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  • Dec 20, 2015 @ 09:39am


    We urge Canadians to stop this. Our government in the US has been taken over by Wall Street Bankers and international corporations.
    We must STOP the TPP at all costs. It is the greatest threat to liberty ever presented to us.
    It is NOT ABOUT TRADE. It is about the dissolution of the power of nation states and the rise of a new form of government we call CORPORATOCRACY

    The globalists who put this together with international corporations want to end the actions of sovereign nations and states like ours who have constitutions. Through the establishment of international courts and independent regulators all of whom are appointed by international bankers, they will have effectively end runned our Constitution. .

  • Jun 10, 2015 @ 05:17am

    MCCONNEL is a traitor

    Stop McConnell. He is a tool of the worst kind. Uncaring about the Constitution, he is hell bent, literally, on sneaking NSA spy bills back into law after we all defeated it last week!

  • May 28, 2015 @ 09:02pm


    This will be our future. Remember those awful "B" movies that portrayed the world run by corporations. Well, reality is trumping fiction today. In a mind bending manner, these international corporations are fast becoming a new thing: corporations that have similar or equal rights as nations!
    Thus, these corporations will have the right to sue in international courts. this was a right previously reserved for nations. However, the new TPP and TTIP will allow corporations to haul you, your company and your local and state governments into international court. Not having the resources, most of us will fold our legitimate causes. We will fold because of the money. Giant corporations are like the US Government: nearly unlimited resources to sue.
    We must stop this onslaught, this juggernaut against freedom. For that is what the greedy hate most: your ability to be free via the US Constitution. Daily, you hear arguments that say that the Constitution is outdated, made up by men in powdered wig and thus has no relevance to today. Daily, you hear about end runs around the it by politicians on both sides of the aisle. And we also have Justice Roberts who said, incorrectly, that the Treaties of the United States can supercede the Constitution!
    If you fail to get very excited about this, you don't compromise the future...you cede it. You give it away. You forfeit your children's and grandchildren's future. You destroy the world's best hope for liberty.

  • May 01, 2015 @ 07:01am

    The lies abound about tPP

    Another example of how the non American Wall Street bankers and internationalists will stop at nothing to deceive us. The world will NOT be be taken over by ISIS.
    The author pillaries Tom Friedman, a wall street sycophant whose intent is to force you low life Real Americans into submission. That is the real purpose. These elites don't respect you, they don't like you and they have developed plans to slowly, inch by inch, enslave you.
    Like the classic frog tale and boiling water, we are slowly being cooked. When we find out, it will already have been too late.

  • May 01, 2015 @ 07:01am

    The lies abound about tPP

    Another example of how the non American Wall Street bankers and internationalists will stop at nothing to deceive us. The world will NOT be be taken over by ISIS.
    The author pillaries Tom Friedman, a wall street sycophant whose intent is to force you low life Real Americans into submission. That is the real purpose. These elites don't respect you, they don't like you and they have developed plans to slowly, inch by inch, enslave you.
    Like the classic frog tale and boiling water, we are slowly being cooked. When we find out, it will already have been too late.