Black Cop Beaten By White Cops Awarded More Than $23 Million In Damages

from the police-on-police-violence dept

Cops will apparently beat their own, especially if they’re bigoted cops and willing to beat the next black person they see. St. Louis police officer was working undercover during protests following the acquittal of Officer Jason Stockley, who had been charged with murder for the killing of a black St. Louis resident, Anthony Lamar Smith.

Officer Hall was just doing his police work when he happened upon five members of the PD’s “Civil Disobedience Team.” Civil disobedience was apparently their directive, not their purview. Four of the officers threw Hall to the ground and beat him severely. All four officers were ultimately indicted and put on trial for the beating of their fellow officer.

One of those officers, Dustin Boone, made an appearance here at Techdirt back in 2021. During his criminal trial, his lawyer objected to the prosecution’s introduction of his racist text messages as evidence of his intent to do harm to Officer Hall… or at least anyone else who looked like him. They’re quite the read.

It’s already a state of emergency! There are r niggers running wild all across the city and even if/when we catch them….. they don’t get in any trouble because there are plate lips running the CAO!

That was sent to a group text that included several other St. Louis police officers. This one was sent to a group text including the names “Kayla, Kelsea, Mom, Ashley Marie, Dad:”

What city r we in?

These fuckin niggers r the same as St. Louis niggers.

The good news is most of the cops involved ended up serving time for this beating.

Boone was sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison after being convicted by a jury of a single civil rights charge. [Christopher] Myers was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to a single felony charge, and [Bailey] Colletta got probation for lying to the FBI and a grand jury about the attack. [Steven] Korte was acquitted of the charges against him. 

The former officer being hit with a $23 million settlement is Randy Hays, who pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years and four months in prison. Hall’s lawsuit was served to Hays while he was still incarcerated, but Hays failed to respond to it.

So, the judgment here is a default judgment. And while Hays may have had plenty of time to respond to it, thanks to having nowhere else to go until his time was served, he probably didn’t have a lot of available cash to hire a lawyer to fight the lawsuit. Plus, he had already pleaded guilty and admitted to taking part in the beating, so there weren’t a whole lot of options available to defend himself with.

Hays will have a year to challenge this default judgment. He probably won’t. While it may look like justice, it’s incredibly unlikely Hays has anywhere near $23 million in assets. And with an actual federal felony on his record, his employment options will be limited. (I mean, at least outside of law enforcement.)

Hall still has a pending lawsuit against Meyers and Boone. And he’s already secured a settlement from the city for $5 million, so at least he’s getting something out of this beyond two titanium plates in his neck, the removal of his gall bladder, a fused vertebrae, and a deep distrust of law enforcement. That’s how his 22-year career as a cop ended: as the victim of a beating delivered by some members of the “Thin Blue Line” who suddenly decided a black man they didn’t immediately recognize must be on the wrong side of the line.

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Comments on “Black Cop Beaten By White Cops Awarded More Than $23 Million In Damages”

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N0083rp00f says:


From the city.

Guaranteed that nothing happened to the departmental budget outside of the annual increase.

Really the Brotherhood of hoods should be held fiscally responsible for the actions of their members.

Now if this happened to a bedsheets fetish officer by non white non officers there would have been life in prison if not unlifeing while being restrained.

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Dan B says:

The good news is most of the cops involved ended up serving time for this beating.

The news isn’t that good. Boone (the racist text guy) was sentenced to a year and a day. That’s 9 years less than prosecutors were asking for and 14 months less than Boone’s own lawyers were asking for.

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That One Guy (profile) says:


The more people respond to tales of police brutality, corruption and/or bigotry with claims that such reporting/comments are anti-police the more enshrined the idea that brutality, corruption and/or bigotry are core pillars of the profession becomes in the minds of the public, so well done in giving law enforcement a bigger backhand to the face than articles like this ever could.

