'Internet Lawyer' Charles Carreon Has A New Best Friend And He's An SEO Expert Who Hates Anonymous Critics

from the the-streisand-school-of-reputation-management dept

The internet makes for some strange bedfellows. The fact that I can’t think of any other examples right at the moment should not detract from this truism. Internet = strange bedfellows and we all know it. Here’s some proof:

This article is about the importance of having a great Internet Attorney.

I have one, and he is my friend and an outstanding Internet Attorney that has done wonderful work that protects me and helps me grow our business. His name is Charles Carreon, and I highly recommend him based on the merit of his outstanding work.

Go ahead and re-read those sentences. Marvel at the fact that they were written post-Oatmeal-meltdown (March 22 of this very year). Gaze in bemusement at the proximity of the name “Charles Carreon” to the phrase “outstanding work.” Gather your jaw from the floor when you realize an SEO expert with an interest in reputation management put that sentence together and displayed it publicly without a hint of irony.

This glowing testimonial was dropped in my lap via an Adam Steinbaugh tweet. (Steinbaugh has done some great work pursuing the Craig Brittain/IsAnybodyDown.com “revenge porn” story.)

As Steinbaugh points out, Tom Forrest, the author of this bizarre puff piece, is particularly irked by some anonymous commenters who have complained about his SEO business, HTP Company. We’ll get to that in a moment, but let’s take a break to hear more about this “Charles Carreon – Internet Lawyer.”

I can tell you from personal legal experience and several law suits I have had to file, that this is a “Pay me a smaller amount now, or Pay a big old bag of money later” proposition.

We know you think you are saving money by not hiring a Lawyer to take care of this, then years later when you are in a law suit you wish you would have listened to previous good legal advice and properly protected your Internet assets…

You want and need an Attorney that has many years of strong experience doing this, and Charles Carreon is this type of Attorney.

There you have it. “Charles Carreon” and “years of strong experience” contained in the same sentence, possibly opening the door to an alternate universe where Internet Lawyer Charles Carreon’s reputation hasn’t been thoroughly dismantled by Internet Lawyer Charles Carreon.

After shoving a few words together in an approximation of a paragraph, Forrest moves on to his real area of concern.

Today a hot topic of Law and SEO is the strange and difficult issue of reputation management. How do we know what to believe on the Internet when we have sites like RipOffReport and Yelp, etc.

Oh! I know! Pick me!

We know what to believe by considering the experiences of others, something both these sites collect. True, one is more slanted than the other, and generously-sized grains of salt should be taken with every exceedingly negative/positive review, but both are handy additions to any consumer’s “toolkit.”

Forrest isn’t done with RipOffReport, though.

I have talked and emailed with Ed the owner of RipOffReport, and even though his believes and morals on this topic are different then mine and frankly Ed’s position (the owner of RipOffReport) upsets me. He is a very clever guy with a good team of Attorneys that fight everyone as long and as hard as they can so he does not give out any information about who files the reports.

Not only is he clever, but he has some protection via Section 230, something people who complain about people complaining should familiarize themselves with. No one should feel compelled to give up info about a critical commenter just because someone else is upset. RipOffReport gives every complained-about company ample room to respond. But, if you’re one of those types who feels the best defense is a good lawsuit — that’s where Internet Lawyer Charles Carreon comes in.

This is where you need a good Attorney if a lot of money is on the line and you need to legaly force RipOffReport to disclose information about who really wrote the complaints. It will cost you at least $20,000 and most likely much more to prove who wrote something negative and false about your company, and then to take them to Court and collect will cost even more money, at least $50,000.

Or, you know, save all that money and respond with evidence that the claim is false, using links, citations and other information. It’s a whole lot cheaper and it keeps you from being portrayed as a thin-skinned legal bully, something Internet Lawyer Charles Carreon has some first-hand experience with.

Now, Internet Lawyering is good and all, but sometimes you gotta be your own pimp.

So this is not an inexpensive endeavor, it is less expensive to hire a good SEO company to push down the negative and perhaps false articles and complaints. This can also work the other way, you can push up negative complaint articles about your competitors if you so desire.

Also an option. Or you could consider handling complaints in a courteous, professional manner. Your choice.

Now, while this is both extremely bizarre and rather entertaining, one wonders exactly how strong Tom’s SEO-fu is if he’s unaware of Internet Lawyer Charles Carreon’s problematic relationship with the Internet. Or maybe this is a weird symbiotic relationship. After all, Carreon would need the services of a top “reputation manager” just to bring his credibility level up to “dubious” or “somewhat suspect.” Bundling reputation management, SEO jargon and Charles “Streisand” Carreon in the same post leads one to believe that either Forrest is blissfully unaware of Carreon’s actions or they’re both teaming up to unmask some critics and drag their respective reputations out of the mud. Whatever the real answer is, it bears watching, with popcorn on standby.

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Companies: htp company

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Comments on “'Internet Lawyer' Charles Carreon Has A New Best Friend And He's An SEO Expert Who Hates Anonymous Critics”

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Applesauce says:

What do we expect?

Internet personalities who self-harm their reputations aren’t likely to just disappear or fade away. They have no place else to go. This is especially true if they happen to be lawyers. After spending all those years and all that money on law school, few of them have any alternate skills. What they do have is a boundless supply of self-importance unlikely to be diminished by occasional setbacks.

Josh (profile) says:

Re: Re: What do we expect?

A few grammar issues in this one, but no worries mate I got your back.

There should be a comma between yes and Charles. “Yes, Charles Carreon…”

There is no reason to capitalize “bullies”, as it is not a proper noun.

