British Transport Police: Illegal Downloading Kills Babies [Updated]

from the suspiciously-convenient-logic dept

Update: Apparently this is a parody of the actual ad, which is only slightly less ridiculous…

The British Transport Police’s newest anti-terrorism campaign focusses on? illegal downloading? That seems to be the case, based on this billboard, as tweeted this weekend by @case_hardened:

In case you can’t see it, the billboard features a picture of a small crowd in an outdoor shopping area – and at the center, a mom with adorable baby. The text of the billboard reads:

“A bomb won’t go off here because weeks before the criminal pirating films was caught by monitoring his internet history. Pirating films funds terrorism and organized crime. Report it today.
Confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline
Call 0800 789 321″

The logic is a bit difficult to follow, but the message is clear: if you are against the government monitoring your internet use, you are for killing babies.

We’ve been hearing for a while that counterfeit goods, including DVDs, software, and even handbags, fund terrorism, but it doesn’t follow that an individual illegally downloading movies from the internet is helping terrorists. And it sure doesn’t follow that monitoring individuals’ internet use for illegal downloads is going to stop terrorists. On the whole, I think this campaign by the British Transport Police may have the opposite of the effect intended – the “Confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline” is going to be bogged down with reports of copyright violations instead of tips about actual terrorist activities.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: The real effect...


This poster is apparently a parody of a real poster. The real poster is at the link below, and it’s actually only slightly less awful than the spoof:

Featuring the slogan “A bomb won’t go off here because weeks before a shopper reported someone studying the CCTV cameras.”

Although I wouldn’t be surprised if that is also a spoof.

theDude says:


I just read the sign (not the post)and gotta say, that’s not going to make sense to anyone. It might be genius as its so obtuse that it may stick in peoples minds as they try to connect the missing dots. I suspect however its a bridge too far in terms of reason, especially when they attempted to boil it down to a bumper sticker.

Rikuo (profile) says:

I actually hope someone in Britain sues these guys…false advertisement maybe? The days when criminals actually made money from pirated VHS/DVD is long gone. They’re actually saying that if someone downloads a movie, then you’re a terrorist. If you read the quote carefully, its says the bomb won’t go off because they caught the criminal. It doesn’t say “The bomb won’t go off because we illegally monitored this one guy, and found out he had been donating money to Al’Qaeda”.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Oh yeah i started out small with music, moved to films, then started importing shoes directly from the factories over seas. My plan for next week is to pay people in third world countries a loonie a day for phone support. Then complain to my senator that others are criticizing my “business” and have them write a bill that will greatly help me. All I have to do is donate to their campaign a couple of young boys from my factories.

WysiWyg (profile) says:

Re: Re:

I take it you haven’t been in London recently? I was there last year, and I honestly thought first that the posters were some sort of satire. *shivers*

I especially loved the way they announced the third day we were there (middle of summer) that since it now was so hot that everyone were allowed one bottle of water with them. And here I had been carrying around 10 of them all the time!

Also, while I’m on the subject; they don’t do trashbins anymore. Turns out you’re supposed to throw the trash on the ground, and someone will pick it up. You know, so no-one throws a bomb in a bin or something.

They are absolutely mad. The make the TSA look like sane people!

Call me Al says:

Re: Re: Re:

erm WysiWyg I’m not sure if the London you visited is the same one that I live in.

We do have some ridiculous laws but your points aren’t true.

They don’t give you permission to carry a bottle of water, rather they advise that you do so. This is because the London Underground is not airconditioned and gets ridiculously hot in summer.

Also we do have bins, not as many as we need but they are certainly there.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

“They are absolutely mad.”

Yes, this fictional parallel reality you seem to have stepped into certainly seems to be. The version I visited at the end of August had plenty of bins and no restrictions on soft drinks. The posters are stupid, but maybe they realised that since I didn’t see any of this type other than some parodies in tourist shops…

WysiWyg (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

I should have been more clear; the “bin-ban” is only in the Underground and the stations it seems.

And the restrictions on soft drinks seems to have been an misunderstanding on my part.

