Gambling Is Bad (Unless It's A State Sponsored Lotto Or Involves Horses)

from the then-it's-fine? dept

As expected, our elected Congress folks have moved forward with their plans to “clarify” gambling laws, which will effectively outlaw playing online poker, even allowing the government to push ISPs to block access to gambling sites. Of course, if the similar law in Washington State is anything to go by, expect all sorts of perfectly legitimate sites to be forced offline. Once again, it seems unfair to put the burden here on ISPs to block these sites. If the gambling sites share servers with other perfectly legitimate sites, those will be taken offline as well. It’s worth noting, of course, that the law carves out exceptions for state lotteries (gambling is good when the money goes the government, apparently) and horse racing… because… well, there’s really no good reason for it, but apparently some Congress folks like to bet on the ponies. It’s unlikely the bill will go anywhere as the Senate apparently doesn’t care much about this issue, but it’s yet another example of Congress gearing up for election season by tackling the “really important problems” facing our nation.

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Comments on “Gambling Is Bad (Unless It's A State Sponsored Lotto Or Involves Horses)”

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Justin (profile) says:


If you wanna ban gambling in everywhere but riverboats, atlantic city casinos, new orleans casinos, “Indian” casinos, card rooms, horse tracks, and the state of nevada…

Oh wait…

But seriously, online gambling doesn’t hurt anyone but the ones dumb enough to blow their mortgage, which they would likely do anyway without regulation. Horse racing is using animals and running them into the ground, as well as the jockeys. So if you’re gonna ban Online Poker ect, than ban horse racing too.

There’s no argument that can justify allowing horse racing to continue but shutting down all online gambling.

Robert says:

I just don't understand

The government gets all crazy when they aren’t getting their share of the spoils… obviously the smart thing to do would be to ‘regulate’ online gambling within the states and tax it the way they do at legitimate casinos, but that would just be way too obvious of a good, money making, solution. Instead they want to ‘ban’ it all, causing many people grief, and anger from not allowing the people to spend their money the way they would like.

Seriously I know many retired people who have no means to get to Nevada to gamble because it would be a health risk. They love to gamble at home, with penny bets, that even after losses comes up to ‘far’ less than the trip to a casino would cost, not to mention they are saving the planet by not driving their 8MPG SUV’s.

I’m starting to wish that they had some sort of “Big Brother” type thing that just followed around politicians everywhere (meetings, dinner table, bedroom) just to keep them legit, so that everyone would know the second they started looking shady.

All I can do is sit back and vote, and hope everyone else does the same… what irks me is when laws get passed because of lobbyists from big companies, without the general public getting a real say in the matter.

Charlie Potatoes (profile) says:

Re: Beavis

Ok I’m only gonna say this once…

To vote independant, libertarian or for any other off the wall group that has no chance to win is NOT, I REPEAT NOT a protest vote.

it is a vote for the republican party.

those chicken shit christian nuts and their rightwing lap dogs in congress are united. they vote en mass. the only way to get what we, as citizens, want is to hold a democrat to the fire after we elect him. nothing else works.

One O' them Chicken Shit Christian Democrats says:

Re: Re: Beavis

I say hold all the Democrats to the wait, throw them IN the fire. Hey we can use Dan Brown’s and JK Rowlings books for fuel.

Seriously, i am a Christian and I love to Gamble. Just won a Hold’em tourney at a friend’s house. Drank beer and won money and praised the lord.

Don’t think all Christians are as bad as the ones you see on TV.

Raekwon says:

Re: Re:

by Beavis on Jul 11th, 2006 @ 4:45pm
may i suggest voting Libertarian (or any other third party) that to keep elect dumbassed demolicans and republicrats?

we get what we desserve keeping these arseholes in office.

You realize it takes 67,000 signatures on a petition in order for you to even be a candidate in a third party. Democrats and the GOP have no such regulation. Until our government changes it’s viewpoints on the “haves” and “havenots”. You will likely not see a 3rd Party President anytime in the near future. There’s too many fanatical religious christians, rednecks, morons, and old people voting on merely one key topic. (ex: “I always vote Republican!”, “Business owners should vote GOP!” , “I ain’t votin for no damn hippies!”