You put a blank line between each line of your comment except for the last one. This is inconsistent. I suggest removing the period after bullies and adding an “and”.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: What do we expect?

More work than ever? You mean filing useless lawsuits that’re going to end up laughed out of court? I suppose if you really wanted you could consider that “work”, but I can’t imagine Charles getting paid for it.

Or by work, do you mean Charles and Tara writing more nasty things on their website which nobody reads for sake of sanity?

Anonymous Coward says:

My thoughts were the same as Some Guy’s. That unless you can magically wave a wand and make information disappear off the intarwebz it is there for the finding and merely stating your search terms in broad swathes will likely turn up exactly what looks to be the attempted repair of.

This reminds me of the push in Europe of the idea of the ‘Right To Be Forgotten’. My suggestion is if you don’t want a bad public image perhaps you shouldn’t do things that give the public that impression.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Anonymous Coward, I left you three messages in different places ...

Re: Anonymous Coward, I left you three messages in different places, can’t you find them you AssClown troll?

One is about WWII. I even complimented you …
Too bad you can not find all my messages to you, it is very disappointing to me that you are not smart enough to stay with me.

Gee you are letting me down I thought you were smarter then this.

Come on can’t you do better I am waiting for your reply where I left you the messages.

I promise I am never checking here again, I am not playing with you this time, I am serious.

Bye Anonymous Coward, we will never communicate again unless you can find all three of the messages I left for you.

Don’t you what to see the compliment I gave you?

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re:

If you click through to Tom’s Blogspot profile, there’s a link to his web site

From the site:

Our Founder

In 1987, Tom Forrest, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of HTP Company began in the software industry. When the Internet began to take root Mr. Forrest formed the technology focus of the business which is today considered a worldwide leader in its field of search engine optimization, Internet advertising, software development and web design. Mr. Forrest has a BS degree studies in business and engineering from Illinois State University, an MS Degree in computer engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), and has taken graduate studies in business and engineering from UCSB. Mr. Forrest has nearly twenty (20) years of successful sales, engineering, management, and marketing experience in the software and Internet industries.

They apparently have several offices around the world. Including one in India, likely the source of the overwhelming majority of their hacked “SEO” – the crap they probably churn out that’s likely as craptastic as the “opinion” piece Tom puked up fro Charles.

art guerrilla (profile) says:

Re: Re:

not to insult you (which is what i’m about to do), because i generally am in agreement with your posts/points; but didn’t google themownselves recently go on about how SEO stuff was mostly ‘worthless’ ? ? ?

that the nature of their crawlers was such that as long as you crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s in making your website to conform to general standards, THAT alone is what drives googles ‘ranking’ in providing search results ? ? ?

keywords, metatags, etc in order, and you are good to go…
NOT a web guru, just repeating what some googlemeister said in an article (slashdot?)

just sayin’…

art guerrilla
aka ann archy

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: You are an Idiot, show me your top rankings for anything.


I am sick and tried of reading crap from IDIOTS like you.

You have nothing, show me a top ranking you have for any keyword?

You and others like you wish you could have an ethical and successful company like we do.

Why don’t you phone me or email me and we can have a contest and bet $100,000 on who is a better SEO expert.
Or just outrank me you Moran.

Oh, I forgot you are a Dumb-Ass with no money and a SEO want to be. You have no useful skills so you must attack people that are talented.

You are nothing but an incompetent cry baby.

Joe says:

I'm not sure he has years of strong experience.

So, the thing is, I’m not sure Charles Carreon really has the strong “years” of experience that is claimed. I mean, if you really want to get rid of comments which really damage your reputation (I mean, the dirty, mean, horrible ones, which will send your customers running, and worst of which, are true), they you need a censorious douchebag of the highest caliber. Unfortunately, it seems Mr. Carrion barely even has a full year’s experience, according the best authorities in evaluating censorious douchbaggery:


It just goes to show how you can’t trust SEO marketeers.

Josh (profile) says:

Re: Re: Yes should complain to the Template maker Watermark Design.

The intended meaning of this one perplexed me a bit, but I think I understand what you’re trying to say. I believe you accidentally put the sentence you intended for the body of the comment in the subject field. There should also be a comma after “Yes” and a “you” or an “I”, depending on your meaning.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: "Internet lawyer"

Anyone who creates a crappy bullshit based article using a crappy blogspot post is not someone you should trust to do your SEO.

Anyone who claims “it is less expensive to hire a good SEO company to push down the negative and perhaps false articles and complaints” is full of shit and someone you shouldn’t trust to do your SEO.

Anyone who’s “SEO” site includes a claim “We rank on AOL” among their accolades is someone you shouldn’t trust to do your SEO.

Anyone who touts big brands as proof that they are good at SEO is also waving a false flag of proof, since those big brands usually only need adjustments rather than full blown effort given that as a big brand they carry a LOT of built-in cache’ regarding authority and trust already. So if all they do is claim a handful of big brands, while failing to specify WHAT they’ve done for them (especially since I know the ACTUAL company that provides SEO for at least one of the brands he claims they’ve worked with on their site), is someone you should probably shouldn’t trust to do your SEO.

Anyone who claims “keyword density” as one of their services is someone you shouldn’t trust to do your SEO.

Anyone who has a page URL that includes “pick_the_best_search_engine” and has a page title that includes “Best Search Engines, Company Reviews”, but then just embeds videos from Google talking about how search engines work is someone you shouldn’t trust to do your SEO.

Any company that suggests you should pay attention to the PageRank of sites (the TBPR variety) is someone you shouldn’t trust to do your SEO.

