'Free Speech' Supporter Jerry Falwell Jr. Thinks It's Criminal To Report On His Dumb And Dangerous Response To The Pandemic

from the that-ain't-free-speech,-champ dept

Jerry Falwell Jr., the nepotistic hire to be President of the religious extremist Liberty University, has long pretended to be an avid free speech supporter, especially on the campus for his University, where he has declared:

There have been sensational stories written about Liberty and censorship, rumors that we do not allow opposing views or First Amendment rights. But that is far from true. We uphold freedom and put its ideals into practice.

Apparently, that commitment to freedom and First Amendment rights gets completely thrown into the garbage the second some reporters write stories about Falwell’s ridiculously dangerous decisions in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. A few weeks back, when most of the rest of the country was, smartly, moving into lockdown mode, Falwell, reopened school and told Liberty University students to come back to campus after spring break — a move that local officials described as “reckless.”

Soon after that, both the NY Times and ProPublica ran stories talking to students on campus who were scared and nervous about everything. If you read both of the stories, they’re both more than fair to Falwell, and provide plenty of clarity in why he made the decision and the various steps that Liberty University had taken to try to keep campus open while keeping social distancing rules (though, they both show that not everyone was following them). To be clear, I wouldn’t say that either of the articles paint Falwell in a particularly bad light, beyond reminding everyone how frequently and vehemently Falwell played down the threat of COVID-19 in the earlier weeks.

Falwell seemed particularly angry at the NY Times piece though the story seems to keep changing as to why. There were claims that the Times quoted a doctor who claimed to run health services at the University, but that the University then released a press release saying he had no role at the University — but in looking at that press release as I type this, I no longer see the claim that he had no role, only that he was misquoted. Similarly, the NY Times piece appears to be quoting Eppes accurately, and it’s the Liberty press release that (at least as of right now) misrepresents what the Times piece claimed.

Either way, apparently, Falwell really doesn’t care much at all about the First Amendment that he claims to support on campus, because earlier this week, he somehow convinced a magistrate judge to issue arrest warrants for two of the reporters: Alec MacGillis, who wrote the ProPublica story, and Julia Rendleman, a freelance photographer, who took photos included in the NY Times report. Some reports claimed that Falwell also sought, but was unable to get, an arrest warrant for the NY Times reporter who wrote the NY Times piece. When this first came out — via former Fox News host Todd Starnes (who left Fox News after having on a guest who claimed that Democrats worship a pagan god who “allowed for child sacrifice”) — it was described as Falwell issuing warrants, and that’s just not how warrants work at all.

Later clarifications showed that Falwell complained to local officials that the reporters were trespassing, and that’s how a local magistrate agreed to issue misdemeanor arrest warrants. And, those warrants do exist, incredibly:

Falwell is, laughably, claiming that this is about protecting his students (the same ones he’s now put at risk), rather than retaliation:

Falwell cast his decision to seek a case against the journalists as a move to protect his students, asserting that the journalists had probably come from coronavirus hot spots such as Washington, D.C., or New York, and that by being on campus they had put remaining Liberty students at risk. He also complained that Liberty was being singled out because of its status as a religious school.

This is obviously nonsense. It is clear that that this was retaliating against negative press over his own decisions. I imagine both the NY Times and Propublica will have strong arguments for why these warrants are ridiculous. The NY Times has already made it clear that this was not trespassing, and that the reporter had been invited to campus by a student.

David McCraw, in-house counsel for the Times, said in a statement, ?Julia was engaged in the most routine form of news gathering: taking an outdoors picture of a person who was interviewed for a news story.? McCraw said Rendleman had been invited to campus by one of the students interviewed for the article.

?We are disappointed that Liberty University would decide to make that into a criminal case and go after a freelance journalist because its officials were unhappy with press coverage of the university?s decision to convene classes in the midst of the pandemic,? he added.

Meanwhile, Falwell is also threatening a defamation civil suit against the reporters if corrections aren’t issued — which seems to only highlight how all of this is retaliatory and about suppressing speech, rather than protecting students.

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Companies: liberty university, ny times, propublica

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Statues of Jesus, Mother Theresa and Mary are also forbidden yet "Christian practitioners" absolutely love sticking them everywhere. Televangelists, despite being utter frauds, are worshipped almost as much as the Holy Trinity. Pastors and other religious leaders spend money collected from their congregations on huge houses and fancy cars. Of all the people I’ve met, including in churches, almost none of them are real Christians.

