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  • Dec 12, 2011 @ 08:32am

    And any tech savvy kid etc

  • Dec 12, 2011 @ 08:13am

    ownership of private data colected by inplants in the body.

    I totally agree on ownership of private data. This topic is insignificant in the bigger picture, >>

    Hospitals and Doctors and Pharmacy are keeping files in PC as databases, or in case hospitals networks. Increasingly on regional databases, if not national databases, many of which are hosted by in my case an international Database (Can't say offshore as literal term yet) Not your every breath, but your medical history is in doctors files/databases, hospital databases? increasingly networked and/or outsourced to special corporations who provide this specialty service. In the name of ; ?providing better health care.? Insurance companies have pretty extensive records on anyone having claims, applying for certain insurance plans etc. accessible to all insurance companies And...???

    Though presently don't think possible or have any purpose, who owns, medical implant logs is a mute discussion. It's available anyone who has knowledge, connections, or resources to find or access them rightfully or not.

    It was once reported on major network, reporters in the USA found online sites that provided complete and very detailed information on many details of their lives including complete private medical records.

    Unless privacy laws are: Completely rewritten for the 21st century. The law is enforceable internationally. That it is restricted to individual himself that and can be seen read interpreted by attending physicians treating him for that purpose alone.

    Computers and networking has ended privacy in almost every way, and details are ever increasing. Soon not only God, Santa Claus, will know all; Big Brother, Big business will too

    We all enjoy latest technology, but remember data is food for computers, they collect, process interpret store forever and report to whoever has access.

    Why worry about implant data, unless you?re in divorce court and every Wednesday, your heart rate skyrocketed when you were supposed to be at the library.
    PS., your cell phone will probably give more data.