Microsoft Yanked Forthcoming Game’s PlayStation Port To Make It Exclusive

from the liar-liar dept

Timing, as they say, is everything. We’ve been talking about Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard a lot lately and for good reason. It’s a huge deal, both in terms of the size of the purchase relative to the video game industry, but also because of what it could mean for the overall competitive marketplace in the industry as well. The regulators have expressed varied levels of concern and Microsoft’s rebuttal to those concerns has mostly been to ink 10-year deals with other platforms to keep the key series Call of Duty non-exclusive, at least for that timeframe. All the while, throughout this and previous acquisitions taking place in a climate of market consolidation, Microsoft executives have made vague, non-committal statements about how it doesn’t actually want to go the exclusivity route with its titles generally.

Take Microsoft’s acquisition of Zenimax/Bethesda, for instance. After Microsoft acquired the game studio for a then eye-popping $7 billion, Xbox’s Phil Spencer said the following.

“I don’t want to be flip about that,” he added. “This deal was not done to take games away from another player base like that. Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games. But I’ll also say in the model—I’m just answering directly the question that you had—when I think about where people are going to be playing and the number of devices that we had, and we have xCloud and PC and Game Pass and our console base, I don’t have to go ship those games on any other platform other than the platforms that we support in order to kind of make the deal work for us. Whatever that means.”

Go ahead and sit down with a pen and paper and try to map out what in the actual hell Spencer is even saying there. You’re best bet is to draw a picture of a waffle with a silly face plastered on top of it, because that’s exactly what that statement is. But if you can find anything at all concrete in the statement, it certainly has to be the part in which Spencer indicates Microsoft is not interested keeping groups of people from playing games as a result of its acquisitions. This is the exact argument Microsoft is making to the regulators as it tries to push through the purchase of Activision Blizzard. After all, it can’t be an antitrust or competitive market concern if Microsoft keeps these titles available on these other platforms and doesn’t limit the competition.

But then the next Elder Scrolls game, a beloved franchise, would be an Xbox/PC exclusive. Oops. And now, in the midst of Microsoft arguing it will act in an opposite fashion to regulators around the world, we learn that another Bethesda title was going to have a PlayStation version before Microsoft nixed it post-acquisition.

Due on May 2, 2023, Redfall is an online co-op shooter that features a whole lotta blood-sucking vampires. You play as a slayer who has to use weapons, stakes, magic, and stealth to take down all the vamps and save your small town before it’s too late. The game seems cool and it’s nice to hear that developer Arkane is looking to remove the previously-announced always-online requirement. However, if you are a PlayStation owner, you won’t get to play Arkane’s next big title, even though at one point there was a PS5 port in the works.

Speaking to IGN France (and translated by IGN), Redfall director Harvey Smith explained that once Bethesda was bought by Microsoft in 2020, things changed fast. “We got bought by Microsoft and that was a huge sea change. They said, ‘No PlayStation 5. Now we’re gonna do Game Pass, Xbox, and PC.’”

If you were a regulator, or perhaps the lawyer for a group of gamers suing Microsoft to stop the Activision Blizzard purchase, you’d have to think that the quote above should be center stage in your efforts. I’m picturing this quote on big placards being held up the way that the clowns in Congress do when they want to make some infantile point to the masses.

Timing is everything. At the exact moment that Microsoft is arguing it will not limit competition by taking titles exclusive, here is a concrete example, admitted to publicly by the company that Microsoft acquired, of it doing the exact opposite. The work had already begun on the PlayStation version and Microsoft killed it. All in as direct contradiction to Spencer’s statement could be had with his wishy-washy messaging.

Canceling a PS5 port of a big game like Redfall seems to run directly in opposition to that statement. And while I understand that, duh, Microsoft wants its games to be Xbox-exclusive, that’s not the message the company has been putting out for the last year or so as it’s tried to convince courts and regulatory groups around the world that it won’t make Call of Duty an Xbox exclusive once it completes its separate, nearly $69 billion purchase of Activision Blizzard King.

Yes, exactly. And now we’ll see just how much attention those regulators are paying to doing their jobs, because if Redfall doesn’t enter the conversation they’re having with Microsoft, then those regulators are merely mechanisms by which rubber stamps are wielded.

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Companies: activision blizzard, microsoft, sony

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That One Guy (profile) says:

What they say Vs What they do

Microsoft to the public and politicians: Our acquisition of other studios will in no-way restrict which consoles the games they release will be on so there’s no need to worry that such purchases will negatively impact competition and game availability.

