As The Social Media Moral Panic Continues, People Keep Highlighting How Much Value It Actually Provides

from the the-moral-panic-is-false dept

I know we’re deep, deep, deep into the moral panic about social media being uniquely awful, especially for kids. It’s driving all sorts of nonsense, including the false idea that we’re in a uniquely excessive period of depression, or that it’s been “proven” that social media makes kids feel bad. But… that’s not what the data actually show.

At all.

Much of this we’ve discussed before, but I think it’s important to highlight again. A lot of people focus on Jonathan Haidt’s work on the impact of social media, but many experts have highlighted that Haidt is a master of cherry-picking studies that support his thesis, and ignoring those that don’t. And even within the stats he uses, he’s been known to cherry-pick the time frames to avoid some more difficult questions. This is quite notable on his claims about suicide rates.

Haidt focuses on the rate between 2000 and 2020, which definitely does show an uptick in the suicide rate:

But, if you go back a little further, you quickly realize that the suicide rate was actually much higher in the 1980s and 1990s. If anything, we should be studying why the rate declined so much at the end of the 90s and into the early 2000s rather than assuming social media must be the cause:

As for the “proven” claims of making kids feel bad about themselves, that’s always people’s misleading interpretation (based on misleading reporting) of internal studies that Facebook did. Those studies did show that a somewhat small percentage of users self-reported that Instagram made them feel worse about themselves. But the same data actually showed a much larger percentage said it made them feel better about themselves. Somehow, that part is never reported even as it’s clear from the data:

The other chart that gets highlighted is even more damning. Facebook surveyed teens, both boys and girls, on 12 different categories regarding whether or not Instagram made them feel better or worse, and (by a wide margin!) boys said it made them feel better on all 12 items. For girls, that was the case for 11 out of the 12 times, and only in one area did “made it worse” edge out “made it better” (and only barely, the two are effectively equal):

And, the point of this study, as you can tell by the fact that it was highlighted in the slide title by the Meta researchers, was to try to deal with that and fix that one problematic area and try to help change that fact.

Yet, all the headlines and claims repeatedly will state, without context, that “Instagram makes girls feel worse about themselves.” That’s… not very accurate in context.

Anyway, against this background (which is now leading to a variety of stupid lawsuits and even stupider legislation) I keep hearing really nice stories about how people have used social media to find communities and deeply enrich their lives.

Last month, Wired had a really nice article about someone who notes that she “found her family on social media.” The author, Kim Haggin Rossi, talks about her own interest in old neon signs, and she found a community of other aficionados on Instagram, who became real life friends, with a closeness that has lasted.

I followed fellow sign shooters on Instagram, and the accounts they followed, and they followed me back. The next thing I knew, with some trepidation, I was driving to Las Vegas to meet a group of about 20 of them, roughly aged 25 to 60, from all over the US and Canada. Los Angeles–based writer, Steve Spiegel, whom I met on that first trip and who’s become a dear friend I connect with daily, shares my apprehension: “I still remember sitting at the Burbank airport thinking, ‘I’m about to spend a weekend in Vegas with a bunch of people I met on an app! This is crazy!’”

Neither of us knew this trip would be the start of an inspiring, supportive community of kindred spirits who’d wind up forever friends. Since that trip, many of us stayed in regular, even daily, contact. We met up for countless local “sign hunts,” traveled across the United States (and once to Cuba), and had a few group exhibits. The ragtag group of 20 strangers in Las Vegas became an international community of over 220. In 2017, four members—Spiegel, Will Hansen, and Mike and Marla Zack—christened the group Signs United. The group was inclusive and open to any vintage neon lovers.

I have to admit that my own experience has been similar. People I know who are not active social media users seem to have a more limited friend group: generally people they know from work, or other parents where their kids attend school. But the more active social media users I know have much larger, wider, and more diverse friend groups, and frequently around shared interests, rather than location or happenstance.

Now, my experience and the one in the article are of adults on social media, so there are questions as to whether or not it’s different for kids. But I don’t think it is. I mean, Danah Boyd has been studying this stuff for decades, and consistently finds that teenagers do what teenagers always do: they just want to hang out and socialize with friends… and explore and experiment to find out who they really are. And the internet often provides the best way to do exactly that. She’s been warning adults to calm down for over a decade, but apparently it’s not working.

