Drunk Off Patent Success Against Vonage, Verizon Moves On To Cox

from the who's-next dept

Having successfully sued Vonage over VoIP patents, despite an inferior product and plenty of prior art, it appears that Verizon is seeing who else it can sue for VoIP patent infringement. First on the list is cable provider Cox, who offers VoIP to its customers, just like most cable providers these days. A successful lawsuit against Cox would almost definitely mean additional lawsuits against all the other cable providers, who have also been much more successful than Verizon in actually offering a VoIP service that customers find useful. Of course, in this day and age, it seems that rather than improve the product, the answer is to sue everyone else for patent infringement. Just like the Founding Fathers intended.

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Companies: cox, verizon

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Comments on “Drunk Off Patent Success Against Vonage, Verizon Moves On To Cox”

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Tony says:

I’ve read a ton of these articles at Techdirt over the past year, about bogus lawsuits and blind justice. What I’d really like to know is if any of these articles ever make it to those those people that can actually make a difference. Or is this all part of a bigger scheme to keep TechDirt in business by providing a continuous stream of articles on this subject? 😛

Tony says:

Re: technonsense

“most of the readers of this shitty blog are already imbeciles” You’re the only imbecile reading this “shitty blog”. If you had any brains you would have realized that my last comment was a joke. Instead, you sound like a depressed lowlife who just needs to go outside for once and get laid. Do us all a favor and shoot yourself before posting another comment.

Frenchi says:

Re: Re: technonsense

And there are so many more flameworthy topics than a Verizon patent lawsuit, too. This is exactly why nobody takes Techdirt et al seriously enough to get things changed: making personal attacks on the questionable sexual prowess of anonymous internet users is both frowned upon in the judicial innerworkings of the patent system and a waste of time.

And, since Im not one to sit idly on the side of a good flamewar, lol @ internet tough-guy getting butt-hurt over childish name calling.

derek (profile) says:

Re: Re: technonsense

actually, not to pry, but studies have shown that the context of emails is only correctly understood about 50% of the time. which means that its a crap shoot on whether or not a person will understand your “jokes”

i don’t have the link to the study anymore, but it was a pretty interesting read, might try google-ing it.

rstr5105 says:

what I don't understand

What I don’t understand is why the voip providers didn’t all work together in counter-suing Verizon, IANAL but even if they can’t “legally” form a class, (I don’t know, again IANAL) Couldn’t the BoD/CEO/(Some other member of the Alphabet soup) of one call another and say, “Hey, look at this, Verizon is suing Voip providers over obviously invalid patents. Let’s take the fight to them.”

I mean, it makes good solid sense. Except that you’d be aiding the competition, but on the same note, they’d be aiding you so, do you really lose?

Just my two cents.
And again, IANAL.

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