Any company that suggests techniques to rank on AllTheWeb, Teoma and AltaVista is someone you should not trust to do your SEO.

Any company that says to use linkpartners.com and linksmanager.com is someone you should DEFINITELY not trust to do your SEO.

Any company that claims ” Only an idiot would use Home as the anchor text of a text link.” is someone you should not trust to do your SEO.

Any company who suggests there are times when you would “need a lot” when referring to reciprocal links is an outright hack company I wouldn’t trust with a thousand foot pole.

In the case of a Carreon, the SEO effort required to successfully “push down” the negative content (to at least the 3rd page of results) and then be sure that effort will successfully KEEP it pushed down, is more likely to cost in the order of $250,000.

You may be able to push it down a couple notches for much less, but so what? if it’s still on the 1st page of results, the very next article, or link or even just a few updated comments on an old entry are enough to bring them right back up at that level.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: "Internet lawyer"

Alan Bleiweiss,

What is you problem?

You are nothing. Why do you waste everyone’s time going though and presenting information that is over ten years old. What is the url where you are finding this old stuff, only a person that is interested in wasting a lot of time would bother writing so much crap and nonsense. Tell me the url and we will delete it, we do not want old stuff up.

You make all these attacks against me and you know nothing about me.

You are a worthless Internet Troll, with a crappy sign business.

You do not know who our clients are and who they have been.
Alan I have been in the Internet and Software industry before you. Why are you afraid to talk with me on the phone or meet me in person?
I am not afraid of you, I want a SEO challenge against you and I want to take what little money a loser like you has.

Josh (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: "Internet lawyer"

Your friendly neighborhood Grammar Nazi here again.

*your problem

internet troll should not be capitalized, emphasis is more efficiently expressed with either italics or bold tags. (As a side note, getting flustered and lashing out is the entire goal of trolls, so the best way to deal with them is to not respond at all.)

*Alan and I

This may be a matter of personal preference, but I would put a “long” in between “industry” and “before”.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: "Internet lawyer"


You present your company as a professional services provider. Yet you have extremely outdated content on your site. Content that is misleading given that you are no longer ranking for the phrases referenced. Content that is outdated related to techniques and methods that have long since died in the world of SEO.

If you want to rant at me, and yet you can’t even find the content on your own site, perhaps you’ve been too busy in work and life, and have left the site relegated to someone younger in the field than you. That’s possible. Maybe you’re too busy doing great work for actual clients to be bothered.

Whatever the reason, I simply pointed it out and drilled holes in the content your own site claims and puts out to the world.

I don’t need to take your challenge. I have nothing in this to prove. My clients and prospective clients have all the access to all the real world data that shows I know what I’m doing.

Feel free to continue referring to the conferences I speak at the way you do. That’s your right to do if you so choose. No skin off my back.

G Thompson (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: "Internet lawyer"

Wow for someone who allegedly has a “professional services” company your personalised attacks, hyperbole, and general petulance towards other who criticise you is very telling about your alleged professionalism.

ie: It tells a reasonable person that you have no clue, are controlled by your overriding ego and act like a standard petulant foot stomping child in your ad hominem attacks against others.

Whether they have called you names or otherwise is irrelevant in what your professional conduct (or non-professionalism as it actually is) should be!

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 "Internet lawyer"

Hello G Thompson,

So you want me to be nicer to trolls like you?

No thank you.

Answer one question for me?

So why did Alan Bleiweiss apologize to me?

By the way we are okay now, so it seems my methods may have worked.

You appear from your profile to be an older gentlemen that is knowledgeable in history, so you may remember or know from history how the USA saved your country in WW2.

How about you just thank me and my forefathers for giving you the freedom to write the crap you do. Or perhaps you would rather be writing in German now?

Have a nice day mate.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 "Internet lawyer"

Actually the US did little to help in World War 2 until the very end. They continued to drag their feet and profiteer off the war. By the time the US joined the war effort, the Allies were already starting to make progress. Though the US did eventually help, they don’t deserve the “We saved your ass” credit you think they do.

G Thompson (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 "Internet lawyer"

I really wouldn’t get on the bad side of me.. I was stating how you in were being highly hypocritical in that on one hand you try to be professional and on the other are basically, like you are throughout this whole reply to me, being a petulant child who wouldn’t know when he really should shut up or he might get a hiding from the adults in the room.

As for your confabulation of history and how the USA somehow saved use from speaking German (when in fact you most likely meant Japanese) you really need to understand what you did in the Pacific Campaign.. ie: sweet fuck all. Though you really give the nickname we gave most Americans credence. Yanks – short for “Septic Tank” which is a form of toilet – in other words full of effluent like yourself.

Oh and seeing as how you have offices in Melbourne, You come under our laws here too.. Seems I might take an interest now at your business practices. A nice long and rubber gloved look. ooh In India and the UK as well. hmmm well this is interesting, let me put it plainly. As the CEO and founder of HTC you have done yourself and your company a major disservice and now jumped into the fire.

As for Alan Bleiweiss apologising, I’m not Alan nor his keeper and do not know why he does things or not. Now though you’re on my radar.

Have a good day Tom.. Next time a bit of free professional advise. Do a course in Anger management, one in Alternate Dispute Resolution and learn to delegate so you don’t stick your dick in the proverbial grinder as a CEO as you now have.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 G Thompson, how do you think Americans feel about your comments?

G Thompson, how do you think Americans feel about your comments?

We save your country and you call us “Septic Tanks” … a form of toilet…

Do you really think after you refer to Americans as “Septic Tanks” for saving your life, I have anything to learn from you?

