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Jeff Okkonen

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  • Jul 23, 2013 @ 10:34am


    We should also double the sentence on elementary school boys who dare to chew their Pop Tart into the shape of the letter "L".

  • Nov 16, 2012 @ 09:33am

    Silencing General Petraeus

    Here is an interesting interpretation of events by Andrew Napolitano...

  • Feb 08, 2011 @ 11:10am


    I don't quite know where to start...because Maznick neither understands what copyright is, nor does he appreciate the inherent value that it secures for the creator. This problem is further muddied by his muddled writing. So oar the readers of this post I'll be brief.

    There is no connection between the number of copyright registrations at the US Copyright Office and the value that creators place on their own work. As one other commentator pointed out, many just don't know how to do it. But more importantly, registration is not necessary, its just recommended to help document the creator/creation relationship.

    Under US law, the creator has complete rights to a work as soon as a work is created. So that means any of the readers here have the sole right to their writing, music, painting, design...whatever, just by creating it. This is YOUR inherent right...It?s not granted by government, but it is your right?. recognized and protected by the Constitution, as further specified under the US Copyright Law.

    Ask any musician, software designer, painter if they think a stranger has the right to take what iss theirs? ?.NO.
    Do they also have any right to give it away? ?NO.
    Do they have any right to sell it? ?.NO.

    But if you are the creator...YOU have the right...
    YOUR RIGHT is protected Constitutionally (not granted) publish, sell or give away ?.as YOU please.