The NY Times recently hosted a panel of 11 to 14 year olds, to ask them questions about what they wished adults understood about their generation. It may not be a representative sample, and you may wonder about whether or not the venue may have caused the children to represent themselves in a certain way, but many of them seemed to highlight how valuable the internet is. The whole discussion is actually quite interesting, and again suggests that they’re no different than kids of basically any generation. They want to be social. They want to find where they fit in.

In some cases, the kids are using technology to be creative:

I don't really go on my phone at school, but when I'm on my own computer I write my book. I'm writing a book.

Or they sometimes use social media to plan out how friends nearby can meet in person.

I’m usually on my phone for an hour when I get back from school. I just watch stuff and text my friends. Since they all live in my neighborhood, I usually see who can play outside, and then we go play outside.

Also there are lots and lots of statements about how the internet is helping these kids learn to communicate and to be themselves.

Why are you more talkative online?

Hunter, 14
Because the games I play are team games, I have to communicate.

Matthew, 13
I talk a lot more online than I do in real life for the same reason. I play team games.

Trinity, 12
I’m more myself when I’m online. In school I feel like you’re just being watched by teachers. You can’t do as much stuff as you would do at home. With my friends, whether I’m FaceTiming them or playing them, I feel like I’m, like, a better person, a more fun person when I’m with them.

Nate, 14
Online feels more peaceful and calming. You don’t have to talk with anybody in person or do anything in person. You’re just sitting on your bed or chair, watching or doing something.

The kids seem to know that there’s a lot of nonsense online, and not to take most of it seriously, though (as is often the case with people of all ages) some are at least concerned that some, namely others, may be falling for nonsense online.

Sometimes when I talk to folks your age, they say that they’re seeing things online about what’s happening in politics or their local government or in other countries or in the environment. Is anybody following or seeing stuff like this online?

Jilian, 14
I don’t know if I’d say I really follow it, but on Instagram or Tiktok, I hear stuff about elections and the war with Ukraine and Russia.

Jilian, 14
I don’t think it’s the most reliable source. I feel like you should actually Google these things and go on verified websites instead.

Roshini, 14
I do see a lot of stuff on social media, but I don’t follow it. But I do think it sometimes can have a negative impact.
Moderator, Margie Omero
Tell me what you mean.

Roshini, 14
Not on me personally, but I feel like with other people — people have their own opinions on everything.

The kids certainly have mixed feelings about their internet usage, but a lot of them generally seem to think it helps them better connect with their friends:

A lot of adults are worried about the amount of time that kids spend online. What do you think about that concern? Is that a legitimate concern to have about kids?

Trinity, 12
I don’t think it should be a concern. For most kids, they go on their phone to talk with their friends or hang out with their friends. Because some kids have friends that don’t go to their school, so they can’t talk with them all the time in person. I feel like people use it to communicate with their friends
Moderator, Ariel Kaminer
And what about in terms of the amount of time? Should parents be concerned about the total amount of time?

Trinity, 12
I think maybe a little bit, but it really depends who you are. Every person’s different.

Jilian, 14
I do think it is a legitimate concern, especially screen time. There’s so many other things that you could be doing besides just being on your phones all the time.

Meanwhile, so much of the conversation around the moral panic focuses on the (unproven) claim that social media is stressing kids out. Here, the kids are asked what stresses them out and they all say school, or big societal issues. None of them say social media.

I want to talk a little bit about feeling stressed out or anxious. Who here feels stressed out or anxious, and what are you stressed out or anxious about?

Te’Kai, 11
Something that stresses me out is always having to go to each class and the time I have to spend there.

Kira, 14
The amount of work and how much time I have to do it.

Jilian, 14
I sometimes get stressed out about schoolwork.

Wynter, 14
Schoolwork, mainly. Sports sometimes.

Trinity, 12
School and sports and our environment, I guess.
Moderator, Margie Omero
What stresses you out about the environment?

Trinity, 12
On the news and stuff, I’ve heard about global warming and pollution and people littering.

Perhaps the schools should be suing themselves for all this stress they’re putting on kids?