Microsoft to recently purchased studio: That PS5 version you’re already working on? Kill it, the only platform that game will be on is going to be ours.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

I think it’s a terrible business decision if Microsoft goes that route. I also anticipate that Microsoft will present the same signed and proposed 10-year deals to keep CoD multi-platform as it has presented to regulators should this case be brought once more.


That could happen, I suppose. But it would immediately land Microsoft into boiling antitrust waters if there was even a hint that the company sabotaged competitors versions of the game intentionally.


But I’ll reiterate again: exclusives are almost always dumb and serve mostly to reduce the total income these publishers could generate. If Microsoft thinks it can bully the public into buying Xbox consoles in enough numbers to justify it, then I think it’s making a mistake.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Pretending not to understand why Sony would object to Microsoft buying CoD, on the grounds that “it would just be foolish and self-defeating for Microsoft to take CoD exclusive” is a dumb argument when Microsoft a) has already done that with other games (see: headline of this article), and b) repeatedly does things which are anti-competitive but don’t fit in with what Tim thinks would benefit them.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:6

Gamers Celebrate Their ‘Loss’ In Court Over Blocking Microsoft’s Activision/Blizzard Acquisition

before quickly moving into the topic of how Microsoft was going to get past the narrow glares of several regulatory bodies that all made noises about antitrust concerns and hand-wringing over competition within the video game market itself.

“narrow glares”, “made noises”, “hand-wringing” are not phrases you use to describe what you consider to be well-founded concerns.

The Microsoft, Sony Fight Over The Activision Purchase Is Getting Ugly

Over at the CMA side of things, Sony has been worrying aloud about all kinds of things that Microsoft could do, inadvertently or not, that sound more like conspiracy-mongering rather than having anything concrete to be upset about.

I don’t typically describe things I consider well founded as “conspiracy-mongering”, but maybe I’ve been operating under a misconception of what a conspiracy is.

But it would immediately land Microsoft into boiling antitrust waters if there was even a hint that the company sabotaged competitors versions of the game intentionally.

Sure, if a company has just managed to gobble up a massive chunk of their industry over the objections of the rest of the industry, they tend to be terrified of the big bad antitrust enforcers they’ve just strolled past.

Now unless you’d actually like to address any of this instead of sitting there honking like a fucking sealion, I’m going to go do something else for a while.

Strawb (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:7

before quickly moving into the topic of how Microsoft was going to get past the narrow glares of several regulatory bodies that all made noises about antitrust concerns and hand-wringing over competition within the video game market itself.

“narrow glares”, “made noises”, “hand-wringing” are not phrases you use to describe what you consider to be well-founded concerns.

Just because you read it a certain way doesn’t mean it’s meant that way. “Narrow glares” means suspicion or skepticism and “hand-wringing” means concern. In other words, the regulatory bodies are suspicious of MS’ intentions and concerned about what it could do to video game market competition. Sounds fair enough.

More to the point, none of that has anything to do with Sony and doesn’t indicate any lack of understanding from Geigner.

Over at the CMA side of things, Sony has been worrying aloud about all kinds of things that Microsoft could do, inadvertently or not, that sound more like conspiracy-mongering rather than having anything concrete to be upset about.

I don’t typically describe things I consider well founded as “conspiracy-mongering”, but maybe I’ve been operating under a misconception of what a conspiracy is.

You left out the very relevant Sony-quote where they postulate that MS might release buggy versions of CoD for the Playstation to sabotage the games’ success on that platform.

I don’t know what you think a conspiracy is, but the idea of Microsoft having a secret plan to sabotage a game’s success on a specific platform is right on the money.

I’ll give you that this is the first bit where Geigner does sound surprised about Sony’s objections, but that seems to have more to do with the kind of objection they came up with.

But it would immediately land Microsoft into boiling antitrust waters if there was even a hint that the company sabotaged competitors versions of the game intentionally.

Sure, if a company has just managed to gobble up a massive chunk of their industry over the objections of the rest of the industry, they tend to be terrified of the big bad antitrust enforcers they’ve just strolled past.

Again, any perceived lack of understanding on Geigner’s part has more to do with the situation that Sony invented to object to, rather than their objection itself.

Phoenix84 (profile) says:

I’m just answering directly the question that you had—when I think about where people are going to be playing and the number of devices that we had, and we have xCloud and PC and Game Pass and our console base, I don’t have to go ship those games on any other platform other than the platforms that we support in order to kind of make the deal work for us. Whatever that means.

