Let Me Rewrite That For You: NY Times Misinforms Readers About RFK & Biden

from the journalists-need-to-get-it-together dept

It’s been a few years since I last did a “Let me rewrite that for you” post. This idea was first suggested by the brilliant press critic Dan Froomkin. Basically, when he finds a bit of journalistic malpractice, he rewrites it the way a good journalist would, to show why the original was so wrong. The last time I did it was about some misleading coverage of the documents released by Frances Haugen by The Washington Post.

This time, I’m going to focus on a NY Times article by Maggie Astor and Rebecca Davis O’Brien. They’re politics reporters, and that often means that they’re covering the politics and not the facts when it comes to the fundamental details of what they’re reporting on. And that’s a problem. It leads to typical “view from nowhere” reporting, where you report what people are saying but not whether or not what they’re saying is true. And in this election season (especially) there should be no place for that. Learn how to report the truth, not just what candidates are saying.

The article is about RFK Jr, the perpetual crank and conspiracy-peddling independent campaigner for President, whose own family has rightly called out his bullshit and dismissed his nonsense campaign.

The original headline that caught my eye was: “To R.F.K. Jr., It’s Biden, Not Trump, Who’s the Bigger Threat to Democracy.” It has since been changed to a slightly more contextually accurate: “Trump Denies Elections and Praises Rioters, but R.F.K. Jr. Says It’s Biden Who Threatens Democracy.”

But what struck me was the article’s explanation of why RFK thinks Biden is somehow “more dangerous to democracy” than Trump. RFK (wrongly) thinks the Biden administration worked with social media to “censor” him:

But according to the independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., it is President Biden who poses the greater threat to American democracy — a view that Mr. Kennedy shares with Mr. Trump himself, and that democracy experts called “absurd” and “preposterous.”

Such a perspective is possible because Mr. Kennedy, who has founded his political career on promoting vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories about the government, sees the Biden administration’s efforts to curtail the spread of misinformation as a seminal issue of our time. Censorship, as he calls it, overpowers all other concerns about the political system.

Mr. Kennedy’s stance drew fresh scrutiny this week after he said in an interview on CNN, “President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, to censor his opponent.” He repeated himself on Fox News on Tuesday, saying that a president like Mr. Biden was “a genuine threat to our democracy.”

So, yes, these three paragraphs acknowledge RFK’s propensity for conspiracy theories and do say “censorship, as he calls it.” But you know what the best way is to drive home to users that RFK is full of shit and spewing conspiracy theories? It’s to maybe debunk the core argument in the article, the extremely misleading conspiracy theory that President Biden “has used the federal agencies to censor political speech.”

Because it simply didn’t happen. And nowhere does the article ever make that clear. It’s “the view from nowhere.” RFK Jr. said this, and we’re just going to repeat it. Let the reader figure it out for themselves whether it’s actually true or not.

Again, I recognize that these are political reporters, but part of reporting is doing the actual research. Any actual research would show that this thing that RFK is claiming, this one piece of evidence that is central to his claim that Biden is “worse than Trump,” happens to be something that simply did not happen.

We’ve gone over this before. Any reporter at the NY Times has the resources to look this up. As the article notes, RFK Jr. was spewing conspiracy theories and anti-vax nonsense. Some of that violated the rules of various social media sites, and they took appropriate action under their own rules not having anything to do with any government official, which is very much protected activity. Much of this happened during the Trump administration.

Of course, RFK Jr. lost his shit each time this has happened. In 2020, he tried suing Facebook for suspending his anti-vax org from the site. 2020. Back when Trump (not Biden) was President. He claimed it was a 1st Amendment violation because Adam Schiff had publicly complained about anti-vax nonsense on Facebook while also complaining about Section 230. That case was laughed out of court.

He also tried a similar case against YouTube. And again, the case was laughed out of court. As the court said in that case:

Plaintiff has not shown that the government so “insinuated itself into a position of interdependence” with Google or that it “exercised coercive power or has provided such significant encouragement” to Google that give rise to state action.

The court noted that even RFK admitted that he has no evidence “that the government coerced” social media platforms.