With that said, I still think the posters are REALLY creepy, and whoever thought of them must have been a bit mad.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Re:

Hey, no problema and thanks for responding. You definitely did seem to completely misunderstand and no mention was made of public transport in your original post, so glad we could sort you out on those points!

You are still right about the posters of course, but I think they’ve been gradually removed since most people thought the same thing.

Niall (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

There are very few bins available on British transport systems precisely because years ago (1987 or 1988 or so), the delightful IRA (Irish Republican Army) decided that planting a bomb in one and setting it off during a busy period would be a ‘jolly jape’ that would aid their “War on Britain”.

Although bins have crept back somewhat in some places, there is still a dearth of them about. Terrorism wins, and the TSA would be proud!

Niall (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

Aside from the fact that there are so many that it’s hard NOT to look at them, so what? They are there for our ‘protection’ supposedly, not so that the ‘authorities’ can spy on us. If you put a camera in a public place, or even looking onto a public area, you can’t complain if people look at it or even study it.

Besides, it’s about a thousand times more likely that someone wanting to avoid a camera seeing what they are doing will be engaged in ‘petty’ crime, and about a million times more likely that it’s some dog owner trying to work out where he can avoid using his pooper-scooper (and yes, some local authorities are that anal about it).

Josh in CharlotteNC (profile) says:

Report Everyone

Let’s just take this to the inevitable conclusion and save a lot of time.

Report everyone to be investigated. That way no one can escape, and we’ll figure out everything bad about everyone and can lock up everyone’s who’s ever done anything wrong.

Police, federal authorities, and private business all get to team up and inspect everything that everyone has ever done. We’ll catch every terrorist and criminal because no one is exempt.

And then we’ll be safe forever, because this is such a good idea and nothing could go wrong.

TasMot (profile) says:

Confused - With Many Others

OK, let me get this straight. Were I to download/pirate a movie and not pay Hollywood, somehow money magically appears in the hands of somebody who is going to blow up a baby? I am missing something. Did I lose the money? Who gave those terrorist the money that I didn’t give to Hollywood? And with all of this money magically showing up for the terrorists because people are not giving money to Hollywood, can I sign up to get some of this free money? I just don’t understand how this works.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Confused - With Many Others

It simply means that the people in charge are behind the times as ever, and still equate “piracy” with “illegal profit”, which is how it was before the internet (at least when talking about large scale piracy). Now? Not so much, they just haven’t realised it yet and/or find it convenient to pretend it hasn’t changed.

Anonymous Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Confused - With Many Others


The only way anyone makes money off downloads is if:

a. They run the torrent site and have some ads. Minimal income.

b. The down-loader burns copies and sells them on the black market. Physical goods again.

By the governments logic, if one then wants to find terrorists, look for the bazaars with lots of CD’s and DVD’s for sale.Only they are not.

Also, the trend seems to be more streaming/downloading rather than physical media. This may be different in developing countries, but that will change quickly.

Anonymous Coward says:

But those are the terrorists....

But, But, But…. I keep hearing that the terrorists are the ones downloading the latest movies and songs…

I hear their leader (Al Cada or something like that, who is this Al guy and why can’t we stop him anyway?) is a real asshole and won’t let the jihiadists listen to current music or watch new movies when they are supposed to be working on performing suicide bombings….

What’s the world coming to when even terrorists have to pirate just to get the music and movies to get their ‘Jihad’ on?

Frost (profile) says:

Assuming they care about terrorism at all

Any time somebody wants to pass some liberty-crushing legislation, they push the buttons. You know, the kiddie porn button. And the terrorism button. As a result, they can pass any abomination of a law just by passionately declaming “but think of the children!”.

I wonder if this isn’t more of the same, sort of – a corporate-powered witchhunt for “pirates” in the name of Holy Profit, pushing the “terrorist” as well as the “think of the children” button because that does demonstrably work (apparently people are consistently morons unable to see they’re being manipulated to a fare-thee-well while their liberties get snatched out from under them.)