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: "Internet lawyer"

Oh – and just for giggles, on one page of their site:

“HTPcompany.com is #1 for SEO Company, Internet Marketing Company and #4 for Marketing Company. So I have some proof of what I am talking about. However I am always learning.”

Of course, they DON’T rank for any of those. At all. So it’s possible their hack craptastic, myopic bullshit methods might have worked years ago. You know – before Google actually began figuring out how to slap idiots like that down. But no longer.

And the final kicker in their scammy spammy bullshit?

Yeah A closing line on one of their pages:

“Please phone us to discuss advertising on 121,000 different web sites.”

Talk about a bullshit hacktastic spam path to “SEO”! Epic.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: "Internet lawyer"

Of course, they DON’T rank for any of those. At all.

You know how Google works nowadays, right? It tracks your searches and attempts to return results relevant to your interests.

Since that guy is obviously interested in his own website, Google will rank it highly for him. For everyone else, that is not the case.

Of course, that is something every competent SEO would know.

AB (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 "Internet lawyer"

Only if you forget the quotes. If you actually type it in exactly as he does it makes first place.

Not that I imagine real people would ever do that. But then he doesn’t want real people, he wants idiots who will fall for his scam. I can see why he likes Carreon.

If you do a search for ‘Internet Advertising,’ ‘internet marketing,’ or ‘internet marketing company’ he doesn’t even show up within the first three pages!

Well at least he’s figured out how to use zombies and kiddy script to create some false search results. That’s something. I guess. Not something to be proud of, but something.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Why don't any of the idiots on this site accept my $100,000 SEO Challenge?

Hello Anonymous Idiots and Alan the SEO idiot,

Why will none of you accept my SEO challenge for $100,000?

You have no rankings for anything to show me.

Stop being bullies and put your money where your month is.

We have thousands of top rankings for our clients, in fact we have the best results of any company I know of and we follow all Google Guidelines.

Let’s see I have been emailing with Matt Cutts since Google started, do you morons think he has not looked at our web site?

Come on, one of you trolls must want to bet me?

Email your offers to me at:

I will publish it and accept any reasonable bet from any of you.

I know, you can not do that because you are all losers and have nothing.

No good results for anything.

Yes I own the ball and I will own and dominate any of you clowns.

I remember from about ten years ago a SEO person referred to people like you as AssClowns.

Yes Josh that may not be a real word, yet it is what all these people are.

Tim and whoever owns Techdirt (I do not care who owns it)
can write up the SEO Challenge and each of the AssClowns on this site can kiss my butt in public after I defeat you.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Yeah You Found The Wrong Guy


First of all, thank you for including my name in your article. Since you are highly skilled at your work, you did an OUTSTANDING job of linking to a BBB entry for someone else who happens to have the same name as me. I have never owned a sign company, nor have I ever lived in Florida.

Clearly you have invested many decades of time and effort in your work to have failed to even consider that possibility.

Maybe you really are that good at SEO. All of the references I made came directly from your site. Your site claimed top rankings organically for a variety of high value internet marketing phrases, not the one you are now waving on high. None of the ones your own site referenced bring your company up anywhere in the first five pages of results.

That was the basis for my position.

SO before you blow vomit all over your shoes again please. Consider investing that $100,000 in more education for yourself. Or actual SEO that would help you get those more difficult phrases back that you lost forever ago.

Just a suggestion. Because I am far from perfect – yet at least I actually did real research on you before I commented here, as opposed to your quick shooting blind rebuttal that had no basis in factual response to mine.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: "Internet lawyer"

hahaha And their “claim to fame” regarding their “Social Media” services?

A chart showing EXPLOSIVE growth in a client’s Facebook page. From launch they skyrocketed to a whopping 121 likes.

My god, they’re amazing at how well they do at their work! No wonder Charles entrusts his online reputation to them!

cKarlGo (profile) says:

Or, you know, save all that money and respond with evidence that the claim is false, using links, citations and other information. It’s a whole lot cheaper and it keeps you from being portrayed as a thin-skinned legal bully, something Internet Lawyer Charles Carreon has some first-hand experience with.

That’s all well and good if the comments to which you object are false. However, since many of these complaints are likely more true than false, there’s little point in trying to rebut them like a normal, civilized person.

Ben S (profile) says:

Re: Want higher rankings? Be better.

Not exactly. It’s which tags you use for what purpose. For example, The h1 tag treats an item as the most important point of your website, and phrases that match anything inside the tags will rank you up more than matches elsewhere on your page. I’m sure a certain amount of gaming the system is going to be part of it, but Google apparently looks for that kind of thing and will stop websites from showing up if it looks like you’re using underhanded tactics to gain a ranking you don’t deserve.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Do a Google search for "Internet Advertising Company"


Who is #1 all over the world for “Internet Advertising Company” on Google?
Did you also view our video on our web site?
Or does anyone that thinks Charles Carreon does good work deserve be burned at the stake, like a Witch or Warlock?

Also the title of your article has a grammatical error.

You claim to be an intelligent person, why do you think I have a Blog on Blogger?
The answer is Google does not like some of my articles and has completely deleted them from Google in the past, after I complained to Matt Cutts he did put my articles back and just in case Google tries to shut off my freedom of speech again, I figure it is better to have Google penalize Blogger the business they own.

Why are you so negative, I have known Charles for over 15 years. The truth is he has done great work for my company and he is an outstanding Attorney.

He did great legal work for me before this Oatmeal situation. I am not against Matt Inman, in fact I thought he seems nice and professional in the article he wrote about the situation with Charles. I believe if they could start fresh and “bury the hatchet”, they would not have any further problems or issues.