RFK also tried suing Elizabeth Warren. He claimed that she colluded with Amazon and Jeff Bezos to “modify algorithms” and hide his conspiracy theory-laden book about COVID-19. At least that time, he tried to sue a government official, rather than an internet site. But, no, the court easily rejected that one. Multiple times. Here’s the 9th Circuit pointing out that (again) RFK could show no actual impact from Warren sending an angry letter. Basically it sounds like Amazon just didn’t promote his book, because his book is nonsense.

With respect to Amazon, there is no evidence that the company changed its algorithms in response to Senator Warren’s letter, let alone that it felt compelled to do so. The plaintiffs point to the fact that, several weeks after receiving the letter, Amazon notified Chelsea Green Publishing that it would not advertise The Truth About COVID-19 even though it had promoted other Chelsea Green books in the past. This fact is unilluminating because no evidence suggests that Amazon ever advertised the plaintiffs’ book before receiving the letter. Absent such evidence, it is far more likely that Amazon’s decision not to advertise the plaintiffs’ book was a response to widespread concerns about the spread of COVID-19 misinformation rather than a response to Senator Warren’s letter.

As for the First Amendment claims:

We conclude that the plaintiffs have not raised a serious question as to whether Senator Warren’s letter constituted an unlawful threat in violation of the First Amendment. Her letter requested, but did not demand, that Amazon reevaluate its business practices regarding COVID-19 misinformation and report back any changes. The absence of a specific demand is unsurprising given that Senator Warren lacks direct regulatory authority over Amazon in this matter. There is no evidence that Amazon or any other bookseller perceived the letter as a threat, and the “potentially unlawful” language does not fundamentally alter the analysis because Senator Warren never stated or otherwise implied that there would be any adverse consequences if Amazon failed to comply with her request.

RFK Jr. filed three separate cases alleging First Amendment violations because Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon exercised editorial discretion he didn’t like (some of it during the Trump administration). Every court rejected the claim as ridiculous. The NY Times mentions none of that.

Then, as the very problematic Missouri v. Biden found some success through judge shopping, he tried to glom onto that case. First, very late in the game (i.e., just last Spring), he filed his own lawsuit against Biden using the same judge shopping process Missouri used to get the same judge. The complaint is basically a bunch of unproven nonsense. Then he tried to consolidate the case with the Missouri case that was already moving. So far that one’s on hold while we wait for the Supreme Court to rule in the Murthy case, which is the version of the Missouri case that reached the Supreme Court.

So, to summarize, RFK Jr. has filed at least four nonsense lawsuits (possibly more, but that’s all the free research the NY Times gets from me) pushing these theories that the government violated his First Amendment rights when private web companies decided that his harmful conspiracy theory nonsense might violate their rules. So far, no court has found such claims even remotely credible.

Then you have the Murthy case, which he hopes to combine his case with. As we’ve been noting the whole time, it’s based on a near total misreading and misrepresentation of what actually happened. It takes strands of public statements by public officials, combined with communications for other purposes, and assumes that it’s found some smoking gun of the government “directing,” social media to pull down content, despite no evidence that it ever actually happened. At all.

Every example shown involved plaintiffs and/or judges taking quotes entirely out of context and misrepresenting what it actually said. In some cases, the quotes were fabricated by adding in or removing words to change their meaning.

Both Democrat and Republican appointed Supreme Court Justices expressed widespread skepticism about the case when it was heard, with multiple Justices (again, across the spectrum) calling out fundamental false claims by the states.

In other words, there is zero evidence to support the claim. None. Zero. RFK is delusional or he’s just making shit up when he claims that “President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, to censor his opponent.”

And if you’re the NY Times, you have to call that out.

You don’t get to “he said/she said” your way through this. Yet that’s what these reporters do. While they note the Supreme Court’s skepticism, that’s as far as they go with it:

Mr. Kennedy has long said that the government’s engagement with media companies and tech platforms — to prevent the spread of disinformation or illegal materials or, in Mr. Kennedy’s case, the arguments he and his allies made against vaccines — amounts to illegal censorship, an argument that was met with skepticism at the Supreme Court last month.

Again, a perfect opportunity to point out that none of it happened. Or to point to the failed lawsuits. But, nope.

So, NY Times, let me rewrite that for you:

For years, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been pushing unfounded and unsupported misinformation and conspiracy theories against the government. He continued that tradition in arguing that the Biden administration is a bigger threat to democracy than the Trump administration. This is based on unsupported claims that have been rejected by multiple courts, regarding how his own words have faced moderation from private social media companies.