:Lobo Santo (profile) says:

Missing Explanatory Text:

(many Bothans died to bring me this information, and this coffee which I’m presently engaged in drinking)

The following was revealed by expert spies & informants, a document explaining how the terrorists are funded by illegal downloads:

I, Evil Mastermind, do hereby pledge to deliver into the hands of terrorists $50 in gold bullion for EVERY film, clip, movie, song, book, game, etc which is downloaded at trivial cost by somebody who is not paying Hollywood (or some other middleman gatekeeper organization).

End of Line.

The stationary it’s printed on says “From the desk of Al Franken” but there’s no way that’s true…


Anonymous Coward says:

Brady, this is fake. It’s been circulating message boards for over a week now. You seem to have a lower-resolution picture that doesn’t show where the text is obviously inserted into the banner using an editor.

I hate the damn billboards that say “When you watch TV without a permit you ARE HITLER, WHY DO YOU HATE JEWS AND CHURCHILL BUT LOVE HITLER?”, but we don’t have to make up new stupid, crazy billboards when there are already real stupid, crazy billboards telling us things like “WE’RE WATCHING YOU WHILE YOU’RE SHITTING, DON’T YOU FEEL SAFE?”.

John Doe says:

Illegal Downloading Supports Child Porn

The same servers that host Pirate Bay also host child porn.

How can you look at yourself in the face when you know child-abusing perverts are downloading child porn from the same servers you are using and financially supporting?

Denial of course? Your foolish support of “free-speech” for child rapists/pornographers is identical to your foolish support of the “free-speech” of IP thieves.

John Doe says:

Re: Re: Illegal Downloading Supports Child Porn

“It doesn’t bother me one bit what people download from anywhere. It’s none of my business.”

It would bother you if you were the child being raped because people could make money off the porn, but keep the paperbag over over your head.

Also keep the paper bag over your head when you go into a whorehouse so you don’t have to look at the child prostitutes forced into sex slavery while you do your adult sex with an adult whore saying that child being abused in the next room is none of my business. The average scumbag John has higher standards than you. Even criminals dislike child abusers and beat them up as a “public service.”

For those of you who don’t read the news and don’t know that child porn, and Wikileaks is hosted on the same scumbag site that hosts pirate bay, here is a Wikipedia link to start your read on:

HothMonster says:

Re: Re: Re: Illegal Downloading Supports Child Porn

hosting a NAMBLA page and hosting child porn are not the same thing. NAMBLA is pro boy love but im pretty sure they don’t have any child porn on their website, they still like to try and act like a legitimate organization.

But really since they are on the same server as child porn advocates then they are worthy of all the rage you should direct at child porn advocates?

What county are you from?

[insert country here] has child porn advocates living in it. John Doe also lives there. Therefore john doe is scum.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Illegal Downloading Supports Child Porn

You might get better results if you stopped attacking people for pointing out the bleeding obvious to you. I’ll quote again:

“If there is child abuse going on, go after the source in the physical world. Kill the Hydra, not just one of its heads.”

You know the source where people obtain it from? Great, work with them to find the people who are creating it in the first place. Then, go after those who merely possess it (yes, I’m aware there will be some overlap). You’ll probably find them more willing to help you go after things that actually cause damage in real life, rather than simply cutting into the profits of a few foreign corporations.

Attacking people for even daring to suggest that there might be more important things to go after than file sharing is not making your case one bit, and makes you look like a tool in the process. Sorry, but that’s the way it is.

PrometheeFeu (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Illegal Downloading Supports Child Porn

“It would bother you if you were the child being raped because people could make money off the porn, but keep the paperbag over over your head.”

Actually, I’m pretty sure that if I was a child being raped my distress would be with the fact that I was being raped and the pictured being taken. The fact that money changed hands in the production and distribution of pictures would be the least of my concerns. In fact, if law enforcement was to put stopping the exchange of the files for money higher on the priority list than rescuing me, I would find that deeply depressing.

So stop making arguments for non-profit child rape.

Anonymous Coward says:

Reality is now indistinguishable from self-parody

Yeah, the billboard is a spoof. Of course, the Met maintains a list of real “suspicious activities” here:

A quick scan of their list suggests that you should report people with:
Mobile Phones

Anonymous Coward says:

This is evidence that pro-copyright groups have become just like politicians.

