Peanuts Rights Holder Shuts Down Peanutweeter, Pisses Off Fans For No Reason At All

from the how-not-to-do-things dept

You may recall, a few years back, all the attention received by a site called Garfield Minus Garfield, in which a guy, Dan Walsh, took Garfield comic strips and “removed” Garfield, creating existentially weird comic strips in their place. We wrote about it three years ago, mainly to point out how nice it was that Garfield creator Jim Davis didn’t freak out about it, and noted that he enjoyed it. In fact, Davis and his publisher, Ballantine Books, were so pleased with the attention it got, that they all worked together to put out an official Garfield Minus Garfield book. As we noted, we hoped that others who saw people doing creative things with their works would react similarly.

Apparently the folks who own the rights to the famed Peanuts comic strip empire see things quite differently. Over the past few weeks, the site Peanutweeter has received a bunch of attention with various websites writing about it and showing off some of the strips. The way Peanutweeter worked is that the guy behind it, Jason Agnello, would pair up a frame from a Peanuts cartoon with a semi-random tweet he would find that would match with the scene (and put the Tweeter credit below). Here are a few examples:

Anyway, you guessed it, with all that attention, it appears that Iconix Brand Group, the owner of Peanuts Worldwide, LLC., became aware of this and… did the stupid, but easy, thing of sending a DMCA takedown to Tumblr. You can see the letter below. It’s a pretty standard DMCA takedown letter. It’s not clear if Tumblr automatically complied, or told Jason and he complied, but all of the comics have been taken off the site, replaced with a post about the DMCA notice.
Jason points out that he believes the use is fair use, but doesn’t want to bother fighting this. ScytheNoire points us to an analysis of why Peanutweeter is likely fair use, though as we’ve discussed before, in many cases, it really just depends on whether or not the judge likes something. The post runs through the standard four factors and argues a strong likelihood of fair use, an analysis I think is pretty accurate. In theory, if Jason did desire to pursue it, he could push for sanctions. Issuing a DMCA takedown on fair use content is potentially a sanctionable offense, though, the law there is still a bit unsettled.

But even beyond the legal aspect here, let’s discuss the basic common sense approach here. Now, obviously, Peanuts is a huge licensing business these days, but so is Garfield. In the case of Garfield, Davis and others quickly (and correctly) realized that such derivative works didn’t harm or tarnish the brand in any way. Quite the contrary, it brought renewed interest in the strip, especially from an audience that might not normally care. On top of that, the friendly and encouraging approach resulted in a book from which they could all profit.

On the flipside, you have Iconix/Peanuts, who have just pissed off thousands of people online who followed Peanutweeter on Twitter and Tumblr — and all for what? This was getting attention and getting people (who normally wouldn’t) to think about Peanuts again. That’s an opportunity. But it takes a special kind of lawyer to look at a great opportunity, and think that demands a legal threat letter.

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Companies: iconix brand group, peanuts worldwide

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Comments on “Peanuts Rights Holder Shuts Down Peanutweeter, Pisses Off Fans For No Reason At All”

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Anonymous Coward says:

I don’t see anything wrong with the shutdown here. If the guy wants to make social commentary, he can come up with his own cartoon characters (or borrow Nina’s scribbles). Using someone else’s cartoons, especially ones that are well known, is just lazy and insulting.

I think he is trying to get some bonus fame by playing off the peanuts name. It is still to consider protecting such a blatant rip off. There isn’t even any parody factor here.

Dark Helmet (profile) says:

Re: Re:

“I think he is trying to get some bonus fame by playing off the peanuts name. It is still to consider protecting such a blatant rip off. There isn’t even any parody factor here.”

I think it’s interesting how you ignored the whole Jim Davis example and I’m interested in hearing why. We have been shown two ways of reacting to what is admittedly an appropriation of one’s work. One way is to embrace the use and MAKE MOTHERFUCKING MONEY OFF OF IT. The other is to actually LOSE SAID MOTHERFUCKING MONEY and as a bonus PAY A MOTHERFUCKING LAWYER to craft a DMCA takedown letter that does not generate ANY MOTHERFUCKING INCOME.

Honestly….how can you possibly advocated the latter?

Jason says:

Re: Re: Re:

Because it’s completely against everything their art represents? Not that this gives them a legitimate counter to the fair use claim, but I can see why they have a problem with it.

They don’t HAFTA make money whoring out their art as some kind of cheap Chris Rock profano-humor–that’s only funny because bitchmotherfuckersaidso–if they don’t want to.

