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  • Mar 08, 2010 @ 12:54pm

    Re: Re: Re: This is the Italians

    not mine, for sure.
    and not in france
    and not in germany
    and not in spain
    and not in sweden
    and not in holland
    and not in europe
    just in the U.S.
    such a coincidence, ain't it?

  • Mar 08, 2010 @ 12:28pm

    Re: This is the Italians

    great post from a country where kids and teens get into schools with weapons.
    try again, lad.

  • Mar 08, 2010 @ 12:18pm


    this was the trial against G. for not removing the video in a short time, and it was not related to the uploaders.
    In the italian system, if the judge, during a trial, has notice of a new/different crime that is not related to that trial, he is obliged by law to open a "branch" on that particular case and to pass the satte of the facts to an other judge who will investigate on this new crime and, if necessary, with a new trial.
    So, relating to this case, a crime charge against the uploaders is something different (and will have a different trial) , and must not be confused with the trial to G. and the G.-execs, whether they can be found guilty or not.

  • Mar 08, 2010 @ 12:11pm

    Re: Re: please, don't be stupid

    you say G. is not a judge: well, now please feel free to give a wide explanation of why G. have policies for under-aged people about sex- or violence- related videos or videos that could offend everyones' sensibility.
    Don't confuse abuse-reporting to italian authorities (never made) to abuse-reporting to G. itself by other youtube users.
    your argomentation is weak, and it can't take two months to remove a video of, I say it again, two fu**ing i*iots hitting a mental-diseased guy "just for fun" after tons of abuse-reports and requests to remove.

  • Mar 07, 2010 @ 04:40pm

    please, don't be stupid

    yes: please, don't be stupid.
    I guess and I hope that perhaps you don't know that the video has been on-line on youtube for about two months.
    Google is a real-time firm, maybe "the" real-time one, so it really can't take two months to remove a video where two i*iots are hitting a mental-diseased guy.
    Newspapers also talked about this video much before it got removed, so G. has really no excuses.
    I perfectly understand that a video-hoster (any video-hoster) can't check every single video posted but, nevertheless, it can't take two months to remove, expecially after tons of abuse-reporting.
    I don't know who the google-execs are and what is (was?) their role in G., but italian laws say execs have responsability for what happen into the firm they manage, and this is for every firm in Italy.
    So please, before attacking italian laws like a bull seeing the red flag, don't be stupid.

    Milan, Italy