The RIAA & other pro-copyright groups argue that people pirate to get music and such for free, which robs artists of hard earned cash.

Now the RIAA & others in Britain are saying that Pirating funds terrorism.

Well if people pirate content to get it for free because they’re too cheap to pay for it, when how do terrorists make money off of pirating?

Does the RIAA want us to think that all of those companies in places like China that sell knock offs of the real thing are sending their profits to terrorists?

But the terrorists hate China to (their government stiffles religious freedom), so that can’t be true.

Michael Simms (user link) says:

Really? WTF?

As the owner of a small games company that has been hit quite hard by pirated games (no it isnt a victimless crime etc etc) even I am saying WTF to this. If ANYTHING downloading a film from a site that funds terrorism will mean their bandwidth bills go up, and they have less money for bombs.

Also, even their grammar is wrong, you can’t ‘monitor someones internet history’ – monitoring is a present tense activity and a history is past tense. You can monitor their activity or investigate their history, you cant monitor their history unless….

ZOMG THE POLICE HAVE A TIME MACHINE!!! Thats how they knew there would be a bomb, and how they monitor history!!!!!

HothMonster says:

Re: Re: Really? WTF?

sorry that came out ruder than i intended. Its just that it seems like I could get most of your catalog for about 5 bucks on GOG, and thats for a near instant(with these old small games) download. All the rest(well the couple i looked for) are cheaper on ebay or amazon. So is piracy killing you or competition? Does the Linux angle allow you to sell a game for 65$ that people can download for 5$? I have never tried to game on a linux box but to save 60$ im pretty sure I would try to hunt down some emulator before paying 10 times as much for the same game.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Updated

“this comment would almost work if he was the one that made the mistake. But keep trying to spin this into an epic fail, it might work out yet, although you are showing your desperation.”

Nope. Mike believed it was true too, or else he wouldn’t have allowed it to be posted. It’s obviously a joke, and the fact that Mike and his flunky jumped on it shows their bias and lack of critical thinking skills.

chillienet (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Updated

“Mike believed it was true too, or else he wouldn’t have allowed it to be posted. It’s obviously a joke, and the fact that Mike and his flunky jumped on it shows their bias and lack of critical thinking skills.”

Or maybe, just maybe, it appears to be history repeating itself…..

A quick google search showed those and many more, but then that’s too much like hard work for you isn’t it….

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Updated

“Tell me something please. Although this wasn’t written by Mike, he did correct it and showed that he made an honest mistake.
What do you want Mike to do? What would make you happy?”

It’s simple. He should check his facts before running with a story. Basic journalism 101 stuff. And once he makes a mistake like this, he shouldn’t try to blow it off by pretending it’s the other side’s fault (“Or… it seemed so similar to what’s actually out there, that it didn’t seem like a parody. That’s a lot worse, don’t you think?”) or pretending it’s OK to run with ridiculous, unvetted stories so long as he “updates” the story when his error is pointed out (“No. This whole blog is about posting what we know, when we know it, and letting the community continue the discussion. That means that we get stuff wrong sometimes. And, when we do, we learn, update and move on. Not sure what there is to fell stupid about.”).

This is huge egg on Mike’s face, and the fact that he doesn’t own up to that and tries to spin it as being OK just shows more of the same intellectual dishonesty that Mike is known for.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Updated

“Jeez, do you AC clowns need to have OPINION BLOG explained to you again?”

Opinions are fine. But presenting stories as fact when in fact they haven’t even been properly vetted is simple manipulation. This is no surprise, since anyone who is smart can tell that Mike is an intellectually dishonest manipulator. But it is a surprise that Mike doesn’t even pretend like his articles are properly researched. Obviously, he doesn’t want to be held accountable for anything he publishes (since he publishes turd after turd). But how can anyone be expected to respect him if he doesn’t even stand behind those turds?

Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:6 Updated

Love the fact that the two ACs hitting me on this, neither of them will answer the simple question about whether or not they fact check their comments. Hilarious. And telling.

But presenting stories as fact when in fact they haven’t even been properly vetted is simple manipulation.

And when you do the same in your comments?

