OnlyFans Throws The Open Internet Under The Bus

from the only-regulatory-moats dept

It’s always disappointing when an internet company that should know better decides to throw the open internet it relies on under the bus.

You would think that a site like OnlyFans would know better. You expect this sorta thing from Meta or Google or Netflix, which have reached a size where they’re more willing to compromise with open internet principles in order to help build themselves a politically convenient compliance nightmare for smaller competitors.

But you would have thought OnlyFans was still new enough that it wouldn’t join those pulling up the ladder behind them. After all, it’s run into its own struggles with what happens when moralizing politicians try to stifle the open internet.

Apparently, though, the company doesn’t care much to support the open internet.

The Economist recently had a big story about attempts to regulate speech online. The piece is not a bad summary of how politicians everywhere are trying to become the speech police. There’s some talk of Section 230, the various dumb state laws about content moderation, the DSA in the EU, attempts in Turkey and Brazil to clamp down on online speech, and much more.

However, what caught my eye was the discussion about the UK’s Online Safety Bill, a very problematic bill that we’ve spoken about plenty of times. And, the Economist actually got a quote from OnlyFans seeming to endorse the age verification aspects of the bill:

The most controversial part of Britain’s bill, a requirement that platforms identify content that is “legal but harmful” (eg, material that encourages eating disorders) has been dropped where adults are concerned. But there remains a duty to limit its availability to children, which in turn implies the need for widespread age checks. Tech firms say they can guess users’ ages from things like their search history and mouse movements, but that a strict duty to verify users’ age would threaten anonymity.

Some suspect that their real objection is the price. “I don’t think ‘It costs money and is hard’ is an excuse,” says Keily Blair, chief operations officer of OnlyFans, a porn-centric platform which checks the age of its users and doesn’t see why others shouldn’t do the same. Yet some platforms are adamant: the Wikimedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia, says it has no intention of verifying users’ age.

Look, if you want to do age verification, that’s on you, but making it mandatory is a nightmare for the open internet. First, as noted, it destroys anonymity. Second, it puts more user data at risk, for no good reason (to verify ages you have to collect sensitive data). Third, even if it is about the expense, tons of websites can’t afford that nonsense, which will serve no purpose and won’t actually keep anyone safe.

The fact that OnlyFans voluntarily decides to verify ages has a lot more to do with OnlyFans’ business model, content, and target audience. But it’s no excuse for saying that everyone else should have to deal with the same compliance nightmare despite very different products and audiences.

Apparently, this willingness to throw the open internet under the bus isn’t new. That quote seemed so out of place that I went looking, and apparently the company came out fully in favor of the Online Safety Bill last fall.

Blair hopes the Online Safety Bill, which imposes a “duty of care” on social media platforms, will bring her rivals up to the same standard the company believes it upholds.

“We want everyone to be as safe as we are. Anything that pushes people in that direction is a good thing for society,” she says. But now the bill has been pushed back, companies may be slower to act. “I’m disappointed because some people need a stick to make changes. Unfortunately, the law often is that stick.”

There’s an astounding lack of understanding about basic policy issues here, and ones that seem likely to come back to bite OnlyFans. What a “duty of care” actually means is the requirement to litigate any time anything bad happens to anyone on your site. Because each time something bad happens someone will sue, and sites will have to spend a ridiculous about of time, money, and resources to explain why they were appropriate in their “care.” Even if a site thinks it will win, it still creates a massive mess of nonsense and wasted time and money.

Later in that same article, Blair also made it clear that she has no clue how freedom of expression actually works, which is quite stunning given the content that OnlyFans regularly hosts on its own site:

What did she make of those accusations that the legislation would suppress freedom of speech? “Freedom of expression and online safety aren’t a binary choice,” she says. “The reality is that freedom of expression has always been curtailed by the law. There’s always been boundaries in place from a legal standpoint to protect around what we think is acceptable in a modern society to say and not. That’s why we have rules around hate speech.

“People often say things and do things on the internet that they would only do behind a keyboard,” she adds. “People feel emboldened to behave in certain ways sometimes. It’s right to have the same protection online as you do walking down the street.”

It’s unclear here if OnlyFans’ execs are just ignorant, foolish, believe that they can withstand the litigation onslaught while others can’t… or some combination of all three. Or maybe they see themselves as a regulatory target and think they’ll get a better deal by playing nice with regulators. But, nonetheless, it’s still disappointing that a site that has benefited so much from the open internet and freedom of expression has decided to support throwing it all away.

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Companies: onlyfans

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Anonymous Coward says:

How many times do you need to try to kick the football that Lucy is holding before you realize that she will always yank it away? Freedom has almost no friends, whether it’s the left trying to censor those who know that men can never be women, or the right trying to censor people who think they can. Whether it’s the lies of critical race theory or the lies of election fraud. Whether it’s think of the children who will be mutilated or think of the children who will kill themselves if they’re not.

The civil liberties groups now hate freedom. Planned Parenthood now equates abortion and sex- change. The EU wants to shut down Twitter for “disinformation”.