Please write more about me and please write about how great of a company I have and how happy our clients are.
I noticed you can not write about our BBB A+ rating and the many positive reviews we have.

Is it because no matter what the truth is you must attack?
You do not even understand my article or what the point is.
You seem like an angry Bully that wants to use the power of techdirt to unfairly attack innocent people.
I pay money to Charles Carreon to work for me, and he does not pay me any money whatsoever, and your false claims and incorrect analysis of my article just make you seem incompetent in my opinion. Please phone or email me any time if you want to discuss this further. I am not afraid of you, and your article just makes you look bad as far as I am concerned.

I think you are just a Bully, you did not even understand my article and if you did you are just twisting it and spinning it for your own selfish benefit.

Yes I am against web sites like Ripoff report, not because of any bullshit false claims about my company, I could care less, it is about how people abuse these type of sites and write false reports about many innocent people and companies.
Why can you not accept that as the truth?

Do you think everyone has a hidden evil agenda like you do?

Josh (profile) says:

Re: Do a Google search for "Internet Advertising Company"

A couple of long ones, eh? Well, first things first.

*deserve to be burned

There should be no comma before like, but there should be an “a” between witch and warlock, which should not be capitalized.

There should be a comma after “Also”.

“Blog has no reason to be capitalized unless that is the name of your blog. (I must admit, I did not check.)

I just rewrote this bit for you. It seemed easier that way. “The answer is that Google does not like some of my articles and has completely deleted them in the past. After I complained to Matt Cutts he did put my articles back, but just in case Google tries to shut off my freedom of speech again, I figure it is better to have them penalize Blogger, the business they own.”

“Attorney” should not be capitalized.

Once again, bully is not capitalized.

There should be a sentence break after bully, not a comma.

Switching it up, I see. This time you forgot to capitalize something. “Report” is what you forgot.

This seems like a run on sentence, try breaking it up after “I could care less”.

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Re: Do a Google search for "Internet Advertising Company"

I’d like to note for the record that the #1 Google hit for failure was Bush’s website for a long time. Because you can get yourself placed highly doesn’t mean your actually good or that people like you.

Ah yes a BBB rating, because no one’s ever bought those… er wait they did.

You really should consider Googling your legal help before you pay them, I mean your a SEO wizard and all and you’ve just tied your reputation to someone who has shown himself to be what is politely called ‘BATSHIT CRAZY’. One is left to wonder if your reputation is actually valuable to you, or if you just wanted to hire someone who would make your targets settle to avoid getting featured in online attacks by him and his wife.

In answer to your last question, your in marketing… of course you do.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

More about Reputation Management

Hello Tim,

Let’s think about your negative unfair article some more.

My company started in 1987 before the Internet we have a stellar ranking in Dunn & Bradstreet and you have a bunch of people that are very unhappy with Charles Carreon reading your articles. So why let the truth and integrity stop you, just Bully everyone into not defending the truth.

We have have many thousands of clients and everyone knows you can have some crazy clients that try to cheat and and rip you off from time to time.

Now we will sue these people. Brian Casey and others have already signed agreements that they will take down their false and incorrect comments about our company, including paying our legal fees if needed.

Please look at Sears, General Motors, BMW, JC Penney and and other big companies and you see many thousands of complaints for each of them.

Does that mean each of these complaints is correct and true?

Give me a break, and stop beating a dead horse.

Tim, in ten years are you still going to be writing negative article about me?

Are you going to attack me the rest of my life now because I told the truth that Charles Carreon is a very good Attorney?

Please phone me and let’s talk about it.

Or are you too much of a powerful Bully to do that?

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: More about Reputation Management


I think your Internet name Anonymous Coward, says what you are.

Are you one of the “in crowd that” goes to all these Bullshit SEO conferences like Alan Bleiweiss? This guy is a joke to me, ask him to accept my SEO challenge.
You people all talk about how you are experts, yet when questioned you have no proof of any good SEO results whatsoever. You are just Pretenders … Wannabes
Wannabe – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A wannabe (slang for “want to be”) is a person with an ambition to be someone or something that s/he is not. The term is generally pejorative. In general use …

I do think Aaron Wall is a good SEO expert and Jim Boykin, however most of the speakers at these SEO conferences are CRAP, they just waste people’s time.

Are you no of these people that are afraid to publish your name and phone number, because you are incompetent and if anyone saw who you really are you would be embarrassed, because you are nothing …

Why don’t you and Alan Bleiwess contact me and let’s set up a SEO challenge and let Tim Cushing write an article about who the winner is.
We can bet as much money as you like.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: More about Reputation Management

You wish. Have fun trying to find people several oceans and continents away. I see no reason to publicly shame myself like you’ve decided to do so, railing at other people.

Charles Carreon dug his own publicity grave, and he’s a laughingstock beyond America. If you wish to ally yourself with him, by all means – no one’s stopping you. Enjoy your association to him and his wife. Maybe you ought to familiarise yourself with the wisdom she posts online.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 More about Reputation Management

Secret Dude,

What does that have to do with the price of coffee in China?

I did not hire his wife to be my Attorney.

Why can’t you just say you do not like Charles, however agree that he might be an excellent Attorney?

I do not like what Ripoff Report does, yet I say publicly the Ed the owner is a highly intelligent and clever person.

I have hired many Attorneys over my lifetime and Charles Carreon is the best one I ever hired.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 More about Reputation Management

Way to miss all the points made.

– Price of coffee in China? Nothing to do with that; what are you trying to say by bringing this up? Or is it because you’re mad that I’m not in America, and even if I was willing to divulge my information, you couldn’t hunt me down?