That means that platforms Microsoft “supports”, which typically are Windows and XBox, are the only ones they need to care about. If you want to play on a Playstation, use the Game Pass or other cloud platform.

Samuel Abram (profile) says:


There are Sony Playstation games on Windows, such as Spiderman, God of War, and the Last Of Us, and Microsoft can’t really keep out Windows programs without pissing off its userbase (hell, I can still even install third-party apps on my Mac!), so if Microsoft were to shut out competitors on Windows, there’d be even more FTC and especially EU clampdown.

Anonymous Coward says:

I’d also like to add this bit from the article.

“Support from Game Pass and have to worry about one less platform, one less complexity. And Game Pass has a ton of people that can play. It could be our biggest game ever because of the 30 million Game Pass [members] or whatever that number is.

It is entirely possible that the PS5 port was cut for development reasons. Even if Arkane had enough manpower to handle the technical process, there’s still clearing the QC from Sony Interactive’s side, and then dealing with Sony Interactive’s bureaucracy.

Fuuuuuck dealing with a bureaucracy that’s incompetently run.

But I will agree with both articles, in that this does throw a bit of a spanner in the works. It does paint MS as “going back to its monopolist days”.

And I’ll be the among the people to say that MS can and will pull monopolist/anticompetitive behavior. Microsoft does have a history of that.

Anonymous Coward says:


It is entirely possible that the PS5 port was cut for development reasons.

It’s also entirely possible that it was not.

Even if Arkane had enough manpower to handle the technical process,

You’d think being bought by one of the largest companies in the world would enable a studio to access increased resources… Unless the only upside of such a purchase was for the execs of the companies involved and there was no actual reason for it.

there’s still clearing the QC from Sony Interactive’s side and then dealing with Sony Interactive’s bureaucracy.

Weird how they’ve managed to navigate that treacherous labyrinth for the other 7 games they’ve made since 2012.

James Burkhardt (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:

And if that was a concern, I would expect microsoft to have been pointing it out. That Microsoft had a commitment to multi-platform releases, but sony was putting too many barriers in the way and that made it cost too much.

I imagine they haven’t because the math would never work out to support that claim.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

I’ll concede the point.

But I was mostly trying to say that it was not the cost, but the sheer lunacy of getting the Sony paperwork to make sense, assuming MS wanted to release in multiple countries.

I mean, Sony did manage to make at least one Japanese dev trying to release their game in Japan fill in forms in English, for one.

Anonymous Coward says:

Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games

How in the hell can you say that and immediately go in to

I don’t have to go ship those games on any other platform other than the platforms that we support

Ughh, if you want more people to play your games, the answer is not by exclusion… if you only support your own platform then you’re only engaging those who use your platform…
This is like saying, everyone can have a slice of whatever kind of pineapple upside down cake you like, here’s your one choice to pick from.

PaulT (profile) says:

“Go ahead and sit down with a pen and paper and try to map out what in the actual hell Spencer is even saying there.”

I think it makes sense when you consider the “xCloud” part. Whereas Nintendo’s and Sony’s strategy with “exclusives” is to sell more of their hardware, MS have been forced to take a different strategy after their disastrous XBox One launch. Starting with a focus on backward compatibility then following through to Game Pass and xCloud, their strategy is to be more open. So, while they naturally have a focus on native XBox and PC titles, they also allow people to play through the cloud on other devices, phone, non-Windows computers, even allowing XBox One owners to play next gen titles.

I think once you think about it with that mindset, his words make more sense, they’re not going to refuse you access to games just because you don’t own a current gen XBox or gaming PC, even if the game is “exclusive” to those platforms.

But, when they’re branching out it’s down to the owners of those platforms to play ball. There’s been notable issues on iOS compared to Android, and Sony won’t be allowing the app on their consoles while they’re still trying to compete by forcing people to buy a PS5 if they want to play certain titles.

It’s unfortunate that this particular piece of apparent hypocrisy is coming to light now, but what can say is that I know I’ll be able to play Redfall on my MacBook with no additional hardware or software if I wish. Can I say that about Sony’s next eclusive?

LostInLoDOS (profile) says:

How about

Anyone question how much Sony would require of editing to the game?
PC is the largest gaming market there is. Hardly exclusive.
With a little bit of effort, 90+ percent of pc games run on Mac and Linux and Unix too.

The censorstation fanboys, all 100 or them, continue to cry that nobody wants to deal with them.

Oh, and my money is on a switch release within a year. As Microsoft has already started moving other PS titles to the competitive platform.

noor (user link) says:

مراكز صيانة اجهزة منزلية فى مصر

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