Don’t expect the corporate world to protect your freedom. Governments are outsourcing their censorship Eggleston to those companies and very few will stand with freedom over money. The only easy to fight is case by case, winning individual small victories.

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Anonymous Coward says:


This comment is written by Hyman Rosen, known actual Nazi.

He doesn’t like 1A, private property rights, and everything that isn’t a White Anglo-Saxon Supremacist.

It is folly to argue with him.

men can never be women

Hyman disagrees with the entire body of psychologists and psychiatry, and yes, there are a lot of problems with those fields of science. Yes, he disagrees with the DSMV.

Whether it’s the lies of critical race theory

Hyman does not believe in critical race theory and believes in the white supremacist lies about it. Critical Race Theory is about realizing that everything we know is biased towards the majority race/ethnogroup.

the lies of election fraud.

Election fraud does happen. It is not as big as one might think and is usually done by Republicans.

Whether it’s think of the children who will be mutilated

Religious groups mutilate more children than modern psychiatry will ever do.

think of the children who will kill themselves if they’re not.

This is why we trust actual mental health professionals to diagnose mental issues and not random internet Nazis.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

I love the 1st Amendment, including freedom of religion and the right to petition the government.

I love private property rights, including the castle doctrine that allows people to shoot dead looters.

White people are no better or worse than any other color of people.

Critical race theory is about excusing and ignoring social dysfunction by affixing blame to people who have nothing to do with it.

Psychology is bad science because people are complex with everything overdetermined, but those aren’t the kinds of results that are useful to publish, so bad papers are written instead.

(Please don’t follow up on this comment. It is folly to argue with me.)

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Folly to argue? Hyman, soon enough you won’t have a leg to stand on. All we need to do is send you off for eunuch making services like the one that recently happened in Europe. Being an amputee is a gender identification now, you know?

It’s only a matter of time before you get assimilated into the new reality.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

While this is mechanically a reply, it is not a reply to Hyman Rosen. This is a fact check because the asshole in question is harassing the community.

I love the 1st Amendment, including freedom of religion and the right to petition the government.

What Hyman truly believes is that oppressed minorities, the homeless and similar groups do not get to have those rights. Only white, “Anglo-Saxon” folk who consistently vote Republican get to have human rights. Ironic since Hyman has said he was of Polish descent.

Also, anyone who loves 1A and the rule of law shpuld also know that the freedom to associate is one of them. He has been forcibly removed from a bunch of fine conservative spaces that cater to his vile views, presumably because of the same behavior he exhibits here.

He has also been repeatedly told, by the owner of the site, to stop being a homophobic/transphobic jackass. Something he refuses to do.

I love private property rights, including the castle doctrine that allows people to shoot dead looters.

Hyman has an extremely racist, classist understanding of property rights. He clearly does not care about how it also shaped 1A. Or that the guns will be turned against him, and that it already has metaphorically. Techdirt wants him gone, but the siteowner cannot simply ban him without the use of a court order, at bare minimum.

White people are no better or worse than any other color of people.

While technically true, Hyman believes otherwise. Also of note is that white people are the majority ethnogroup.

Critical race theory is about excusing and ignoring social dysfunction by affixing blame to people who have nothing to do with it.

Again, Critical Race Theory is about realizing that everything we know is biased towards the majority race/ethnogroup. It has nothing to do with policymaking directly, though an understanding of how biased academia is towards white people might lead to changes.

Psychology is bad science because people are complex with everything overdetermined, but those aren’t the kinds of results that are useful to publish, so bad papers are written instead.

Psychology and psychiatry acknowledge their flaws and strive to be better. And also to add, any practicing mental health professional knows better than to force treatment to patients withput the patient’s consent. They understand that people are complex, not just the majority ethnogroup.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3

So deemed by the law, not me personally. Similarly, legal force allowed by law, regardless of whether you find it necessary.

If you liberals cannot control the misfits who choose to prey upon innocents, they will nevertheless at the point of a gun be controlled. Or else the normal people with means will simply move away and leave the cesspits to the criminals and the poor, where you liberals will pretend that nothing bad is happening and call racist those who provide accurate reporting.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

Hyman, unsurprisingly, references a pro-cop website and Substack.

Now, I don’t have the context to put everything together, so would a native Chicagoan explain this bullshit to me? Or do I fall back on what I know (that the state of Illinois is unsalvageable because of corruption), and consider Illinois saveable only through nuclear hellfire?

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ke9tv (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Critical Race Theory is about realizing that everything we know is biased towards the majority race/ethnogroup.

It actually has a narrower definition. It’s possible to accept the tenet that you stated while not viewing it through the Marxist/neo-Freudian lens espoused by Adorno, Horkheimer, Habermas, and the like. Foucault, in particular, offered a contrary view to Critical Theory in general. But you’re not likely to hear about this until you’re in an advanced course in social philosophy. This stuff isn’t being taught in the elementary schools, whatever DeSantis and his like are saying. In their world, CRT has simply become a snarl phrase – expressing vehement disapproval but devoid of semantic content beyond that.

sumgai (profile) says:

Re: Old adage?

I believe that old saying goes:

‘Tis a far better thing to let people think you are a fool that to post on the internet as Hyman Rosen, and thus remove all doubt.