So if you think about it, the government gives you the right to “vote” for the president, but they only give you two candidates of thier choosing.

It sure is a good thing there aren’t Fiefdoms, serfs, and Lords anymore, Oh Wait! Rather than a Nobleman being “granted” title and ownership you get to choose between he and his cousin. Ah now that’s better. I can vote for this guy who doesn’t care about my interest or the other guy who feels the same way.

Southpark said it best, “A giant douche, or a turd sandwich.”

All you can attempt to do is vote for the lesser of two evils, if you can tell the difference, that is.

Robert says:

Re: buy your way in.

The thing is… the only online casinos right now are offshores, or in another country, so they are legitimate (in their respective areas). This means that a regulated, legitimate, US casino could start something online, but then they would have to worry about which state gets what tax, and more regulations, and risks of being the first to test drive such a system. Unfortunately, the laws that are trying to be put into place would make all of that impossible, and would force online gamblers to ‘only’ use off-shore casinos if they want to gamble online.

Anonymous Coward says:


You gotta love Robert’s hypocritical comments. He doesnt want the government to tell people what to do with their money but he implies that people shouldnt be allowed to drive gas guzzlin SUVs so either people should be able to whatever they want with their money or they arent. I guess its ok to regulate what people do as long as it suits you!!

kweeket says:

Re: Carl

Robert never said people “shouldn’t be allowed” to drive SUVs, nor did he suggest that we should regulate that behaviour. He simply pointed out that one of the advantages of online gambling is that it reduces the number of people “driving their 8MPG SUV’s” to the casinos and back.

Maybe you should more carefully read what people write before calling them names.

Someone with actual knowledge says:

You are all morons. Look into this. The only reason that this was allowed before was because the WTO forced the US to allow it, it had been banned before. The problem isn’t in ‘letting people do what they want with their money’, it’s the fact that these companies work out of third world nations, and those companies get taxed. The reason it was passed as legal before is because it was looked at as a form of trade, but since there is no way to limit the trade or have the government have any way to control it they made it illegal. You pay taxes on anything else that comes from another country, so why would this be any different? There is no way for the US to tax this FOREIGN PRODUCT so they have to disallow it to be traded. It’s not ‘the man’ controlling your life, it’s the government trying to keep our money in our economy. Letting this go on, though it is a small industry, takes millions of dollars out of the US every year, causing there to be less in the system which you depend on. How would you like to be laid off from your job for the reason of ‘i just couldn’t stop gambling online, and since they take any sort of payment, i put the company’s money on the line’. It is possible, and you’re all ignorant.

Screw your "actual knowledge" says:

Re: Re:

My taxes are my contributions to society. They go to pay for public, state, and federal programs, plans, projects. After that, the money is MINE. The government should have extremely little to say in how I spend it.

The problem is that some might be a bit more mollified if the government was closing off foriegn interests and opening more local ones. Most people would certainly rather gamble at a federal or state regulated online casino.

Regardless, it boils down to freedom, which is becoming mroe and more of an illusion in this country.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Someone else wrote:

They go to pay for public, state, and federal programs, plans, projects. After that, the money is MINE.


Actually your oversimplifying and thus by effect missing the point. If Offshore gambling site x gets your bets then their revenue isn’t taxed and it also creates a money leak. The money is no longer in the US economy it is in third world countries economy. So while it is your money you live in a soverireign nations that makes a habit of setting the worlds economic policy. Thus it is easier to kill the industry then regulate it. I think eventually someone will go to the supreme court on 1st admendment claims.

Robert says:

Re: Re:

But see, the solution isn’t to ‘ban’ online gambling, it would be to encourage companies in the US to take up online gambling so that people could deal with a US company, and then the government could audit the company for taxes. In this way we could strengthen the econonomy without making the majority of online gamblers into criminals.

Monarch says:

Re: Ugh

You’re an F’ing Moron Chris “illegalizing smoking”!

WTF has that to do about gambling?!?!?!? And.., WTF makes that a bigger issue?!?!?!?

If more people smoked, then maybe some of the old foggies in this country would die sooner. I’d rather my health care dollars go to a 50 year old with Lung Cancer, than replacing broken hips and assisted care living homes for the leeches that are old folks. God, please take me before I am destined to wear ‘Depends’ and too feeble to wipe my own arse!

