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  • Apr 06, 2011 @ 04:02am

    Air puff comms

    ...don't know why robots wouldn't just use encrypted radio transmissions.

    To me, the value of this is the lack of being detected during a covert op. A radio signal's location can be detected, even if it's content isn't readable.

  • Dec 30, 2009 @ 09:03am

    3xRe: Wait

    Anti-Mike: you're correct to a point. It started as a bit of silly banter. PhotoShop nerds (mea culpa) enjoy pointing out dreadful work, especially stuff that gets published in a major glossy or is part of major brand's campaign. Sure, it's arrogant and nit-picky, but awfully fun. Where Moore messed up, and where this became "newsworthy" was her hypersenstive cease-and-desist letter. Mr. Cintrano hardly has encouraged this coverage, and would rather it go away.

  • Oct 24, 2008 @ 06:31pm

    Data and Marketing

    What I see is the all too common disconnect between marketing, IT and intelligence. I'm willing to bet that someone came up with this notion to recapture some business, and dumped this on some data admin far down the food chain who just gave marketing the phone numbers, who had no idea what was going to happen. And the marketing folks gave the data dump to some vendor for the robo-calls.

  • Jun 24, 2008 @ 02:14pm


    It's interesting that only one person saw that this is a state regulatory issue, not just some bored HR folks trying to find ways to torment hapless tech-workers. The HR laws are pretty clear, actually, that companies must pay for time worked, unless there is a salaried contract in place. On the other side of this fun, if you're using the BB for personal use, then, technically, it's a taxable benefit. It's never simple, eh?

  • Feb 18, 2008 @ 08:01am

    Re: Blog This

    I'd love to see someone do this. What I'd really love to see, though, is some top-tier athlete use their star power and say "screw the IOC". Stripping a gold medal for blogging would launch a firestorm that would, IMHO, bring down the IOC leadership. Well, one can hope.

  • Nov 16, 2007 @ 01:48pm


    I received the original Sony reader as a gift last Christmas. Before that, I had been reading eBooks on the train on my iPaq. The reader is nice, but with a few weaknesses. For me, the biggest is the lack of a backlight. It would make reading better in low light or possible in the dark. Also, the price of ebooks makes this just a bit impractical. If the cost for books were lower, I'd much more inclined to use it more. However, I have been underwhelmed. Navigation is nice, but not better than paper. Reading in the bath is just too scary.

  • Jun 28, 2007 @ 08:36am


    ...Google special op forces will hunt them down.

    And I'm sure they make the SEAL's look like wooseys.