– Who said anything about hiring Tara Carreon to be your attorney? Learn to read, Mr. Thousands of Clients. You don’t have to hire Tara; she’ll probably help you write lots of batshit crazy paragraphs in your defence and make you look better. (Mind, your mileage may vary. After all, your good friend Charles tried it on TechDirt and everything went downhill from there.)

– I don’t know about Charles’ attorney skills. I don’t have the insight to comment on that. He could be brilliant or downright horrible. I’m merely going to judge him by what I do know – when he decided that going after Matthew Inman was a good idea. Don’t blame me; blame him for deciding to be someone that the World Wide Web decided fit the “jackass” category.

Josh (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: More about Reputation Management

Commas before and after “Anonymous Coward”.

*”in crowd” that

Neither pretenders nor wannabes should be capitalized.


*I do think Aaron Wall and Jim Boykin are good SEO experts

*one of these

Run on sentence. Your homework for tonight is to figure out where the period goes.

Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile) says:

Re: More about Reputation Management

Now we will sue these people. Brian Casey and others have already signed agreements that they will take down their false and incorrect comments about our company, including paying our legal fees if needed.

Please look at Sears, General Motors, BMW, JC Penney and and other big companies and you see many thousands of complaints for each of them.

Does that mean each of these complaints is correct and true?

Nope. There are plenty of false complaints all over the internet. However, you rarely see a company sue over online reviews because it does absolutely NOTHING positive for the company. (Although, if I were you, I’d have picked a list of businesses without such, shall we say, “troubled” reputations.)

Give me a break, and stop beating a dead horse.

Tim, in ten years are you still going to be writing negative article about me?

Are you going to attack me the rest of my life now because I told the truth that Charles Carreon is a very good Attorney?

Unless you make things really interesting, I doubt I’ll be writing negative articles about you next week. Carreon may be a “very good Attorney” in your experience, but many, many people would not agree with that assessment.

Please phone me and let’s talk about it.

Or are you too much of a powerful Bully to do that?

No, thanks. Not that I wouldn’t relish the chance to be told I’m wrong over the phone, but any time I take one of these “conversations” out of this venue, I end up fielding vague legal threats and strange ideas as to how I should rewrite the offending post (and RIGHT NOW DAMMIT).

So, if it’s all the same to you, let’s hash this out in public. I’m not a big fan of non-public communication with aggrieved parties. It limits accountability and leaves too much to subjective interpretation.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: More about Reputation Management

Hello Tim,

Thank you for the reply.

Thank you for the attention you have brought to my Blog. You made my traffic go up and I appreciate that.
I have no desire to sue people, recently I have had a few horrible not even clients, that we need to take legal actions against.
These are people that never even paid us any money for web design, software development and SEO work we did for them.
We incurred $25,000 in costs and these people did not pay us $1.
Then they write up bullshit Yelp lies and you link to it.
No I do not appreciate that and if you want me to think you are a fair person and not a Bully with a very powerful web site than I ask you to take down the Yelp link to the lies about my ethical company.
Further more I have nothing against the Oatmeal or Matt Inman, I think he seems like a reasonable and funny guy. I enjoy reading his web site.

I put a disclaimer on my Charles Carreon article about you Tim Cushing. I do not think it will upset you, as I just state you are wrong about the business relationship I have with Charles Carreon.
It is very simple, I hire him, he does great legal work for me, and I pay him.

Please read my article again and you will see what I say about you.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Tom Forrest

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: More about Reputation Management

Are you guys really trying to invent “bad publicity”? I know some people say there’s no publicity that is bad publicity, but I swear people like you come close to making exceptions when you pull off things like this. You’d fit in well with the common trolls that already plague the site. I guess you take your writing lessons from Tara – free of charge, mind.

Josh (profile) says:

Re: More about Reputation Management

*negative, unfair

I’ll just rewrite this part again. “My company started in 1987, before the Internet existed. We have a stellar ranking in Dunn & Bradstreet and you have a bunch of people reading your articles that are very unhappy with Charles Carreon. So why let truth and integrity stop you, just bully everyone into not defending the truth.”

*We have had

*cheat and rip

*you will see

Yet again, do not capitalize “attorney”.

Lowercase b on bully, my friend. Why are you fixated on this mistake?

Josh (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: More about Reputation Management

I can in fact edit some more for you. For instance:

*any more

You are free to type however you choose, however you may obtain more credibility and respect if you follow standard English language conventions. I’m not upset, merely trying to help. As to what I’m doing with my life, I’m in the United States Air Force, so if you can think of something more useful I’m open to suggestions.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Josh, I apologize to you.


Please accept my apology, I have the highest respect for you and I sincerely appreciate you defending the USA.

Thank you for the work you do.

In fact if you ever decide to leave the Air Force please email your resume to me, we would be interested in hiring you.

Kind regards,

Tom Forrest

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 More about Reputation Management


From ignorant arrogant losers like you.

I am done dealing with the Trolls on this blog.

I am not referring to you Josh.

I can not waste any more of my valuable time with you stupid people.

I am just going to ignore you.

Tim Cushing if you want to discuss any of this further, you can email or phone me.
I have no interest or desire to take any legal actions against you.

Tim, Why does your blog pull in so many stupid Trolls?

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 More about Reputation Management

The ball… you takes it and goes home…
Still won’t stop the mocking or the butthurt.

Just think if your clients took your advice and just ignored the evil trolls and worked harder at keeping clients happy you’d be out of a business.

But hey on the upside, they can come here and see first hand how you manage reputations… poorly.