Obviously, he doesn’t want to be held accountable for anything he publishes

And this is the hilarious one. If I didn’t want to be held accountable, I wouldn’t have open comments and I wouldn’t allow comments that show where mistakes were made.

I WANT to be held accountable and I am held accountable, which is why I changed the post and admitted we got it wrong, and have left up all the comments.

I don’t think you understand what it means to be held accountable. Of course we’re held accountable. And of course, we TRY to get the stories right. We try to figure out as much as possible. But even so, sometimes we get things wrong. Just like you do. How many times did the NYTimes run corrections this year? Everyone gets things wrong sometimes. Some people — like yourselves — have no accountability. You have no name, you’ll never admit you were wrong.

We have absolute accountability. I leave the comments open to ensure exactly that.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7 Updated

“Love the fact that the two ACs hitting me on this, neither of them will answer the simple question about whether or not they fact check their comments. Hilarious. And telling.”

Wow. Your intellectual dishonesty continues. You, as the writer of an article, are held to a higher standard than those who simply comment on the article. If you don’t understand this, you have no business running this site. Instead, it’s just proof that you are trying to weasel out of having accountability for what you write. And no, simply correcting the bigger mistakes when they are pointed out is not enough. You have a duty to fact-check your articles BEFORE you post them. The fact that you try and shirk even this most basic responsibility speaks volumes to the issue of what Mike Masnick is really about.

Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:8 Updated

Note, the AC still won’t answer. Telling.

you have no business running this site

And when you join my board of directors, you can bring that up. Until such time, I’m afraid that your ill-informed opinion of what my business is… is… well, meaningless. But amusing.

You have a duty to fact-check your articles BEFORE you post them.

And we do try to fact check as much as we can. But sometimes — just like the NY Times and you — we get things wrong. And unlike you, we admit that and stand up for it and put our names on it.

If you can’t see how that’s being accountable, then I don’t believe you know what accountable means.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:9 Updated

“Note, the AC still won’t answer. Telling.”

I did answer by saying that it’s irrelevant. You haven’t explained how it is relevant. That’s quite telling.

“And when you join my board of directors, you can bring that up. Until such time, I’m afraid that your ill-informed opinion of what my business is… is… well, meaningless. But amusing.”

Slimy and intellectually dishonest. It’s basic journalism 101 stuff, as I’ve said. You have a duty to not manipulate and lie to your readers. It’s quite telling that you don’t think you even have this duty.

“And we do try to fact check as much as we can. But sometimes — just like the NY Times and you — we get things wrong. And unlike you, we admit that and stand up for it and put our names on it. If you can’t see how that’s being accountable, then I don’t believe you know what accountable means.”

But you don’t, Mike. This article is just another example of your failure to try hard enough to get things right the first time. Given that I think your real purpose is to manipulate and lie to further your agenda (copyright abolition and piracy apology), it’s really no surprise that you’re being intellectually dishonest about this.

Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:10 Updated

I did answer by saying that it’s irrelevant. You haven’t explained how it is relevant. That’s quite telling.

It’s entirely relevant. This is an opinion and discussion blog. We post stuff to kick off a discussion — and that includes fully expecting and encouraging people to add more information.

We are not a journalism operation and have never claimed to be one. You like to put other labels on us, and you’re free to do it. But it doesn’t mean we have to live up to your made up standards.

But the point remains: you don’t fact check your comments. You don’t admit when you’re wrong. You don’t put your name on things.

Who has more credibility here? Everyone reading this knows the answer.

Slimy and intellectually dishonest. It’s basic journalism 101 stuff, as I’ve said. You have a duty to not manipulate and lie to your readers. It’s quite telling that you don’t think you even have this duty.

Making an error is not manipulating and lying. You just lied. And manipulated. We made an error. I corrected my error. Will you admit you lied? Of course not.

This article is just another example of your failure to try hard enough to get things right the first time.

People get stuff wrong. We get stuff wrong. It happens. Using the one example over a 6 month or so period where we get stuff wrong to say we don’t try hard enough? Yeah. I’m not losing any sleep over it.

