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  • Feb 24, 2010 @ 09:45am


    Apparently, this old lady never heard of a band called Metallica...and how efficiently and effectively they discharged a large-caliber round through their collective foot. Interestingly, I'd never heard of this woman, so publicity has been effectively generated. Unfortunately (for her) it is very negative, and guarantees that I will never explore any of her works at any time. I certainly won't be giving her any money.

    It's called 'greed' old lady. Some call it 'killing the golden goose'. I'd say that any washed-up old singer would be tickled pink and purple to have their songs pirated. It would at least be getting them some attention, perhaps even connecting with a new generation. Supporting it or laughing it off would definitely go a long way to help this. Railing against it? Well, you're about to find out what that'll do.

    Say 'hi' to Lars when you go for your next unemployment check?

  • Dec 13, 2008 @ 03:19pm


    I think the only real question is the use of her face. If they blocked her face and only used her body, that should be ok, but if not... Dunno about other country's laws though.

    Of course the knee jerk reaction would be to blame her for being obese to begin with, and assuming it's her fault. A lot of things contribute to obesity, not just overindulgence or gluttony. As a recovering obese person myself, I know it's not nearly as simple a problem as folks consider, especially in the US where we're constantly bombarded with marketing that tells us 1. We're ugly, fat, and inadequate. 2. We should consume, consume, consume. 3. Since we're ugly and fat and inadequate, we should spend lots of money to get better or we're just plain bad people. Add various chemical imbalances and psychological histories to this, and it's not really as clear-cut as some of us would think, especially those blessed with birdlike metabolisms, personal trainers, home gyms, or access to bariatric surgery.