Just sayin’.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Perhaps you might want to think about it for a second. Maybe they don’t want to MAKE MOTHERFUCKING MONEY OFF OF IT. Perhaps they have realizes that they will MAKE LESS MOTHERFUCKING MONEY if they let their brand get diluted.

Perhaps they already MADE ENOUGH MOTHERFUCKING MONEY and don’t feel the need for this less than desirable use of their content.

Nathan F (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

I seriously suspect you are mental if you think they don’t want to make more money off their stuff. Otherwise all these companies wouldn’t keep pushing as hard as they have to extend copyright. That has been their big thing, ‘extend copyright so that the creator can make more money off their work which is all the incentive they need to make more works.’

DogBreath says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

Then perhaps they had better get to DMCAing this SNL video (appears like it would fall under that “less than desirable use of their content” clause.)

Maybe the Iconix Brand Group can learn by watching this video parody that by just waving their arms around wildly in the correct way, their purchased “Peanuts” product value would increase exponentially beyond their wildest dreams. I’d suggest they buy some Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men to help them out.

Almost Anonymous (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

I can’t believe I’m going to type this.

I kind-of agree with you.

Obviously, Peanuts has a wholesome “family” quality: no cursing, very little controversy, essentially no “adult” matters. I can see why the owners might not like to see their characters cussing up a storm and discussing very adult matters… YES, yes, even if they could possibly make a buck off of it, I can still see them having a problem with it.

Having said that, the few strips I read were great, I would definitely like to read more. But again, I can understand why the owners would take umbrage at it.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Smart by who’s measurement? A bunch of freeloaders? A group of people who think writing over the words on someone else’s work is some magic form or art?

The smartest thing they can do is to zealously protect their images, their content, their trademarks, and their characters so that they don’t lose out in the long run. That’s what they are doing.

“smart” depends on where you sit. Don’t slam others for not agreeing with your version.

JMT says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

“The smartest thing they can do is to zealously protect their images, their content, their trademarks, and their characters so that they don’t lose out in the long run.”

That’s your opinion, and it’s one that many disagree with, including Jim Davis.

Let’s face it, Peanuts is now quite old and doesn’t have the following or popularity it used to. Anything that draws more attention to it is likely to have a positive effect for the rightsholders, not a negative one.

If you disagree, and I’m sure you do, can you explain how this could be bad for them? Exactly how will they “lose out in the long run”?

DogBreath says:

Re: Re:

Using someone else’s cartoons, especially ones that are well known, is just lazy and insulting.

It should say: “Using the DMCA to take down protected 1st Amendment parody free speech of comic strips, especially ones that are well known, is just lazy and insulting.”

There isn’t even any parody factor here.

I weep for you and anyone else who cannot see the parody in this.

John Doe says:

Re: Re:

he can come up with his own cartoon characters

This so misses the point of art and culture. One of the big reasons these comics are so funny is because it uses such well known and iconic characters in pop culture. If he had invented his own characters it wouldn’t nearly be as funny. Yes, it might be funny, but not nearly as this. Seriously, could you have pictured any of these characters saying any of these things?

Robert Doyle says:

Re: Re:

“I don’t see anything wrong with the shutdown here. If the guy wants to make social commentary, he can come up with his own cartoon characters (or borrow Nina’s scribbles). Using someone else’s cartoons, especially ones that are well known, is just lazy and insulting.”

You are essentially saying he can’t make social commentary though. If he used ‘original’ characters, it wouldn’t be the same message.

You must be a Scientol… oh, wait, I can’t comment about that… you must be a member of a quasi-fictitious relig… wait… crossing a line…

Crap, I guess I have nothing to say… (at least, not legally…)

iBelieve says:

Re: Re:

I’m glad to see someone else doesn’t think these are funny. I can say without hesitation that the comments as sited in the comics where moronic and cliched as well. It a case where hearing about DMCA takedowns are usually met with some disdain, but not here. Fowl-mouthed Lucy just doesn’t get it done for me. Its not fair use to usurp these comics and apply non-comical comment to them in my view.

DannyB (profile) says:

It's not the lawyer's fault

> That’s an opportunity.
> But it takes a special kind of lawyer
> to look at a great opportunity, and think
> that demands a legal threat letter.

Not that I think much good comes from lawyers, but the lawyer is only doing what he is paid to do.

The one who is truly the special kind of person, is the rights owner. Not seeing an opportunity. But then, that’s what rights owners do.

Eric says:

Re: It's not the lawyer's fault

“but the lawyer is only doing what he is paid to do.”