Hyman, you do have the freedom to post whatever you wish, regardless of how others may feel about it. So why is it that you don’t want to allow others to have that same freedom, the ability to post their version of reality, their version of BS, or whatever stokes their fires? IOW, please explain to us in 25 words or less, why you are better then everyone else, here or elsewhere on the web.

We’re all waiting, with ‘bated breath…..

Anonymous Coward says:


Don’t expect the corporate world to protect your freedom.

Because your team is doing such a bang-up job?

Your team is singlehandedly responsible for all the misery in the world. But guess what, it’s Pride Month, you son of a bitch! You know what that means, it’s time for all of us non-binary children whose dads said “Boys don’t cry” to give them a reminder of how they turned us all agender, we’re happily married to a variety of genders and furries, and this month we’re going to collectively tell them all “No, fuck YOU dad!”

Get owned!

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

Thank you for saying what all of us had wanted to say. We’re sick and tired of straight people running the world, competing with us for the people of the same gender who don’t even understand or like each other enough to provide what they actually need.

Gender is a social construct, a lie created to assuage the fragile egos of men.

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Anonymous Coward says:

My opinion? OnlyFans saw “require age verification” and their analysis stopped at “we already do that”. Duty of Care, implications to the wider internet? Didn’t register. Didn’t want to think about it. (If we don’t think about it, it will go away!)

Anonymous Coward says:

It’s in the interest of platforms that are trying to make money to do whatever they can to appease politicians and regulators who are a constant threat to regulating them out of existence on a whim so all we can conclude here is that a for-profit platform that hosts adult content is trying not to piss off regulators

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Duty of care…Make the parents have one first, then we’ll still tell you you fsck off.

OnlyFans most likely is trying to avoid the ire of the pron brigade who seek to outlaw them from existing because pron is more harmful than a spec of fentanyl.

This is a problem in search of something anything that isn’t, parents if you kid watches porn online it’s your fault.

No amount of fancy programming will ever appease the puritans who want to make sure no uncovered tit is ever seen online.
If you catch your kid browsing pron, ground them, take the phone, cut back their data… BE A FSCKING PARENT.
Do not demand that the entire political system needs to take action because you’re shite at raising your own crotchfruit.

Ever fucking moral panic today is about protecting kids, but doing it in the most fucked up ways possible.
FDA sends threat letters to 2 companies over “illegal” flavored disposable vapes, because they only have fruity flavors to make kids use them. Pay no attention to all of those fruity flavored alcho-pops on the shelves for summer.
Pass laws, fine companies, scream in the media how millions of kids admitted to vaping… but do not for one second just make a law requiring any nicotine bearing product be restricted to 21+.
Simple solution.
Heavy fines for stores that violate the law tends to motivate them to not sell things to underage kids.

What works better, making them 21+ with fines or having media campaigns about how flavored vapes only exist to murder children… b/c they’ve been going on and on about these flavored vapes since the beginning.
Adults like the flavored vapes too. (SHOCKING I know)
Vaping is better than actual smoking, by how much who the fsck knows because we spent more time demonizing it than doing science.

Utah politicians will tell you that porn is the debil, but when you show them the searches the good people of Utah are using on these porn sites & exactly how much they are consuming its really hard to explain if everyone thinks its so bad, why the hell are you the leading state watching ‘Double Penetration Grannies’?

Anonymous Coward says:

“People often say things and do things on the internet that they would only do behind a keyboard,” she adds.

Of all the fucking things to say post Jan 6, this is the most jaw-dropping of them all.

It’s like they want the 74 million people who voted for Trump to come throw them into an open grave and SHOOT THEM ALL DEAD. Then systematically (or not) go through all that data they’ve collected and then murder everyone on the list.

“People feel emboldened to behave in certain ways sometimes. It’s right to have the same protection online as you do walking down the street.”

Again, even though there some sense to what is being said, refer to the above.

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Matthew M Bennett says:


The Economist recently had a big story about attempts to regulate speech online. The piece is not a bad summary of how politicians everywhere are trying to become the speech police.

That’s hilarious. The FBI and CDC did that already, just by proxy, rather than law.

But you don’t want to admit that, cuz then you’d be wrong.

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

Benefits and drawbacks

Age verification has been a topic since the mid 90s and the north of the “real” internet.

There are benefits to age verification and identity verification. For one, sales platforms suddenly become secured from rampant fraud. Eg amazon and offer up.

A win in my book is it would also creat an incentive to sandbox content. Locking porn may also push other controversial topics but also help those controversial topics survive.
And as far as I’m concerned the more that is on the internet the better.

There’s down sides to this, a few.
Locking Nation of Islam and Brotherhood of Christ behind a pay wall is good. But we have a a sharp drop off where we start locking up Progressive and Conservative topics as well.

And who’s to stop old twitter locking up the far righ politicians or new twitter from locking up the far left?
And where do you draw that line.

Oops: too far?
If legally limited to already controlled content I see little issue.
If added to online sales, still good.
But any laws need to be rather strongly worded to keep speaking speakable.

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