Jeptha says:

Online gambling

“Someone with Actual Knowledge” is a A-Hole.This is a discussion,and just because you think you may know more about something than someone else doesnt make you any greater a person.The shame here and the point is that people will have to loose another freedom that alot of people enjoy Because of politics.Loosing any freedom always sucks.We are always loosing freedoms no matter what the reason.I always said”As soon as they get everyone connected all the cool things that lured you online will go away or be regulated or taxed and your computer will be used by “them” as a tracking device.To tax and track you.

Follow the Money says:

put a 0.1% tax forced for online gambling and you watch how fast congress suddenly comes up with 200 reasons why online gambling is a good thing that is helpful to society…

Why the horses are supported? Horse owners are rich…. rich people pay alot of taxes (because of larger incomes and spending)… as well as other reasons

Anonymous Coward says:

You really don’t want Congress addressing the really important issues, because you wouldn’t like what happens.

Fix healthcare in the US? OK, lets reduce the cost of perscription drugs by importing them from Canada. Course, drugs only account for about 10% of the healthcare spend, but hey, whatever. Lets not talk about having a baseline of healthcare that everyone can have, lets not talk about having to tell a mother and father that their baby can’t get cutting edge treatement to keep their baby alive because its so expensive.

Social Security? Lets not talk about cutting benefits for the rich, because its much easier to keep pushing back the date that young people will be able to collect, because old people vote and young people don’t.

Immigration? Lets keep the borders open, because its just too easy to leave them open. Who cares about drugs, criminals and terrorists being able to also get in.

People don’t really want Congress to address the hard issues, because the results would basically piss off everyone. Look at Medicare Part D (Medicare Perscription Drug Coverage). There was no coverage of perscription drugs in Medicare, yet now people bitch about how Part D doesn’t cover enough. Well, the donut hole was a hell of a lot bigger before Part D, in fact, there was only the hole. Which is about the same as can be said about Congress.

raekwon says:

Christians are Stupid

Yeah well, you worship a carpenter that lived 2000 years ago.

I just want to give you some things to consider, not trying to “hurt your feelings.”

Check this out.

Christianity is a hoax

“the New Testament, the Church, and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it…are all fictional.” And so begins one of the most amazing little pamphlets that I’ve come across in many an aeon.

Its conclusions, if true, are astounding, for they shake the foundations of history and make a mockery of the wits and intellects of a great host of epoch bending sages, philosophers, and theologians.

Thus the gospel according to one Abelard Reuchelin, an earnest researcher of historic genealogies who specialized in ancient families.

He began to zero in on one family in particular, the Piso family of Roman Patricians, who dominated the Roman aristocracy over several generations, producing caesars, consuls, generals, statesmen, philosophers, historians, scholars and bishops of the early Church. blood and marriage relations within the Piso family included Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius, Trajan, Vitellius, Vespasian, Julius Caesar’s uncle? Lucius Piso, Galba Caesar, and on and on. Rome was essentially ruled by the same tribe directly for over two hundred years, and indirectly via the Church up to the present.

What did Mssr. Abelard discover, then? Merely that the authorship of the New Testament, and hence Christianity, was an ongoing Piso family project for over two generations, utilizing some of the best literary minds of the age as a battering ram against a series of alarmingly effective Jewish revolutions primarily in Judea, but also spreading to Egypt.

The Pharisee party was in a powerful geopolitical position to choke trade routes and a powerful ideological position to challenge a variety of what they viewed as idolatries, with a monotheism that was at its core anti-slavery. Roman abuses and the abuses of their puppet regimes had created a tinderbox that could easily be fanned into a full scale insurrection of the Eastern provinces. It was obvious to the patrician strategists that the Jewish ideology had to be countered on its own terms.

Similar to the fostering of American pacifism in the 1930’s by Germany, a messianic splinter religion was planted within Judea which preached a pacifist message. The writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the subsequent Epistles, the personages including the Christ figure, the apostles, the later important converts, Simon Peter, Saul/Paul, etc. were fabricated out of various Eastern mythologies, and in some cases, the biographies of the conspirators themselves.

