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  • Jan 21, 2011 @ 02:04am


    Fyi, if you haven't noticed, a lot of parties involved are Jewish. Just an observation.

  • Jan 19, 2011 @ 09:27am

    Following the trail

    Here's some research I've done on this suit:

    Since we do know who the inventors of the patent are, let's start with them - Eileen C. Shapiro, and Steven J. Mintz. There's plenty to go on with just their names and the entities associated with them. Ms. Shapiro appears to have an interest and acumen for providing "business leverage" with "intellectual property" (see her linkedin profile here: It's quite possible one of her linkedin connections is the source of the original suit.

    How do I know that's her? The NewsGems LLC office address listed in the Massachusetts Secretary of State records is 20 UNIVERSITY RD.
    Ms. Shapiro is listed as the President, Sec'y, Treasurer of The HillCrest Group, Inc. in MA records. A look at her zoominfo profile confirms this and her Harvard MBA, which links back to the Linkedin Profile:

    It is interesting to note that NewGems LLC was Dissolved by Court Order or by the Sec'y of the Commonwealth on 4/30/2009. The same happened to Shastev Investment LLC (dissolved by Court Order or SOC on 4/30/2009), in which Shapiro was also a member of the board.

    Note also, that Shapiro's profile contains a recommendation for Sunstein, the lawyer who served as correspondent for the reassignment of the patent to Kolomoki Mounds LLC. If we do some further digging with the lawyers involved in all correspondence available, some further triangulation can be made.