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  • Mar 21, 2011 @ 04:38pm

    Re: The Frak?

    The 501st manufacture their own from details they get researching, crafting molds, vaccuforming and assembling their own. They are not mass produced. Most that are are not screen accurate and not approved by the 501st.

  • Mar 14, 2011 @ 07:17pm


    The membership of the 501st, if you look at the website, is comprised predominantly of owners and fabricators of FANMADE costumes. It actually says most storebought costumes, most of which aren't screen accurate, aren't 501st approved. These are fans that research details, fabricate molds, vaccuform pieces, and construct them themselves. It surely wasn't this guy that made it all posssible. The 501st has been around long before Mr. Ainsworth started mass producing these costumes. I think it's cool that Lucas would recognise these individuals who are dedicated to their hobbies, and their appreciation of his movies enough to spend upwards of a thousand dollars or more to make these costumes. If I had the talent to do so , I would deffinitely join the 501st and would be honored to participate. Before dogging out the 501st, maybe we should get their opinion and input on this. They never told people to go out and buy this man's work and use in their organization. Maybe they side with Lucas and they want original fan made costumes. Maybe they side with SDS or think Lucas should give him a copyright and sell licenced material. Either way, let's not drag the 501st into this without knowing their mission, motivation or opinion. Either way, the 501st will still recruit new members with costumes they made on their own.