The case for this argument is made stronger by a glaring and obvious body of supporting historic fact, although fact by omission. One of the great conundrums to Biblical research has been the nagging lack of independent contemporary documentation making any reference whatsoever to a nascent Galilean religion. All extant literature dating from before 100 A.D. which makes reference to early Christianity is from the pen of the conspirators, often writing under pseudonyms. Reuchelin claims that the contemporary Jewish General and historian Flavius Josephus is, in fact, Arius Calpurnius Piso.

However the real dogbone to this bare cupboard of references to early Christianity is to be found in the strange silence that surrounds researches into the famous Dead Sea Scrolls; leather, parchment and metal scrolls written in Hebrew which have been unearthed in the hundreds, often complete and in excellent condition. Here are a records of religious events, important commentaries and chronicles by a sect of Essene scribes and scholars writing in Judea for a hundred years up to 70 A.D., and nowhere is mention made of a new religion, a Messiah, a worker of miracles, a preaching to multitudes, a trial and crucifixion. Nothing. This silence is a great embarrassment to Biblical scholars and is treated extremely gingerly by the Biblical academic community.

Perhaps Abelard Reuchelin is on to something. You can decide for yourself by getting the pamphlet and a package of photocopied abstracts from the Abelard Reuchelin Foundation, Box 5652, Kent WA 98064 or Vector Associates, Box 6215, Bellevue, WA 98008.

That Christian again.... says:

Re: Christians are Stupid

Stupid is as stupid does. Your use of this forum to combat my beliefs that you can’t begin to understand is stupid! But nevertheless, I’ll go with it.

Yeah, I worship a carpenter. So? Wanna come play cards and have a drink and discuss it more? I’ll take you’re money and donate it to the cause. For historical info…read the works of Josepus. Read also Foxes (sp?) book of Martyrs. I just HATE it when lame Christians tell me the Bible is the word of God because it says so in it’s pages. God, we invite ourselves to look stupid sometimes. Hell, MOST of the time.

Don’t you know that Christians are monotheists? One God. Jesus = God = Christ = the creator. One. You can’t understand that. I don’t. I accept it on faith. You miss the point entirely. The Jews missed the point too. They were looking for a physical deliverance from slavery. It wasn’t about that! Jesus brought deliverance to them (and all of us) in the form of deliverance from ultimate and eternal death (don’t get me started on the fallacy of an ever burning hell fire). He brought freedom. He lived just so he could pay a price for my soul. Yours too. Christianity is about freedom. It is not about following a bunch of rules. My favorite description of Christianity is this…”it’s one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.” Get yourself a beer, get a comfy folding chair and head to the beach. Read C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity”…if you are brave enough to do so. See what you think then. But before you read it, do this to humor me. Sincerely say this, Jesus, if you’re real. PROVE IT! That’s all I ask.

I myslef have gotten on my knees and prayed to that carpenter and had miracles delivered. At death’s door, prayers were issued for me and suddenly I was as if I never had sickness. Christ is alive. Jesus is real. I pray you know Him someday.

Good luck, brother.

Raekwon says:


I’ll post some more info before the flames start.

“In an accurate translation of the Jewish Scriptures, the word “Moshiach” is never translated as “Messiah,” but as “anointed.”1Nevertheless, Judaism has always maintained a fundamental belief in a Messianic figure. Since the concept of a Messiah is one that was given by G-d to the Jews, Jewish tradition is best qualified to describe and recognize the expected Messiah. Judaism understands the Messiah to be a human being (with no connotation of deity or divinity) who will bring about certain changes in the world and who must fulfill certain specific criteria before being acknowledged as the Messiah.”

“These specific criteria are as follows:

1) He must be Jewish. (Deuteronomy 17:15, Numbers 24:17)

2) He must be a member of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) and a direct male descendent of both King David (I Chronicles 17:11, Psalm 89:29-38, Jeremiah 33:17, II Samuel 7:12-16) and King Solomon. (I Chronicles 22:10, II Chronicles 7:18)

3) He must gather the Jewish people from exile and return them to Israel. (Isaiah 27:12-13, Isaiah 11:12)

4) He must rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. (Micah 4:1)

5) He must bring world peace. (Isaiah 2:4, Isaiah 11:6, Micah 4:3)

6) He must influence the entire world to acknowledge and serve one G-d. (Isaiah 11:9, Isaiah 40:5, Zephaniah 3:9)

If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, he cannot be the Messiah.”

