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  • Jul 23, 2010 @ 12:38pm

    Re: Re: Can't believe this...

    eclecticdave - You make a great point about the "$1MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT!!! being, at times, the only focus for some musicians. I can't tell you how many really good bands we've heard from that are absolutely positive their only route to success is through the doors and marketing of a major label. It is near impossible to discuss numbers or provide cautionary suggestions once that hook has been set. It is horrible to receive those types of emails/have those conversations. To that regard, there should be many, many more articles on this exact topic. GREAT POST!!

    Additionally, we've been looking into how the majors are quietly taking over independent distribution channels. Has anyone else seen posts on this topic? This is going to be a very big problem. For you history buffs see Latin American and the railroad industry.