Mr. Kennedy has filed multiple lawsuits alleging that the government has sought to suppress his words, all of which have failed to gain traction. In each case, the companies themselves have indicated that they made their own decisions regarding Mr. Kennedy’s accounts, which have frequently violated their rules, and were treated accordingly.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump has a proven track record of election denial. This includes filing dozens of lawsuits to stop a fairly conducted election, followed by an unconstitutional attempt to prevent the 2020 election results from being counted. This also includes encouraging his fans to storm the Capitol to prevent the election from concluding.

Mr. Kennedy’s claims appear as fanciful as his theories on various aspects of medicine and health.

But, of course, the NY Times would never print something like that. They’d rather make sure their pages are open to Republican Senators pushing for the use of the US military on people protesting the police murdering a black man.

All the news that’s fit to print, but not enough room for the simple truth.

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Comments on “Let Me Rewrite That For You: NY Times Misinforms Readers About RFK & Biden”

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Anonymous Coward says:


I have participated in all elections since I was eligible, it seems like a lot. In all of those elections the choice was always a vote for the least worst person(s).

No one is perfect and one can not please everyone all the time … there are all sorts of sayings about this. But yeah, let’s pretend that they are all equally bad – sheesh.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: "most Americans don’t like Trump or Biden"

It’s true, I suppose, that neither Trump nor Biden has the support of the majority of Americans, but the implication of “most Americans don’t like Trump or Biden” is that the majority of Americans dislike both of them, and that’s just plainly not true.

Take this recent Emerson College poll. Sure, in a poll of 1438, both Biden and Trump are under water – Biden has an unfavorable rating from 774/1438, and Trump is unfavorable to 751/1438. Neither are great numbers.

But if you open up the crosstabs and look at how those numbers correlate, only 164/1438 give both Trump and Biden unfavorable ratings, and only 37 give both candidates “very unfavorable” ratings.

The vast majority of Americans (~89%) have a favorable view of at least one of the two candidates; it’s just that their views are so polarized that most of the people who like one dislike the other.

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Anonymous Coward says:


How many debates are necessary before we can just disregard people who refuse to take facts into account? Does that still apply to people who believe the Earth is flat? How about the ones that believe all airplanes are actually sky demons? (This is, unfortunately, a real thing.)

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Mamba (profile) says:


That is so much bullshit.

Brandolini’s law dictates that you’d have to find a substantially larger number of people to ‘debate’ antivaxers, because one side isn’t ‘arguing’ in good faith. They are willing to outright lie, and when that’s the. And there’s absolutely no reason to engage with them. One doesn’t argue with a fraudster calling on the phone about a Nigerian prince that needs your help. You hang up on them.

Firing others to debate you isn’t a right, but free association is.

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Anonymous Coward says:


Debates are a way to explore opinions. Science and research are the way to explore facts.

If you want to say that strawberries taste better than cherries, we can debate it. If you want to say that strawberries cause autism, you can either come with peer-reviewed papers to prove it or you’re wrong.

I understand that it can be difficult to determine the difference between facts and professional opinions. It is opinion to say surgeons should wash their hands and surgical tools before operating. That’s an extremely easy opinion to support in a debate using facts, but you know it is an opinion because of the word “should.” Is it worth giving the time and space to debate opinions that are solidly backed by facts? That is a decision of the provider of the forum.

kythra (profile) says:

I made a misleading comment in a prior comment

referring to techdirt as the best tech “Blog” around, It unfortunately insinuated to the reader that I had less respect for blogs than actual news sites, that is not the case or one of my biases at all, as a former member of Daily Kos I have seen the web and web based amateur journalist have to essentially do the reporting that the mainstream corporate news will not do, is too lazy or too scared to report.

Honestly I find tech dirt highly credible and rever that the articles do not bootlick the police or the courts. Nor, our Gatekeeper press when they mess up.

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andrea iravani says:


You claim that RFK Jr. is pushing unfounded vaccine conspiracy theiries and vaccine misinformation.

If you are going to claim that, provided the instances that that has happened. Read the Children Defense League website operated by RFK and find even one instance of that.

I will not be voting in 2024 because RFK Jr. has capitulated too many times and is making excuses for the evil charlatans that have had a history of perpetrating medical fraud and charlatan quackery preceding biblical times as a racket.