I think your real purpose is to manipulate and lie to further your agenda (copyright abolition and piracy apology), it’s really no surprise that you’re being intellectually dishonest about this

Lying and manipulating are entirely different than being wrong — and it’s a manipulative lie to suggest otherwise. And being intellectually dishonest would be to insist it was true after it was shown to have been in error, and deleting your comments.

I would not do that. I stand behind what we do, and when we make an error I admit it.

Will you admit your lie? Let’s wait and see…

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:7 Updated

This isn’t hard, Mike. The intellectually honest thing to do would be to admit that the procedures you have in place to fact-check a story before you publish it are not sufficient. Claiming that it’s OK because people in the comments will point out your mistakes doesn’t cut it. The fact is, you turn out story after story without doing enough research into what you write. Examples of this are sadly all too readily available. But it’s not really about getting it right, is it, Mike? It’s about the agenda and the manipulation.

Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:8 Updated

This isn’t hard, Mike. The intellectually honest thing to do would be to admit that the procedures you have in place to fact-check a story before you publish it are not sufficient.

Sure they are. We post 75 or so stories a week. If, as is the case, we get the facts wrong on one story every 6 months or so… that’s a pretty good track record. A lot better than most major publications.

Examples of this are sadly all too readily available.

Yeah, right.

But it’s not really about getting it right, is it, Mike? It’s about the agenda and the manipulation

Of course it’s about getting it right. If it wasn’t, then why would we have open comments and admit to our errors? You have such a strange view of the world.

HothMonster says:

Re: Re: Re:6 Updated

if he was wrong about the story and didn’t fact check then he can’t be manipulating. To manipulate he would have known the story isnt true and ran the it anyway to…well, to manipulate people. If he is a “bad reporter” and just plain wrong he can’t have been purposefully manipulating because he thought what he posted was true.

So is he a lying slimeball manipulator or an idiot who can’t fact check and will believe anything that fits his worldview? Pick one.

P.S. Mike you do realize this was one person trolling the shit out of you right? I would imagine you would have a pretty powerful Troll Detector by now.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Updated

“Basic journalism 101 stuff”

You still haven’t learned the difference between a blog and a primary news source, have you? No wonder you always come off like an idiot, you don’t even know what the site is that you’re posting on.

I’ll wait for that cite back to when you’ve ever admitted fault, by the way. People in glass houses, etc. and from where I’m sitting you’re in a pretty sizeable greenhouse.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:5 Updated

“Do you check your facts before posting a comment?”

Wow, Mike. I know you have no scruples, and I know you are intellectually dishonest to the core, but I’m surprised you admit that you don’t fact-check before running with a story. There really is no accountability with you, is there?

I will cite this post of yours as proof that you don’t even do basic research into the stories you write. No wonder you get so many things wrong. You don’t even give a minimum amount of effort, and you don’t even stand behind your own words.

I’m amazed and stunned that you freely admit this. It makes you look even worse than you already look–and that’s hard to accomplish.

JMT says:

Re: Re: Re:6 Updated

“There really is no accountability with you, is there?”

Wow, irony overload.

You might think you’re fighting some good fight, but really you just come across as a bitter, spiteful little man with a bizarre obsession for trashing Mike and Techdirt. You offer absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Niall (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Updated

Obviously you’ve not heard of Poe’s Law. The whole point is that when you can’t tell that a post is a parody, not reality, then there is a problem with the presented ‘reality’.

Because there is always a ‘fundamentalist’ religion person/government organisation/legacy industry/AC industry shill willing to say something as obviously stupid, if not more so. It’s totally believable as ‘real’ precisely because some people and organisations really are that stupid.

Mike Masnick (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Updated

Damn, you are always in a rush to bite on these things. Don’t you feel stupid now for jumping to a conclusion?

No. This whole blog is about posting what we know, when we know it, and letting the community continue the discussion. That means that we get stuff wrong sometimes. And, when we do, we learn, update and move on. Not sure what there is to fell stupid about.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Updated

“No. This whole blog is about posting what we know, when we know it, and letting the community continue the discussion. That means that we get stuff wrong sometimes. And, when we do, we learn, update and move on. Not sure what there is to fell stupid about.”

