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Old Man Dotes

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  • Oct 01, 2012 @ 01:39pm

    The entire point of copyright extension

    The point of copyright extension is to prevent the "rightsholders" from having to pay for new works - that is, copyright extension exists for the sole purpose of preventing the commercial success of creative works that have not yet been created.

    Copyright extension is, in essence, the legal banning of automobiles that are not horse-drawn, in order to perpetuate the sale of buggy-whips.

  • Sep 29, 2012 @ 06:20am


    As both a published software author and an avid legal consumer of digital content, I find your expressed attitude both disgusting and reprehensible. Furthermore, you make it plain from the fact you post as anonymous coward that you are a paid spammer for the RIAA/MPAA/Publisher's Association.

    Laws come into being these days because special interest groups write them, and then pay bribes (aka "campaign fund donations") to legislators to get them passed. That does not make said laws moral nor ethical. It has not be all that long since it was legal for a White male to imprison a human being and force him or her to work and live in appalling conditions until he or she was sold, or died - or was killed, legally, by the "slave owner."

    Opposing immoral laws, and disobeying them; working to change them; that is the right, nay, the *DUTY* of every person of good conscience.

    I reject the laws favoring the business model of buggy-whips manufacturers, and look forward to the possible future in which content creators are rewarded for producing good content, rather than content publishers being rewarded for marketing any content, good or bad, with no legal recourse for consumers who find it of little value, or even unusable, after the purchase is made.

  • Mar 11, 2011 @ 11:02am

    Re: What this is is....

    Let's not forget that Adolf Bush and Hermann Cheney created the Department of Fatherland Security. Cheney ordered the illegal torture of prisoners of war, and Bush ordered illegal warrantless wiretaps, and both are subject to arrest if they travel to a number or European countries, where they faces charges of war crimes.

    While I would love to see Obama disband the DHS, as long as the GOP holds a majority in Congress, I don't see how he can.

  • Mar 11, 2011 @ 10:56am

    Perfectly reasonable

    TSA agents remain on the job, and follow orders that are a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    I have so far not been able to locate one single warrant issued for the purpose of searching airline passengers, nor has the particular thing or things to be seized been named.

    Agents who do not wish to be labeled sex offenders are free to refuse the orders to conduct illegal searches, or they can quit their jobs and go do something legal and productive.

  • Feb 17, 2011 @ 11:56am

    Re: Bad TSA!

    The difference is that the TSA has never actually done anything good or useful; not once in their entire history have they prevented anyone from boarding an aircraft and charged them with attempted hijacking/terrorism/whatever because the *real* purpose of the TSA is to get you used to giving up your 4th Amendment rights, not to protect you from anything.

    Ionizing radiation or an invasive and arguably illegal groping, or you don't get to fly. OK, I choose to not fly. Guess what that does to the airlines' profits if a significant percentage of Americans finally figure out that they are cattle being herded to the slaughterhouse?

    Whereas torrents are used routinely for legitimate distribution of both free and purchased software, the TSA is completely illegitimate, as well as ineffective, illegal, and staffed by the morally bankrupt.

  • Feb 08, 2011 @ 01:36pm

    Re: posting

    I'd be obliged if someone could post keywords to find the codes using Google. I don't own a PS3, but I do so much want to bring up Sony's distribution of rootkit viruses on consumer audio CDs in a Federal court...

  • Sep 25, 2009 @ 04:05pm

    Is it just me?

    Or does anyone else think that the CAN-SPAM Act was written by spammers, for the protection of spammers? Virtumundo is a *well-known* spammer. Seriously. Click the URL link above to see for yourself. Virtumundo *bought* lists of email addresses - which means they make no attempt whatsoever to verify that the addressee *wants* their junk email. http://www.spamhaus.org/rokso/evidence.lasso?rokso_id=ROK6401

  • Sep 25, 2009 @ 03:58pm

    So one wonders...

    How much did this incompetent bank pay this crooked judge to cover up the *illegal* act that the bank committed?

  • Jun 19, 2009 @ 10:59am

    Pretty bad lawyer, isn't he?

    The Bozeman city attorney seems to be unaware that the city is committing "tortious interference" with contracts by requiring applicants to violate the terms of service of the social networking sites.

    I think he should be disbarred for gross incompetence.