The government did not make them do it. They lobbied the government to do it!

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andrea iravani says:

My biggest fear with RFK Jr. is that he will permit the WHO to take over the government. It is really crazy that RFK Jr. is only placing blame on Big Pharma Drug Cartels. If it was not for the WHO, they would not even have any products.

Physicians just do whatever pharmaceutical reps claim. The claims made by the pharmaceutucal companies are easily disproven, but it is not in the healthcare industries interest to prove that probably 90% of the drugs that they prescribe either do not cure what they claim that they do, or make people extremely sick and unhealthy where the “cure” is worse than the disease that they are treating.

They would be out f cpmmission.

80% of ad revenue is from the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare sector.

The WHO is the largest most powerful lo by in the world. They are a mafia that introduced legislation to the UN to take over governments.

They are likely the ones that have been censoring RFK Jr.

Congress and Biden don’t care about anyone. They don’t care what RFK Jr. is saying, but the WHO and Big Pharma would like to silence him.

My guess is that they are the ones who have been flagging my comments on this site.

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andrea iravani says:

Beware the evil WHO that has a proven history of convincing well meaning people that lost family members to them to permit them to take over their inheritances entirely!

There is just so much of it, and they are not helping anyone! So many families have signed over the estates to the monstrous charlatan quacks with Munchausen Syndrome!

It is common place! Research is not a cure!

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andrea iravani says:

Re: Re:

If RFK Jr allowed physicians at the Children Defense League to take over his family inheritance and estate, and allowed the WHO lobby to take over his political camoaign, he will allow the WHO to take over the government.

I am not the mentally ill one, it is the evil trio Orwellian swamp creatures of government, healthcare/mental healthcare, surveillance state/ tech that are severely mentally ill, severely mentally incompetent psychos. Too mentally incompetent to abide by the Supreme Law of the Land – The Constitution of the United States of America.

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Jon Reeves (profile) says:

And what about CNN's role?

I heard that interview on CNN, and the whole time RFKJr was prattling on about censorship, I was shouting at my radio, and wondering why the CNN anchor didn’t push back. She did some gentle push back on other issues, but apparently didn’t know enough about Murthy or any of the other relevant lawsuits, which is unfortunate. When you interview a nonsense peddler, you need to go in fully informed and ready to push back.

That One Guy (profile) says:


‘Cultist’ also fits given how how cult-like the entire lot of them act.

(The head of the cult is not to be questioned and is always right, anyone not a member of the cult is an Other and not to be trusted or associated with and any claims or evidence presented that contradicts what the leader says is to be dismissed as ‘fake news’.)

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andrea iravani says:

If you sick evil uselless fucking retars with the mental capabilities of Leeches at the WHO defeat me, U useless fucking degenerates will only have a little more than 8 billion people left to go! Fuck U and your Joseph Mengele Ted Bundy, Dr. HH Holmes lifestyles WHO! You sick evil fucking creatures make Mexican drug cartels look like the boyscouts! No exaggeration! At least they are not the third leading cause of death in America and the leading cause of bankruptcy in America, and the leading cause of bankrupting corporations, pension funds, local, county, state, and federal governments like U sick evil duplicitous fucking monsters are! You are dealing the same drugs too! Evidently it is nothing more than a turf war for cutting you out of the loop! WHO CARREL!Nobody needs U! U are just glorified drug pushers and assassins in lab coats! Don’t care if u are insulted or your feelings are hurt! Your feelings are as irrelevant as Joseph Mengele’s Ted Bundy’s, and Dr. HH Holmes! Narcisisstic spoiled rotten serial killers and psychopaths!

MindParadox (profile) says:


Hey, Andrea Iravani, instead of ranting like a total nutjob, post some evidence of ANYTHING you spew.

Until then, you will at best be ignored, and at worst just be the butt of every joke imaginable, since you sound like an insane 5 year old who took drugs after not being allowed to sleep for a week, while being taught conspiracy theories after each “prayer” session with the family priest.

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MindParadox (profile) says:

Re: Fact check!@ Andrea Iravani

top 3 causes of death in the US?:
1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Unintentional Injury

Leading cause of bankruptcy in the US?
1. Job Loss

For the rest of your rant about bankruptcies, at least make it believable 😛

Debt is the leading cause of corporate bankruptcies.

Pension funds is actually investment loss/poor planning, pretty equally.