Religion in general is a waste of time and resources but Christianity and all of its cousins are the worst (Scientology would be the worst if it was a real religion). 99% pure hypocrisy and greed.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Re:

There’s a school of thought that "worshipping false idols" refers to any holy depiction, whereas Catholicism regularly implements them as proxies for prayer to the main guy. It’s one of the major reasons why protestants hate Catholics.

That’s also one of the main reasons I take no stock in organised religion – if Christians, following the same book and same basic teachings can’t agree, sometimes to the point of massacring each other, then it’s safe to assume that what they follow is not actually the final say in the matter of life and morality.

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

There’s also parts of the Bible telling people to pray in private and not make a show of it in public, to pay taxes, to treat people who are different to them as equals, and to kick profiteers out of church.

It’s amazing how quickly the infallible word of God becomes an optional buffet for certain people, depending on the subject.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 'I'll take that, leave that, ooh, doubles of that...'

Yes, it’s a good observation, especially when they dip back into the old testament. Sorry guys, if you’re going to use Leviticus to justify your homophobia, there some other passages in that book you really need to have a look at first and decide if you really want to say that whole thing needs to be law.

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Lawrence D’Oliveiro says:

Re: religion is dying

The concept of religion itself won’t die, human nature being what it is. What I would like to see die is the idea that religious belief is in any way a foundation for one’s concept of right and wrong.

“The greatest tragedy in human history may have been the hijacking of morality by religion.”
— Arthur C Clarke

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: religion is dying

Religion won’t die, but the concept of an organised religious institution that gets special rights above the rest of society certainly should.

While I agree with the morality thing, I think it’s sadly proven that some people need to be pushed in the right direction by external forces. To give a quote from Penn Jillette:

"The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine"

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

You missed the part where the icons for the comment above and the original post are identical 🙂

The point I failed to make is that I do truly believe in my words and yet still know that such a post is a troll for religious fanatics. Religion must die if this world is to progress. It has held back progress for far too long already.

For those who believe religion is the only thing holding the world together, consider this: People claim to be religious and then act well outside their stated beliefs. The vast majority of the religious are hypocrites. Murderers convicted to death will pray in their final moments. It’s insane. If the world hasn’t completely fallen apart with religion it’s not going to do so without it. Enough with the dog and pony show and making hucksters rich. Think for yourselves, be honest with yourselves, and treat others as you wish to be treated. Shed the shackles of bullshit you have labored under for so long and be free, be happy.

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Lawrence D’Oliveiro says:

Right-Wing Meanings Of Words

“Liberty” = “We get to do what we want, they don’t get to do what they want”

“Freedom of expression” = “Freedom for us to express our ideas, not for them”

“Pushing their beliefs down our throats” = “Disagreeing with us”

“Freedom of religion” = “That only applies to our god which is the true god, not to everybody else’s god which is false, and especially not to having no god at all”

No wonder that, to them, being “liberal” is a bad thing …

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Agammamon says:

Well, its not that he thinks its criminal. Its that he thinks it should be. And he’s perfectly willing to use the Al Capone method to silence people – get ’em arrested on a different charge.

Though I do not understand how these people think that a campus that is normally open to the public and otherwise unsecured is going to support a trespassing charge.

Which is a small fine, at worst.

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Cpt Feathersword (profile) says:

Illegitimate warrants?

RawStory says:

Upon further examination of the warrant, the police officer who signed the warrant was Detective/Sgt. A.B. Wilkins 206 LUPD. The LUPD is not the Lynchburg Police Department nor is there a Sgt. or Detective A.B. Wilkins. It’s the police department under the authority of Liberty University.

Warrants are typically issued by a judge who directs an arresting officer to execute the warrant. No judge appears to have signed the warrant nor is there a judge mentioned, though the warrant does cite the Lynchburg, Virginia courthouse. The warrant also doesn’t appear to be certified by the clerk that it was submitted to the court. Clerks generally stamp documents when received.

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That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Illegitimate warrants?

Oh that would be just too good, hypocritical censorious thug has two bogus warrants issued to try to punish critics, only to get caught out on that too, which I’m sure will result in doubling(tripling?)-down as he tries to hide that as well.