“A careful analysis of these criteria shows us that, although Jesus was Jewish, he did not fulfill any of the other criteria. An examination of the contradictory accounts of Jesus’ genealogy demonstrates a number of difficulties with the fulfillment of the second criterion. Specifically, the New Testament claims that Jesus did not have a physical father. The Jewish Scriptures, however, clearly state that a person’s genealogy and tribal membership is transmitted exclusively through one’s physical father (Numbers 1:18, Jeremiah 33:17). Therefore, Jesus cannot possibly be a descendent of the tribe of Judah nor of King David and King Solomon.

There are even further problems with any attempts to use the Jewish Scriptures to prove Jesus’ genealogy through Joseph, the husband of Mary (Jesus’ mother). For the New Testament claims that Joseph was a descendent of King Jeconiah, who in the Hebrew Bible was cursed to never have a descendent “sitting on the throne of David and ruling any more in Judah” (Jeremiah 22:30). Joseph’s genealogy, even if it were transmittable to Jesus, would only serve to further disqualify Jesus as the Messiah.

Finally, there is the problem of the contradictory accounts of Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew, Chapter 1 and Luke, Chapter 3. The common Christian explanation of this contradiction claims that Luke’s genealogy is that of Jesus’ mother, Mary. However, this is unfounded, even according to the Greek original. In addition, it has already been established that genealogy is transferred solely through the father, making this attempted explanation completely irrelevant. Even if one could trace one’s genealogy through one’s mother, there would be the additional problem that Luke 3:31 lists Mary as a descendent of David through Nathan, Solomon’s brother, and not through Solomon himself as required according to the prophesy in I Chronicles 22:10 of the Jewish Bible.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth criteria have obviously not been fulfilled — neither during Jesus’ time nor since. Any Christian claims that these final criteria will be fulfilled in a “Second Coming” are irrelevant because the concept of the Messiah coming twice has no scriptural basis.

To summarize, we cannot know that someone is the Messiah until he fulfills all of the above criteria.

The Christian understanding of the Messiah and Jesus differs greatly from the Jewish biblical view. These differences developed as a result of the Church’s influence during the time of the Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea that issued the Nicene Creed in 325 CE.”

Anonymous Coward says:

Robert wrote: “Unfortunately, the laws that are trying to be put into place would make all of that impossible, and would force online gamblers to ‘only’ use off-shore casinos if they want to gamble online.

Wrong. The laws would prohibit credit card companies from collecting the debts or processing the payments to the casinos. So the only work-around would be to get a card from a non-US bank.

Good luck on that. If the debt to them was for gambling online and you refused to pay, they’d have a hell of a time collecting the debt.

May 4, 1970 says:


Here in NE Ohio the cops have gone on a gambling witch hunt. I will be going to court next month for public gambling. It carries a possible six months in prison and a 1000 dollar fine. After the cops convinced me to voluntarily come and talk to them concerning the local bookie that they just busted; my nickname was found in the books. They promised that I was not a target and not in danger of having charges filed against me. Well, almost two years after the bust ( the bookie is a great guy by the way) me and about thirty other blue collar, hard working, law abiding citizens were served summons to court for Public Gambling. So far, the one person who hired a lawyer was given a fine of fifty dollars and costs. Almost all of the other betters pleaded no-contest–bad idea. The judge hit them with a 250 dollar fine, one year probation, and forty hours community service. One of those sentenced had only had his name found on a two dollar football parlay. Something is not fair about the judges judgements. I made thirty dollar football and basketball bets with no vig. I am now hiring a lawyer which has already cost me 1500 bucks and am pleading not guilty for many reasons including the fact that the cops lied to me and told me I did not need an attorney ( as they were reading me the Miranda Rights). Anyways, I made a stupid move by talking to the police. I will never voluntarily talk to cops anywhere –they will have to get a court order for me to say anything. Even if I witness real crime I will not talk without a lawyer and immunity; you would have to be crazy not to resist thier lying ways. I am not looking forward to my appearance in the court system, although I know that the main reason for cracking down on very small time gamblers is to raise more money for police departments whose funding has dwindled due to falling tax revenues