So you’re admitting that you just run with a story without doing the proper background work? No surprise there. No one could possibly do the proper vetting of a story and be as prolific as you. You sacrifice quality for quantity as a matter of course. And no wonder you don’t see “what there is to feel stupid about.” You just don’t get it.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Updated

I don’t get it. Are you now saying that you run stories without having a clue if they are true or not? Are you just posting stuff up because it supports your points of view or mocks the other side, regardless of if it is true or not?

How many other stories are on Techdirt that are based on unchecked, unproven, or junk content? How many stories are made up of a pile of someone else’s poo?

You can understand how you look bad here, especially considering how often you call others out and “debunk” them. Perhaps you should debunk yourself!

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Updated

“I don’t get it. Are you now saying that you run stories without having a clue if they are true or not? Are you just posting stuff up because it supports your points of view or mocks the other side, regardless of if it is true or not?

How many other stories are on Techdirt that are based on unchecked, unproven, or junk content? How many stories are made up of a pile of someone else’s poo?

You can understand how you look bad here, especially considering how often you call others out and “debunk” them. Perhaps you should debunk yourself!”

That’s exactly right. Mike is admitting that his articles aren’t vetted properly. That actually explains a lot. Rather than even attempt to get things right, he just goes with whatever sounds good for his position. It’s faith-based FUD through and through, and now Mike is even admitting as much.

PaulT (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Ah, I wondered when the idiot brigade would turn up…

The article was based on wrong, as soon as Mike is informed (and he is informed by numerous people here) he edits the article to indicate it as such. This is a problem in your eyes, and a reason to attack him directly again for something he didn’t write? Figures.

Let me know next time you admit to, let alone correct, a mistake of yours (there’s hundreds to choose from) and I’ll let you have the tiny point you think you scored…

Bengie says:


Dead people don’t feel pain. The sadness of losing a loved one is out-weighed by the fear of another terrorist act.

I fear copyright enforcement more than terrorists. Does that mean copyright bastards are terrorists?

From a logical standpoint, I am more likely to get accidentally targeted by a false copyright accusation than killed by some terrorist.

Josef Anvil (profile) says:

It's not so far fetched

The ad may be a spoof, but its not something that hasn’t been said.

If you care to look at the PC World article from 2003, yes 2003. There were predictions made that investment in movies would end if file sharing (piracy) was not stopped. Well here we are 8 years later with more file sharing than ever and there are still movies.

While I’ve often heard that file sharing funds organized crime and that funds terrorism, I haven’t heard of any concrete examples. Could someone please share some actual examples of file sharing funding terrorism? I’m just finding it difficult to believe that drug lords and terrorists are opting for the ads on file sharing sites as their source of income.

Wayne Andersen (profile) says:

The real sign bothers me

I am amazed that everyone is so concerned about the parody, the real sign bothers me more. I have to agree with the AC that linked to

Any time I travel with my van, I display pretty much all of the suspicious activities listed on the site except for the mask and goggles. Although if it is cold and I will be riding my bicycle I would have those with me as well.

I have multiple passports in my dresser at home.

My credit card has charges to companies like, clearly someone should be worried.

I also rent a commercial property and do not go out of my way to display all of the items I store there, some might even consider my behavior secretive.

So the only thing on the list which is not part of my daily life are the suspicious use of chemicals.

And then there is the anti-copyright, anti-social web site (I am sure the MPAA would not have to stretch to characterise techdirt as a terrorist website ) that I knot only read but comment on.

Victor David says:

Babies are important

This has gone on long enough. Babies are crucial to our well-being and should be drinking milk, not downloading movies.

If a baby is suspicious, you should turn him upside down to see if he rattles. A terrorist by definition rattles. Nobody disputes that and if a camera catches you with a baby in your pocket, well.. you knew the risk.

Don’t do the crime if you can’t babysit for two or three hours on a Saturday night. All babies smell the same. They positively innovate while we sleep. They plot movies and only more (not less) fanatical shopping can prevent their illegal downloads. It’s not worth the possibility of an explosion. Be a full-time patriot. Stay at home.

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