Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt

from the so-they-say dept

This week, our first place winner on the insightful side is an anonymous comment about one detail in Google’s push for anti-open-internet regulation:

Goody. Mandating porn ID and, by association, tying porn use with that ID.

Sounds like Google is advocating for, among other things, government mandated collection of adults’ fetishes tied to their names.

In second place, it’s James Burkhardt with a piece-by-piece reply in an argument about crime rates with a Techdirt… regular:

6%, you say? But maybe it’s 12% (you of course are just hoping)? Declined almost every year for 30 years?

The article you didn’t read links to the source on the 12% claim.

The FBI’s annual report on the nation’s crime statistics showed a 6% decline in homicides in 2022. The drop exceeded what most crime experts expected, said Jeff Asher, a crime data analyst and consultant whose AH Datalytics’ site is a widely cited source of information.
The FBI data, which the bureau compiled from reports filed by 18,888 local police departments, lags nearly a year behind reality. Asher, who puts together data from departments that cover a large majority of the nation’s population, says that so far this year, homicides nationwide have declined 11% to 12%.

6% was 2022. This year is 2023, not 2022 (i know you have difficulty with the concept of linear time). Current trends in reports suggest a 11-12% drop for 2023.

Violent crime is really fricken high, higher than most people have known in their adult lives

Unless most people are younger than 13, Most people in the US have experienced worse violent crime rates.

This also supports the claim that the crime rate has been shrinking almost every year for the last 30. And violent crime rates in this nation did not double.

For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we start out with a comment from Stephen T. Stone about Nintendo’s latest edicts to esports leagues:

Nintendo loves the people who buy its products, but hates the fans of its products. The distinction is razor thin, but it’s there.

Next, it’s cassandra with a comment about techno-optimism:

re: techno-optimism: I’m plenty optimistic about technology. It’s neat. The problem is people using it for unethical, short-sighted, and selfish purposes, from planned obsolescence to mass surveillance. I’m all for advancing science and technology but there’s no single magical panacea that enough VC money will uncover and thereby fix the human condition.

Over on the funny side, our first place winner is JMT with a simple rebuke in the thread about crime rates:

Well if the NY Post says so it must be true!

In second place, it’s a bit of comedic typo pedantry from an anonymous commenter in response to a comment about a “cat liter box”:

A liter isn’t big enough to fit a cat. Kitten, maybe.

For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we start out with an anonymous comment about qualified immunity:

“None of the cited precedents address a 31-year-old male passenger wearing glasses and a blue and white checkered shirt. Qualified immunity granted.”

Next, it’s David with a comment about us criticizing the LAPD cops who played Pokemon on the job:

You think you are so smart

Let’s see where your smugness gets you when Snorlax holds up your bank and there’s no cop around with presence of mind and capability of throwing ultra-balls.

That’s all for this week, folks!

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Anonymous Coward says:


It’s not necessary to impose the death penalty on members of the Black community, because they are unfortunately very good at imposing it on themselves. These Black-on-Black shootings barely make a ripple in the news, first because they are so common, and second because woke race ideologues have dictated that murders of Black people may be seen only when carried out by law enforcement or white people.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

and second because woke race ideologues have dictated that murders of Black people may be seen only when carried out by law enforcement or white people.

No, but this is definitely how a racist would see it. Citizens killing citizens doesn’t hit the news as often or as loudly. People break the law and murder people. Tale as old as time. Concerning, but not surprising. And more a statement about the availability of firearms than it is about intraracial murder.

When cops kill people, especially people of a particular, historically targeted ethnicity or identity, as a result of systemic racism (which you’re encouraging) and homicidal training, it’s an abuse of official authority and should warrant significant outcry and systemic change necessary to curb it. When people who are sworn to uphold the law, who are expected to protect society, are committing murder, abusing their authority, and being at best indifferent, but often actively antagonistic, to the well-being of underprivileged people, it should hit the news harder.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

When people who are sworn to uphold the law, who are expected to protect society, are committing murder…

Except this doesn’t happen. The vast majority of officer-involved shootings (literally almost all of them) are clearly justified and righteous.

How many law enforcement officers have been convicted for an on-duty killing that took place this year? In fact, how many then-serving and employed law enforcement officers have ever even been charged for such a vanishingly-rare crime?

You’re a retarded communist.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Yeah, any time that a group of Black people get together, it’s the police who make them shoot each other.

Wokeness is poison. Wokeness is death.

Do you think Black people like being infantilized like this? I suppose the CRT and BLM grifters do, because it’s a way of fleecing the suckers, but I would hope that normal Black people want something better for themselves. And it’s not something that wokeness can ever give them, because wokeness is literally telling them that they must blame whitey rather than try to bring their own communities back to civilization.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

Wokeness is a buzzword conservatives and racists use for anything they don’t like. They conflate different concepts into one giant blob of terminology because, like you, they don’t understand the disparate parts. Black people are some of the academics that are analyzing systemic issues, so pretending it’s just “woke” white people infantilizing black people is silly. Nobody said that the police are forcing black people to shoot each other. Your inability to understand the issue doesn’t mean it must be as simple as you like to pretend. Also, you don’t get to say others are infantilizing black people when you’re depicting them as uncivilized savages. But you won’t understand what I’m saying either, so I suppose there isn’t much point.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

BLM Chicago, the city with massive numbers of Black people who murder each other, responded to the Palestinian terrorism by creating a poster celebrating the paragliders that the terrorists used. The reason to conflate the many evil things that the left believes under the single term “wokeness” is that they share the common feature of being ideologies of fantasy rather than reality, whether it’s believing that men can be women, that the United States was founded in order to perpetuate slavery, that the failures of Black society are solely due to the actions of white people, that dividing people into oppressors and oppressed is a rational way to structure society, that riots, looting, and arson are reparations, that Jews deserve to be murdered, and on and on.

Wokeness is poison. Wokeness is death. Nothing the woke left believes is true. Nothing the woke left does is useful, least of all for their favored victim groups.

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