In His Final Days, Obama Quietly Expands War Powers Before Handing Them Off To Trump

from the hey-that's-a-big-deal dept

While we knew it was impossible for President Obama to truly rein in the massive executive powers that he helped expand (following on the massive expansions from previous administrations) concerning national surveillance and war — we had still hoped that maybe his concern about a President Trump would let him do a few small things to limit some of the most egregious powers. Instead, it appears that President Obama is doing the opposite, and expanding his war powers, just as he’s about to hand them to someone that he, himself, has loudly criticized as being unfit for the Presidency.

For years now, we’ve written about how the Obama administration has regularly rewritten the dictionary in order to pretend that the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) hastily granted by Congress in the wake of 9/11 enabled him to go to war with basically anyone. If you don’t recall, the AUMF granted the President the power to use “all necessary and appropriate force” to go after those who “planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.” That’s already fairly broad, but over the years basically our entire government has pretended that (1) the AUMF included the ability to also target “associated forces” (even though it does not) and (2) it allowed the President to simply lump in anyone he wanted as an “associated force” allowing him to bomb them without any Congressional authorization. This is how you get a war without end, in which the explicit authorization to go after Al Qaeda is now being used on a surprisingly long list of groups that didn’t even exist in 2001.

And, just a few days ago, President Obama expanded the list yet again, allowing himself to go after yet another group: Shabab. Now, no one is trying to claim that Shabab, or ISIS or any other group that has been added to the list aren’t out to do serious harm to the US. But, this seems to go way beyond the basic functions of the office of the President and the simple Constitutional requirement for Congress to declare war. As Trevor Timm notes at the Guardian, this is a big deal:

Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Micah Zenko didn?t mince words in the Times when describing what the Obama administration is doing: ?It?s crazy,? he said of the administration?s redefining the law out of existence. ?This administration leaves the Trump administration with tremendously expanded capabilities and authorities.?

Make no mistake: Trump will have a free hand to use the law meant for the perpetrators of 9/11 to wage war around the world, fashioning it to different enemies at his command, and he will be able to point to precedent set by the Obama administration as he does it.

Per usual, all the White House?s decisions are being made under the veil of official secrecy. The only reason we know about it is not because the administration announced it, but because the New York Times reported it after unnamed officials leaked it to them.

And that’s not all. The Obama administration has also given more powers to the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) — the organization that helped find and kill Osama bin Laden. And, again, people are raising concerns about how this power will be used by the next President. As Timm notes:

Trump is now coming into office with ever expanding war powers, and they?re being served to him on a silver platter by the same people who told the American public two months ago that Trump was so unstable and thin-skinned that he couldn?t be trusted with the nuclear codes.

This isn’t about which President or which party you support. It seems like we should all be concerned with the ever growing power of the executive branch in general, and especially its willingness to grant itself more powers to go around and kill people.

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I.T. Guy says:

And WTF… AlCIAduh… ISIS… Shishkabob… anyone notice the game of whack-a-terrorist here?

As the 911 report stated, it was not our “freedumbs” that made them hate us it was our intervention in the affairs of the middle east that caused it. So WTF do we do… interfere more.

And WTF did we think would happen there? Did we think that being occupied by US forces for a lifetime would make them love us? (And to some Iraqis it has been a lifetime.)

Cheney warned in 1994 that going in alone would end up like this, and when in power did exactly that. They knew damn well going in it would be endless.

Wendy Cockcroft (user link) says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Re:

Where “leftist” = not champing at the bit to shut down those tax-funded programs the elderly rely on.

It’s funny how the pro-lifers lose interest in the kid after it is born. It’s as if the act of being born contaminates it and strips it of its innate value. I mean, the government is all over it while it’s in the womb but afterwards? Meh!

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:


I’d love to hear the list of countries we’re at war with. By my recollection, Congress declares war. Are you telling me that Congress actually did something over the last 8 years?

And bombing countries that can’t fight back?

