Cell Phones In Prison Cells… Legally

from the chat-away dept

For the past few years, we’ve been reading plenty of stories about how prisoners have been smuggling mobile phones into prisons in order to keep in touch with the outside world, often continuing to run criminal efforts from the inside. However, at least one prison feels that smuggling in the devices is too much of an effort, so they’ll now start giving all prisoners their own mobile phones, (found via the Inquirer) though the prisoners will need to pay for the calls themselves. This doesn’t appear to be a minimum security type of prison either, housing mainly drug dealers and robbers. Some are complaining that mobile phones are a luxury prisoners don’t deserve, and this isn’t the first time this same prison has come under fire. Already, prisoners can get access to satellite TV, DVDs and even personal showers within their cells. Many believe that this kind of luxury goes against the entire point of putting people in prison: punishing them and trying to convince them they don’t want to come back. Others (such as those at the prison, for example) seem to believe that these types of features do a much better job of rehabilitating the prisoners by making it that much more evident the connections and people they’re now cut off from by being in prison. They note that being able to talk to family members regularly can help decrease the likelihood of someone becoming a repeat offender. While it would obviously help if there were actually more data to back this up, it’s certainly an interesting argument — and raises questions about whether prisons are designed more as punishment or for rehabilitation. Update: As is noted in the comments, these are land line phones in jail cells, not (as I wrote) mobile phones.

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Comments on “Cell Phones In Prison Cells… Legally”

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v'lu says:

prison phones

“the entire point of putting people in prison: punishing them and trying to convince them they don’t want to come back.”

yeah, cause with the prison population hitting just over 2.2 million recently, the highest of any western country, we all know that’s working like a charm.

all other “luxuries” aside, scientific studies have produced statistics that suggest that keeping in contact with loved ones on the outside reduces recidivism, which translates into fewer people becoming victim’s of crime when these prisoners are released. i think anything that reduces the instances that law-abiding citizens become victims of crime is a worthwhile thing.

Phlatus the Elder says:

Re: Ill bet money...

Liberal? More like some corrections worker with a functioning brain. It’s a privilege that can be granted or withdrawn. In other words, a control tool. Don’t know what their set up is, but I can see how it could be less of a security problem than common phones that can be used for drop points for exchanging contraband. Safer for the staff, too. They don’t have to let the really dangerous ones out to use the phone. If the penal system supplies the phones, the penal system can get a listing of numbers called. All kinds of good info to be gleaned from that, especially with the drug dealers. Starts to sound like a pretty good idea when you think about it.

Pseudonym says:

Re: Ill bet money...

What you meant to say, Rico, is that some people “care more about the criminals than I do”.

Incidentally, this issue does not fall neatly along “conservative”/”liberal” lines, just like most people don’t fall into one of those two cliched pigeonholes.

“Weak on X” is also a weasel term. Punishment and rehabilitation are two sides of the same coin. In general, you want to prevent crimes happening in the first place as well as punishing when they do happen. But if you’re given a binary choice between them (which, of course, never happens in the real world), most people would prefer prevention to cure.

chris (profile) says:

Re: Re: Ill bet money...

But if you’re given a binary choice between them (which, of course, never happens in the real world)

wait, so you are saying that there is more to life than us vs. them? there is more than good (conservative) and evil (liberal) in the world? that’s a remarkable idea that provokes a lot of thought. please share with us more of your tree hugging hippy crap.

Jason says:

Re: Ill bet money...

It’s people like you who distort reality. From what I understand of your perspective you are advocating making a victim out of the criminal. It’s a vicious cycle which cannot be overcome by force.

Just as in Iraq the more energy that is put into punishment, the more powerful the resentment will be. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that prison should be a cakewalk, rather that it should be more focused on the facilitation of the incarcerated individual to make their lives better.

Isolation has been shown to hamper the prisoners re-integration with society. People are not that complicated and I believe that all to often they are willing to “fight fire with fire”. While this may be gratifying in the short term, it is more important to think of the long term ramifications of those actions.

Cell phones in prison while seeming to impart luxury might allow the prisoner to stay more connected with the outside, family, etc. which could lead to lower recidivism and assuming that the conversations are monitored, any illicit conversations could lead to a reduction in crime as law enforcement could arrest those involved on the outside.