I disagree. Legal counsel is paid to counsel on legal matters, and an IP attorney worth his or her salt should be intimately familiar with fair use principles and the Streisand Effect.

That no overtures of negotiation have been made before sending a takedown letter suggests that this attorney is merely a glorified copyroom clerk with a law degree.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail.

E. Zachary Knight (profile) says:

Re: Re:

You know, if Disney were to have subscribed to your line of reasoning here, they would not be the behemoth they currently are and could likely have gone bankrupt many years ago.

They made their name by ripping off other people’s creativity. They have few movies that are 100% original. I would even go further and say that all their work is inspired or ripped off of someone else’s creativity.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

Exactly. The work is hardly transformative and it’s not fair use. It’s not parody, it’s satire–a distinction that Mike for whatever reason cannot grasp. Mike thinks that anyone who sends a takedown notice is “stupid.” That just makes him stupid. The owners of the copyright do not like what is being done with their property. Considering that the infringer is simply replacing the original caption with his own curse word-riddled captions, it makes sense to me that the owner may not appreciate that. Sure, they could have done what was done with the Garfield comic, but it’s their choice to not go that route. They probably found this use to be revolting. It’s “stupid” to say that they are “stupid” for not seeing it otherwise. If the infringer is such a clever person, surely he can create something wholly original. There’s no need to ride on the coattails of Peanuts. This case is very much like the “Cat in the Hat” case that Mike so clearly does not grasp. No surprise he doesn’t grasp this. But then again, we all know he’s just working backwards. It’s all fair use to him. Of course it is. He needs it to be.

Jay (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

Let’s think about this REAL carefully.

” The owners of the copyright do not like what is being done with their property.”

The tweets sure as hell ain’t “their” property. And this type of thing goes on in other media countless times. What the copyright owner should do, is sit back and see what exactly is going on. Since the owner isn’t the creator (Charles M. Schulz RIP), he should have even LESS say in what’s going on.

” Considering that the infringer is simply replacing the original caption with his own curse word-riddled captions, it makes sense to me that the owner may not appreciate that. “

It’s called comedy. It’s a parody. It’s also fair use and derivative. You should look into that some time.

” It’s “stupid” to say that they are “stupid” for not seeing it otherwise.”

How about “it’s an opinion based on observation?” Also, it is rather stupid to look at what was going on (ie the added interest in Peanuts books) and say “we don’t want to sell more books, this must be stopped at once!”

“If the infringer is such a clever person, surely he can create something wholly original. “

He sure did what was fun for him. Honestly, why is it that so many people make the originality argument, not understanding anything to do with how art is formed, I have no idea…

Jay (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 I just can't take this seriously

“You are uninformed. Try to be careful”

Cave Johnson here. The thing is, we just love to have comments that we can’t make heads nor hair of. It matches the decor. But the thing is, we love new test subjects, especially for our super conductor. I’ll be honest, we’re throwing science at the wall here and see what sticks. Best case, you might get some super powers. Worst case, you might get some tumors, which we’ll cut out.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Yawn… try coming up with an original comment. I’ve heard that one before. That user name’s pretty unoriginal as well…

But, to answer it anyway – they might not like their brand messed around with and they have the right to complain and shut the site down. However, the observation being made is not about their right or desire to do that, but about how doing so might actually lose them exposure, and therefore money.

Funny how the ACs around here never seem to be able to identify what’s actually being said.

DannyB (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

> Funny how the ACs around here never seem to
> be able to identify what’s actually being said.

I wonder if it really, truly, actually just goes right over their head.

They don’t stop and think about what is being said. They’ve already got their preconceptions of what is being said.

It would explain the missing the point and failing to address substantive arguments and points raised.

cram says:

I think Jason did a fabulous job here, but I don’t see why everyone’s freaking out about the rights holder freaking out. After all they own the rights and may have every reason to protect their property.

Derivative works without permission run every risk of being taken down, if only to assert to the whole wide world that no one can take someone’s intellectual property for granted. We saw a similar case with Scrabulous and Hasbro last year.

Mike says: “Now, obviously, Peanuts is a huge licensing business these days,”

Isn’t that telling? The rights owner is already making tons of money, there is considerable interest in the strip and the brand hasn’t been diluted, until this happened. And you expect the rights holder to actually embrace an unlicensed derivative work which tarnishes the brand ? Come on, basic common sense dictates that you don’t take this lying down.

“realized that such derivative works didn’t harm or tarnish the brand in any way.”

Not in this case. Anyway, doesn’t the rights holder have the right to decide on that?

