Bruce Bowden's Techdirt Profile

Bruce Bowden

About Bruce Bowden Techdirt Insider

Geek, introvert, lefty, retired, husband, grandfather(poppa). And now! Clockmaker! Second one completed. This could become an obsession. Living in Wurundjeri country (Preston, Australia)

Bruce Bowden's Comments comment rss

  • Dec 29, 2023 @ 11:31pm

    Move (us) and break (them)

    Inevitably the people who benefit from moving ahead at speed are very different from those who suffer the consequences. Different income levels, different social status, different countries. So if you are in the group that benefits, it’s very easy to ignore those that suffer. A local example: engineered stone kitchen bench tops look great, are very long lasting and relatively cheap. An innovation of great benefit? How about the people who install them? Often low paid, immigrants, with limited access to good health and safety systems. The consequence? A huge surge in silicosis- a fatal lung disease caused by breathing in the dust. In Australia, engineered stone will be outlawed in 2024 as a consequence. The alternative: right at the start, the dangers were recognised and strong rules put in place to dictate how the stone was handled - masks, water flood while cutting. But the move fast and break things crowd don’t like regulation so now an entire industry is going through upheaval.

  • Dec 07, 2023 @ 01:07pm

    “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free.” To be clear, that phrase is a hateful, anti-Israel rallying cry that calls for the abolition of the state of Israel. Ok, let’s adjust that a little: “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free.” To be clear, that phrase is a rallying cry that calls for the abolition of the current state of Israel and its replacement with a state where Jews and Palestinians, (and anyone else) can live in peace.