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  • Oct 11, 2011 @ 01:04pm


    People are missing the reality. Does it matter? You will be able to download every comic you want off off newsgroups, put it into Epub and use it on Nook any way. Nothing in electronics is exclusive any more

  • May 09, 2011 @ 11:56am


    Hey Lars, you want me to burn you some singles

  • Aug 05, 2010 @ 10:29am


    When I can pay $13 to go to a movie and get not only a refund but and extra% for the two hours of my life that I wasted when the movie sucks THEN I will be concerned with getting content for free. When I have to pay $14 for a CD that only has 4 songs on it or only one is any good I will NEVER feel bad about getting anything for free. As long as bands like The Who not only still perform but charge $250 for a ticket and when you get their not only can the deaf dude not play any more but compared to how bad the lead singer is and all this was not told to people up front I will have no issue getting whatever can be gotten for as little as it can be gotten. DOWN WITH THE MAN!!!!!

  • Aug 03, 2010 @ 05:48am


    This is a perfect example of why there will always be pirated music, software and everything else in this country. As long as these large corporations think they can push people around people will always have that"stick it to the man" mentality.Screw General Mills the freakin dough boy needs to go on a diet any way.

  • Aug 03, 2010 @ 05:46am


    This is a perfect example of why there will always be pirated music, software and everything else in this country. As long as these large corporations think they can push people around people will always have that"stick it to the man" mentality.Screw General Mills the freakin dough boy needs to go on a diet any way.

  • Jul 13, 2009 @ 06:13am


    That is to bad. I was really looking forward to all the dancers being in white face and dressed like Frankenberry

  • Jul 13, 2009 @ 06:11am


    That is to bad. I was really looking forward to all the dancers being in white face and dressed like Frankenberry

  • Mar 13, 2009 @ 10:24am


    As I have stated many times before. I and most of your average people have no lost love for "destroying the entertainment industry" If you buy any item and it is bad you can return it. If you go to a Bruce Willis movie that he was paid $15M to make and sucks, until right on the ticket there is a money back return if the movie is a piece of crap. I do not really have any issue with anyone downloading anything. While 90% of the bands are releasing CDs with maybe two decent songs at the most and still charging $13 for the CD, I have no issue with anyone who downloads that piece of crap because they should not be getting paid for it any way.

  • Jul 17, 2006 @ 08:43am

    It Does Work

    I bought one of those. I put it inside my phone. I ran a metal wire from it and spliced it into a plug. I then pluged it in the wall. If you do not mind that slight tingle going through your head when you are on the phone it works great

  • May 22, 2006 @ 01:23pm


    No doubt we should ban all technology. Lets first get rid of cel phones, then PCs need to go because no one writes any more. Then we need to get rid of cars because polution is bad. After that lets get rid of horses because the horse crap is stinking up the place. Might as well get rid of shoes because we need to kill cows to get the leather. At this point since we will be back to clubs and feet might as well go back outside and club a few good women so we can PARTY

  • May 03, 2006 @ 11:14am


    As long as they charge $10 to see a Bruce Willis movie that he needs to be paid $10,000,000 to make and the movie still sucks. As long as We can not get our money or the two hours of our wasted life back there will be downloads and copies being made. Let them keep charging $13+ for a CD that has only 2 good songs on it and they can keep worrying about downloading.

  • Apr 11, 2006 @ 01:18pm

    Where They Are

    They are all at my house

  • Apr 05, 2006 @ 10:21am

    Re: I'm starting to wonder about these people


  • Apr 05, 2006 @ 10:18am


    While I agree of the "legality" of downloading music and movies there is always the same question that comes to mind. Why the record companies do not think that when they charge someone $14.95 for a CD and only one song on the CD is not "ripping off" thier customers. Why do movie companies charge as much as $11 in some places to see another bad acted Bruce Willis movie and when the movie sucks, you have just wasted two hours of your life that you will never get back. That all this is fair but if some schmo downloads something then you need to call the music/movie police. Did they hire the it is illeagle to copy this VHS under penilty of law guy to invoirce this?