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  • Oct 08, 2010 @ 11:26pm

    CBC's Spark found some awesome CC music

    In April, CBC Spark producer Dan Misener compiled this mix of some of his favorite Creative Commons music as-heard on the program:

    CBC programs like Spark were actively promoting some of the best CC music out there, and I fear that these podcasts are going to start sounding way more generic from here on out once they start using the same stock music company that feeds NFL Films etc.

  • Aug 09, 2010 @ 08:40am

    nonprofit venues boycotting?

    John makes a good point about the commercial / noncommercial distinction.

    Does anybody have good examples of nonprofit venues who've boycotted music covered by ascap/bmi/sesac?

    One example is Providence RI's incredible community art space AS220. Their reasoning can be found here. AS220 built a jukebox full of music by local musicians who've submitted their tracks royalty-free, and the jukebox money goes directly to the artist with no collecting society middle-man. AS220 also plays a lot of Creative Commons music, from sites like the Free Music Archive (full disclosure: that's my baby)