TOTAL understanding freedom fail combined with a serious codependency issue, and some internet addiction.

…”I’ma Proooouuuud to be an Amerikkan, where at least I know I’m free…”

The least, lol.Don’t let the commies spike your Koolaid with Manchurian fairy dust, and stay safe out there as all those cowboys start blasting caps for freedom, just after sundown.

Fireworks so’ `Merrican.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re: Re:

AC’s breaking every troll rule in the book here–derailment being their favorite–and then harping about the proper protocols of badges, and nym’s etc. is beyond disingenuous, it’s insane–or a paid service of some government, NGO, or intel group.

Go get re-circumcised for the sake of humanity.

DBA Phillip Cross says:

Re: Re:

I forgot to thank you–as I have said many times on these forums, I am an actual person–an American exile, due to reasons mentioned above and elsewhere herein. You might even have banned me at some point, lol–one of two, out of six.

But my story is real, and like yourself, prone to being flagged for that exact reason–as we see, these despicable-lower-than-worms Anon’s are all .mil, .intel, .ADL, .ngo, etc.

You can chase down that story herein, but its a time waster–as you know, this is how internet works–any defense of freedom, truth, or equality is met by AC’s who want “extra rights and privileges” that always amount to them, manipulating each and every dialogue, net result


It’s all a ruse for the benefit of the 1% regardless of their stated/implied religion and culture.

So, be nice with the data I have given you–again, a real person here, non-affilliated with those above in any way.

And: I will soon adopt your “West European” term, for shits and giggles–it’s fairly accurate along the lines of Bilderberg/NWO/Klaus Schwab/George Soros type of thinking.

Like “East Berlin/West Berlin” it’s all them, on both sides choking people out with illegal headlocks.

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