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  • Apr 29, 2011 @ 12:57am

    They do realize...

    ...that we don't have to do what they say, right? I mean it's going to happen. Telling people not to do it simply guarantees that it will happen MORE. If they then attempt to remove the satire videos, they will only succeed in driving even more traffic to them.

  • Apr 27, 2011 @ 09:59pm


    The only circumstance I can think of where one may want to ask permission before linking is if your linking will obviously drive more traffic to a website than they can handle. Flooding a someone's webpage with more traffic than it normally gets can cause all sorts of problems, see the old /. effect for examples.


  • Jan 22, 2007 @ 02:27pm

    Seems likely to me that they may be raising money through the investors to fund something they know will fail, so that all the unspent money can quietly disappear and the investors are out a bit of cash.