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  • Apr 18, 2011 @ 08:59am

    Stephens Media - Righthaven

    Stephens Media CREATED Righthaven in order to take care of these legal issues without exposing Stephens Media or the Las Vegas Review Journal. Stephens Media needs to be pulled into this because this relationship constitutes a sham to make money off of law suits instead of selling papers & content. Yes, it is the new business model for publishers to make money off of law suits and not have to worry about creating a business model that honestly works with the technology of today.

  • Jun 30, 2010 @ 06:42pm

    Woot Sale

    Looks like WOOT sold everything in one deal.

  • Apr 11, 2008 @ 10:30am

    Red Light Cameras & Signal Timing

    Laws concerning traffic signal timing vary among states. Most take the data from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD){http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/} and from the ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers). Yellow timing (Yellow Change Interval) is based on the approach speed and it sets the yellow time to allow drivers to decide if a safe stop can be made. The all Red time (Red Clearance) is still optional but "allowed". This is about to be changed to "recommended". When a light turns green, It gives drivers permission to proceed once the intersection is clear! NEVER enter an intersection without knowing that someone isn't coming at you. That's just dumb. Changing timing because of a red light camera is is still very wrong! More info: http://www.ite.org/safety/rlr.asp