Awww no legal actions… did you talk to a real lawyer who explained to you butthurt is not an actionable claim?

BTW – it is not Tim’s blog. And the answer to your question is easily found… what pulled you in?

To quote Mindy… Okay lady love you buhbye….

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 More about Reputation Management

He’s pissed I ignored his repeated direct emails demanding I accept his challenge to an SEO duel. And now he has to get double-pissed because he linked to a different person with my name – a guy who lives in Florida (I’ve never lived in florida) who owns a sign company (I’ve never owned a sign company) who has a C rating on the BBB.

It’s like maybe Tom got advice from Charles, and now they’re trying some sort of reverse Alan Cooper on my identity or something. 🙂

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Bullshit conferences

And for the record, those “bullshit conferences” I speak at that you refer to in your attack on my reputation? Rand Fishkin, Jim Boykin and Matt Cutts routinely attend and speak at those same conferences.

Apparently you find yourself much more of an SEO expert than even those gentlemen as well.

Just sayin.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

Hello Alan,

Yes I was not sure if you owned the sign company, since you are afraid and are hiding from me.

You are still an IDIOT SEO with no proof of any results.

You are a JERK that likes to snipe and attack others and you are afraid to take my SEO Challenge.

Why don’t you respond to that Mr. Forensic SEO Dumb-ass?

Your comments make it clear to me that you are incompetent, and only an AssClown would behave like you do.
If you worked for me I would fire you for incompetence with one month.

No you could never email me directly or phone me, as you are afraid of me because you know I am telling the truth.

If you ever competed against me in a SEO contest you know I would CRUSH you. It would be like me competing with an eighth grader.

Who are some of the best SEO experts in the world?

Rand Fishkin
Jim Boykin
Aaron Wall
Tom Forrest

Please note Allan (not the sign guy) that you are about number 871,024 on any ones list of top SEO experts.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Puffed Up Chests - All the Rage


By now you will have possibly actually read the email I sent you a short while ago.

I don’t go around making claims about achievements the way you do, let alone achievements anyone can obviously check for themselves to see you don’t have the rankings you claimed.

Instead, I choose to discuss achievements with prospective clients. In private. Because they’re none of your business.

Unlike you, I don’t go around in public proclaiming I’m one of the top four SEO experts in the world. While I definitely come across as an asshat from time to time in my ranting, I learned a long time ago that such arrogance is even more immature and foolish than my ranting about others who act like asshats.

In fact, personally, many years ago, I routinely went around filled with the type of arrogance you clearly have expressed repeatedly. And I don’t know about you, however for me, in those days, it was a result of a severe lack of self esteem.

Puff up your chest as big as you wish. It’s quite entertaining.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Puffed Up Chests - All the Rage

Hello Alan,

I will read your email, I read your web site and I know exactly what your web site says you do.
To me you are a joke and a total waste of clients money.

You are not even man enough to apologize for your inappropriate behavior. Do you think I would ever attack some one like you did at the top of these comments?
Alan you act like a true bully, and now you understand that you can not bully me.

Yes you are an AssHat.

Why don’t you be a man and apologize and admit you were wrong?

No Alan everyone wants to see the keywords your web site ranks for.

By the way if there are any people interested in learning about SEO please follow a few steps below to sort out the wannabees like Alan Bleiwess from the self assured based on real SEO results Tom Forrest.

Alan please post a ranking report for your web site, not your clients, or what you claim to be your clients.
Your web site says all you did is write recommendation reports and write content.

Also SEO interested people, ask what ever SEO sales person that phones or emails you what their name is and Google their name.

Did you Google Tom Forrest, Mr. Forensic SEO expert?

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Puffed Up Chests - All the Rage


I apologize for the derogatory unwarranted attacks I initially posted. They were uncalled for.

I do not apologize for pointing out valid legitimate truth regarding the information I found on your web site that is extremely outdated.

I do not apologize for taking pity on you for your belief that the only way to prove yourself is to conduct an SEO contest where you can put your entire team of employees to work on a wild joke of a success chase where I personally am just one single person, and where my time is more valuable than playing stupid “my dick is bigger than your dick” games.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Alan why do you have to ruin a good apology that way?

Sorry Tom. I just felt it important for me to clarify exactly what it was I was apologizing for because the TechDirt readers are sticklers for details and I respect this community.

I’m also very glad to say for the record that having an actual dialogue with you via email was quite productive and helped us reach a positive outcome all around, so thank you for that.

alanbleiweiss (profile) says:

Re: To Tom: Bullshit conferences

For the record, those “bullshit conferences” I speak at that you refer to in your attack on my reputation? Rand Fishkin, Jim Boykin and Matt Cutts routinely attend and speak at those same conferences.

Apparently you find yourself much more of an SEO expert than even those gentlemen as well.

Just sayin.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: To Tom: Bullshit conferences


Yes Alan I know.

I also know those experts do not tell all their best information in a public forum like that.

I would be interested in a money making SEO challenge with those other real experts we both mentioned.

Sure if some big company put up a large dollar amount winner take all contest, I would be proud if I could beat out Rand Fishkin, Jim Boykin, Aaron Wall and others that I respect.

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Re: Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

Excuse me, Mr. Butthurt.
You said you were leaving to never return and waste your time, and yet you come back and keep posting.

You understand that your potential clients can now see your not a man of your word, and that you will go to extreme lengths to have the last word. These are not good traits to have in business, especially when your also featuring your inability to process factual information and inability to work Google.

You’ve insulted all sorts of people and posted all about your alleged talents. Given how sensitive you are about your status as a SEO wunderkind, I am left wondering how empty your life must be in other areas to focus on a pointless skill to these extremes.