That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Illegitimate warrants?

Ah if only… Based upon that comment at least I’m not sure if it would rise to the level of falsification of court documents, rather it’s ‘just’ an illegitimate set of warrants because a judge didn’t issue it and I imagine the huge conflict of interest might be of interest to a judge as well if they were challenged.

Now, if they actually tried to arrest someone using those warrants, that might be grounds for some benchslaps, assuming a judge with a spine.

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That One Guy (profile) says:

Someone doth protest too much...

I swear, it’s almost as thought it’s required that anyone who goes around trumpeting about how much they love free speech on and on, as though they feel the need to remind people, inevitably show that what they really mean is that they support their free speech, the free speech of those they agree with and no-one else’s.

Words are cheap, it is by someone’s actions that you can know them, and by his actions I’d say it’s pretty clear that’s he’s not a big fan of free speech, which also lends credence to the claims he was trying to rebut in the first quote about not allowing opposing views on campus.

That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Re: Someone doth protest too much...

As messed up as it would be blackmail would actually seem to be the less damning explanation for that, as the alternative would seem to be that devoutly religious people look at Trump and think ‘Yes, that is absolutely someone that that behaves in accordance with my religious beliefs and therefore I should support’, which would be all sorts of damning regarding those beliefs.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Someone doth protest too much...

A great many Trump supporters initially voted for him because he represented the "conservative" party, the one traditionally in favor of protecting or even extending religious rights and pushing religious agendas.

Then, as is so typical in human behavior, they built up a wide, though fake, support base around Trump to justify and reinforce their choice. It is natural to want to be "correct" and people will go to some pretty ridiculous lengths to support "their side". Thanks to Trump’s incendiary bullshit he has helped that self-defense tendency along by giving his supporters a group to hate: "those filthy liberals".

So now, obviously, everything wrong in the world is thanks to "commie bastard libs" and the "conservatives" can do no wrong. Thanks, Trump, for dividing this nation and even spreading this hate around the world. I wonder how long it will take to recover from all the damage you’ve caused in just a few short years.

Worst president this nation has ever endured.

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ROGS says:

Falwell, the Godfather of Zionism, hates speech?!?

Jerry Junior’s daddy was the father of Christian Zionism, aka violent christian fanaticism.

Big surprise that he’s right in line with the Anti Defamation League and other rabid NGOs with speech prohibitions, aka "lashon hara."

The Father of Christian Zionism


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ROGS says:

Re: Re: Falwell, the Godfather of Zionism, hates speech?!?

Hey, PaulT! OVER HERE!

Please stop spamming other TD threads with your opinions about Jerry Falwell.

Its not a good look, trying to drag me into your derailing, like this example here:


Or this one:


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Jerry Falwell's Ghost says:

"The first amendment is not without limits."
-Jerry Falwell


I think that my ghost, by infecting ALL technology with rabid zionism, and utilizing IDF funded technology companies, deplatforming and the ADL useful idiots like PaulT at Techdirt.com, has finally vindicated the LORD!! who can TRIUMPH!! over EVIL BADWERDZ (and that unwashed heathen ROGS!!!!)!!!!!!

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ROGS says:

do you get per-placement stipends for posting "anti-semitism"

Look, I won’t argue a negative with an insane person, and will continue to talk around that guy because he/she/it is an insane person; no better example of an ADL useful idiot can be found then that guy up there.

It injected that term here, and it does it repeatedly, and at every criticism of zionists and their criminal associates like the Falwell’s.

And, by proxy, it defends militarized US police who shoot flash bangs in babies faces, shoot men in the back, and in their sleep (like what happened to up and coming IT tech startup whizz kid, and cryptocurrency maven Duncan Lemp, exactly one month ago) et al.

That guy doesn’t even know what the term means. Or who coined it. Well, if you guessed organized crime figures, murderers and thugs, you would be correct.

The use of the term itself signifies that the user is itself a racist, by definition. And, that term gave birth to #crybullying which is now losing effectiveness BECAUSE zionist asshats overuse it so broadly.

But make no mistake, such smear tactics are losing their effect exactly because people like that guy use the term incorrectly.

Like I said, that guy is just one of the pieces of shit that I inadvertently stepped on here, and got stuck to my heel. I don’t understand why those types are tolerated either. Unless…oh, never mind.

