Big Search Firms To Chat About Click Fraud; Will It Do Any Good?

from the will-it-have-any-impact? dept

Search Engines WEB writes in to note that Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Looksmart have apparently teamed up to do something about clickfraud. Actually, that’s the story that they want everyone to cover. There has been plenty of news coverage recently (and the occasional lawsuit) suggesting that clickfraud is a really big problem for the search engines — an allegation that the companies deny. However, that storyline has received enough press coverage that it became clear that these firms need to at least make it look like they’re doing something about the issue. That’s why Google has suddenly been opening up a bit about the issue. However, it’s unclear from the description in this article if this “alliance” is really going to matter. It has all the hallmarks of a group that never actually does anything that matters. There’s a big press flurry announcing it, but the only real task of the group is to “find a better way to identify and measure ‘click fraud’.” Not only that, but they admit any guidelines may not be forthcoming for at least a year… basically giving the group plenty of room to be forgotten about when the results aren’t all that interesting. Hopefully, something useful comes out of this, but a big press release about these competitors working together, while perhaps a first step, is still a long, long way from an actual plan to fight clickfraud.

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Whatever he said says:

That makes sense. I used to sell mobile computing stuff and would litter bulliten boards with fake customers praising me, and it drove up my sales considerably. That was 5 years ago, I’m sure most folk are wise to that kind of ploy today.

I’ve considered paying google for a sponsored ad, but we have a lot of competition and what is to stop them from clicking on my add all day just to drive up my bill — no thanks.

Stu says:

Will it stop click fraud

No way to stop click fraud. Pay per click is the problem.

Move to a pay per sale (commission) system, and fraud isn’t eliminated but can be controlled. It’s been done successfully in the adult industry for years.

Would Google/Yahoo want to switch? Nope pay-per-click is the goose that layed the golden egg.

The advertisers will have to demand it – but won’t be able to organize enough demand for the search engines to offer it.

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