Regardless of your views a consideration of the facts, in a real way, where your mind is not made up before you hear something, is very important. Your partisan comments also show your lack of depth which is all to common. But you can change, and so I write this to you and others who might be able to see that fighting gets us nowhere. Good luck.

Lock em up says:

Maybe the point is that once someone comes out of prison, you don’t want them going back to crime and violence?

If you want to punish, fine. Keep them in prison for life, but if you don’t think about what happens when they get out of prison, then you will be in trouble.

Fact is, some people should never be let out and free to harm others. Others need a helping hand to get their lives straight. Determining the difference between the two is hard.

PhoneBills says:

The payphones in most prisons that require phone calls are so incredibly over priced that the often poor families of prisoners go broke trying or can’t keep in touch with prisoners. That’s one thing to take into consideration. Another is that prisons are completely insane and any connection to the outside world is an act of humanity directed towards human beings that will in time be released or otherwise deserve human treatment. But criminal activities etc. does seem to be a problem.

Vinny S says:

Hey if they want cell phones that bad, don’t charge money, charge TIME. 1 year per call and 2 years per minute. No rebates, no 1/2 price sale, nothing. Up to 100 years, then shut phone down when time reached Their in there for a reason not a vacation, enough is enough. If I sound bitter I not, just sick of paying for them and their treats with tax dollars and then let them out early. Also as a deposit have their wife,brother ,father,son, someone do the 2 year contract “deposit time”, Maybe that will slow things down somewhat.

Jay says:

The comments are not a surprise

I’m going to refrain from name calling unlike the faux tough guy in the first post.

So instead of name calling why don’t people just look at the situation in an unbiased manner and realize that unless the prisoners are lifers eventually they will be returning to society. The tough of crime people want to throw people in jail and make it the wost experience possible and close thier eyes to what occurs after they get out. So instead of dealing with the prisoners once you now might have a revolving door because the inmates are not conditioned to return and live a productive life. Obviously there are those individuals who are beyond help and will never be a civilized participant in society but that shouldn’t lead to turning a blind eye the rest of the prison population.

In any case I’m not sure about the cell phone plan but I can understand the rationale. I’ve never been in prison but I can imagine keeping in contact with your family might serve as a motivation and goal during the prison sentence.

My last point regarding the cliche line of we have to pay for them to live in “comfort” so screw them is a tired line that serves as a knee jerk comment that doesnt address the problem or offer solutions. If you are tired of paying for prisoners then maybe you should rethink how much money is wasted prosecuting and incarcerating people for victimless “crimes”. I think I read the stat that half the prison population are in there because of drug possession.
The goverment wastes your money in so many different ways and the prison system is an industry of its own that wont go away as long as individual have a blood thirsty revenge mentality.

me says:

For years now they have said we want to punish, but at the same time rehabilitate the offenders. Our prisons never have rehabilitated. They taught the offender they were dogs, and didn’t deserve anything. What little bit of help they have received has been deplorable. Most of the offenders come from abused homes, or lack of parenting in their home when young. It would be nice to call home, but i can see this being abused by some. I would lots rather see the inmates get more than just a cell phone. I am curious to know also if they plan to give a cell phone to the ones that stalked their victims, or abused them? I believe they tread on ice at that prison, and the ice is very thin. It will backfire.

Xiera says:

I'm surprised

No one mentioned the possibility that authorities can trace cell phone calls. This surprises me.

Sure, let the prisoners have cell phones. Let them continue their business from behind bars. And meanwhile, the police will spy on their calls, get information they need to make a bust, and help take down organised crime before it has the chance to manifest itself. Brilliant, in my opinion.

And make the prisoners may for them? Even better, they’re paying for their own calls — they’re paying for the police to bring down their business. Amazing.

Although this could just be wishful thinking that the authorities are smart enough to do something like this.

