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  • Feb 04, 2010 @ 07:20am


    @Kae: Your analogy is way off the mark. We're talking about digital media that can have infinite perfect copies, not finite candy bars (as Valkor points out). I think it should be closer to: Is it stealing if I took a picture of the candy bar, and then stood outside and showed the customers and told that it is delicious, and that they should go buy one? Absolutely not.

  • Jan 23, 2008 @ 05:42am

    So what is it that you're missing?

    You say you noticed the high cost, met a bunch of people from big cities online, and are acutely aware of what you're missing, but fail to describe what that is.

  • Jun 07, 2007 @ 09:30am

    This actually happened to a friend of mine

    He was trying to buy a camera in-store that he had seen online. After an hour+ of waiting/talking with the manager/more waiting/seeing the in-store website/arguing, he had to go home, print the page that he saw, and return to the store to get the sale price. I happened to be shopping there that day, and after hearing his ordeal and an extremely rude comment from a sales person to another customer, I dropped all of my items on the floor, left, and have never been back.

  • Apr 05, 2007 @ 02:49pm

    Re: Err...

    Yes, I think you are reading it wrong. Those stats show that yahoo.com has more traffic, true, but remember that yahoo.com is a web portal, not just a search engine (which google.com is, unless you have it set to a personalized homepage). So I think that not everyone is going there just for search. AND, how many people actually have search toolbars installed in their browsers that never go to the home page?