KW: Techdirt, smear campaign, useful idiots, anti-semitism

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: do you get per-placement stipends for posting "anti-semitism


Well, nobody mentioned it until you decided it was needed in a conversation that was unanimous in agreeing Falwell was a bad guy until you turned up…

As I said, even when you agree with everybody else here, you apparently need to give people a reason to block your racist ass.

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PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: do you get per-placement stipends for posting "

I do love the way that you keep trying to mock me wait an accent you’ve been informed is about as relevant to where I live as a French accent, but I suppose you have to have something to type in your regular obsessive visits here in between attacking Jews on a thread about how everyone dislikes a self-proclaimed Christian.

Oh, sorry, you decided to inject homophobia as well for some reason, my mistake. Do I detect a little self-hating in your mental patient act, I wonder?

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FROGS says:

Re: Re: Re:2 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interventionist approach

Oui! Your paranoia and projection! An intervention ith called for!


in between attacking Jews on a thread about how everyone dislikes a self-proclaimed Christian

Individuals who speak wiss zemselves as we needs an intervention. Are you teenking of hurting yawrhthelf or dee udder?

But your level of abjection in your pwojection, and par-hanoia ,projection and disphoria are concairneeng to Oui!

Particularly when you mistake "Zee rhain in Thpain fallth mainly on the plain" wiss your own self-debased contheptions of greality.

And altho: in between attacking Jews on a thread about how everyone dislikes a self-proclaimed Christian.

Thince when am I required to rethpect any tribe more than anozther? To dithrethpect one group of religious lunaticths and fanaticths, over anozther group? Are you asking me to favor one more than another?

And greally, it is difficulth, if not impothible for the non-thecular to ethcape either of the fanatitcal thects and cultths that conthume the dialectic thpaces.

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ROGS says:

Re: Re: Re:5 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interventionist approa

No I didn’t. Because Paul is the cowboy in this case, and so I would have to have bid him farewell. We don’t want to do that, right?

Such a USEFUL idiot.

And you know….inclusion is a biting abscess that tests our patience, every time.

( your comment is quite funny, in this context)

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ROGS says:

Re: Re: Re:7 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interventionis

"But we’re not on my planet, are we", nasch?

Talk to whoever you want to. Or, maybe, research Mattel toys, for context.


And, you are wrong. The actual line is as I said it is, NOT the way you said it is.

"You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell!".


Try not to be such a dick, Cowboy. And try not to let the saloon double door hit you in the ass either.

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ROGS says:

Re: Re: Re:9 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interv

Sure. Just after some people here get over themselves and their factitious niggling and quibbling over comments.

I cannot count the times someone has to point to my comment and demand citation after citation, so I thought I would return the favor, dickering over a useless detail, so you know how it feels.

Niggling is a waste of time.

nasch (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:10 PaulT, race baiting, bullying in

so I thought I would return the favor

Pretending you were the person I replied to when you were not is not even in the same category as asking for references for unsupported claims. I would say nice try, but it wasn’t even that. If I am unfamiliar with what it feels like to have people pick at my comments asking for citations, it’s because when I make a comment making a factual claim, I usually look it up to make sure I know what I’m talking about and often paste in my citation. If I’m challenged and can’t find a source I admit it rather than doubling down on bullshit.

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ROGS says:

Re: Re: Re:11 Techdirt, race baiting, bullying, binary fallacy

Ok,to understand the level of assholery that goes on here with assholes, lets start here, then:

because when I make a comment making a factual claim I usually look it up to make sure I know what I’m talking about

Can you give me a citation? I can’t find one anywhere that proves that you actually do that.

So, its fair for me to ask for proof that you do that, right? Because no facts or primary sources back up your claim that you do indeed, do that.

This is the level of assholery on display here, by a named group of regular TD in house trolls.

That said, I think Aaron Swartz analysis of Wikipedia trolls is an accurate comparison to what goes on here with those who argue from the binary fallacy.

nasch (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:12 Techdirt, race baiting, bullying, binary fallacy

Can you give me a citation?











I can’t find one anywhere that proves that you actually do that.

It’s extremely easy to find, so I very much doubt that.

So, its fair for me to ask for proof that you do that, right?