Oh, and invasion of privacy? You’re in jail, you don’t deserve privacy (unless you were wrongfully accused, then it just sucks to be you).

brendon says:


everyone here who thinks prison is just for punishment needs to jump of a cliff; you are the kind of people responsible for the repetition of crimes from released convicts.

most criminals in prison will be released and it is important that when their sentence is up that they be ready to enter society as a productive citizen. some prisons are recognizing this and supporting education programs in their facilities but most of them aren’t. the cell phone is nothing more than a tool to help them rehabilitate.

so long as the phone calls are monitored and they are paid for by the prisoners, I don’t see a problem with this.

Nobody Special says:

read the article

The “cell phones” are phones in cells. They are not mobile phones. And the prisoners don’t get any more time on the phones then they theoretically received before. They simply find it easier to use the time allowed on the phone.

Frankly, this was a crap article from the start. And it is indicative of decline in Techdirt. I really hope they stop the decline.

DoxAvg says:

NobodySpecial is correct; they are not mobile phones, as the TechDirt article suggests, but in-cell phones provided so the prisoners can stay connected with society and to prevent risky congregation of prisoners while waiting for pay phones.

Of course, providing them with “duvets, posters, rugs and a DVD player” seems waaaaay beyond the pale to me. OTOH, I don’t care whether they take an approach of barely humane punishment or touchy-feely rehabilitation; this is being done as an experiment at a privately-managed prison (frightening shades of cyberpunk from that one…) and their goal should be reducing the rates of recitivism however that is most effective. I’m not off the cuff conversant enough with the actual facts to know which approaches are best, but I applaud these folks for stepping up and trying something new.

If these added connections to the outside world helps parolees stay clean and not robbing me, then I think it’s money well spent. If it turns out that it makes prison more comfy that the outside world, then shut it down. But nobody (posters here included) knows for sure how it’ll turn out until they get metrics back. Hansen’s Axiom: “You don’t know jack until you benchmark it.”

Sanguine Dream says:

I got nothing against...

a little trial and error. This may work out and cause fewer confrontations over limited pay phones and help prisoners keep a strong connection to the outside. I think there’s a lot of people that would not turn into repeat offenders if they had frequent contact with a loved on the outside to motivate them to shape up.

But it may fail too…

Anonymous Dude says:

Who was that warden in Texas...

…who, when he needed extra room, put up barbed wire, and got army surplus tents? Then got rid of coffee, tv, etc?

Then when the prisoners complained, he said ‘It’s good enough for our troops, it’s good enough for you’.

Coffe, TV, cell phones, they are luxury items. You are born with freedom. If you decide to go against the law, and you get caught, you have proven that you don’t care about the law, and should be put into prison, and punished, not coddled!

Anonymous Coward says:

Amazing how people can lose all common sense.
It will eventually stop when it is proven than someone in law enforcement or some innocent person is attacked, kidnapped or killed due to a retaliation for something that happened in prison.
An innocent person could be a rival inmates family member that was identified on a visit with a picture download, a correctional officer or family member, judges, counselors and many other possible targets.
It is sad that people perform dangerous experiments with dangerous criminals and risk the safety of innocent people in the name of rehabilitation

Anonymous Coward says:

Prison is just a luxury vaction in the west

Prison is just a luxury vacation. It has pretty much become a joke to the serious criminal.

They should be placed in the 8X8 cell with a bed, sink and crapper. Only allow out of the cell to eat (really poor quality food), exercise in the fresh air and possible rehabilitation therapy. Time outside the cell should not be more than 2 hours a day.

They are there to do time and think about the crime they did. There should be real consequence for their actions or they will just recommit the crime.

I saw to hell with fair and just treatment – their victims where never treated fair and just by them!

Donald Duck (user link) says:


Screw those little tracfones give me a muthafukon Blackberry and I would want T-Mobile service it’s a civil right!

How can 50 cent be the man with a tracphone and no signal in the hole? I also would want some pic’s of the bewitches while sitting in the hole.

Cell phones these day’s you can do so much more, you could start a blog about the hole and link it to techdirt.

I Got a little idea how about a cell phone jammer? Shockingly easy wasn’t it. They probably have illegal broadband internet service like the dudes in Lebanon?

They could start a riot and have way’s to talk to each other. Maybe even an IED could be made in the joint with a cell phone and you can make an escape.