I says:


I realize that advanced concepts like “pertinent to the story at hand” are far, FAR beyond your severely limited intelligence, but trust me: the rest of us are capable of recognizing that all you want to do is suck rancid copcock down your greedy submissive throat and you really don’t need to keep convincing us.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


Why do you believe…

  • …society should never criticise institutions of policing, and individual agents thereof, for their failures and missteps⁠—i.e., to never ask for those institutions to do better?
  • …those institutions should never look inward and ask its members to do better when those institutions discover corruption and malfeasance?
  • …“law and order” must always come in the form of state-sanctioned violence, up to and including lethal violence, that receives near-total immunity from legal consequences?

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

I believe that if this author is going to cover law enforcement, he shouldn’t limit his coverage to cherry-picked examples of incidents where law enforcement may not have met the best standards of performance we expect from our paramilitary civil servants.

Although I’ve personally attacked you in profoundly offensive and abusive terms, I’d hope that even someone with your affliction, Stone, could admit that the author only covers police in a negative light and never reports on their heroism or extraordinary sacrifices.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

I don’t expect a white guy to write positively about a black guy.

I don’t expect a homophobe to write positively about a drag queen.

I don’t expect a man to write an honest and personal review about what it’s like to use the ladies’ room.

It’s nobody else’s business to write content specifically to cater to your tastes. You’re more than welcome to find that content elsewhere.

JMT (profile) says:


Just more anti-police h@te speech from this depr@ved blogger who craves an@rchy and rejects l@w & order.

Pretty sure it was your depraved boys who embraced anarchy and rejected law and order. That’s why they’re now convicted criminals.

But of course no mention of the four brave & heroic law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty yesterday and the four who were wounded.

Perhaps if assault rifles weren’t so easy to get hold of it would’ve turned out much better for them. Is that the sort of mention you wanted?

Anonymous Coward says:


But of course no mention of the four brave & heroic law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty yesterday and the four who were wounded.

If you want to bring them up, fine.

But as a counterpoint to your shitpost, let’s not forget the 2nd Amendment right of the shooter that shot/wounded the cops. We can’t forget the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment just because some cop might get killed.

Equal coverage across the board, fuckstick. Just like you want…

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

But as a counterpoint to your shitpost, let’s not forget the 2nd Amendment right of the shooter that shot/wounded the cops.

As a convicted felon with a long, violent criminal history, the now-dead cop killer had no 2nd Amendment right to possess the firearm he used to kill those brave and noble law enforcement officers.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

As a convicted felon with a long, violent criminal history, the now-dead cop killer had no 2nd Amendment right to possess the firearm he used to kill those brave and noble law enforcement officers.

What difference does that make? Shouldn’t we hear the shooter’s side of the story, so that both sides get equal time?

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That One Guy (profile) says:

'They hospitalized a cop, but he's a black guy and they're white so...'

The injuries:
And he’s already secured a settlement from the city for $5 million, so at least he’s getting something out of this beyond two titanium plates in his neck, the removal of his gall bladder, a fused vertebrae, and a deep distrust of law enforcement.

The verdict:
Boone was sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison after being convicted by a jury of a single civil rights charge. [Christopher] Myers was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to a single felony charge, and [Bailey] Colletta got probation for lying to the FBI and a grand jury about the attack. [Steven] Korte was acquitted of the charges against him.

Now imagine what sort of charges would have been on the table if anyone but a quartet of bigots with badges had done that sort of damage to a police officer, and for extra points imagine if the officer in question had been white.

Yeah, I’m thinking that the cops who had their wrists slapped were very much not the only bigots in the courtroom during that trial.

Nimrod (profile) says:

The ONLY safe way to use a racial slur is if you happen to be of the group being insulted by it, and even then it makes you look like an ignorant asshat. That said, if we keep putting taboos on our language, we may eventually run out of words that are “safe” to use. Ultimately, the words of another are only offensive if we take offense at them.
Just one honkie’s opinion.

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