Irony certainly isn’t lost with you guys. But then again, you’re probably lumping Afghanistan and Iraq into that 7-8 number.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

He campaigned on stopping the abuses of the previous administration and instead turned around and expanded them as if the administration was no longer the one calling the shots…. Almost as if he were being blackmailed into his entire position based on information gathered under the previous administration……

Anonymous Coward says:

So how long into his new presidency will Trump make all of his properties consulates (and charge the US rent of course) so they can then get free security and military protection around the world?

Then his kids get to tout the Trump name not only as the safest buildings in the world, but also as official govt. offices should the person there want to do “business” while they are staying.

Gotta love legal corruption.

nasch (profile) says:


For all their talk of how much they hate Obama and won’t go along with anything he does, this kind of thing would seem like a prime candidate for somewhere to take a stand. No Mr. President, you cannot decide for us what our use of force authorization means and if you keep doing it we will hold impeachment hearings.

I guess they’re afraid of being painted as “soft on terrorism”?

Anonymous Coward says:

Before President Obama was elected into the presidency of our country, I had always voted for Democrats, never supported any Republican politician. Because of this, there is no way in HELL I will EVER, EVER vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

Barrack Obama never once fought for the American people. This is a president who cared more about sending money to Haiti then worrying about the very Americans he’s supposed to fight for and protect, of which there are still as many Americans out of work (more than 20 million) right now as there were when he came into office.

I’m glad that Obamacare is being repealed, I’m glad that there will be no more health care mandates and I’m glad we don’t have another Democrat as president. I said it before and I’ll say it again, black people do not know how to live on a budget. Obama, as President, made Kwame Kilpatrick (former mayor of Detroit and corrupt politician, forcing Detroit into a financial disaster) look like a girl scout. This was a man who added over 10 trillion dollars to our national debt, a feat that no Republican has ever done.

Now, with increased deportations of illegal immigrants and bringing America back to the greatness it once was, we’ll finally have a president who isn’t afraid to put boot to ass and kick everyone’s ass when they act against our own interests.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2 Re:

Name calling and labeling is causing the Dems to lose elections. Keep it up and keep losing. Or come to the table ready to talk policy.

Name calling is the tactic used by someone on the losing end of an argument. It is no wonder the Dems use it so incessantly. Their policies are indefensible.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

A seemingly exasperated Donald Trump announced on Wednesday, “I’m so tired of this politically correct crap,” telling a crowd of South Carolina business leaders that he’s still the straight-talking, shoot-from-the-hip kind of guy that surged to the top of the polls this summer.

Now you’re concerned about name calling?

A little nugget for you to chew on – it’s not name calling if it’s accurate. Dumbass.

nasch (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

Name calling and labeling is causing the Dems to lose elections. Keep it up and keep losing. Or come to the table ready to talk policy.

So it was Clinton that was doing the name calling, and Trump talking policy? Which universe are you from?

It seems to me name calling worked a lot better this time around.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4 Re:

I don’t think he was talking about political opponents calling each other names, as regrettable as that is, it’s somewhat standard practice. Perhaps he means calling half of Americans “Basket of Deplorables?–bigoted-deplorables

Uriel-238 (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:6 Basket of deplorables

So Clinton’s basket of deplorables commentwas referring to 32 million voters, now that we have the results. That compares to the:

42 million black Americans that Trump generalized as all being in ghettos on welfare and have nothing to lose. He calls them the blacks and seeks to facilitate the system that channels them into prisons and graves. I believe he imagines the blacks will be Miss Housekeeping once we expatriate all the Latins.

55 million Latin Americans that Trump regards as criminal and illegal Americans, even saying they’re rapists. Considering that there’s no required documentation to be an American (yet) it’ll be interesting to see if he errs on evicting two many illegals or too few.

3 million Muslim Americans that Trump is considering registering or even interning. I wonder how long it’s going to be before we decide it’s too expensive sustaining all these Muslims, and we have a Muslim Problem

125 women in the United states (which shares cross section with the groups above) that Trump feels it is acceptable to sexually assault and harass, even when they are underage.