Later, the kids are asked what makes them nervous or scared about getting older, and… they say normal adult things. Nothing to do with the internet.

Here’s a question: What makes you nervous or scared about getting older, about growing up?

Jilian, 14
I’m scared about finances. You have to pay for college and then a house. There’s just a lot of expenses.

Wynter, 14
I’m scared of the possibility of losing my job and not having a stable income to get a house or apartment to live in.

Andrew, 11
I’m scared of getting too caught up in work and separating from people that I care about.

Matthew, 13
I’m scared of failing in whatever my job is and not having money.

Jonah, 12
I’m not really scared of anything.

There’s a lot more in there, but it’s another example of kids just being kids, and the internet and social media just being… a tool they use sometimes, often to better connect with their friends.

I did see some people reading through this, through what seems like a very distorted prism, and interpreting some of these kids’ responses regarding their use of social media as “addicts saying they like how their addiction makes them feel.” But when you read what these kids are saying in context, it doesn’t read like that at all. They all use the internet, phones, and social media, because that’s how kids communicate (adults too!), but they use it in perfectly expected ways, and often as a means to an end.

I think many of the people freaking about what the kids are saying about their usage of social media are viewing it through a lens of “social media is not real life, and therefore, these kids are avoiding real life.” But that’s nonsense. Social media is just as “real life” as everything else. These kids are using it to learn and to communicate and to socialize.

If anything, we should be annoyed that modern society has made it more and more difficult for kids to be kids. There are fewer places that kids can just go to hang out with other kids, so it’s no surprise that they gravitate to online places where they can do that.

But, on the whole these anecdotes from this panel continue to support other research, like the Pew Research Center’s recent study that showed that social media is a really useful tool for teens, providing them with “a space for connection, creativity and support.” And the number who find it positive massively outweigh those who find it negative:

Now, obviously, that doesn’t mean it’s great for everyone. There are real issues with cyberbullying and some people who have issues with balancing things. But the focus of interventions should be on figuring out the best ways to support that very small percentage of kids, rather than trying to destroy or ban the internet entirely for kids of this age range.

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Comments on “As The Social Media Moral Panic Continues, People Keep Highlighting How Much Value It Actually Provides”

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weevie833 (profile) says:

Mediate socializing

First, thank you for an extraordinary effort to compose your case. I offer some comments that are not intended to invalidate or refute what you are saying here – just some comments.

Dinky stuff: Unless things have changed “Danah Boyd” is actually “danah boyd” cuz that’s how she rolls.

Second, I can’t argue against “teens are gonna do what teens are gonna do,” so I will set that aside and then encourage you to read “The Mediated Construction of Reality: Society, Culture, Mediatization” by Couldry and Hepp [] specifically, Chapter 2. (This is one of the required readings in my class “Synthetic Media and the Construction of Reality” – here is the accompanying e-book: )

The point I am making here is that the so-called existential danger of SM isn’t so much in the content of social media but in adapting to a =mediated form= of socializing which is (in many cases) the primary means for socializing at all, for many. (You literally cannot get the phone out of my 18-year old’s hand).

TL;DR: Mediated socializing introduces a method of constructing reality that is offset from actual human interaction. Mediated socializing introduces an extra cognitive layer that takes into account the “grammar” of online socializing, as evident in things like how long it should take before you expect a response from someone. (The book is better at demonstrating what this is about). Insert your preferred risk set associated with that, but in my old-time way of viewing things, people immersed in SM have a distorted understanding of how humans should interact with civility, despite the benefits you cite.

Second, these mediated forms of interaction are not objective “dumb” systems like the old BBS days – these are commercial platforms designed to make money through algorithmically optimized methods to maintain user attention, =by any means necessary=. There are ZERO incentives for social media systems to operate in the public good, and their business models reflect that in the form of mass social experimentation and (unethical) the use of amplification to produce the best conditions for advertisers.

I am NOT saying that social media is “bad,” and that teens should not use them, nor will I make any claim that SM is a causal factor in suicide. I spent three years developing an online training program for suicide prevention, so I am quite familiar with the evidence-based practice and theories. Bottom line: No one thing causes suicide – there are ALWAYS a combination of risk factors and protective factors that contribute to individual cases. So that dimension of this argument is off the table – I agree that SM does not “cause suicide.”