As for local county state and federal governments going bankrupt, I’m going to assume that your meds need adjusted again, so we’ll just wait for the men in white coats to see you.

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andrea iravani says:

Healthy people are the existential threat and number one enemy of the WHO, because since the overwhelming majority of people are chronically healthy by nature as fully autonomous biological systems, they do not provide any source of income to the WHO. There are not enough unhealthy people to employ them, so they resort to making healthy oeople sick by committing medical fraud on them. If you feel healthy, there is no need to go for a check up where they snoop and search for some hidden disease to treat you for when you felt fine to begin with, and people overcome most diseases without any treatment at all. A hypochondriac is who the WHO loves! So is a misophobic like Trump because misophobics are often hypochondriacs, and if it wasnt for Trump’s misophobia, society never would have been locked down over a fictious virus in the first place.

Intelligent law abiding citizens are the existential threat and number one enemy of the government and surveillance state, because the government and surveillance state are guilty of high crimes, treason, organized crime, terrorism, seditious conspiracy to violate constitutional rights.

MindParadox (profile) says:


Wow, you are just full of bullshit ideas aren’t you?
The fictitious virus you are talking about is covid I’m assuming?

Yeah, you fucking moron, my kidney function went from pretty decent to stage 5 kidney disease in 7 days when i got covid. I had been stable for over a decade prior.

Two of my cousins died from it, their organs just started shutting down.

I know people who still have symptoms related to it from having gotten it ONCE back in 2021

So you should probably shut the fuck up about that shit cause you sound like an unhinged fucking moron.

Learn something, ANYTHING that is true, get the fuck out of your parents basement, find out that grass is indeed real, and yes, the world is not flat, and stop being such a hopeless idiot.

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andrea iravani says:

Re: Re:

The only drugs that i use are caffein and nicotine. I do not drink alcohol at all and have not for over eight years. I wish that i coukd quit smoking as easily as i quit drinking. I will never give up coffee! Never ever ever!

Why would you even say that since i posted indisputable and easily verifyable facts about covid-19.

How long is this fucking whacko world that you chose to be a part of going to continue your insane evil idiotic sadistic charade fir?

Astonishing what totally useless fucking losers and co2 and methane emitting wastes of naturl resources you evil scumbag degenerates are!

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

Hey, Mike? I would normally avoid making a request like this one, but if you have a way of blocking this person from posting comments, please employ that option⁠—if only because their obvious mental health breakdown is both spamming the comments section and disturbing to watch in real time. They need help; they won’t get it by continuing to post here.

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andrea iravani says:

Re: Re: Re:2


Stephen T Stone is committing defamation of character, spewing blatant lies against me, and should be banned from your site for your own protection. Stephen T Stone is just a troll that contributes nothing of any use and provides no usefull insight or information.

The first amendment does not protect pathological lying about another person and medical fraud.or high crimes or treasonous acts. Those are not protected acts of the first amendment.

Democracy Dies in Darkness.

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andrea iravani says:

Re: Re:

facts demonstrating that covid19 is a fictious virus does not mean that i am high. It means that the WHO is totally evil, and so are the healthcare and mental healthcare workers, and government. Very Hitler Mengele Goebbels on Steroids gone global monstrous behavior!

Shocking that there is such a large number of Jews involved in this sadistic evil monstrosity!

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andrea iravani says:

Are people from tech dirt receving comments that i posted in length explaing all of this or not? I press post comment and it just returns to the top of the page, if i try it again, it says youve already said that but it doesnt post. i was able to post some info in increments but not in its entirety, why is something that i do not know, because it does not make much sense. except for maybe what hackers have prevented me from posing the additional information incrementally.

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Stephen T. Stone (profile) says:


And let’s not forget about how he apologized for the Super Bowl ad that promoted him and claimed he had nothing to do with that ad using JFK’s voice, only to turn around and name as his running mate the same woman who helped get that ad on the air in the first place, which heavily implies that he knew about (and thus approved of) the ad before it aired.

That One Guy (profile) says:

Re: Trump supporter, anti-vaxxer, that venn diagram is basically just a circle

I mean, loathe as I am to say anything positive about the man but he does seem to know his audience, anyone stupid, corrupt and/or deranged enough to still support him these days will almost certainly see RFK Jr being listed as his running mate as more reason to support/vote for him.

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