Considering the policies and staff selections by Trump, these attitudes do not appear to have changed since after the election.

Anonymous Coward if, in order for a party to win an election in the United States, they need to offer demagogues and monsters as candidates who imply permission to the rest of us to forgo civilization for our baser (more tribal) natures, I’d regard the United States as a failure, and would rather keep losing and instead retain my personal integrity.

But that’s just me. I understand that for Trump losing is so terrible a prospect that he will lie, cheat and even murder in order to say he’s won.

PS: I, too, cringed at Clinton’s basket of deplorables line too, but as with many matters, there seems to be an abundance of eagerness to look at Clinton’s scandals and not compare them or contrast them to the cornucopia of scandals and problems that surround Trump.

It’s like Trump gets special exceptions in the minds of those who’ve decided he’s the new hero of the United States.

And that, to me is more troubling than Trump himself. Are we really that gullible? That manipulable? Is it really that hard to see his authoratariansim? His complete lack of morality? His psychopathia?

Uriel-238 (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re:8 The amazing disappearing Americans.

There isn’t supposed to be any requirement for US citizens to carry ID while in the United States. I suspect this doesn’t stop overenthusiastic law enforcement officers from deporting people who look too Latin. I also bet it’s difficult to track how many Americans get deported.

But considering that American citizens got Gitmo’d (or Extraordinarily Rendered) to get tortured and detained indefinitely without due process, I suspect that, yes, a proportionate number of Americans are regularly deported to nations where they are not citizens. And few people bother to try to track them down.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:3 Re:

“Name calling and labeling is causing the Dems to lose elections. Keep it up and keep losing. Or come to the table ready to talk policy.”

Give it up. If over 900 state seats lost, both houses of congress, the presidency, 1 for sure but possibly up too 3 SCOTUS appointments, and countless governorship’s haven’t opened their eyes, nothing will.

nasch (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Hell, I’ve wondered if the Republicans would have been semi-ok with ACA if the damn thing was designed to actually work.

The main idea of the ACA originated from conservatives (specifically the Heritage Foundation). If it had been proposed under a Republican president presumably the Republicans would have been all over it. Literally the reason the Republicans hate it so much is because it was put forward by Democrats.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Love this article

The only reason we know about it is not because the administration announced it, but because the New York Times reported it after unnamed officials leaked it to them.

MSM is a bunch of liars – that’s what we’ve been hearing from the right for months now.

So as far as I’m concerned, Obama didn’t do anything of the sort.

See how this works?

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Love this article

No I don’t. Don’t even see the point you think you are making. Obama does something bad in the 11th hour, yet people are pointing to Trump because of it. Your hatred of the right blinds you to what the left is doing. If Obama is doing something wrong, call him on it. To pivot it to bash Trump is absolutely crazy.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Love this article

What I’m saying is that what’s in the article is bullshit.

I didn’t see an announcement from Obama.

The mainstream media are liars, especially the NY Times – all this is well-known, and well documented on Trump’s Twitter feed.

If they’re such liars, why should anyone believe this?

How about now? See where I’m going now?

Wendy Cockcroft (user link) says:

Re: Re:

He’s got court cases pending so might not even take office. If he does, you’ve got two years till the mid-terms when you can vote half of the current crop of representatives out. After that, two more years of lame-ducking his way through the presidency till he limps out of office.

All he has to do to avoid this is either keep his promises… or break every last one of them and do business as usual. If people think he’s doing a good job they’ll keep his people in office.

Anonymous Coward says:

One needs to look behind any such expansion

and see if there is other factors at work. If BO has expanded the range of his current rule in ways that are not appropriate, one needs to look at what the flow on effects are for him personally.

There is still time for him to have a very profound influence on the future of the USA and one must wonder what he is actually trying to achieve.

Don’t forget that DT is only the President Elect, not yet the President and as such there is no guarantee that he will in fact take office. Tin foil hat comment though that may be, until he does take office, he has no power.

A lot can happen in six weeks, a lot can happen in six days. We just have to wait to see what the future of these two men are.

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