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  • Apr 03, 2010 @ 07:38am

    Re: blacklist callers

    Try a free service called youmail and you can do just that! It's really neat and it will allow you to have personal greetings for each number that calls!

  • Aug 01, 2008 @ 06:03am

    I just don't get it

    If any of these supposed arguments held true water then I should be making a class action suit against the cable companies for not providing me free HBO and premium services because I only pay for basic cable! It's all coming 'down the wire' but they're restricting me from watching it!!! NOT FAIR? DUH. Last I checked a company can charge as little or as much for a product as they deem fit. They also CONTROL the product and in many ways it's usage. Take Verizon for example, you buy a phone with GPS but in order to USE what you bought you'll need to pay $10 a month more! Ok, here's a simple answer... sell internet services by PORTS, you want to browse the web that's a port 80 charge of $X, included in the basic package we'll include ports for email, ftp and let's see.. how bout IM... Then we have the MOVIE channel that lets you purchase designated streaming ports for $X more. Gee what does that sound like??? Net Neutrality or more GOVERNENMENT intervention into private business?