” Quite the contrary, it brought renewed interest in the strip, especially from an audience that might not normally care.”

Not the same here. There is plenty of existing interest, and such derivative works would only generate the wrong kind of interest.

” — and all for what?”

To tell the world that you can’t just grab a popular comic strip and do what you want with it. Precedent, Mike!

“That’s an opportunity.”

Where you see opportunity, they see threat. That’s the difference between running a blog and owning the rights to creative work that’s still bringing in a whole lot of money without much effort.

The Infamous Joe (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Could you identify them

The major one is that, although the rightsholders have the ability to do what they did, it may not make good business sense to do so. Certainly they could have contacted the artist directly and voice any concerns they had, and perhaps worked out a deal. Last I checked, a phone call or email was much cheaper than a lawyer.

The underlying point I usually take away from these types of stories is that, regardless of whether you feel it’s parody or derivative, there is now less art in the world directly because of copyrights. Directly because of copyrights. It needed to be said twice.

Gene Cavanaugh (profile) says:

Killing the messenger

AGAIN (and again and again and …):
CLIENTS decide what to do, and lawyers implement that decision. I have a mental picture of a lawyer (and I am in that exact position at this time, with a client) saying “I don’t think you should do that” and the client saying “Do it”, though the only part I am sure is accurate is the public, and bloggers like you, saying “What was that lawyer (???) thinking of?”.
This seems to be crystal clear to you in blogging, why is it so hard to understand in other professions?
Gee, I hope SETI succeeds; there must be some intelligence in this universe SOMEWHERE; though clearly not here.

txpatriot (profile) says:

So just because the rightsholder to “Garfield” is OK with it, that means the rightsholder to “Peanuts” (and by implication, ANY rightsholder in general) should be OK with it?

Sorry Mike, but it does not follow. The Garfield folks can do whatever they want with Garfield — that does not bind the Peanuts folks or any other rightsholder. Why in the world would you think otherwise?

Great Dane says:

Lawyers and punishment

If laws were amended to make real draconic punishments to lawyers who are caught in such schemes, they might think again.

Something like confiscating all their property and the massed property of any and all interest in the firm who send illegal DMCA takedown notices like this one, together with huge fines to the corporations they represent. This ofcause based on complaints from anyone, not just the grieved party.

I have always thought it was strange that lawyers are not accountable for their missteps while others are. The worst that can happen seems to be a slap on the wrist from a review board that are usually made up of their golf buddies and others from the scotch drinking club…

nasch (profile) says:

Re: Lawyers and punishment

I have always thought it was strange that lawyers are not accountable for their missteps while others are. The worst that can happen seems to be a slap on the wrist from a review board that are usually made up of their golf buddies and others from the scotch drinking club…

Exactly, who do you think makes and enforces the rules lawyers operate under? Lawyers.

Anonymous Coward says:

Charles Schultz is dead

Peanuts should be in the public domain, end of story. All you people getting bent out of shape over this just show how pathetic your life is when something like this is what you get bent out of shape over. There are real problems in the world and you idiots are worried about a cartoon from 40 years ago. Grow up humanity, you are fucking worthless.

Afraid of Internet Haters says:

Rights Usage

The simple purpose of copyright is to protect creative and intellectual properties from theft, misuse and loss of income.

Whenever spoiled, uninformed people lament the inability to appropriate (or misappropriate) something they did not create in order to “put their stamp on it”, it’s the same lame argument as those who stole music via Napster.

“Fair Use” has been unfairly used. Most people do not get the actual principle behind it.

Simply put, the copyright on creative works ensures a creator or their assigns the right to earn a living through their creative contribution(s).

When a lawyer [who is simply the legal representative of a rights owner] advises an infringer that they are in violation of the copyright a requests a cease and desist, they are taking into consideration all factors rather than simply proceeding with punitive legal action, and offering the violator a peaceful – and cost free – method of resolution.

The next time those of you who are gainfully employed receive your pay… ask yourself how you’d feel if your work was rewarded by someone else receiving that pay.

It’s a simple principle in life…

Get what you pay for, pay for what you get and do the right thing… which includes not stealing (yes, STEALING) other people’s creativity and work.

But then again, we have so many “honorable theives” on the Internet who see NOTHING wrong with glomming onto someone else’s property [be it music, movies, comic strips, e-books, etc.] that there is no moral compass to guidfe ayone in this vast digital wasteland.

Case in point: Wait and see how many mindless apparitions will post their hete-filled rants because I’ve called them out on their lack of morality, decency and respect for the works of others.

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