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  • Feb 10, 2012 @ 03:10pm

    Backhand deals by RIAA

    The new .music TLD is part of the new business model for the RIAA, and a great way for them to raise revenue. Part of the deal with any organisation wanting to own the .music TLD involves paying the RIAA part of each registration fee and renewal fees, which could amount to $millions in the future, and after the TLd has been allocated, the bid winner can 'sell' it on after 6 months, so the RIAA could end up owning the .music TLD... or Sony Music, BGM, Warner

    I know as I was part of a group who meet with the RIAA end of last year looking for their support which they promised to our group if we would cooperate with them.

    Same rules apply for many of the other TLDs which will be created including .movie, .news etc

  • Jul 21, 2007 @ 03:06am


    This is no more ridiculous than the US embargo on Cuba, who developed a Menigitis vacination over 15 years ago but you cannot import because of the political status... how many US and European children have died from this blinkered approach?
    But back to this article, the surgeon or hospital would 'own' the intelectual property for a technique, but it would be unenforcable to stop a equipment manufacturer from producing the tools to replicate the technique...

  • Apr 12, 2007 @ 05:52am

    Re: Revenue

    Get real Raven, virtual game currencies topped over 1.2 Bn$ last year. Whether it is against the TOS of most roleplaying games (Everquest, WoW etc..) it still happens and the game owners do very little to stop the infringment.

    I made no mention as to whether farming is good or bad, I just stated the facts as to what is happening.

    I am sure that millions more Chinese youth joining the Military is also going to make this world a safer place..

    Not sure what this reference was to? (also side note, if you don't think it hurts anyone, then your probably ignorant to economics or just guilty of it yourself)

    ah well, back to the safe virtual world.... /sigh

  • Apr 12, 2007 @ 05:15am


    What is also missing from the above article, is the fact that lots of the Online Gaming Worlds 'Farmers' are Chinese. IGE, one of the biggest of the Virtual Currency Market brokers, is based in Kowloon, employing 100's of Chinese to play online games.

    Most online games are 'Farmed' now, where groups of players will generate in-game revenue which is then sold to other players around the World for real money.

    Due to low pay, earning up to $50 - $100 a month 'playing' a game can seem very attractive to unemployed Chinese teenagers. Most of the farming groups come from China or Russia, where Internet Cafés have become offices for these players, as Internet access in the home is still rare and expensive, the cost of PC's is also high.

    The Chinese Government should be looking at ways to encourage the 'addicts' to capitilise on this business opportunity, rather than penalise them for it.

  • May 21, 2006 @ 03:29am

    Why Write the Code?

    If Scientists want to watch a simulation of society, why start form scratch when we already have many Online creations which can be studied using real people rather than inteligent AI code. Take Everquest 2, WOW etc.. These 'games' have millions of worldwide players all helping to create new societies with economic and social behaviours.