From what that article said (mouse over Donald duck)

So I would say giving them phones it’s an attempt to block guards from selling cell phones and chargers to prisoners that’s it.

no need to know says:

what i think

why should we have to let them care they made the choice of doing something against the law so they should pay the price. They knew this was gonna happen so now its their turn to pay the price. Not the tax payers, and second of all why the hell should they get cell phones again like i said they knew this was coming to them.

beckie says:


my boyfriend is in prison and if he had a phone in his cell it would make life alot easyier they can contack as they please it would giv the inmates the resect they need even tho they are in there for braking the law they are still humen and if it was us or you in there you would want the freedom its part of respect you give them a little and they give u a little respect back it will make prion more of a homely inviroment and then the inmates would not get in to trouble in the prison i beleave that they need the freedom and they will treat people so much better and they wont re-offend when they get out due to the family surport by phone calls, letters dont alwayz express there feeings as well as seeing or voice calls thank you

beckie says:


my boyfriend is in prison and if he had a phone in his cell it would make life alot easyier they can contack as they please it would giv the inmates the resect they need even tho they are in there for braking the law they are still humen and if it was us or you in there you would want the freedom its part of respect you give them a little and they give u a little respect back it will make prion more of a homely inviroment and then the inmates would not get in to trouble in the prison i beleave that they need the freedom and they will treat people so much better and they wont re-offend when they get out due to the family surport by phone calls, letters dont alwayz express there feeings as well as seeing or voice calls thank you

Officer (user link) says:


I am a Officer I work in a super Hi-Max prison. The public is pritty blind when it comes down to it. Inmates these days have more rights than ever. Were I work inmates are locked down 24 hours a day. Monday threw Friday they get three meals a day, 3 hours of yard time, they have there own personal tv with cable they can watch from 5:00 pm until 11:00 Pm, and they just started construction on putting showers in there cells. They also can make unlimited calls for 7.00 dollars a week. They even started giveing them store call were the inmates now can buy anything from pens to smokes. I am all for rehab but to rehab someone is to Discipline them. Discipline is something most prison systems have forgot about were Peace officers are now going to take a beating before they dare lay there hands on an inmate do to the fact that states are to scared of being sued. All in all inmates live for free. States pay millions on top of millons to support criminals. Convicts have it made no work no taxes to pay. I have even had inmates call me room service. Well all I have to say is I am a law enforcement Officer and if someone complains about the way a criminal is treated they shouldnt because criminals have it made…….

Sandi says:

Re: Prison

I agree with you. Calipatra was notified that there was an inmate making smuggled cell phone calls to the outside. When the guard tossed the cell he told the prisoner who complained…how do we know this?? Because the celly called the outside contact and told her that the inmate was pissed at being ‘snitched’ on. BTW…the inmate said a guard gave (sold?) him the phone. Isn’t there an assumption of confidentiality when reporting??

Sandi says:

prison cell phones

Don’t kid yourelf, there are plenty of cell phones there already. Giving the inmates cell phones would make it more difficult to regulate not easier. Now they are not to have them so the guards know immediately when they see one that there is an infracion. I am dealing with a situation right now. My sons wife is receiving calls (and making calls) to an inmate on a smuggled cell phone (he thinks) Would love to be able to know for sure. The cost of those reverse look ups look shady. Anybody use the service with sucess? Anybody want to help that already has the service?? Sandi

americanprisoner.info says:


Our phone numbers are exactly the same as the phone numbers issued by the big telecom’s. Our service is available worldwide and it works.

Pay two months in advance and receive the third month free.
Second payment isn’t due until the fourth month of service.
Select an area code of your choice or we will configure an unlimited Inmate calling number in the Inmates area code location.This will enable the Inmate to call you as a local call.

“The sweetest sound inside a prison is that of a dial tone”

Our phone numbers may be used with anyinmate or non-inmate designated land line, broadband, cell phone or
skype number worldwide. Ask about our Unlimited Inmate/Residential service, using your current number and router. Only $135.00 monthly.
Toll free, unlimited calling, 1-800 number included. Unlimited Inmate Calls basic service, $95.00 monthly.

