International Telecommunications Union in Thrid World Countries

from the not-a-good-mix dept

gonzo writes “Read this story of how the Internatiuonal Telecommunications Union could be sticking it to third world countries. The guy who wrote this must have a serious axe to grind.”

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Anonymous Coward says:

No one helped me I did my own detective work because my broker stole my pension and all my accounts at Chase bank were compromised.I worked hard as a nurse to raise. My 6 girls and save for retirement and my broker is in an illega property resale business and probably used my money for illegal dealings can’t afford a lawyer so I do everything myself and with God’s help will service but my daughter and two granddaughters live with me she hasn’t been able to find work so for taxes if this is for real we could use a little help thanks pearl

tiffany says:

Look I need help .. I’m 30 .. I have my son .. I been through very hard times over came so much and need help getting back on track and getting my son everything plus more that he deserves . I was abused and my son has seen to much. I am now living with my mother and safe but need that push to start a new beginning please !I’m crying .. Sorry .. Hard to let my PRIDE down but I have come to an end with no where to go no one to talk to and really trust me and my son Gary who is my PRIDE AND JOY … pays so much attention to me I never knew till just recently .. Main bottom line ****I desperately need ur help !!!!**** ….

doris guillaumier, says:

senior in need of help;

im a senior, im from Canada,ont. this is very embarrassed ,to say ,im on pension, I have my own bills, but by the time ,I finish, paying everything ,I don’t have,much money left,so I have quit a bit of health issue,and casnt walk far,cause of the pain I got,all over. I have been trying to get a car, for,1,000 dollars, to pay it in 2 times, I cant even find, anyone to help me with that. since summer, ive been trying, I don’t know,what to do, I really, need help. please , I thank you so mucvh, sincerely, Doris Guillaumier.

martin davidson says:

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