It almost makes me feel sorry for you, but watching you self destruct is fun.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

Hello Anonymous Coward (aka idiot),

Yes it is terrible that I hurt my credibility with a troll like you.

I feel so bad about it, what can I do to make it up to you?

How about if you meet me face to face and I give you $25,000 in cash to compensate you for the horrible damages I have caused you?
Or I could Federal Express the money to you if I only knew who you are and where you live, too bad.

No none of my companies clients are going to be reading what you have to say Mr. Anonymous Coward sir.
Yes I am sure you think everyone on this blog feels I should be more respectful of you and never lie to you.

G Thompson (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

No none of my companies clients are going to be reading what you have to say Mr. Anonymous Coward sir.
Yes I am sure you think everyone on this blog feels I should be more respectful of you and never lie to you.

Probably not though a lot of your current (and future) Australian clients will be reading exactly what you have stated about what you think about Australia from above.

Buy hey you’re a top #4 in world SEO and reputation management expert (somehow I’m reminded of Crystal Cox when I type that – but I digress) you’ll bounce back and be able to mitigate it all I’m sure.

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

Nono Mr. Butthurt the name is That Anonymous Coward.

Feel free to put your money where your mouth is.

That Anonymous Coward
c/o Floor64, Inc.
440 N. Wolfe Rd.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Attn: Mike Masnick

(Hey Mike!! half of this gets me Insider for life right?)

You might want to look into that research thing I mentioned before deciding I don’t matter and that my reach is limited to 1 blog. You see, I have friends and contacts all over the place. And I’m kind of an asshole, so I would have no problem forwarding your posts from here to all of your clients along with an explanation of the Carreon Effect and how it came to be after the internet lawyer tried to sue charities and the internet. Oh and I’ll be sure to include the stories about how he dodged being served in lawsuits, I’m sure that will put your clients at ease that they have retained a real winner.

I might just be a nym on the internet, but it was a mistake to think thats all that I am.

G Thompson (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

And I’m kind of an asshole

Kind of? Dude you need to try harder! 😉

oh and this is umm yeah… “for the charities” http://www.tomforrest.org/ [could of been true in 2011.. but implies more of a ‘look at me look at me SEO structure’ now ]

and yes those offices in Melbourne are Serviced Office catering to a multitude of organisations – nothing nefarious about it – though interestingly there is no current record of a “HTP Company” or it’s ilk Registered as a legal trading entity within Australia.

Yes Tom, I’m still here (have been for over 3yrs on TD) I just deem not to talk directly to you anymore, you had your chance.

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Alan show me some of your top rankings, you have NOTHING

G – I thought I was doing a pretty good job for myself.
I mean my asshole antics got me sued 3 times so far.

Sigh, I wonder if its to late to email Judge Wright and ask him if he would mention SJD, DTD and me in a footnote in his order. I don’t have a judicial mention yet and it makes me sad.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Why are you attacking me?

Hello G Thompson,

You come onto this site and start attacking me and then you expect me to be nice to you?

Please explain why?

Yes you might have been speaking Japanese if it was not for
America saving your country. That is a fact.


I doubt the German’s would have let Japan keep your country so really we saved you from both.

Also please explain to me why when I first started going to Australia 25 years ago so many older people came up to me and thanked me for saving your country in WWII?

I would say it happened over ten times a day, so were all those people in your country wrong to thank America?

It does not happen today because all the people that remember how the USA saved you are dead now.
As you know that is how history works, time goes by and people forget.

Tom Forrest (user link) says:

Re: Re: Why are you attacking me?

Hello Anonymous Coward,

Why are you here bothering me?

I just ignore anything you say.

Am I upsetting you and toying with you?

Am I getting under your skin?

What do you do with your life Anonymous Coward?

Yes about every 5-6 years I waste some time with stupid stuff like this. I like to learn how bad the Anonymous Idiot situation is on the Internet so I can write about it.

It seems about 300% worse since I last checked 5 years ago.

Vanessa Kachadurian (profile) says:

Internet Attorneys are a joke

What is it about the Internet Police aka “Internet Attorneys” that think they can extort the truth and latch on to a wealthy client with promises of controlling the Internet. I have had my share of a particularly Internet Attorney, that created drama about me and tried to financial, socially harm me but it didn’t work. Instead his human trafficker client has had 3 countries close down on her lucrative business ($1.8 million in fives years recorded on her 990 tax returns) We all know about International adoption and fraud, the declining numbers speak for themselves and they will never be revived no matter what these parasite human flesh peddlers do. If they cannot win a case (which in most cases you cannot sue free speech especially when it is TRUTH) These Sleaze ball Attorneys will walk to the line of the law, try to have you arrested, put false police reports out, harass your family, take your photo and put it online with sleezy stories that amount to nothing more than child’s play and amateur and immature rantings. Internet Attorney is a self described name, they have not gone to Law School to learn this new niche area and are creating a new segment of the law for themselves. This particular Internet Attorney, tries shamelessly to promote himself as a writer (freebies like Huffington Blog) and on a FREE radio blog that barely has 2 people listen to it on Wednesday mornings. He has a lisp and horrible at public speaking. Its the same ole schtick with this loser : “Name calling” my special name is Serial Cyber Harrasser poster Child, He calls Internet Attorney foe that has beat his pants in court “Spamulance Chaser” and “only does things for a buck” THis guy is comical if it wasn’t so tragic that losers like this actually practice law. I guess that is what they called it “practice” because that is all they do is practice at it. No wonder lawyers are the bottom of the sewer in the trust category.

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