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  • May 05, 2013 @ 01:13am

    Fairness in trade

    And, please, don?t talk about fairness when it comes to trade. All parties involved in trade benefits. It is only in a modern day protectionistic, mercantilistic trade system that the ruling parties conjure up these Spectres of inequality and injustice when nations trade with each other.

    James Bovard at the Cato institute, says in "The Myth of Fair trade", that:
    "Economic xenophobia is the core of the U.S. anti-dumping law. The Commerce Department acts as if every sale of a foreign product at a low price is a Trojan Horse--an insidious attempt to undermine the American economy. While American politicians lecture the world on fair trade, our antidumping laws are an inquisitorial nightmare for foreign companies, a mockery of due process and justice.(9)"

  • May 05, 2013 @ 12:49am

    Trade negotiations??

    Big Gov and Big Corp are not so different entities if you really Think about it. They are not enemies, they are cronies. They are also (neo)mercantlists, corporatists and protectionists. How?s that for a democratic pudding pie?
    Todays soft-socialistic Welfare states is Fascisms new face. Hitler and Mussolini would be green of envy if they knew what the World has morphed into.

    Trade really don?t need any deals or negotiations, period!