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Very Bad Panda

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  • Dec 13, 2011 @ 08:53pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Funny, I was quite capable of getting this for free, but I paid the $5 and downloaded it the other night. I did it because he was cool about it and seemed sincere, and the outtake was quite funny.

    It's quite sad that your view on humanity is that they will take anything not nailed down, all as a big ol' "FU!" to you. And I thought I was cynical...

  • Sep 15, 2010 @ 03:53pm

    The Sounds like Scourge of Worlds

    The movie/game The Scourge of Worlds: A Dungeons & Dragons Adventure was released on DVD on June 10, 2003. IBM filed for this patent on December 1, 2003. Co-winky-dink? Hmmmm...

  • Jul 27, 2009 @ 05:42pm

    Re: Scarce?

    I think a lot of people are stuck on newspapers as only having the "wham! here it is- it's happening now- in 5 minutes it won't matter" kind of stuff. In fact, a lot of articles are written over a period of time, and are released when they are done. Access to reporters as they are writing a story would be fascinating- and I could also see stuff like that being released in a staggered fashion.

  • Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:25am

    Re: Big Change

    Err, now wait a minute. That's not what you just got through saying. What you're describing is actually taking away something (equal access) that used to be free and changing to charging for it. Spin it as you will, but that's what really going on.
    No, he is not taking away equal access. You will still get the content- it's just that somethings you will get later than those that pay to be first.

  • Jul 03, 2009 @ 06:28am


    What he seems to be saying is that if you want people to keep paying for cable, a really, really bad way to do that is by giving the same or very similar content away for free via a different and more-or-less equally convenient channel. (emphasis mine)

    Who are you to say that getting content down a coax cable that I can only watch on a TV set is as convenient as getting it anywhere I happen to be via the internet? I certainly don't think it is! Just because you find them equal, doesn't mean everyone does.

    I could get SD and HD broadcasts over-the-air for free. Or I could watch them via the internet. Which is the better way for content producers to make money? I think that it's the internet distribution. It costs less for distribution, the ads can be targeted to the show, and you know how many people are watching your show so you can get better deals from the advertisers.

    As people have pointed out above, there are valid business models out there that work for internet distribution, Hulu being a prime example.

  • Jul 02, 2009 @ 08:58pm


    Ever ask the person next to you on the plane who much they paid for their flight? Ever feel like a fool when you realize they paid half what you paid?
    So, you're saying that instead of me getting a good price, and making you "feel like a fool" because you can't manage to do the same, we should all pay the higher price? If so, you sir, are a fool.

    There is no law that states that everyone must get the the same deal for an item. It's called competition.

    If someone can devise a way to produce or sell something cheaper, they can and will. And they will usually make the sale. If they can give something away for free, but can "sell" something else that the consumer finds value in, that's a smart business model. Most people are not out to get "everything for free" and are willing to pay for items that have a value to them.

  • Apr 15, 2009 @ 06:41pm

    Re: paying for online news

    Don't these people do marketing surveys before launching something like this?

    Ha, ha! That's a good one! These folks have had their heads stuck up their butts for so long they still think it's 1998! I stopped reading anything but the comics and crossword when I realized that all they did was parrot back the "facts" doled out by the establishment and corps with deep pockets. They seem to rarely check anything they publish and could not investigate their way out of a paper bag!

  • Apr 15, 2009 @ 06:33pm

    It all comes down to...


    Dollars in the pockets of the corrupt and greedy, and dollars toward the favorite causes of those too honest to be bribed (benefit of the doubt about that :)) but too stupid and ignorant to think for themselves and know better. The very few that are left that are honest and intelligent are too few to make the difference.

    Ahhhh, the smell of lobbying in America. That putrid, wretched smell...

  • Apr 14, 2009 @ 02:23pm


    I keep reading that "access" is a "scarcity". Why is "access" now being vilified?
    I believe that Mike and Co. have shown that access to a true scarcity is what you leverage, not using access to create an artificial scarcity.

  • Apr 10, 2009 @ 05:33am

    Ironic, isn't it....

    that one of the biggest supporters of extended copyright (Old Mouse Ears) would not have a lot of the successes they have, had the works they used not been in the public domain.

  • Apr 08, 2009 @ 11:41am

    Re: Dear Big Weird Retard

    Apparently you don't have any idea what digital means. A digital copy is "1 for 1". You have an exact copy of what you started out with. You may be confusing the term with mp3 format digital files, which are lossy. But that's just the compression used. If you used flac (Free Lossless Audio Compression), or Apple's Lossless format, they are by definition, lossless.

  • Apr 08, 2009 @ 11:28am

    Re: Re: Dear Big Weird Retard

    >Some people prefer CD's (and less commonly vinyl) over digital downloads because they are lossless.