Absolutely. Were you hoping I would be upset about it? Did you think it was a gotcha question?

This is the level of assholery on display here

The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, and it’s appropriate to ask for such proof. The only thing that was assholish about your question is that it was not sincere.

Flag Captain #9 says:

Re: Re: Re:13 Techdirt, race baiting, bullying, binary fallacy

Yes, the speech police are working overtime now, cuz a few in-house trolls (who regularly deride and denigrate those who are alleged by these bullies to suffer mental illness but get all worked up about the word fag)got hurt feelz.

OK, yeah, I am tempted to do what you and others routinely do, and say nah, that’s not evidence(because it really isn’t-no outside sources included in most of what you linked to)

Wouldn’t that be the asshole thing to do? I won’t do that because its a shitty thing to do.

So, I can’t reply, because the in house censorship is IP banning right now (but what about all the dissenters in foreign countries and repressive regimes using that IP!!!).

Check back in a few weeks.

By then, I will have enlisted an entire troll farm from (country blacked out) who will utilize a full (Beta) persona management suite, and several VPNs, running an auto-flag script on named trolls.

That’ll keep the flag brigade busy./s *

this arbitrary s* has been placed here for legal reasons

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:11 PaulT, race baiting, bullyin

No offense, but this is a classic delusion of reference, according to the DSM:

Pretending you were the person I replied to when you

I did no such thing.

I simply corrected your incorrect quote, and completed it. And, your comment was addressed ambiguously at best.

And while your at it, maybe you could bitch, nag and niggle that twit for doing exactly what you claim perturbs you so severely: replying to posts that are not theirs to reply to.

Or, in your binary fallacy oriented arguments,is this just another arbitrary enforcement of double standards?

Never mind: I know what it is, and you and others here have demonstrated it for well over two years here.

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ROGS says:

Re: Re: Re:14 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interventionist approach

See my other posts tonight.

I know you will, because you have automatic replies set on your comment stream. I will have A FUCKING LOT of fun with that later, but for now, please stop cyberstalking my every post.

I asked. You answered. Enjoy the results of your passive aggressive assaults on speech here. You will soon be very busy, checking your automated replies.

The potential spam, will be enormous, bro. And, you earned every bit of it.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:15 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interventionist approa

"I know you will, because you have automatic replies set on your comment stream. I will have A FUCKING LOT of fun with that later, but for now, please stop cyberstalking my every post."

You really are stupid aren’t you? You know that I have automatic alerts for any time anyone replies to a thread I’m involved with, but you accuse me of stalking when you directly attack me in a message you know I’ll receive? How much of an idiot do you have to be to believe that?

Also, what’s wrong with having alerts set up? It’s a feature of the site, far better than randomly looking at threads to see if anyone’s replied, and is usually conducive to insightful, polite, intelligent conversation when the local loony bin isn’t emptying out here.

Oh, and if having email alerts set up is so hilarious, what method are you using to stalk me when I reply to you?

"I asked. You answered. Enjoy the results of your passive aggressive assaults on speech here"

How is me answering a direct request from you a violation of free speech.

"The potential spam, will be enormous, bro. And, you earned every bit of it."

Cool, my spam folder still works, and I’m quite capable of ignoring you if you get too obnoxious, especially during the work week.

Go ahead, though. If you try spamming, you’ll annoy more than just me. If you go too far overboard, it would be interesting to see if you manage to be the first person outright banned from this site for your behaviour. Most other sites would have blocked your sorry ass a long time ago.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:16 PaulT, race baiting, bullying interventionist ap

Well, I didn’t say I would be spamming you, did I?

More like, you will be self-spamming after I finish my workup of these in house trolled forums with the double standards.

I mean, I could have been using a VPN, a few different devices, and persona management if spam were my goal, which it was not.

But you and the named parties-especially SDM/Claus Drusaa and his pals from Debnmark, Netherlands, etc. have provided a wealth of useful talking points.


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ROGS says:

the Techdirt censorship mechanism

Yup. Just ROGS, studying THAT (look directly above).

I think TD needs to catch up with the times, to ackn. military trolls and other weaponized deviance in its forum.

Otherwise, STFU about free speech. You aren’t helping by allowing military bots/trolls/ and fake spergs to infest you forum

( MIT pseudo-rabbi so happy he got away with it so long, lol)

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