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  • Mar 25, 2014 @ 11:59pm

    SEO fodder

    And many more don't understand the NOFOLLOW attribute does nothing abpout their SEO activities.

  • Mar 25, 2014 @ 11:42pm

    I apologize in advance if this actually was a tragedy, but my BS detector went off the charts with this one.

    Looking at the current front page of IBtimes, they have stories of Lady Gaga's eating disorders, "Flesh eating drug turns skin to scales" and "Two-Year-Old Children Watching Online Porn, Shock Survey Finds."

    I look to TD for legal/policy commentary and discussion, not color on SHOCKING REALLY TRUE EVENTS FROM REALLY FAR OFF PLACES REALLY! AND REALLY SHOCKING REALLY!!! AND SHOCKING TOO!!! REALLY!!!!!

  • Sep 13, 2012 @ 01:59pm

    Shame on you Techdirt!

    Some of us read Techdirt at work. In the future, please be sure to label such prurient content with an NSFW warning.

  • Sep 06, 2012 @ 01:44pm

    250MB is pretty damn useful

    I have an iPad and use it heavily, but only subscribe to the 250MB plan. In the US, free WiFi is widely available. LTE is a "plan B" for the rare cases where WiFi isn't available.

    Like most tablet users, I mainly use it at work (over WiFi) and at home (over WiFi). When I'm out of home or office, I check email and occasionally browse or use maps. I suspect that 250MB/month will be perfectly fine for 80% or more of the buyers.

  • Dec 19, 2011 @ 04:27pm

    Does this mean that the remains of Kazaa and Morpheus have now become part of the "IP intensive industries?"

  • Aug 16, 2011 @ 07:27pm

    Is this anything but an IP play?

    Reading the news on this, I thought the headline should be more along the lines of "Google Spends $12.5 Billion to Buy Motorola Mobility Patents... And the Company."

    Google may use Motorola as a testbed of sorts. But, Google's strength comes from having multiple handset makers adopt Android, so it's pretty definitely not in the company's interest to compete with its partners.

  • Oct 02, 2009 @ 07:32am

    Just bury it

    As asinine as it is that the US government is wasting resources on this, there's a simple way to route around it - since no one reads EULAs anyway, just bury it in there.

  • May 08, 2006 @ 10:15am

    Misses the point

    The concept of working-around the Chinese censorship is, in a lot of ways, silly. When I was in China, it was a trivial matter to bypass the Chinese firewalls (in my case, using stunnel to a proxy). The technology is not sophisticated.

    However, the technology is pervasive. When you're there, things "look normal." That is, unless you've seen the full unfiltered Internet, and you are used to how it looks, you would have no idea that anything was wrong, other than reliablity being a bit of an issue. You do see criticism of the government, but enough of the debate is filtered so that you see 80% favorable and 20% unfavorable, and the unfavorable coverage tends to be from less reputable sources.

    I'm all for this group's efforts, and for empowering free speech worldwide. But, I see little chance it will make a significant difference. The Chinese firewall is about framing the debate, and even if half of Chinese users adopted this software, the debate would still be seriously skewed.