Botnet vs. Botnet: Scammers Fighting Each Other

from the let-them-fight-it-out dept

A few years back, we had the story of one spyware/adware vendor whose surreptitiously installed adware would also remove competing firms’ adware, leading to a bit of an argument between two such firms. However, as the really scammy action has moved on to botnets and organized crime groups (rather than venture funded adware firms), it’s perhaps no surprise to see the same thing happening in the botnet world. Apparently, one trojan botnet system also has code that disables competing trojans on compromised computers. While it’s nice that they’re getting rid of one nasty piece of malware, it appears that the criminals behind the removed botnet software are none too pleased — and have been attacking their rivals back, starting with a denial of service attack on the machine where the other scammers host some files. While you often hear about rival gangs elsewhere, it’s not often you hear of such rivalries within cybercrime. Perhaps that actually means that there just aren’t enough new suckers out there, and the scammers finally have to start fighting over the gullible set that’s already been identified.

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BillGod says:

If Only

“Perhaps that actually means that there just aren’t enough new suckers out there, and the scammers finally have to start fighting over the gullible set that’s already been identified”

If only that were true… As I sit here at 3:13 am reading techdirt removing 417 viruses found in my cousins neighbours computer! THERE ARE PLENTY OF IDIOTS TO GO AROUND

Comicfan says:


I do PC repair for a living, believe me when I say, there IS a sucker born every minute. However, would it be too much to say I hope they kill each other “digitally speaking of course”. Nah, it’ll never happen. Whatever is made in good intention, there will be a criminal and bad intention right beside it. In some scary way, these cyber criminals have pushed innovation indirectly more than the good guys. After all, if there were no threats, how many of us would use anti-virus or malware programs? It would be like buying a car if you lived in the middle of the ocean. Perhaps this is why they’ll never be taken off the map? To sum it up, in their own sick little way, they are doing business in the only way spammers can, and do it legally since it’s all illegal anyway. It’s like say two boxers going toe to toe only difference, spammers are allowed to dish out low blows. That said, I still hope they digitally destroy each other but that’s just my opinion.

Anonymous Coward says:

“After all, if there were no threats, how many of us would use anti-virus or malware programs? It would be like buying a car if you lived in the middle of the ocean. Perhaps this is why they’ll never be taken off the map?”

I don’t use anti-virus or malware programs…it’s called not using Microsoft Windows…maybe you should look in to that.

Paul` says:

Re: Re:

You see the only reason windows has all these things written for them is because scammers and spammers want to write malicious programs for OS’s people actually use. And by people I mean the scores and scores who want affordable and also useful software.

Mac’s cost a shit load and are like cheap Korean cars- can’t upgrade them much at all, just throwaways.
Linux is free but good luck getting commercial grade software and games to run on it (This is sad but true 🙁 )

Unknowledgeable Geek says:

Re: Re:

Then you are one of those morons out there, because you think it depends on the OS. Name me an OS, I will name you a virus, a piece of malware, or anything else that damages the digital integrity of your machine. Those that think Apple or Linux are virus safe, I have a bridge for sale it has a beautiful view and it only costs 1.2 million dollars talk about a bargain.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Name me an OS, I will name you a virus, a piece of malware, or anything else that damages the digital integrity of your machine.

Unknowledgeable Geek,
Talking about morons, do you really claim to be familiar with every operating system ever made? At least you got the first part of your nick right.

Anonymous Coward says:

Pssst. Comicfan, I have moved more over to the network side of things but I used to do more pc repair. Don’t forget and I hate to say it, it pains me, but spyware companies keep food on your table. It’s like a love hate relationship, I loved the work and secretly (or not so secretly) hated the companies that provided it.

Overcast says:

I use one simple AV program – AVG, that’s very light on system resources.

But, I know if my PC gets something – because I notice a slowdown. It’s all just a bunch of junk and really not hard to remove, usually.

Big thing is to watch where you surf, don’t download BS, and NEVER, EVER click on pop-ups ads.

A pop-up ad in my face will insure I never buy that product, ever.

Comicfan says:

Re: Re: doesn't matter

Pop ups are ads that when clicked on can install unwanted material on your pc, take you to sites you don’t want to be,etc… Not all pop ups are bad but most you don’t want to fool with. Firefox gets them as well and is not totally immune. Firefox has a pop up blocker as does IE. I use FF so I know and if you say there are no pop ups with FF, that’s very untrue.

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