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  • Jan 19, 2010 @ 02:37pm

    Jack Benny

    I hope CBS remembers the fate of GM. Dead car company who murdered their electric car. How sad that they hold his work hostage to their profits. How difficult to understand.

  • Dec 31, 2009 @ 04:11pm


    This is the very reason I have not gotten a reader. I have a lot of ebooks on my pc and I do have a kindle for pc. There are a lot of readers. I really would like one reader for all my books but some books come only for a certain reader. It is the same old thing propriatary software. They want to own you instead of you owning the product. When are they going to stop doing that. Wake up. One phone, one computer, much software. Please.

  • Nov 06, 2009 @ 04:54pm


    I think middlemen have been the basis of a lot of our troubles in this country and the fewer the better. We would have a much more intellegent population if they had to find things out for themselves instead of paying someone to find it for them. Just the process of research to find something you want to solve some problem takes many brain expendatures. I think that is what simplify means - eliminate the middleman.

  • Jun 23, 2009 @ 09:01am

    re: tattoos

    In order to protect students or children from getting a tattoo or whatever, you need to have discussion and flash the light of day on the subject. The more information someone has about something the better the decision they are going to make. There is a lot of information about tattoos that is not disiminated because it would discourage people from getting them. The principle could have submitted his own article in the school paper and used it as a learning tool. He could have asked a class to research tattoos on the internet and produce a comprehensive article that way. There is always a positive way to reach children. Denying things is the weakest method.

  • May 15, 2009 @ 11:28am

    book ownership

    I agree that private ownership of books and other things is being erroded by business. We need to be aware of the loss of our right ot own outright what ever we buy. The object is to achieve a continous payment process. We rent, in orther words. Business then no longer has to improve the product, compete or respond to customer needs. They control the content that you are able to see and can take it away at their will. They own the content. I like the reader idea but I don't like the control they are achieving with it. We should be able to download any content even scanning and uploading our own content.

    We have let our rights go and soon will not even have the ability to get them back. We need to wait to buy until they provide what we want. That is consumer power. To stop consuming. We can't yet be forced to consume. There is an interesting scifi story written a long time ago which depicted a world where people were required to consume. Are we there yet????

  • May 12, 2009 @ 03:31pm

    When will we learn

    When will we learn that the consumer is the one to be protected. Just like save pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. We need to preserve our consumers and make sure they are capable of consuming. We have no industries unless we have consumers. If an industry has to be protected it is already non responsive and incapable of resusitating. If an industry is responsive to consumers then it will have adjusted its product to meet the consumers needs. We are just hurting ourselves by supporting these bloated parisitic companies that have become frozen in the past. Break them up. Smaller companies are more capable of changing quickly and moving into the future with the needs of society. These big companies hurt too many people when they fail. We need to limit the size they can achieve to protect the consumer.

  • Jun 11, 2008 @ 12:06am

    great analysis

    I agree. Blaming the medium is just another way we avoid looking at ourselves. The medium,the gun,the TV, the oil companies, the weather. We sit there and blame something else for our inability to take action, to solve. We would rather complain and blame then analize and correct. It is hard to understand some of the problems that we have to deal with today but the only way is to study them one by one and learn what the problem is and then devise a correction. It is possible if you break things down to the smallest elements. But trying to get people to get beyond "oh, its always been that way" is major.