Jimbo says:

Re: gambling

Never talk to cops or let them search your car/home without a warrant. I remember one night nearly 4 years ago that taught me that lesson. I was going to my new apartment after working 2nd shift and took the side streets instead of the highway. I let my mind wander and drove past my street. When I realized what I had done, I turned around at an auto glass repair shop. Right after that, I heard the sirens and pulled over. The cops didn’t believe I wouldn’t know where I lived and asked to search my car. I let them and they found change; quarters that are legal tender that any cashier or bank teller would have at their job. This, for some reason, further aroused their suspicion. They also informed me that they picked up another (suspicious) guy and they believed me and him might be in cahoots. Never mind that this guy was simply in the same town and not in my car or talking to me. For about forty minutes they repeatedly asked the same questions about why I was there and had change in my car (with huddled discussions amongst themselves that I’m sure were about which psychological tricks to use get me to give up information about my alleged criminal activities). They eventually let me go without handcuffing me or charging me with any crime, but I believe they thought I was up to something and they had simply failed to get it out of me.

Marty says:


The problem of gov’t wanting to ban on-line gambling as opposed to other forms of betting (horsetrack, lottery, etc.) lies elsewhere. On-line operators can set get the servers up in tax havens which will enable them to lower tax burden and incerase payout to levels where any state-registered gaming organization can’t reach them. That’s before sunk as well as operating costs, which are incomparably lower. This causes transfer from regulated (i.e. registered and taxed) gaming revenues forums to less or un- regulated and/or less- or untaxed. Nuances are unimportant. It’s morally neutral fact, i.e. not good or bad that this on-line gaming causes lower income into state budgets and unnatural competition. For which citizens will have to pay up should there be a budget shortfall. Hence the state intervention.

Mister Casino (user link) says:

Unfair judgement by gov

2 things I have against the ban of online casinos.
1. I do not think that it is fair to keep “state supported” lottery and lucky tickets which gives a lower payout percentage and is addicting in the same way as casinos are.
2. I agree with you Mike about the blocking of IPs – it cannot happen this way. Blocking any IP could harm non-gambling related websites.

If you’re going to “help” people by blocking their access to casinos – take the lottery as well and make justice for all.

Marilyn Lancelot (user link) says:

compulsive gambling

Gripped by Gambling

As you are reading this paragraph, someone you know may be embezzling money to support a gambling addiction. Drugs and alcohol are not the only two addictions that destroy lives. Every day the newspaper, TV, radio and magazines carry stories about the compulsive gambler who has committed a crime, committed suicide because of the shame, or they are being locked up in a psyche ward. Some women have used their bodies to earn money for gambling.

I have 17 years of recovery from gambling and have written a book which has been placed in the reference section in the high schools, colleges, and universities in the state of Mississippi. It is also on the shelves of the Sun City Library, Phoenix libraries, and libraries in Scotland. Several gambling counselors have told me they recommend my book to their clients. Please take a minute and look at my story of addiction, recovery, and my life today.

Ask yourself, are you spending more than you want to on gambling? Are you beginning to lie to your friends when they ask questions about your gambling? If you think you may have a problem or have any questions about the addiction, this book will answer some of your questions and reveal some warning signs. My book has sold over twelve hundred copies. It has been purchased by readers in at least 30 states in the US, several provinces in Canada, Mexico City, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, and several other countries.

I also publish a Newsletter for female gamblers which may be seen at The site has been on-line for than eight years.


Marilyn Lancelot

Penny (user link) says:

Free Choice in Gambling

For me the issue is about free choice and civil liberty and I think you should be able to choose what you do. It’s a complex issue, though and those people that have the type of addictive character that could end up using the entertainment in a destructive manner need plenty of warning, advice and support. I don’t agree with a ban, though – I don’t think that a small minority that have trouble controlling their play should ruin what the vast majority have as a fun and harmless entertainment. I’m all for education and support, rather than bans and limits on choice.

SlotSpinners (user link) says:

Addiction is Addiction

I think we should have more empathy for those struggling with addiction. We shouldn’t be labeling it as a “first world problem”

No matter what someone is addicted to it shows a deeper problem with their mental state.

gambling provides many hopes and it’s pretty easy to see the connection of why one would get addicted.

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