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Don Cordell

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  • Jan 25, 2014 @ 11:17pm

    Constitutional Rights

    More and more the police seize and confiscate and ignore our Rights, daring citizens to complain for fear they will be treated worse the next time for Demanding Rights, who do we think we are American Citizens? It is getting worse since Indiana Supreme Court decided any office may force entry to your residence IF they believe you might be doing something illegal. We have lost our nation, until we ReVote and Restore our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Peaceful complaints about our Rights are considered reason to abuse us more, until we learn to Cooperate, and obey. I was born in Indpls in 1927. He was lucky to get his camera, as Asset Confiscation is the new norm. Got to steal money from the citizens, then dare citizens to try to get recovery. Time to Pray, until they close our churches too.