However… we cannot overlook the collateral effects of a generation (or two) that has adapted to a mediated form of constructing reality when we KNOW for certain that the tech entities by which teens engage are not operating in earnest for its users’ well-being. Maybe teens are smart enough to know that intuitively, but I would not bet on it.

We spend a lot of energy telling teens to be good judges of online content, but we do not teach teens how the content got there in the first place. It is difficult to be objective to the risks of SM if you don’t understand how it works.

Anonymous Coward says:


Before social media there were books, and radio and television, all offering a constructed reality with very little input from the audience. With social media, it is the users that generate most of the input, and as a result people are interacting with each other more than they did in the past, and creating their own entertainment, rather than just consuming it. Also, the more active they are in creating and interacting, the less the algorithms shape what they see and how they interact, because they have control beyond choosing what to read, listen to or watch from a limited selection.

weevie833 (profile) says:

Re: Re:

AC: While it is true that there is a 2000+ year history of social media as you describe, what differs here is scale and penetration. The untethered timebase, portability, and ubiquity of current SM places it somewhere not necessarily comparable to other prior forms of it. I say this in the context of attributing the intensity of influence in the construction of reality compared to prior forms.

Also, if you have some reference for your claim about “…the more active they are in creating and interacting, the less the algorithms shape what they see and how they interact” since I would want to include that in my class. (I teach a separate class on trends in social media). Is this a mathematical “governor” of sorts that arbitrates the flow of content? As I understand it, all user input (not just content, but scrolling, pausing, etc.) is captured as a basis of calculating interest, which is used as input for predicting affinity to other content, groups, and ads.

It is true that users have control over what they choose to do in a SM system, though I would qualify that by saying that what a person =believes= is appropriate or optimal to do within a SM system is learned within SM culture. Social media is more like a physical shopping mall than an open neighborhood – you are always playing within the prescribed boundaries of a commercial property which comes with its own rules and expectations.

If you get a minute, check out this experimental webpage that visualizes interactive metadata. This is what I was referring to before:

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

Social media supports many small groups of people, and those groups and their interactions do not make it into any research and conversation can and do bounce around several platforms depending on what is being shared. The one thing I have observed about the online environment is that you cannot follow what anybody, or group is up to by looking at one or two platforms, and the comments posted under starting post or video.

Other than intrusive monitoring of individuals, or reliance on Interviews, I do not see any way of determine how someone uses the Internet for social interaction. Also if someone is letting the algorithm make choices for them are they actually engaged, or are they using the site as a background occupier of the senses while they veg out, i.e. the tv in the background mode.

That Anonymous Coward (profile) says:

Perhaps social media isn’t the problem…

Kids are more upset and worried today!!
Have you considered its not social media but the news media repeating these idiotic talking heads going on and on about school shootings, how the groomers are coming to get them, how global warming is a thing, isn’t a thing as huge weird storms put a tornado on the ground for 4 hours obliterating a town that will be the focus for several hours, people complaining how the government isn’t doing enough, is doing to much, teachers quitting, programs being cut, books being banned and the best answer at least in AZ is to force kids to say the pledge.

Kids are so much smarter than you give them credit for, they hear the insane ranting bullshit leaving your lips that the government is coming to take all the guns then kill all the white folk & replace them with brown people, the election was stolen, democrats eat babies…

But yeah its social media upsetting the kids.

weevie833 (profile) says:


Well, as a 58 year old guy, I can attest to a childhood composed of the following:
– Imminent nuclear annihilation
– The last gasps of the Vietnam War
– Nixon et al.
– Racial conflict
– Environmental pollution at a mass scale
– Population explosion
– Gas crises
– Recessions in 1973-’75, ’80, ’81-82
– The total decline of American manufacturing that killed off the middle class (and my parents’ viability as workers)

It was a jolly good time back then, but I get your point. My 16 and 18 year olds don’t pay attention to any of the partisan BS going on right now anyway. Too busy thumb-flipping through tattoo photos and mountain bike videos. I don’t think either of them have ever listened to single newscast of any kind in their lives but they do know what’s going on.

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