Includes toll free 1-800 number for additional calling flexibility.
Our Unlimited Calling toll free numbers provide flexibility for the Inmate to call home, whenever he can get to a phone. Activation fee is included in monthly rate. Add a friend or family member to the account for an
additional $65.00 monthly. All calls to account holders and add on’s are unlimited. Add an additional cell phone or land line of the account holder for an additional $25.00 monthly

Tell us what number[s] you want your service linked to and it will ring when your new Area Code number or Unlimited Inmate Calling toll free number is dialed. Phone number designations may be changed without additional charge.

We open an account, provide you a number, that will ring at any phone you designate. Every number is configured with unlimited calls to save the inmate, family and friends money. Great for attorney-client consultations.

We can add additional numbers to our linkage process that will ring simultaniously to any number you designate for an additional $65.00/$25.00 monthly.
Speak to your loved ones, business associates or family members at the same time.
we will configure another phone number in the area code of your choice or location of incarceration.
All numbers are configured with unlimited inmate calling.

americanprisoner.info (user link) says:

Unlimited Inmate Calls. $95.00 monthly

This is not a company.
This is a service innovation provided by a private individual.
Subscriptions to this service is limited. Place your order now.
Our phone numbers are exactly the same as the phone numbers issued by
the big telecom’s. Our service is available worldwide and it works.
We only use DOC approved vendors.

Pay two months in advance and receive the third month free.
Second payment isn’t due until the fourth month of service.
Select an area code of your choice or we will configure an unlimited
Inmate calling number in the Inmates area code location.
This will enable the Inmate to call you as a local call.

“The sweetest sound inside a prison is that of a dial tone”

Our phone numbers may be used with any
inmate or non-inmate designated land line, broadband, cell phone or
skype number worldwide. Ask about our Unlimited Inmate/Residential
service, using your current number and router. Only $135.00 monthly.
Toll free, unlimited calling, 1-800 number included. Unlimited Inmate Calls
basic service, $95.00 monthly.

Includes toll free 1-800 number for additional calling flexibility.
Our Unlimited Calling toll free numbers provide flexibility for
the Inmate to call home, whenever he can get to a phone. Activation fee is
included in monthly rate. Add a friend or family member to the account for an
additional $65.00 monthly. All calls to account holders and add on’s are unlimited.
Add an additional cell phone or land line of the account holder for an additional
$25.00 monthly

Tell us what number[s] you want your service linked to and it will ring when
your new Area Code number or Unlimited Inmate Calling toll free number
is dialed. Phone number designations may be changed without additional

We open an account, provide you a number, that will ring at any phone you
designate. Every number is configured with unlimited calls to save the inmate,
family and friends money. Great for attorney-client consultations.

We can add additional numbers to our linkage process that will ring
simultaniously to any number you designate for an additional
$65.00/$25.00 monthly.
Speak to your loved ones, business associates or family members at the same time.
Use your current DOC approved number, or we will configure another
phone number in the area code of your choice or location of incarceration.
All numbers are configured with unlimited inmate calling.

MS Girl says:

I think if they took away the air conditioners, and put them to work in the towns they live, instead of having government workers. That may help them with rehabilitation, and us so we don’t have to pay for them from our taxes. If they work then they get to eat good meals, and if they don’t work; bread and water is all they get!! And make them grow their own vegetables and if they want meat, they have to feed and shovel cow and chicken shit(don’t want them to slaughter them !)….. I just think it’s a bunch of bull shit that in other countries people live worse than us whom have committed murders, rapes, and theft. There could be a kid who has done nothing wrong and he can’t get food or work for food. And here, in the land of the free, people who murder get to relax in an air conditioned jail and play cards watch television and don’t forget talk on their own personal phones every day… BULL SHIT!!!!!

gordan says:

Prank calls from jails

Imagine you are receiving prank calls and you are frustrated to the highest level.What would you do?? Well the first step is to go online and find the location of cell phone number,then you can find the identity of cell owner .Now if you want to complain about that number ,you can but What if that person is criminal and harassing you by phone sitting in jail…..Not to worry,just write your complain on following site,rest they will handle…..


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